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PM urges Thais to tap AEC benefits


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Geez what could EF be up to with the earth shattering report? Of course English skill in Thai are low, but many are blinded by the spin...Just listen to yourselves.. all Thai English teachers from University cannot hold a conversation.. oh pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee W Man syndrome.

The English business is alive and well.. Linguistic imperalism still rules..

First off, try reading a post correctly. No one said ALL THAI ENGLISH TEACHERS. But I personally know of 5 Thai, all with Master's in English from Chula who can not hold a simple conversation. Two of them happen to live right across the street from me. One of the others is a friend of my son. Same story. Master's from Chula in ENGLISH, and they can't even talk to me. The problem? Thai learn English GRAMMAR, but they never learn how to SPEAK it. Most bar girls couldn't pass a 6th grade (U.S.) grammar test, but have English speaking skills that put those "educated" Thai to shame. Until Thai learn to develop SPEAKING skills in English, they are always going to be sucking hind tit.

Yes you are right, I know some bar girls who have very good oral skills biggrin.png

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When you have Thai with "Master's Degrees" in English, from Thai Universities, who cannot hold a simple conversation in English, what hope is there for the average "collage graduate"?

It is time for people who do business in Thailand speak only Thailand

Maybe speaking English is wrong this is Thailand speak Thailand

Hard for Thai to get Visa for England or USA so why speak English

Better find Thai speaking investors then, no problem.

Good luck with that outside the land of grand illusions

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Geez what could EF be up to with the earth shattering report? Of course English skill in Thai are low, but many are blinded by the spin...Just listen to yourselves.. all Thai English teachers from University cannot hold a conversation.. oh pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee W Man syndrome.

The English business is alive and well.. Linguistic imperalism still rules..

First off, try reading a post correctly. No one said ALL THAI ENGLISH TEACHERS. But I personally know of 5 Thai, all with Master's in English from Chula who can not hold a simple conversation. Two of them happen to live right across the street from me. One of the others is a friend of my son. Same story. Master's from Chula in ENGLISH, and they can't even talk to me. The problem? Thai learn English GRAMMAR, but they never learn how to SPEAK it. Most bar girls couldn't pass a 6th grade (U.S.) grammar test, but have English speaking skills that put those "educated" Thai to shame. Until Thai learn to develop SPEAKING skills in English, they are always going to be sucking hind tit.

Yes you are right, I know some bar girls who have very good oral skills biggrin.png

I need one as receptionist cum customer relation officer. Recommendations?

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Wants Thai people to improve English skills, but sending 10,000 teachers packing? Duh!

Most of them aren't real teachers though.

"real" Western teachers seldom work for 35k baht a month!

Most all the teachers I've met have been good TEFL teachers. That's what most foreign teachers are employed to do.

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Thai policemen also can't speak any english. Guess we might get Singaporeans to replace them?

I like to be served by Phillipino's and tip them a lot if they speak english to me.

Many of the new generation of Thai police can indeed speak English. And there are many more graduating yearly. Funny enough the English test at the Royal Thai police college has a higher pass rate than the English test at the same province Rajhabat teaching college!
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Thai policemen also can't speak any english. Guess we might get Singaporeans to replace them?

I like to be served by Phillipino's and tip them a lot if they speak english to me.

Many of the new generation of Thai police can indeed speak English. And there are many more graduating yearly. Funny enough the English test at the Royal Thai police college has a higher pass rate than the English test at the same province Rajhabat teaching college!

You passed if you can write your name in English...

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When you have Thai with "Master's Degrees" in English, from Thai Universities, who cannot hold a simple conversation in English, what hope is there for the average "collage graduate"?

It is time for people who do business in Thailand speak only Thailand

Maybe speaking English is wrong this is Thailand speak Thailand

Hard for Thai to get Visa for England or USA so why speak English

Head deeply buried in sand ?

Obviously some people haven't yet learned that English is the International Language for business !

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Thai policemen also can't speak any english. Guess we might get Singaporeans to replace them?

I like to be served by Phillipino's and tip them a lot if they speak english to me.

Many of the new generation of Thai police can indeed speak English. And there are many more graduating yearly. Funny enough the English test at the Royal Thai police college has a higher pass rate than the English test at the same province Rajhabat teaching college!
You passed if you can write your name in English...
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Thai policemen also can't speak any english. Guess we might get Singaporeans to replace them?

I like to be served by Phillipino's and tip them a lot if they speak english to me.

Many of the new generation of Thai police can indeed speak English. And there are many more graduating yearly. Funny enough the English test at the Royal Thai police college has a higher pass rate than the English test at the same province Rajhabat teaching college!
You passed if you can write your name in English...

