Damn straight!
The dang rayciss CCP guys wouldn't even let the Uygher minority participate in the one-child policy, forcing them to have the right to have multiple children. It wasn't until 2017 than Han Chinese in Xinjiang were permitted a second child.
And then they had the nerve to have set-asides and quotas to guarantee spots for minorities in hiring and education.
Dass rayciss!
When the time comes to meet your maker as you life comes to an end in this terrible world we live in you have to answer to the maker for all the wrongs you did ,the maker decides which path you are shown !
I have made plenty of trips to China thank you - I ran an office there.
This article isn't about the fact that these folk may or may not be terrorists.
There has been no trial.
It's not even about the fact that Thailand has held them in inhumane conditions for almost 11 years with little attempt to return them to China.
The article is about the fact that Thailand states that they went willingly, when there is lots of evidence that they didn't.
Will these Uigurs have a trial in China?
Almost certainly not.
In the eyes of the Chinese government, all Uigurs are guilty regardless.
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