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About to buy a mobile phone and am deciding between Samsung or Nokia.

Want to spend about 8000 thb. Any thoughts as to which brand / phone would be the best buy ?



  • For better or worse , almost everyone in Thailand goes with Samsung. If you have trouble with a Samsung help is always on hand. With other brands a lot less so. Personally I have a 6 inch Nokia Lumia1320 and am very happy with it in every way. Cost 6800 baht during a promotional period. A lot of phone for not much money. However, if you don't like or want a windows OS then you are left with android or more expensive options.


Since Nokia sold its phone handset business to Microsoft in 2014, any phones you see with the Nokia name now would be those produced 6 months after the sale finalized. Any phones that were manufactured after that will carry the Microsoft branding.

Nokia confirmed in June of 2015 that it may start designing and licensing mobile phone handsets under its brand name once securing a partner who would take on the manufacturing, sales, marketing and customer support for the products, possibly during the forth quarter of 2016 when its non-compete agreement with Microsoft terminates.
So, go for an old tried-and-true Nokia if you must, otherwise there are other handsets out there just as capable.

Wife and kids have iphones which they love. I have Samsung which I love.

With a iphone I understand you can't reset by taking out the battery like on Samsung (fixes the problem so many times). I don't like on an iphone how to put music on it; it's so easy on a Samsung. If I was given an iphone today I wouldn't want it.

All down to personal choice but apple products seem so restrictive to me compared to android phones.


It depends on what your main uses are. I just bought a Nokia Lumia 640 because i use Microsoft office a fair bit and i wanted business apps. There is a lot of criticism about a lack of apps but most apps u need for business like banking, currency exchange etc are there but it certainly lacks the Barbie girl type shit. A basic phone . I will eventually get a Asus Zenphone later.

Never used a Samsung but friends who have them are happy and many have left i phones behind . i phones ( I have had four and the 6 was the only one i liked and that started showing flaws after 6 months ) are useless the serious business needs i have i have found, but are excellent for walking down the street not looking where you are going and enmeshed in facebook ,watching television or some other shit. They full-fill a function but not mine.


Not a phone geek and previously operated with 800baht phone in thailand.

Now have a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini under a UK contract - I seem to remember that was substantially more than 8,000 baht. In Thailand my wife bought me a J2, which I think is a couple fo thousand baht. Apart from the camera on the Galaxy which is a noticeable improvement over the J2 I can't see the need to spend more than the J2 price.

Very impressed with the Samsung phones - clear and the software is pretty intuitive to negotiate around. On screen manual very useful. any Thai female will sort you out if you get stuck!


Thanks for the advice. Ended up buying samsung J7.


Google has defaulted someone else's email address as the first name in the gmail address is the same as mine. This appears in the sign in & security screen. Any ideas how to delete this and use my correct email ?



Paid 8900 for j7 with 48gb. Looking at Australian prices a samsung 5" screen is $495 where as this is 5.5" and cost $370 after exchange rates. Better to buy here ?? I assume they work in Australia (4G enabled ) ?

Today they Are on special for 8500 thb at our lotus, thinking of buying one to take home as a gift.


I would choose Samsung ( android ) over Nokia ( Windows)

if you are looking at a samsung J7, about 8000 baht, then a zenfone 2 laser 5.5 inch would be better value better specs at about 6000 baht

  • 3 weeks later...

I bought a Galaxy S6 Edge about a month ago.

It has failed twice, first was a major component and now the Camera has failed

Samsung will not replace it.

It is under warranty.

Last time I buy anything from Samsung


Took my Samsung Galaxy II Duo 7102 to the samsung service centre at MBK for software update (as I could not do this via "settings").

They told me to come back in 1 hour, when I went back to collect phone, they said it was a grey-import and they could not update software.

The phone now has a "no service" issue (since taking it to the service centre). I cannot make/receive calls with any SIM. Also no mobile internet. Only wifi.

I'll never buy Samsung again.


Overpriced for sure but I have a note 4 and 5 and there is no better phone for getting stuff done... Depending on your idea of stuff..

