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Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton is playing the 'woman's card'


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How would a prezident Trump deal with foreign women leaders and allies, among whom include::

President Park Geun-hye of South Korea.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prime Minister Baeta Szydlo of Poland

Prime Minister Ema Solberg of Norway

Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine recently released from political prison under the new anti-Moscow government.

Helle Thoorning-Schmidt, prime minister of Denmark until June and a continuing political leader.

Prime Minister Laimdola Straujuna of Latvia which is under direct threat of Putin.

Tsai Ing-wen, currently favored to become president of Taiwan in the January election.

Trump has phenomenal people skills. It is impossible to achieve what he has especially in NYC without those skills. His shtick that we see when he's hosting a show or even running for POTUS shows the strength, not the weakness of those skills. While others presume his doom when he acts, he rises in the polls with the people.

He knows exactly which buttons to push.

He hasn't survived but rather has thrived in the tough biz environment of NYC. He couldn't have done that without a network of bankers and other investors and even officials at city hall. He may have the best Rolodex of anyone in the country.

He doesn't appear to have a long list of haters and detractors in the biz world who are rising up against him in his campaign. He doesn't appear to have made a lot of enemies in NYC even though he's been climbing over the pack for decades.

Just keep underestimating him my friend because that's exactly what he's counting on you to do.

Oh, and about your list of people? He'll get along just fine with them unless he doesn't want to. He's been dealing successfully with the rich, powerful, and famous for decades.


Phenomenal people skills? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Oh my Buddha, "you're fired" does not constitute a "people skill."

Trump has plateaued in the polls. There is no upside for him. He's alienated everyone but the racist, undereducated wingnuts. This is the guy that ran with the birther nonsense long after it was disproven. He appeals to the lemmings that still believe that bullshit. He may be the GOP nominee but as a general election candidate he's DOA.

It's far more likely, he'll lose a few primaries, declare victory, take his ball and go home.

I predict he's out by April 1st. Anyone else want in on the pool?

The political term for his situation is "low ceiling high floor"

You are right his mouth got him thus far, but it has made him unelectable. Hillary's greatest hope is that he get's the nomination. Even I would have to hold my nose and vote for her, assuming ofcourse that she also gets the nomination

Here's hopping that neither of them wins and we have a real choice.

So you'd vote for a proven LIAR, someone that allowed an ambassador to be murdered, and that no one really likes for herself, just so you didn't have to vote for Trump?

Given that millions will also vote for her if she's the nominee, it shows how sick politics is in the US. Is there no one wanting to run for president that is a statesman rather than a loony tune?

Given that my country is also run by unfortunate people, I think "democracy" is in danger of being superseded by a more dictatorial method of government, simply because people have had enough of the BS.

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I was reading the Melbourne Age yesterday. Included was an article by a reporter recalling his visit to Hepburn Springs where he dined at a place serving chowder run by an American expat. Tucker was very good, but he pointed out a map that was hanging on the wall. It was of the states but it featured the North East, starting below Washington and most of the West Coast. The rest was blanked out and labelled Dumbf..kistan. Any comments?

I used to have a similar map, in the east coast it had NY, NJ, Connecticut ,in the west coast it had California, Texas

and in between it had a few mountains and it said Bla Bla Bla laugh.png

Why was Texas mentioned on the map?

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Donald Trump is in fact the character who has stated his carnal lust for his own daughter, Ivanka.

He never said that, but you probably just heard what you wanted to hear. You're not one to let the facts get in the way of a put down.

Trump has made comment after comment in that vain. Listen for yourself: Donald Trump Obsessed with Daughter's Body, Would Have Sex With Her

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He is just doing what any good Republican does: trying to divide the country.

He seems to finally consider himself a part of the GOP.

Think again steveni. The great divider is Obama. Obama put America in the toilet, and if Hillary (God forbid) were to be elected, she would flush it. Trump is heads and shoulders above both these individuals.

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He is just doing what any good Republican does: trying to divide the country.

He seems to finally consider himself a part of the GOP.

Think again steveni. The great divider is Obama. Obama put America in the toilet, and if Hillary (God forbid) were to be elected, she would flush it. Trump is heads and shoulders above both these individuals.

No. Ever since Obama's election all the Republicans have done is trying to boycott him. They simply have never accepted him, and their attitude is the cause of the divide. They're polarizing.
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Donald Trump is in fact the character who has stated his carnal lust for his own daughter, Ivanka.

He never said that, but you probably just heard what you wanted to hear. You're not one to let the facts get in the way of a put down.