Sorry to inform you that you have failed your Comprehension test...

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Geez what could EF be up to with the earth shattering report? Of course English skill in Thai are low, but many are blinded by the spin...Just listen to yourselves.. all Thai English teachers from University cannot hold a conversation.. oh pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee W Man syndrome.

The English business is alive and well.. Linguistic imperalism still rules..

First off, try reading a post correctly. No one said ALL THAI ENGLISH TEACHERS. But I personally know of 5 Thai, all with Master's in English from Chula who can not hold a simple conversation. Two of them happen to live right across the street from me. One of the others is a friend of my son. Same story. Master's from Chula in ENGLISH, and they can't even talk to me. The problem? Thai learn English GRAMMAR, but they never learn how to SPEAK it. Most bar girls couldn't pass a 6th grade (U.S.) grammar test, but have English speaking skills that put those "educated" Thai to shame. Until Thai learn to develop SPEAKING skills in English, they are always going to be sucking hind tit.

Lot's of variations of this. When I was a senior in a management consulting company in Bkk, I did a second detailed interview about knowledge and experience to do the job, Job advertisements always mentioned very clearly: 'applicants must be able to conduct very detailed discussions in full English, there will be occasions where you have to support a consulting project in Singapore and other locations and it will all be in full English'. We had three groupings:

1. Thais who could in fact speak very advanced English and were relaxed to speak / discuss in English all day if needed.

2. Applicants who had A for grammar on their transcript but had zero English conversation ability. This often produced the scenario; 'This is not fair, my transcript says A for English'. All attempts to get the applicants to understand that for this job you will need to converse / discuss in detailed English just produced the same response: 'This is not fair, my transcript says A for English'.

On a few occasions the applicant might say 'why can't you interview me in Thai language?'

3. Applicants who arrived with a friend. Applicant told to come into my room and friend comes too, applicant told it's a one on one interview. Applicant says 'my friend has to come with me to translate for me'. All attempts to try to get the applicant to understand that you will have to talk to many clients in English, your friend cannot be with you, gets same response as situation 2 above.

I did discover a few times:

- Some of the above had attended English language bachelor and/or masters degree programs taught by local professors who can speak English but after maybe the first 30 minutes on day one they revert to Thai and use Thai for the rest of the program.

- The 'it's not fair I got A .....' attitude / logic had come from some of their professors who, in some cases had pushed the line: 'this is Thailand, we speak Thai, English not needed.

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Geez what could EF be up to with the earth shattering report? Of course English skill in Thai are low, but many are blinded by the spin...Just listen to yourselves.. all Thai English teachers from University cannot hold a conversation.. oh pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee W Man syndrome.

The English business is alive and well.. Linguistic imperalism still rules..

First off, try reading a post correctly. No one said ALL THAI ENGLISH TEACHERS. But I personally know of 5 Thai, all with Master's in English from Chula who can not hold a simple conversation. Two of them happen to live right across the street from me. One of the others is a friend of my son. Same story. Master's from Chula in ENGLISH, and they can't even talk to me. The problem? Thai learn English GRAMMAR, but they never learn how to SPEAK it. Most bar girls couldn't pass a 6th grade (U.S.) grammar test, but have English speaking skills that put those "educated" Thai to shame. Until Thai learn to develop SPEAKING skills in English, they are always going to be sucking hind tit.

Lot's of variations of this. When I was a senior in a management consulting company in Bkk, I did a second detailed interview about knowledge and experience to do the job, Job advertisements always mentioned very clearly: 'applicants must be able to conduct very detailed discussions in full English, there will be occasions where you have to support a consulting project in Singapore and other locations and it will all be in full English'. We had three groupings:

1. Thais who could in fact speak very advanced English and were relaxed to speak / discuss in English all day if needed.

2. Applicants who had A for grammar on their transcript but had zero English conversation ability. This often produced the scenario; 'This is not fair, my transcript says A for English'. All attempts to get the applicants to understand that for this job you will need to converse / discuss in detailed English just produced the same response: 'This is not fair, my transcript says A for English'.

On a few occasions the applicant might say 'why can't you interview me in Thai language?'

3. Applicants who arrived with a friend. Applicant told to come into my room and friend comes too, applicant told it's a one on one interview. Applicant says 'my friend has to come with me to translate for me'. All attempts to try to get the applicant to understand that you will have to talk to many clients in English, your friend cannot be with you, gets same response as situation 2 above.

