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VOTE NOW: Poster of the Year GRAND FINALE 2015


297 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your ONE top choice for Thaivisa POSTER OF THE YEAR 2015

    • Crazy Chef 1
    • NancyL
    • SoiBiker
    • Transam
    • villagefarang

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As far as POTY contests go this ain't even close to the lowest. Yet, anyway.

It would be difficult mate for any of these guys to drag this contest to the place you took it last year, that's for sure ! 55555(
You're welcome. Unsure emoticon.

But that's all water under the bridge. What's the Trans Nancy spread at the moment ? I'm on android now.

Mate trans leads by six or as the kiwis would say it 'sex'

Trans 77

Nancy 71

Nullbiker is last.

Thankee. A veritable tightening.

Not just JT with too much time on his hands...

There will be at least 4 disappointed contestants at midnight tomorrow. How about consolation awards for the losers runners up?

Clearly there will be no Miss/Mr Congeniality winner this year so...

Coaster of the Year = Soi Biker (well, it has been downhill most of the way)

Roaster of the Year = Crazy Chef (do I need to explain?)

Boaster of the Year = NancyL (ditto)

Roadster of the Year = Transam

Throwster of the Year (Yes, it is a real word - a traditional village skill)(hey, I'm struggling now) = Village Farang

Of course, there should be some recognition for our modest invigilator. I suggest Hoster of the Year or Pollster of the Year. Others may have better suggestions.


Sorry folks, I have to check out again for about 7 hours. It's such a bummer to have a real life, you know.

Try learning to use a smartphone - then you don't have to sit at your computer to post.

It's 2015 - people combine having a life with using the internet nowadays.

Most people consider it rude to be playing with your phone when you're eating a meal with them, having a meeting, visiting them in the hospital, etc. And I never have figured out how to post while riding in a tuk-tuk -- the ride is much too rough. Or while walking. That still is a primary mode of transportation for me here in Chiang Mai.

I don't know what most of you do when you're away from your computer at home, but I'm out and with people, not in a situation where I can sit around and play with a smartphone.

Besides -- you can't see the vote spread with a smartphone anyway from what I understand.


Oh, I have a smartphone -- I just don't use it to look at ThaiVisa. I use it for email, looking up stuff on the internet and reading news stories. I prefer to read Thai Visa on a large, majestic screen. Better to watch TransAm's videos that way.


Again none of the above.

Cheeky Vote Waster. The Pope has a thing or two to say about that kind of thing!

Suggest an honest rebrand of the nihilist nulls.

They don't burn books. They burn votes. And they like it!


If you voted for SB, do you get your money refunded for a no show ?

No, but you can change your vote to NULL VOTE!

A null vote isn't a real vote. It's a way to view the results of the actual human posters who were actually voted into this contest.

But you CAN change your vote at any time. Delete it first and then choose one of the FIVE choices of poster names. Or just delete it if you don't want to vote at all. If you don't want to vote but want to just view, then pick NULL. From there, you can delete that later and do what you want, as above.

post-37101-0-78112300-1451406769_thumb.jCrouching NancyL ... Hidden Transam.
Contest tighter than CENSORED.
One day to go.
Vote NOW or shut your pie hole about it!
Transam 78 votes
NancyL 74 votes
Null Vote* 59 votes
villagefarang 23 votes
Crazy Chef 1 -- 10 votes
SoiBiker 7 votes
THE POTTIES Committee in Milwaukee thanks you for voting.
POTY WINNER is crowned at midnight 30 December.
* Null Vote may not be eligible for the POTY crown.
No rights reserved.

OK, here's the rest of the story of how Mr. Bitey got his name. To review from Part I, he joined us as a little kitten born to a stray soi cat. We took him in, and after a couple trips to the vet and a few weeks of tender care he looked like this (say "aaw"):


He settled into domestic life where he and Hubby became best pals. They developed a little game they call "Sumo Kitty Wrestling":


Problem is -- all this rough-housing made it difficult for Mr. Bitey to understand that not everyone in the household wanted to play this way all the time. (i.e. me) I didn't appreciate him jumping on me, trying to start a little wrestling match when I was trying to do something more important, like type a post into Thai Visa. Thus, the nickname Mr. Bitey was born, from his habit of giving little faux-bite "love nibbles" when he wrestles. Little bites that don't break the skin. Anyone who has played with a cat (properly) knows about these bites.


So, where EXACTLY did the name come from? I'm really surprised that after two years of talking about Mr. Bitey in POTY contests, no one has brought this up. Am I the only one on ThaiVisa who knows Dr. Google? Input the words "Mr. Bitey cat" and all is revealed.

