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Thank you so much. I hope to make you proud wearing the POTY crown.


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Wow! Thank you so much! It's 30 minutes after Jingthing called this year's winner and the thread was locked. I still can't believe I won. There's still wine in my box! I was ready for the 30 minute sudden death play-off if decreed by Milwaukee.

But, seriously, I hope some of you voted in recognition of my efforts to be truly helpful and not merely witty. Also, I hope some of you voted in recognition of my efforts to improve conditions for elderly expats at CM Immigration. Sure, its a "one issue " campaign, but we're all going to be elderly someday and wouldn't many of us like to live in Chiang Mai someday, too?

I'm seriously thinking of going down to Pattaya to meet JT (never have met him -- sometimes internet fantasies are best left that way) and talk with him about next year's contest. I think he had it nailed this year, where he was Joel Gary running the cabaret and I was Liza Minnelli


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Anyone who makes the bingo players nervous deserves to win….I saw a lot of potshots taken at this lady and zero chivalry….hopefully the losers can troop down to soi lk metro and have a warm cider and a moan.

While NancyL goes home in a limo.

Thank you, I think.

It was more like Hubby and I walking home from our favorite restaurant around the corner from our condo and him making sure the spout was working OK on the box of wine before he went off to the bedroom. The cats soon joined him once they realized it was no Truevision night (they like to sit on the box, which is warm when its on)

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Arriving on page one of the voting thread, and before reading any of the 25+ pages of posts, I voted for Nancy without needing to think much about it.

When asked by my imaginary friend why I voted for her, I remembered this Limerick:

A buxom young lass called Etta

Fancied herself in a sweater

Three reasons she had:

To keep warm was not bad,

But the other two reasons were better.

Like Etta, I had three reasons, but different ones.

Nancy does good work outside TVf. I know that doesn't have anything to do with forum postings, but I didn't care. (I subsequently learned that there are no rules, so there!). Well, no rules except the rules JT makes up on the fly and if the Baht bus driver looks at him funny, or something.

I'd been away from TVf for a while, but from what I remembered of her posts, they were generally helpful and respectful.

In the cauldron of mostly male-spouted inanity that is TVf (at least the forums I visit, and myself being a contributor to that inanity), she is brave--and even foolishly brave--to wade in with her femaleness, reasonableness, and freshness.

So my vote was for kindness and helpfulness, and against, what * I * consider, unfunny flapdoodle (I think that's a word)

Congratulations, Nancy.


*oh, also: I love that you call Mr Nance "hubby"--he seems as delightfully well domesticated as the cats and still chivalrous to a fault. Reminds me of me, though I still struggle with the chivalry part.

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Yes......Well done Nance.......thumbsup.gif

Now what am I going to do with this bloody "Sir Transm P.O.T.Y esq" T-shirt....facepalm.gif ...laugh.png

Save it for next year.

There seems to be a tradition of runners up making it the next time around biggrin.png

Nancy - Congratulations!

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