I did discover a few times:

- Some of the above had attended English language bachelor and/or masters degree programs taught by local professors who can speak English but after maybe the first 30 minutes on day one they revert to Thai and use Thai for the rest of the program.

- The 'it's not fair I got A .....' attitude / logic had come from some of their professors who, in some cases had pushed the line: 'this is Thailand, we speak Thai, English not needed.

You are right on the money "scorecard".

The Thais in your point 2 & 3 just don't understand or get it.

Why is it that when the Thais in 2 & 3, travel to other countries, they end up as dishwashers or the like in the foreign country and I have experienced Thais even with Master Degrees in this very situation.

Wake up Thailand and get your head out of the sand.

There is a larger world out there and for better or worse, English is the preferred language.

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Thailand can't compete - literally.

The Thai establishment has played on a rigged field for their entire lives.

A level playing field against leaner, smarter, globally savvy international competitors that can't be stood over or crushed by the military is a bridge too far.

For the good of the country, these geriatrics need to get out of the way of the nations progress.

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Geez what could EF be up to with the earth shattering report? Of course English skill in Thai are low, but many are blinded by the spin...Just listen to yourselves.. all Thai English teachers from University cannot hold a conversation.. oh pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee W Man syndrome.

The English business is alive and well.. Linguistic imperalism still rules..

First off, try reading a post correctly. No one said ALL THAI ENGLISH TEACHERS. But I personally know of 5 Thai, all with Master's in English from Chula who can not hold a simple conversation. Two of them happen to live right across the street from me. One of the others is a friend of my son. Same story. Master's from Chula in ENGLISH, and they can't even talk to me. The problem? Thai learn English GRAMMAR, but they never learn how to SPEAK it. Most bar girls couldn't pass a 6th grade (U.S.) grammar test, but have English speaking skills that put those "educated" Thai to shame. Until Thai learn to develop SPEAKING skills in English, they are always going to be sucking hind tit.

Lot's of variations of this. When I was a senior in a management consulting company in Bkk, I did a second detailed interview about knowledge and experience to do the job, Job advertisements always mentioned very clearly: 'applicants must be able to conduct very detailed discussions in full English, there will be occasions where you have to support a consulting project in Singapore and other locations and it will all be in full English'. We had three groupings:

1. Thais who could in fact speak very advanced English and were relaxed to speak / discuss in English all day if needed.

2. Applicants who had A for grammar on their transcript but had zero English conversation ability. This often produced the scenario; 'This is not fair, my transcript says A for English'. All attempts to get the applicants to understand that for this job you will need to converse / discuss in detailed English just produced the same response: 'This is not fair, my transcript says A for English'.

On a few occasions the applicant might say 'why can't you interview me in Thai language?'

3. Applicants who arrived with a friend. Applicant told to come into my room and friend comes too, applicant told it's a one on one interview. Applicant says 'my friend has to come with me to translate for me'. All attempts to try to get the applicant to understand that you will have to talk to many clients in English, your friend cannot be with you, gets same response as situation 2 above.

I did discover a few times:

- Some of the above had attended English language bachelor and/or masters degree programs taught by local professors who can speak English but after maybe the first 30 minutes on day one they revert to Thai and use Thai for the rest of the program.

- The 'it's not fair I got A .....' attitude / logic had come from some of their professors who, in some cases had pushed the line: 'this is Thailand, we speak Thai, English not needed.

You are right on the money "scorecard".

The Thais in your point 2 & 3 just don't understand or get it.

Why is it that when the Thais in 2 & 3, travel to other countries, they end up as dishwashers or the like in the foreign country and I have experienced Thais even with Master Degrees in this very situation.

Wake up Thailand and get your head out of the sand.

There is a larger world out there and for better or worse, English is the preferred language.

"...The Thais in your point 2 & 3 just don't understand or get it...".


Just one reason they don't 'get it' is simple, Thai students, even at more expensive 'private' schools do not learn world history, therefore they don't realize the international picture and they have no realization there is a gap and how big the gap is.

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Thai policemen also can't speak any english. Guess we might get Singaporeans to replace them?

I like to be served by Phillipino's and tip them a lot if they speak english to me.

Many of the new generation of Thai police can indeed speak English. And there are many more graduating yearly. Funny enough the English test at the Royal Thai police college has a higher pass rate than the English test at the same province Rajhabat teaching college!
You passed if you can write your name in English...

Sorry to inform you that you have failed your Comprehension test...

Really! Oh my goodness. You used "You" instead of "they" and yet I failed.. OK then!!!

I know your comment was tongue in cheek BUT really!

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