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Ultrasound 5 Months


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Maybe some of you guys can help me make up my mind whether or not to know the sex of our baby to be.

We have a girl already and I'm not sure what I want(as if I have any say in the matter!).

I think I'd prefer s boy, but then again, in this country girls seem a lot better.

Anyways, my wife asks me if I want to know - test is on Monday.

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I am just 9 weeks along but def will find out if I can. But as it isn't 100% accurate it could still a bit of a pot luck anyway. :o

Is there any deeper reason for the reluctance to find out?

Maybe your desire for a boy subconciously makes you afraid that the discovery of a girl before birth will be less exciting or special than when your 1st child was born?

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Congratulations, Boo!!

I found out as I really wanted a girl and I decided I'd rather know if it was a boy beforehand in order to prepare myself. When I found out it was a boy I was momentarily disapointed (my heart sank a bit) but by the end of the day I was totally over it and just so excited about the baby coming. For me, it was better to find out sooner than later.

Sometimes, if it is a boy, it's blatently obvious it's a boy depending on the angle of the camera - it was with my son, so even if I hadn't wanted to know I would have figured it out pretty quickly!

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Maybe your desire for a boy subconciously makes you afraid that the discovery of a girl before birth less will be exciting or special than when your 1st child was born?

Yes, there's something going on in my subconscious. I'm nowhere near excited/anxious as I was for the last one. It's a real effort just trying to show interest to my wife - all that tummy rubbing/talking etc. It's hard for a selfish b@stard like me to think about her hormones etc, but I am trying - very trying she says :o

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I think my husband is having similar anxieties. We have had nothing happen for 3.5 years so this is very welcome but he is still very reserved when I talk to him about it. He didn't actually beleive it in the beginning so I think the first scan will make it more "real" for him. :D

But as he also would like a boy I want to know in time to prepare him if it is a girl, as I think, like sylafern, there will be a bit of dissapointment.

Although, he did have big cheshire cat grin the other day when I said about having daughter of 16 years old & scaring her first bf, so his paternal instincts are definatly in place :D

I'm sure that whatever you do & whatever you have, you will be over the moon but I do beleive that the need for a son is a normal desire for many (dare I say all!!) men. :o

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I believe there is a special magic with father and son too! When my wife and I went for the ultrasound to see the baby's sex, I was hoping for a girl. I never had a sister and I thought a girl would be easier to raise. I'll admit I was a little disappointed when we saw that it was a boy, but that soon passed. Once he was born, and that fact that he's healthy, it didn't make a difference whether it was a boy or a girl.

With regards to which is easier to raise, it's hard to say as both boys and girls have their issues which every parent must deal with.

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:D I wanted to and did find out. Told Mr man about the sex of the first but tormented him about number two. Both girls :D I think it is up to the individual, how does your wife feel about it all? Whatever it is, just be thankful as the last poster said, for all the bits in the right place :o
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Our first baby was a boy (one year old tomorrow!), which certainly pleased me although I don't think my wife cared too much either way. He's been quite a handful, so when my wife found out she was pregnant again she was hoping for a girl this time around. I would've liked a daughter too - one boy, one girl has a certain symmetry to it - but we found out from her ultrasound today that it's another boy. We were a bit disappointed, but that's life and as others have said, at this point we will just hope for a healthy baby.

In response to Neeranam's question, I would rather know in advance so we can be prepared... I think the emotions might be overwhelming if my wife had her heart set on a girl, then went through pregnancy, labor, and delivery only to have her hopes dashed... this way she can have time to adjust to the idea of another little testosterone-fueled terror around the house. :o

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In my experience it doesn't matter. Find out, don't find out it really doesn't matter (though I must admit, having a little girl now....WOW!)

Ten fingers and ten toes was all that mattered.

Thats horrible samran :o

But I totally agree, why not know??

It may help with buying baby clothes etc but NOT REALLY, I got lots and lots of gifts from my family back in the UK who KNEW we were expecting a boy and lots of the gifts would have suited a girl... mostly from the older members of my family :D

And when you first have a baby do you really care if he/she wears pink or blue?? My boy is 19 months now and he's got an excellent set of pyjamas in PINK, he looks the nuts! :D

Edited by Nikkijah
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