From: http://kick-ass.wikia.com/wiki/Mr._Bitey

The mysterious Mr Bitey remains one of the enigmas of the first Kick-Ass movie. Mr Bitey, presumably given that name by his unknown human owners, appears to have left his distraught human owners causing them to place 'Have You Seen Mr Bitey' posters across New York. Whilst on patrol Kick-Ass finds one of the posters and decides to question members of the public as to the whereabouts of this infamous cat. After no luck, Kick-Ass eventually hears the meows of a cat emanating from a billboard gantry outside the Dip'n'Sip Donuts parking lot. Climbing the billboard, Kick-Ass attempts to confront the cat, only to receive a meow as Mr Bitey turns his back on him. Frustrated, Kick-Ass looses his grip (and his temper) and prior to falling from the gantry, delivers the iconically quotable line "<deleted> you Mr Bitey!" This fall indirectly leads Kick-Ass to his successful encounter with the thugs outside the donut store and his subsequent YouTube fame as the world's first real life superhero. Therefore, Mr Bitey is directly responsible for Kick-Ass's fame, but despite this, the two are forever linked as arch enemies in Kick-Ass folklore.


They're busy with a "Top 10 Topics for 2015" contest over at the Chiang Mai Forum. Seems that everyone can agree the number one CM forum topic for 2015 was our local immigration office. Smog/smoke is probably the number 2 topic, but after that, the consensus breaks down. The usual "hot button" topics just didn't get traction this year. No good food fights over pizza or hamburgers. Absolutely no mention about which restaurants serve free water. In previous years, we've seen members banned and an entire thread deleted over that topic. Rain used to be a click-bait, but was dry this year. What topic has risen to the top ten? "Mr. Bitey goes to Washington"



Obviously it's going to be Transam or NancyL to strip the POTY crown from my nit-ridden head (but a very BIG head, natch) ... but which of those two is going to win?!?

I think it's too close to call. Last voting days can become quite turbulent with big swings.

It's safer I suppose to predict Transam will win because he has a slim lead right now and has held a lead for the last day or so.

Anyway, here is the game.

By NOON on December 30 Thailand time, state your prediction.

Transam or NancyL and by how many votes.
You can also predict a tie breaker outcome.

Tie breaking if needed will be done by a 30 minute overtime voting period and then based on Like to Post ratio if still tied then. (In which case, NancyL would win.)

The closest prediction to the actual result will be awarded the title: Oracle of POTY.

Of course you are free to make predictions after noon, but those will not be eligible for the Oracle of POTY consideration.

Myself, I will not predict. I am no psychic.


OK, here's the rest of the story of how Mr. Bitey got his name. To review from Part I, he joined us as a little kitten born to a stray soi cat. We took him in, and after a couple trips to the vet and a few weeks of tender care he looked like this (say "aaw"):

attachicon.gifMr. Bitey kitten.jpg

He settled into domestic life where he and Hubby became best pals. They developed a little game they call "Sumo Kitty Wrestling":

attachicon.gifMr. Bitey and Hubby.jpg

Problem is -- all this rough-housing made it difficult for Mr. Bitey to understand that not everyone in the household wanted to play this way all the time. (i.e. me) I didn't appreciate him jumping on me, trying to start a little wrestling match when I was trying to do something more important, like type a post into Thai Visa. Thus, the nickname Mr. Bitey was born, from his habit of giving little faux-bite "love nibbles" when he wrestles. Little bites that don't break the skin. Anyone who has played with a cat (properly) knows about these bites.

I hope you got permission to post a picture of mr bitey again? He certainly looks a bit freaky and what's he doing to that poor cat?

I feel like I said all of this last year. mmmmm



Obviously it's going to be Transam or NancyL to strip the POTY crown from my nit-ridden head (but a very BIG head, natch) ... but which of those two is going to win?!?

I think it's too close to call. Last voting days can become quite turbulent with big swings.

It's safer I suppose to predict Transam will win because he has a slim lead right now and has held a lead for the last day or so.

Anyway, here is the game.

By NOON on December 30 Thailand time, state your prediction.

Transam or NancyL and by how many votes.

You can also predict a tie breaker outcome.

Tie breaking if needed will be done by a 30 minute overtime voting period and then based on Like to Post ratio if still tied then. (In which case, NancyL would win.)

The closest prediction to the actual result will be awarded the title: Oracle of POTY.

Of course you are free to make predictions after noon, but those will not be eligible for the Oracle of POTY consideration.

Myself, I will not predict. I am no psychic.

There will be a twist. Nancy is sneaky. What we need now is an 'intruder', someone allowed late inclusion to make stuff interesting.


Please be specific in predictions.

For example Bumlooker26 will win with a margin of 3 votes.

Otherwise, without specificity, it does not compute.

Predictions about Null "votes" should be posted in Bedlam.


Vote for ONE choice only.

However, you can CHANGE your vote at any time.

Simply click

(or the button under the voting list)

and then re-vote.

If you chose a NULL vote to just view the results without voting, you can still vote later.

Just do as above, Delete My Vote, and then re-vote.

All voting ENDS for this Grand Finale on Wednesday 30 December at MIDNIGHT


I hope you got permission to post a picture of mr bitey again? He certainly looks a bit freaky and what's he doing to that poor cat?

I'm more concerned that Mr Bitey is locked in a chamber with just a table, chairs and some possessed cat. Don't look in to the eyes of the upside down cat for too long, that's all I'll say.

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