Last time I checked after a few days usage I had 167 apps open and to be honest I was shocked the phone was working as fast as normal.... Without any lag

If someone gave me a free iPhone 6s+ I would not want it either.....

funny how a post defending Samsung suddenly appears laced with language like "depending on your idea of stuff". On a tech Forum!!!!

Nothing to see here. Nope! no one is monitoring no one.


Nokia does not exist already as a company that is making phones. Microsoft is the branding now with Lumia. I had and still have Lumia 930 now, thinking of selling it as I use note 5 now. Good quality but software was a let down.


Samsung, no question.

I have a couple of S3s (I had one, got impatient changing the SIM and destroyed the SIM contact PINs...bought a second one, had the first one repaired) that I have had good luck.

The S3s are now used as test phones for work, since I bought a J5 Duos when I got tired of carrying two phones (US SIM and local SIM).

I like the J5 and have no problem recommending it. For a cheaper phone, the S3 will get the job done.


Took my Samsung Galaxy II Duo 7102 to the samsung service centre at MBK for software update (as I could not do this via "settings").

They told me to come back in 1 hour, when I went back to collect phone, they said it was a grey-import and they could not update software.

The phone now has a "no service" issue (since taking it to the service centre). I cannot make/receive calls with any SIM. Also no mobile internet. Only wifi.

I'll never buy Samsung again.

I don't think the fault is not with Samsung. If you buy a grey market phone the only guarantee is with the shop you purchased the phone from.


Took my Samsung Galaxy II Duo 7102 to the samsung service centre at MBK for software update (as I could not do this via "settings").

They told me to come back in 1 hour, when I went back to collect phone, they said it was a grey-import and they could not update software.

The phone now has a "no service" issue (since taking it to the service centre). I cannot make/receive calls with any SIM. Also no mobile internet. Only wifi.

I'll never buy Samsung again.

I don't think the fault is not with Samsung. If you buy a grey market phone the only guarantee is with the shop you purchased the phone from.

How can you know you purchased a grey market phone? It is a Samsung so Samsung should honour the warranty! Many companies now give world wide warranty on their products, not unreasonable for global companies to do really.

Took my Samsung Galaxy II Duo 7102 to the samsung service centre at MBK for software update (as I could not do this via "settings").

They told me to come back in 1 hour, when I went back to collect phone, they said it was a grey-import and they could not update software.

The phone now has a "no service" issue (since taking it to the service centre). I cannot make/receive calls with any SIM. Also no mobile internet. Only wifi.

I'll never buy Samsung again.

I don't think the fault is not with Samsung. If you buy a grey market phone the only guarantee is with the shop you purchased the phone from.

How can you know you purchased a grey market phone? It is a Samsung so Samsung should honour the warranty! Many companies now give world wide warranty on their products, not unreasonable for global companies to do really.

First of all the price will be a lot cheaper than the regular price displayed at the official Samsung shop. Secondly, at the time of purchase there will be a guarantee form with a regular purchase. Thirdly, when buying from a cheap discount shop all you have to do is ask. If you want a worldwide warranty on your purchase then be prepared to pay the full price and do your checking. If the documentation with a purchase does not contain a worldwide guarantee then don't expect it as a default. What you expect does not exist. You can even buy grey market iphones in Thailand which do not have the worldwide guarantee. I personally have a grey market Samsung Note 3 which I purchased in HK and still under 'guarantee'. If it goes wrong in Thailand during the first year I will just get it fixed at one of the local stalls. I certainly wouldn't expect Samsung to fix it.


I use a Galaxy S5 and it has been a great phone. I had a Galaxy S3 that I gave to my wife. She has so much crap on it that I'm surprised that it even works. She even allows her young nephew to play games on it. She is a heavy user with Facebook, line, Skype, etc. The phone is over three years old and is still going strong. I'll stick with Samsung.


I've just replaced my Nokia 735 Windows phone with a Samsung S6 Edge. I miss the way Windows works but it had some annoyances especially when you open a link and it never opens the installed apps, but always goes to IE. I think the Windows OS could have been amazing but the programmers seem to be idiots.

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