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Koh Tao: Suspects found guilty of murdering British backpackers

Jonathan Fairfield

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Too bad. They are Burmese.

Thai prisons are full with Burmese... Burmese are pariahs ánd occasionally do commit crimes. I've worked with Burmese and its naïve to think all Burmese are weak, gentle, oppressed beings. Violence against their own women is rampant due to alcohol, drugs and gambling addiction. Poverty u know, lack of education, grim future... I'm not saying these guys do it. Just saying evil is everywhere...and sh!t happens.

As soon as we heard "No Thai could do this". The rest was a forgone conclusion.

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Too bad. They are Burmese.

Thai prisons are full with Burmese... Burmese are pariahs ánd occasionally do commit crimes. I've worked with Burmese and its naïve to think all Burmese are weak, gentle, oppressed beings. Violence against their own women is rampant due to alcohol, drugs and gambling addiction. Poverty u know, lack of education, grim future... I'm not saying these guys do it. Just saying evil is everywhere...and sh!t happens.

...and the most facile post on thread so far is......

do tell oh grand master of the PC pixies, i thought mine were the most facile, there isn't someone stealing my thunder is there.

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

I doubt that family had the faintest idea of what was going on at that trial at all. All they knew were the lines they were fed by the FCO, the Met, and the Thai police.

I think they are highly distressed and looking for someone to take it out on, (and that's natural) but they are also highly naive about Thailand and most certainly the politics in the background.

I think, to use a number of metaphors, they have been led by the nose all along the garden path to hear what they wanted to hear, see what they wanted to see and believe what they wanted to believe.

One poster elsewhere suggested they were delusional. I tend to agree with him.

Note the dignified silence by Hannah Witheridge's family and compare that to the Miller's response.

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

I doubt that family had the faintest idea of what was going on at that trial at all. All they knew were the lines they were fed by the FCO, the Met, and the Thai police.

I think they are highly distressed and looking for someone to take it out on, (and that's natural) but they are also highly naive about Thailand and most certainly the politics in the background.

I think, to use a number of metaphors, they have been led by the nose all along the garden path to hear what they wanted to hear, see what they wanted to see and believe what they wanted to believe.

One poster elsewhere suggested they were delusional. I tend to agree with him.

Note the dignified silence by Hannah Witheridge's family and compare that to the Miller's response.

Are you saying the FCO and the Metropolitan Police are bent too?

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Somebody please correct me if I am Incorrect...

I thought the DNA evidence proved their innocence!

If the new government is really looking to clean up corruption...this case warrants an investigation.

Heads should roll, and not Burmese heads!

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

They understood what was happening because? Friends who attended Dale Henry's murder trial and speak Thai. Say it was like watching a bad US courtroom drama from the 60s.

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After giving a cash reward to the police for "a perfect investigation" there could only be one verdict. I left Thailand after 15 years and after the coup as it was obvious to me that this coup was different and the General was never going to be going anywhere. I'm so glad I did leave. I have to go back one more time to sort some stuff out but that's me finished with this beautiful yet corrupt country. Thankfully I am in a position where I can choose somewhere else. Back to Pipa, Brazil, for me!

They had to be found guilty. If not it would be a massive loss of face for the PM who congratulated the police.


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There is no jury. Only one judge. And as much As I want to think the court is corrupt. It's more likely a piss poor defense. Lawyers for the most part are very unskilled and unwilling to do probono work. Court appointed lawyers are very green and inexperienced. But the good thing is they can appeal.

A very efficient system.

Think of how expensive it would be to buy an entire jury!

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Sadly it is all about the money!!

The Powers had to choose between:

1) Sacrifice 2 migrant workers........................or

2) Protect the billion baht drug-franchise on the islands.

If you are a real Thai, that is sadly a very easy choice..........

10 million each to the defense-team can make them "forget" to ask the hard questions regarding the prosecutions case!!

As for Davids brothers statement...............well, well, well...........

Remember when Scotland Yard visited, the Millar family was soo impressed by the work done by the RTP.

Fact is, that if you have not lived in Thailand for a long time, there is no way you can comprehend, how rotten and corrupt things are around here!!

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All this thread is about mostly about the poor Burmese migrants. What about poor David and Hannah who just happen to be on holiday on a tropical island and get violently murdered?

Yes. Murdered by someone, but not by these two.

Any proof to corroborate this?

Any proof to condemn the Burmese patsies? Nope.

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

I doubt that family had the faintest idea of what was going on at that trial at all. All they knew were the lines they were fed by the FCO, the Met, and the Thai police.

I think they are highly distressed and looking for someone to take it out on, (and that's natural) but they are also highly naive about Thailand and most certainly the politics in the background.

I think, to use a number of metaphors, they have been led by the nose all along the garden path to hear what they wanted to hear, see what they wanted to see and believe what they wanted to believe.

One poster elsewhere suggested they were delusional. I tend to agree with him.

Note the dignified silence by Hannah Witheridge's family and compare that to the Miller's response.

Are you saying the FCO and the Metropolitan Police are bent too?

OH you are awful, but i like you.

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....hmmm you know....the whole thing started with an argument in the A.C bar. Thai kid takes a shine to blonde tourist, he was spurned....in front of all his buddies....this whole thing started from that (according to reports and testaments made a year ago. All the info is online....Look it up like I did! NO...I will not post....Look it up yourself)

Now ask someone who's just moved here what that means....ask someone who's lived here for more than a couple of years what that means.....there's your Miller Family!....