Trump has made comment after comment in that vain. Listen for yourself: Donald Trump Obsessed with Daughter's Body, Would Have Sex With Her

He says that if he WERE NOT her father he would like to date her- that's not saying he would have sex with her if he got the chance, just that he recognises that she is indeed extraordinarily beautuiful and every guy she meets would be lusting for her, which must be true. He says that while she is right there next to him and she's OK with it- do you think she wants to sleep with daddy? He is probably proud that he produced a daughter that men lust after, as it says he has good genes.

I'm CERTAIN that every normal man with a gorgeous daughter thinks the same, it's just that only Trump is prepared to say what he thinks, because he doesn't give a monkey's what that guy, or any of you think about him saying it.

That's the main reason I'm a fan, because he doesn't care what the PC obsessed think, and he's going to say whatever he wants.

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He is just doing what any good Republican does: trying to divide the country.

He seems to finally consider himself a part of the GOP.

Think again steveni. The great divider is Obama. Obama put America in the toilet, and if Hillary (God forbid) were to be elected, she would flush it. Trump is heads and shoulders above both these individuals.

No. Ever since Obama's election all the Republicans have done is trying to boycott him. They simply have never accepted him, and their attitude is the cause of the divide. They're polarizing.

I'd say most of that is Obama's fault, as he has never tried to work WITH the GOP. Clinton recognised that it wasn't working for him and worked WITH them, very successfully, but Obama would rather ( IMO ) bring it all down than compromise. That is why IMO Obama is a very bad president. Nothing is achieved by fighting all the time and demonising the opposition, but he just won't try and compromise.

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He is just doing what any good Republican does: trying to divide the country.

He seems to finally consider himself a part of the GOP.

Think again steveni. The great divider is Obama. Obama put America in the toilet, and if Hillary (God forbid) were to be elected, she would flush it. Trump is heads and shoulders above both these individuals.

No. Ever since Obama's election all the Republicans have done is trying to boycott him. They simply have never accepted him, and their attitude is the cause of the divide. They're polarizing.

I'd say most of that is Obama's fault, as he has never tried to work WITH the GOP. Clinton recognised that it wasn't working for him and worked WITH them, very successfully, but Obama would rather ( IMO ) bring it all down than compromise. That is why IMO Obama is a very bad president. Nothing is achieved by fighting all the time and demonising the opposition, but he just won't try and compromise.
Let's say we completely disagree.
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That's the main reason I'm a fan, because he doesn't care what the PC obsessed think, and he's going to say whatever he wants.

Did you know the "P" in PC stands for 'politically'? And you understand we're having a discussion about politics, right? Because it seems like you don't. Edited by attrayant
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She's playing the I'm bill clintons wife card…..the I've been in government so long card (and screwed up just about everywhere)…..the I have nothing new to say card….the i have no ideas card.

She just talks generic crap all the time….you should see the number of viewers who tune in to watch the dem debates….perilously low…..just shows how little people care about this pathetic old gasbag.

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He is just doing what any good Republican does: trying to divide the country.

He seems to finally consider himself a part of the GOP.

Trump is definitely 'of' the GOP, they created him in point of fact. The dog whistle politics the GOP establishment have employed to stir up fear, hate and bigotry in an increasingly disgruntled white working class base, has finally come back to haunt them.

Great article in the Washington Post today, echoing a lot of what I have said in previous posts regarding, very entertaining if somewhat scary prospect of DJT:


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Phenomenal people skills? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Oh my Buddha, "you're fired" does not constitute a "people skill."

Trump has plateaued in the polls. There is no upside for him. He's alienated everyone but the racist, undereducated wingnuts. This is the guy that ran with the birther nonsense long after it was disproven. He appeals to the lemmings that still believe that bullshit. He may be the GOP nominee but as a general election candidate he's DOA.

It's far more likely, he'll lose a few primaries, declare victory, take his ball and go home.

I predict he's out by April 1st. Anyone else want in on the pool?

The political term for his situation is "low ceiling high floor"

You are right his mouth got him thus far, but it has made him unelectable. Hillary's greatest hope is that he get's the nomination. Even I would have to hold my nose and vote for her, assuming ofcourse that she also gets the nomination

Here's hopping that neither of them wins and we have a real choice.

So you'd vote for a proven LIAR, someone that allowed an ambassador to be murdered, and that no one really likes for herself, just so you didn't have to vote for Trump?

Given that millions will also vote for her if she's the nominee, it shows how sick politics is in the US. Is there no one wanting to run for president that is a statesman rather than a loony tune?

