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Alcohol checkpoint stop mostly white people


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I Just wanted to let you my experience with the alcohol checkpoint. Last night pulled up to traffic light on 3 rd road and Pattaya Thai just after 2AM They were 7 Motorbikes besides my self I was the only foreigner there were 3 Thai persons at light with no helmets . The police officer at the red light pulled only me in to check for alcohol and all the other Thai people drive on . I blew into his hand help device and he did not like the results so he made me test again . Once again he did not like the results and the other police officer told him in Thai that this man is ok already, he passed but the police officer still persisted and pulled me into a separate room to get tested my another machine. Once again passed but it was the most hellish frightening experience .

Trying having one shot and blowing into the device after 2 minutes you will fail even though you only had one drink and then what would happen I would be sitting in a Thai prison or extorted for huge sums of money ruining my life over what nothing . I am a very good person but this alcohol trap where they target more exclusively foreigners and then retested me 3 times even though I passed the first time is prejudiced and will ruin peoples lives for nothing .

The punishment does not fit the crime . The alcohol level is so low they make everyone a criminal basically. I weigh over 100 kilos and only had one beer an hour barely passed how do i know the machine even works correctly

My advice don't spend your money here, pack up is even worse than back home for me where ridiculous low alcohol level that will ruin lives for nothing but money extortion and jail time that can cause severe stress and can ruin a persons life. Thailand meaning free land is not free and possibly you won't be either .

The police officer that stopped me had the balls to say Merry Christmas like he had done me a favor. This guy should be reprimanded . Take your money away from Thailand don't spend money at bars don't shop don't buy there visa's . This is already the worst high season I have seen in 22 years . Place becoming very lame and mundane .You are there target . I'm outta here . Whats the new law next everyone goes to jail not sure but someone said 3 month's is that true ?

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If you are drinking and driving the amount is irrelevant. Your ability to have 100% control of your vehicle is impaired. You are endangering not only my life but that of others. Harsh punishments are well deserved.

If you are that poor you can't shell out a few baht for a moto during the festive season but can buy booze, try drinking close to home, namely in your garden.

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I am amazed at the personal responsibility of the replies from people living in Pattaya really got to hand it to you but I'm just wondering how many of the people replying drink and drive that means even one beer do you do it ?

No, I'm not that broke. I can afford a moto taxi.......if you are so broke or so dependent on booze that you can't stump up 100B for a ride home, I'd suggest a change of location.

If you can't scrape the 100B for a moto, your problems are probably far greater than the booze I'd say, even with your 'German DNA' and three beers before breakfast.....

Edited by Youaredoomed
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If i do as you folks suggest you will have done me a huge favor will save me some 50,000 baht a month will cost nothing to live here then not thats a smart idea !! Everyone should do it so all the bars close down.

You spend 50000b a month on beer and yet you think you're safe to drive home?

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If i do as you folks suggest you will have done me a huge favor will save me some 50,000 baht a month will cost nothing to live here then not thats a smart idea !! Everyone should do it so all the bars close down.

You spend 50000b a month on beer and yet you think you're safe to drive home?

Worse still, he spends 50K a month on beer and still can't afford a taxi home??? 'Tee Rak' must be really controlling the pension of at least one idiot this year.......

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going to by my own alcohol meter let me know if you want one .

Quite a few on lazada. Just got one. Went to lunch with a few friends, had 2 beers the first hour, water the only the next 90 minutes along with a massive lunch. Tested just before I left and it showed .03. I'm keeping it in my car. Cost about 800B, but I got one of the better ones. Just tested it again, another hour later and it's .022. Wifey hasn't had a drink and it showed .00.

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If i do as you folks suggest you will have done me a huge favor will save me some 50,000 baht a month will cost nothing to live here then not thats a smart idea !! Everyone should do it so all the bars close down.

Is that 1000 beers a month?

Or 100 bottles of vodka? Or a DUI twice monthly? Anybody been able to make sense of that post yet?

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You say you only had one beer an hour. How many hours were you drinking - given it was 2am.

I share the view that you should not drink and drive at all, anywhere. Sorry if that sounds 'holier than thou' as another poster indicated, but this Pattaya is so dangerous for driving in daylight, let alone 2am, that it is unwise to touch any alcohol.

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going to by my own alcohol meter let me know if you want one .

Quite a few on lazada. Just got one. Went to lunch with a few friends, had 2 beers the first hour, water the only the next 90 minutes along with a massive lunch. Tested just before I left and it showed .03. I'm keeping it in my car. Cost about 800B, but I got one of the better ones. Just tested it again, another hour later and it's .022. Wifey hasn't had a drink and it showed .00.

you're posting under the influence,,,,,,,? whistling.gif

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Easy solution, next time if you are going to drive don't drink anything, then you are sure that you will pass their test when you get stopped.


What a stupid reply, the bloke passed 3 times yet the police officer wasn't happy with the result.

Obviously he didn't do anything wrong, yet still gets treated like a criminal.

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If you are drinking and driving the amount is irrelevant. Your ability to have 100% control of your vehicle is impaired. You are endangering not only my life but that of others. Harsh punishments are well deserved.

If you are that poor you can't shell out a few baht for a moto during the festive season but can buy booze, try drinking close to home, namely in your garden.

Do gooders like you are the problem with the over sensitive society we live in today.

I feel it is more than safe to drive after one or two beers. Or after a couple of drinks with a meal.

There is a big difference in being drunk and just having a few beers.

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