So who are these witnesses, and why was their testimony not presented at the trial by the defence?

And if they were friends of David or Hannah, surely they would have gone to the families over the last year and told them what they saw?

Which in turn would surely have led the families to say something to the media back in the UK

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

Clutching at straws.

Any conviction is comfort. Correct or not.

This conviction is far from comfortable!

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

I doubt that family had the faintest idea of what was going on at that trial at all. All they knew were the lines they were fed by the FCO, the Met, and the Thai police.

I think they are highly distressed and looking for someone to take it out on, (and that's natural) but they are also highly naive about Thailand and most certainly the politics in the background.

I think, to use a number of metaphors, they have been led by the nose all along the garden path to hear what they wanted to hear, see what they wanted to see and believe what they wanted to believe.

One poster elsewhere suggested they were delusional. I tend to agree with him.

Note the dignified silence by Hannah Witheridge's family and compare that to the Miller's response.

Are you saying the FCO and the Metropolitan Police are bent too?

You obviously haven't been keeping up to speed on this at all, have you? Do some reading, then comment!

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All this thread is about mostly about the poor Burmese migrants. What about poor David and Hannah who just happen to be on holiday on a tropical island and get violently murdered?

Yes. Murdered by someone, but not by these two.

Any proof to corroborate this?

Any proof to condemn the Burmese patsies? Nope.

Just a couple of migrants from Myanmar, who cares if they are guilty or not!

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Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.

Paraphrasing Goebbels, who said - ' ... the principle & which is quite true in itself & that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily," are often misquoted or paraphrased as: "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

In 1941, he also said 'The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous

well it did work again, didn't it?

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The dead young man's UK brother is rigoruosly defending the verdict and dismissing claims this trail was a shambles. So we have to give that credence as that family was here at trail. This is being shown on BBC

I doubt that family had the faintest idea of what was going on at that trial at all. All they knew were the lines they were fed by the FCO, the Met, and the Thai police.

I think they are highly distressed and looking for someone to take it out on, (and that's natural) but they are also highly naive about Thailand and most certainly the politics in the background.

I think, to use a number of metaphors, they have been led by the nose all along the garden path to hear what they wanted to hear, see what they wanted to see and believe what they wanted to believe.

One poster elsewhere suggested they were delusional. I tend to agree with him.

Note the dignified silence by Hannah Witheridge's family and compare that to the Miller's response.

Are you saying the FCO and the Metropolitan Police are bent too?

You obviously haven't been keeping up to speed on this at all, have you? Do some reading, then comment!

You are making up incorrect and baseless assumptions about my country being "in on it"!

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Too bad. They are Burmese.

Thai prisons are full with Burmese... Burmese are pariahs ánd occasionally do commit crimes. I've worked with Burmese and its naïve to think all Burmese are weak, gentle, oppressed beings. Violence against their own women is rampant due to alcohol, drugs and gambling addiction. Poverty u know, lack of education, grim future... I'm not saying these guys do it. Just saying evil is everywhere...and sh!t happens.

...and the most facile post on thread so far is......

do tell oh grand master of the PC pixies, i thought mine were the most facile, there isn't someone stealing my thunder is there.

Nah. facile would be shouting they didn't do it whereas we don't bloody know <deleted> happened. Facile would be assuming that two migrant workers u never met are saints and Thais are devils... The world is not utopia.

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I do hope that the victims families are reading this thread.

They will think that justice has been served, but more than likely to innocent people.

Actually, regardless of what we on this thread might THINK, the family has had more access to evidence and police than any of us here. None of us on this thread have been in the courtroom.

While I've been of the opinion that they got the wrong guys, who are any of us here to say that the family is mistaken. They have followed this case much closer than ANY of us here.

I dare sy the family are mistaken - and I think it's not only me.

If they know so much more and KNOW that the scapegoats are guilty they should let everybody know - and understand.

Then the case could be closed.

Well I think their statement did exactly what you are asking for, doesn't it? The Millars statement couldn't have been clearer

So their statement lets everybody understand why they KNOW that the scapegoats are guilty?

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I became very confused over the case very early on. Obviously the verdict has rekindled my interest. Can anyone with good knowledge of the case comment on this article which appears to provide a concise, balanced account :http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/12066600/British-backpacker-murders-the-killings-that-put-a-countrys-justice-system-on-trial.html

My gut feeling is that the Burmese 2 are implicated in some way, but were unlikely to have been the perpetrators or main movers.

Nevertheless, the key DNA evidence appears to be questionable, therefore making any conviction unsafe.

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You are making up incorrect and baseless assumptions about my country being "in on it"!

It's my country too, and it is also flawed. Like I said, do some reading and research first. Then comment.

Seeing as you are British too, I'll let you off 555

And it's Christmas too - have a good 'un.

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I feel sorry for their loss.

But this does not excuse their celebrating this verdict.

If they know something that gives reason for their opinion they should let everybody know

- so people can peacefully agree with the verdict

If not they have been brainwashed - or may be even bribed??

What a disgusting accusation.

The UK police investigation shared their findings with the family of the victims. It is for them to know and there is no obligation for them to divulge private information to whacko online conspiracy theorists.

They are not obliged to make a public statement.

But - if they make such a disturbing statement which goes against every known evidence than they are obliged to give understandable reasons for this.

Otherwise they should have kept quite from the start.

I will not comment on your stupid insult as online conspiracy theorists

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