Given that my country is also run by unfortunate people, I think "democracy" is in danger of being superseded by a more dictatorial method of government, simply because people have had enough of the BS.

Given that my country is a democracy it will stay that way.

Donald Trump and his extreme right fanboyz cannot enforce or cause any change to the contrary. The same is true of the contemporary Republlican party which is densly populated by extreme and reactionary rightwing superpatriot whining wingnuts.

The lunatic fringe has become the Republican party base.

The rightwing complainers cannot stop the evolution of the USA because dictatorship is impossible. The rightwingnut wish list of regressions is written in the wind and gone with it also.

Bon voyage to them and their politics as they sail off the end of their flat earth. Led by Donald Trump.

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He is just doing what any good Republican does: trying to divide the country.

He seems to finally consider himself a part of the GOP.

Trump is definitely 'of' the GOP, they created him in point of fact. The dog whistle politics the GOP establishment have employed to stir up fear, hate and bigotry in an increasingly disgruntled white working class base, has finally come back to haunt them.

Great article in the Washington Post today, echoing a lot of what I have said in previous posts regarding, very entertaining if somewhat scary prospect of DJT:


Interesting article. If he is right, the Donald will win the nomination simply because the others will eliminate themselves ie not because he deserves it but because the alternatives just vanish. I never for a moment thought that a possibility when it started.

So it seems as though it might very well come down to a choice between the Donald and a lying establishment politician. At this stage I'd expect the liar to win, simply because most of the GOP will stay at home on voting day. Not a happy prospect, unless Bill can be pulling her strings. If she is just Bill's glove puppet, it might work out.

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Trump has phenomenal people skills. It is impossible to achieve what he has especially in NYC without those skills. His shtick that we see when he's hosting a show or even running for POTUS shows the strength, not the weakness of those skills. While others presume his doom when he acts, he rises in the polls with the people.

He knows exactly which buttons to push.

He hasn't survived but rather has thrived in the tough biz environment of NYC. He couldn't have done that without a network of bankers and other investors and even officials at city hall. He may have the best Rolodex of anyone in the country.

He doesn't appear to have a long list of haters and detractors in the biz world who are rising up against him in his campaign. He doesn't appear to have made a lot of enemies in NYC even though he's been climbing over the pack for decades.

Just keep underestimating him my friend because that's exactly what he's counting on you to do.

Oh, and about your list of people? He'll get along just fine with them unless he doesn't want to. He's been dealing successfully with the rich, powerful, and famous for decades.


Phenomenal people skills? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Oh my Buddha, "you're fired" does not constitute a "people skill."

Trump has plateaued in the polls. There is no upside for him. He's alienated everyone but the racist, undereducated wingnuts. This is the guy that ran with the birther nonsense long after it was disproven. He appeals to the lemmings that still believe that bullshit. He may be the GOP nominee but as a general election candidate he's DOA.

It's far more likely, he'll lose a few primaries, declare victory, take his ball and go home.

I predict he's out by April 1st. Anyone else want in on the pool?

The political term for his situation is "low ceiling high floor"

You are right his mouth got him thus far, but it has made him unelectable. Hillary's greatest hope is that he get's the nomination. Even I would have to hold my nose and vote for her, assuming ofcourse that she also gets the nomination

Here's hopping that neither of them wins and we have a real choice.

So you'd vote for a proven LIAR, someone that allowed an ambassador to be murdered, and that no one really likes for herself, just so you didn't have to vote for Trump?

Given that millions will also vote for her if she's the nominee, it shows how sick politics is in the US. Is there no one wanting to run for president that is a statesman rather than a loony tune?

Given that my country is also run by unfortunate people, I think "democracy" is in danger of being superseded by a more dictatorial method of government, simply because people have had enough of the BS.

" I think "democracy" is in danger of being superseded by a more dictatorial method of government, simply because people have had enough of the BS.."

So let me understand this, People had enough of BS ad they support the King of BS???

I will agree with you on one point, which explains Trump, some people had enough BS and are now grasping at straws,

Trump is the danger you describe above.

So let me understand this, you think democracy is under threat and you want to defend democracy by supporting a man who, want's to exclude people from entering the country because of their by religion? praised Putin and his methods?

​Have you thought this through?

Let me make one more point. Putin's only Concern is Rusia, his endorsement for Trump is not because he wants a strong opponent for Russia, His endorsement of Trump is because he wants a clown for an opponent.

Think about it.

Edited by sirineou
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Re: sirineou

Have you thought this through?

Think about it.

