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Have UK Visa but would like to extend given dates

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My partner has a visitors visa for the UK which is for six month from 17 Dec 2015 to 16 June 2016 albeit in the application it was out intention to only be in UK 15 March - 29 April 2016.

We have now been invited to a 40thbirthday party in UK on 3 May 2016.

Before I say yes to the invite who do I tell that we will not leave UK on 29 April 2016 but would like to move the departure date to 5 May 2016?

Our travel dates will still be within the six month period of the visa, but maybe to change the departure date is not acceptable to UKVI

Advice please

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The previous brief answer is correct, but a bit more information should put your mind at rest.

The visa allows your partner to remain in the UK until it expires on the 16th June, she has to leave the UK by that date.

When she applied for entry clearance she had to provide indicative travel details, these plans allowed the ECO to build up a picture of her intention to leave the UK.

The itinerary was only indicative, plans can and do change, the UKVI are fully aware of this.

In your case you want to extend your stay by a few days to attend a function, not at all unreasonable and it shouldn't cause the UKBI of UKBF any concern.

Until recently passengers were not subject to embarkation controls so the UKBF wouldn't record when a passenger left the UK, but now they are, albeit the information is now collated by the carriers.

Your partner may well be asked on arrival at the UK Border for details of her return fight, it doesn't always happen, my partner hasn't been asked for a couple of years or so, if a ticket is looked at they could check the date against the original application, the chances of this happening are remote, again not a problem.

The UKVI are more concerned about people who say they're going to stay for a couple of weeks and then stay for six months, again nothing illegal and it doesn't breach immigration laws, but it casts doubt on the credibility of any reasons to return given in the original application, this is not the case with you.

In any subsequent application I would be inclined to include a line stating that on a previous visit your travel dates changed before you arrived in the UK, that would avoid any doubts.

Enjoy the party.

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