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Only themselves to blame


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My Thai wife was asked by her employer to postpone her day off this holiday season because the Billion dollar hotel business she works at is 'busy'.

Instead of asking what's in it for me? Her and all of her colleagues said ok.

When will Thai workers stand up for themselves and say no?

Don't they realise they are being abused? And until they stand up for themselves, pay and working conditions will never change.

From a western point of view they are fools. They're getting nothing in return and clearly their employer is taking the p***.

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If you have something of value any fool can give it away for free.

Somebody offers you nothing for something of value an intelligent person would tell them to get lost.

Where's your self respect man?

Edited by Snackbar
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Wow I bet you was a prized employee with an attitude like that.

I bet he was and one who's sentiments I agree with totally,even in the UK now workers continue to be taken advantage of and the unions are nothing like they once were.

The recent threat of tube strikes by London Underground workers regarding the all night services is a rare exception of them flexing their muscles.

Thailand has a long way to go and as the OP states they should have asked what benefits they would be receiving by helping out but as we know Thai people are scared stiff of people in authority it's drilled into them from an early age.

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Go to your favourite shop, restaurant or bar and see what you can get for nothing. Tell them you are too busy to go to the ATM. Tell them you're too busy shopping, eating and drinking to go to work. See how far you get.

You'll fall flat on your face and only have yourself to blame.

Get a grip.

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"was asked by her employer to postpone her day off this holiday season"

She was asked and she said yes, her choice

Postpone her day off, not cancel, so nothing lost, just moved.

Holidays are busy for those in the service industry.

Seems like you are just a whinger about other peoples lives and choices.

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Go to your favourite shop, restaurant or bar and see what you can get for nothing. Tell them you are too busy to go to the ATM. Tell them you're too busy shopping, eating and drinking to go to work. See how far you get.

You'll fall flat on your face and only have yourself to blame.

Get a grip.

Refusing to pay the bill would be theft.

Nothing to do with your OP.

She was ASKED to POSTPONE her plans. She had to option to say no but alas she did not.

Is she happy at home ?....

Might be a reason why she agreed to work.

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I don't see the problem, she was asked, she agreed. And she is effectively buying a future favour from her boss, being the "Thai" way". Who knows what her future might hold if she cooperates with her employer and proves her value to him.

As an employee, I always did extra work when asked for no pay. Did that for three employers over 20 years, got serious promotions and pay rises.

Eventually bought out my last employer along with some other workmates that had "can do" attitudes. Grew the company 20 fold and now we all live on the beach in various parts of the world having all retired at 49 or thereabouts.

And now we're in the process of selling the business to the next crew of managers - blokes that we employed over the last 20 years.

And guess what, these guys worked hard, always did more than they were asked, got pay rises and bonuses, didn't whinge or toe the party line when it came to Union involvement.....get the picture? They benefited from their extra labour in more ways than another dollar an hour or an extra day off on your birthday. Now they are all wealthy in their own right and have access to raising some serious debt to buy us out.

Personally I have no time for whinging employees that think they are owed a living from their employer and open their Shop Steward's Handbook the minute you ask them to do one thing outside their defined job.

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The nice thing for the employer to do would be to give everyone a little bonus for working hard during this holiday period, in recognition of their special contribution.

Hubby and I had a greenhouse/nursery business and we had several bat-sh@t crazy days where some of the employees whined about wanting the day off because it was a holiday. (Yeah, but because it was a holiday everyone wanted to come buy plants, too.) Mother's Day was one of them. We solved that problem by offering time-and-a-half for Mother's Day and suddenly some of the mothers decided their kids could just wait until after our closing time to take them out to eat.

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I don't see the problem, she was asked, she agreed. And she is effectively buying a future favour from her boss, being the "Thai" way". Who knows what her future might hold if she cooperates with her employer and proves her value to him.

As an employee, I always did extra work when asked for no pay. Did that for three employers over 20 years, got serious promotions and pay rises.

Eventually bought out my last employer along with some other workmates that had "can do" attitudes. Grew the company 20 fold and now we all live on the beach in various parts of the world having all retired at 49 or thereabouts.

And now we're in the process of selling the business to the next crew of managers - blokes that we employed over the last 20 years.

And guess what, these guys worked hard, always did more than they were asked, got pay rises and bonuses, didn't whinge or toe the party line when it came to Union involvement.....get the picture? They benefited from their extra labour in more ways than another dollar an hour or an extra day off on your birthday. Now they are all wealthy in their own right and have access to raising some serious debt to buy us out.

Personally I have no time for whinging employees that think they are owed a living from their employer and open their Shop Steward's Handbook the minute you ask them to do one thing outside their defined job.

Unions evolved because of employers taking the piss...

I don't disagree. There are bad employers and there are bad employees.

