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Just got my driver's license yesterday and I thought it might be a good idea to post an update here (for those people looking for recent info). Most of the threads here about driver's license are either archived or about renewals.

What you need:

1. Proof of residency (Work permit or Certificate of Residency from Immigration)

If you have a work permit, it will do as it has a record of your address. I have one but the last page has a correction on it (erasure) and the person from the labor department who processed it forgot to sign the correction so it was not accepted. I had to go to immigration and ask for the Certificate of Residency.

The Certificate of Residency is FREE. I read earlier from here that it costs B500 so I was ready to pay but they did not asked for anything. Not sure if it is because I'm from an ASEAN country or they have changed their policy. You will need a picture though. No particular size needed. If you don't have one, you can have your picture taken for B100 just beside the immigration office.

They also did not asked for any proof of residency. No tabien ban or anything like that. I just filled out a form and that's it. So it doesn't matter if you're currently staying at a hotel, you just need an address to give.

2. Copy of your passport

Have a copy of the page with your picture, visa, and arrival card. Also include your 90-day report paper if you have one. If you're a tourist, that won't be a problem (I overheard this from one foreigner asking the guy at the counter)

3. Medical Certificate

Must be issued within the past 30 days. Got mine from Bandon Hospital. Costs B250.

4. Application for license should be made on a Monday, Wednesday or a Friday (at least for foreigners, not sure for Thais)

Went there on a Tuesday, they asked me to come back the next day. Application are accepted between 8:30 - 9:30 am (old info here is 8-9 am). Don't come in in shorts. Wear trousers/jeans. Flip flops are okay.

5. License from your country (optional)

If you have one, you don't need to do the full tests. But they require that you have it authenticated from your embassy. No authentication, no go. You need to do all the tests required.

Timeline (for me):

9:00 - Registration. Get a queue number in between counter 1 and 2

10:00 - 10:15 Went upstairs for the eye tests (peripheral, depth, color, etc)

13:00 - 14:00 Watched a video about Thai Highway laws. It's in Thai but has an English subtitle.

14:00 - 14:30 Do the computerized test. Study using this site: thaidriving.info It was a big help for me. Passing grade is 45 out of 50 questions.

15:45 - 16:30 Practical test. Most are spent waiting. Practice doing parallel parking. That's the crucial one. You are not allowed to change gear more than 7 times. Also parking close to the curb (not more than 25(?) cm)

16:30 - 16:45 Getting your picture taken and waiting for your license card.

Some notes:

Prepare yourself to be at the Transport office for at least a whole day. Some are asked to come back for the practical test. I politely asked the lady if I can do it the same day. It was granted so I was able to do it later that day. The temporary license is good for full two years.

Transport office location: 9.490914, 99.930633


Interesting report.

Could you really do the full test just as a walk in?

No appointment needed?

At our DLT there was a queue of three weeks last summer.

I also saw a crazy video from some other DLT where they just "open the gate" in the morning allowing max. 40 candidates.

The runners with the best sprint were favored wink.png

Also parking close to the curb (not more than 25(?) cm)



Interesting report.

Could you really do the full test just as a walk in?

No appointment needed?

Never been a problem at Samui DLT


5. License from your country (optional)

If you have one, you don't need to do the full tests. But they require that you have it authenticated from your embassy. No authentication, no go. You need to do all the tests required.

What about International Drivers License..?

Before that was needed - not a national license - and without any further verification.


An international drivers permit (IDP; a brown booklet in multiple languages valid for a year to compliment existing home licences) will probably still do the trick without the imbuggerance of a trip to Bkk.

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