The extreme right first began to think about it long ago.

They have in fact thoroughly thought it through. When so many speak of dictatorship and put the word democracy in quotation marks --"democracy"-- it is because they have considered the difference to readily make their preference known.

The election of Barack Obama as POTUS in 2008 shocked them into trooping ahead in their rejection of the popular will and choice. The extremist right prefer instead the triumph of will. To include prominently, women in their place. In short, Donald Trump. Trump the strongman leader.

Trump's Struggle.

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His endorsement of Trump is because he wants a clown for an opponent.

Think about it.

He already has a clown for an opponent. He would probably not prefer someone as strong as himself as president, but at least Trump is not a pathological liar, so they might be able to work together on some level.

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His endorsement of Trump is because he wants a clown for an opponent.

Think about it.

He already has a clown for an opponent. He would probably not prefer someone as strong as himself as president, but at least Trump is not a pathological liar, so they might be able to work together on some level.

So Putin want's someone who he can "work" with , is that what you want also? someone Putin can work with?

Someone who will spill the beans and not lie to him?

Someone who will make America stronger? because I am sure Putin would love a stronger america cheesy.gif

someone who will work with Putin in putting the Russian empire together again? Someone who will work with Putin in jailing his opposition? someone who will work with Putin in squelching a free press?

Perhaps Putin wants someone who will teach him a better combover .cheesy.gif

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Phenomenal people skills? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Oh my Buddha, "you're fired" does not constitute a "people skill."

Trump has plateaued in the polls. There is no upside for him. He's alienated everyone but the racist, undereducated wingnuts. This is the guy that ran with the birther nonsense long after it was disproven. He appeals to the lemmings that still believe that bullshit. He may be the GOP nominee but as a general election candidate he's DOA.

It's far more likely, he'll lose a few primaries, declare victory, take his ball and go home.

I predict he's out by April 1st. Anyone else want in on the pool?

The political term for his situation is "low ceiling high floor"

You are right his mouth got him thus far, but it has made him unelectable. Hillary's greatest hope is that he get's the nomination. Even I would have to hold my nose and vote for her, assuming ofcourse that she also gets the nomination

Here's hopping that neither of them wins and we have a real choice.

So you'd vote for a proven LIAR, someone that allowed an ambassador to be murdered, and that no one really likes for herself, just so you didn't have to vote for Trump?

Given that millions will also vote for her if she's the nominee, it shows how sick politics is in the US. Is there no one wanting to run for president that is a statesman rather than a loony tune?

Given that my country is also run by unfortunate people, I think "democracy" is in danger of being superseded by a more dictatorial method of government, simply because people have had enough of the BS.

" I think "democracy" is in danger of being superseded by a more dictatorial method of government, simply because people have had enough of the BS.."

So let me understand this, People had enough of BS ad they support the King of BS???

I will agree with you on one point, which explains Trump, some people had enough BS and are now grasping at straws,

Trump is the danger you describe above.

So let me understand this, you think democracy is under threat and you want to defend democracy by supporting a man who, want's to exclude people from entering the country because of their by religion? praised Putin and his methods?

​Have you thought this through?

Let me make one more point. Putin's only Concern is Rusia, his endorsement for Trump is not because he wants a strong opponent for Russia, His endorsement of Trump is because he wants a clown for an opponent.

Think about it.

Please STOP repeating lies about what Trump said regarding Muslims going to the States. He said stop them going till they can be screened, vetted, whatever, properly. Nothing about banning them forever.

You are just contributing to the hysteria about Trump. Has he ever said he wants to be a dictator or serve more than 2 terms?

Your hero Obama wants to ban Trump from standing- that from a man that swore to uphold the constitution. Democracy???????

Nothing wrong in recognising that Putin has been great for Russia.

Trump wants to be great for America, but seems many don't want America to be great- they'd rather elect a proven liar and incompetent than someone that can actually build things.

People had enough of BS ad they support the King of BS???

They know that HRC et al are more full of BS than Trump, so they support the one most likely to get things done. Yes he's bombastic and says things that people don't like, but he builds things, unlike HRC that just tells lies and has done sweet FA. Proven track record- HRC in State achieved nothing, except getting an ambassador killed, Trump achieves lots.

BTW I don't think "democracy" is under threat- I think there is no such thing in our system of government. No one ever asked me what I want. The Swiss have the best system with their referendums.

What I believe is that people have had enough of the BS and are likely to turn to a strong man that will turn out badly for what vestige of freedom we still have ( which is minimal ). That explains Putin, the man you apparently love to hate.

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