A good employer values the efforts of their employees and rewards according to performance or lack thereof. Of course the employees that lack performance fail to realise this.

A good employee values the opportunity that an employer gives them to not just earn a wage/salary, but to prove they are worth more than what they are getting paid by performing above and beyond.

If a good employee finds themselves working for a bad employer, they're normally too clever to stick around long anyway.

I can recall a union meeting when I was a union member. They wanted us to strike because routine overtime (late night closing) was to be curtailed from 4 hours to 3 hours because of reduced customer demand.

The company had a point. The union boss disagreed. I stood up and told him what a <deleted> he was, just trying to be difficult and show he had some power. Turns out the other 20 employees were in agreement with me and because I was the first person in a decade to call the guys bluff, they all backed me and the strike was off.

He left two weeks later. His bullying attitude just didn't cut it anymore and he was made mincemeat of by everybody he'd caused grief to over the years. I got a promotion and was fast tracked through management training. And that's how it works.

Footnote: The union boss passed away about 5 years ago. He was a clever bloke and could have done a lot more with his life if he hadn't been a died in the wool socialist. Lived on a pitiful state pension after retirement and always had basic pay jobs all his life.

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The nice thing for the employer to do would be to give everyone a little bonus for working hard during this holiday period, in recognition of their special contribution.

Hubby and I had a greenhouse/nursery business and we had several bat-sh@t crazy days where some of the employees whined about wanting the day off because it was a holiday. (Yeah, but because it was a holiday everyone wanted to come buy plants, too.) Mother's Day was one of them. We solved that problem by offering time-and-a-half for Mother's Day and suddenly some of the mothers decided their kids could just wait until after our closing time to take them out to eat.

that's it. Employees play their hand to demonstrate their value. Suddenly the employer can afford to pay them an overtime rate. Free market economics.
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Employers must plan, talk to staff with incentives for eventualities....Easy......We had that 50 years back in the UK...

Yeah it is called performance based annual bonus. Good employees often do better than bad ones.

Edited by Don Mega
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Employers must plan, talk to staff with incentives for eventualities....Easy......We had that 50 years back in the UK...

Yeah it is called performance based annual bonus. Good employees often do better than bad ones.

Thats crap.....We are talking about a bird being asked to work her free time...

Pull ya head outta the sand.

She was asked to defer her time off. she had a choice to say yes or no.

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Employers must plan, talk to staff with incentives for eventualities....Easy......We had that 50 years back in the UK...

Yeah it is called performance based annual bonus. Good employees often do better than bad ones.

Thats crap.....We are talking about a bird being asked to work her free time...

I thought we were talking about a woman being asked to defer her day off for an alternative day off to help her employer through a peak busy period.

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Employers must plan, talk to staff with incentives for eventualities....Easy......We had that 50 years back in the UK...

You clearly have never employed Thai staff!!

I am in the tourist business, have 40 staff and are extremely busy at the moment. 10 staff has over the last week informed me, that they want their salary earlier. Last ones paid yesterday.

Reason: More important to get drunk with family and friends, than to show solidarity with your workplace.

Only thing I can hope for is, that their 2 day absence (according to them) only turns out to be one week and not two !!

Nothing you can do about it, since we are in a tourist town, they will work for the competition on their return, if I get too tuff.......................

That is why unions are not strong here, because it will limit the staff much more than the employer.

So whatever happened in the UK 50 years ago, is of absolute no relevance here........................coffee1.gif

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Yeah it is called performance based annual bonus. Good employees often do better than bad ones.

Thats crap.....We are talking about a bird being asked to work her free time...

Pull ya head outta the sand.

She was asked to defer her time off. she had a choice to say yes or no.

So you don't understand if one says NO in LOS the possible repercussion....?

Yeah the employer kicks along with it and asks someone else to work.... Or are you saying they sack the employee on the spot ?.....think about that before you answer because the labour dept is very pro employee in Thailand and someone getting the flick because they could not say yes to such a request will get a very healthy payout.

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DM........Tesco's........When the manager or head of department walks bye, why do till staff stop doing their thing and Wai...? Why is that...?

Dunno mate. you should ask them yourself.

I don't need to ask, it took me a few years to understand, with a little help from Mrs.Trans.....I now understand...I have a story that I cannot write here....Red Mist....But it relates to what I am saying..

So what was your point then ?

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Dunno mate. you should ask them yourself.

I don't need to ask, it took me a few years to understand, with a little help from Mrs.Trans.....I now understand...I have a story that I cannot write here....Red Mist....But it relates to what I am saying..

So what was your point then ?

Hi-so commands, money guys command, no backup from anywhere for those who can be replaced...

Everyone can be replaced. just depends on how much the employers want to spend to be rid of the employee.

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