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Trump: Clinton, Obama 'created ISIS'


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Trump: Clinton, Obama 'created ISIS'
By Tom LoBianco and Elizabeth Landers, CNN

Biloxi, Mississippi (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday said the policies of President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "created ISIS," the furthest the GOP front-runner has gone in tying the Obama administration's policies to the rise of the terror group.

Trump offered no evidence for his claim here at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum, in which he also said escalating tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia were signs that the Islamic Republic wanted to take over the longtime U.S. ally in the Middle East.

"They've created ISIS. Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama," Trump said. He couched his hit in a brief discussion of the Iranian protests outside the Saudi embassy in Tehran, which erupted after Saudi Arabia executed 47 people, including a dissident Shiite cleric.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/02/politics/donald-trump-barack-obama-hillary-clinton-created-isis/index.html

-- CNN 2016-01-04

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One more stupid, undocumented, comment from the Donald

It is still a widely held belief. Not that ISIS was intentionally created for the purpose of cutting off heads etc but that in the rush to arm anti-Assad forces in the early years of the conflict, some went to what later became known as ISIS.

I'm sure many of the "anti-Americans" around here agree with Trump. It will be interesting to see if they come out and publicly agree with Trump here or not.

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One more stupid, undocumented, comment from the Donald

It is still a widely held belief. Not that ISIS was intentionally created for the purpose of cutting off heads etc but that in the rush to arm anti-Assad forces in the early years of the conflict, some went to what later became known as ISIS.

I'm sure many of the "anti-Americans" around here agree with Trump. It will be interesting to see if they come out and publicly agree with Trump here or not.

It seems the Bush administration as well as the Reagan administrations are much more to blame for this than Obama

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People who believe anybody or anything created ISIS are insane.

ISIS, Islamic extremist, Jihadist are nothing, but a collection of barbaric animals that need to be put down hard. They come about just like a rabid dog appearing on your porch; a collection of insane animals frothing at the mouth. They are too far gone to do anything other than put them out of their misery.

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One more stupid, undocumented, comment from the Donald

documented elsewhere. It's an unfortunate consequence of US foreign policy that the Middle East is paying for. It's also a failed strategy. I'd say that Obama and Clinton don't get to shoulder all the blame, Bush was in charge during part of the inception of ISIS (ignoring the whole fake WMD fiasco).

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People who believe anybody or anything created ISIS are insane.

ISIS, Islamic extremist, Jihadist are nothing, but a collection of barbaric animals that need to be put down hard. They come about just like a rabid dog appearing on your porch; a collection of insane animals frothing at the mouth. They are too far gone to do anything other than put them out of their misery.

Well then It is no use to try to show you the history of Daesh, which was created from Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (founded in 1999) which was itself created by Abu Musab al-Zarqawhad traveled to Afghanistan to fight in the Soviet-Afghan war, and created a training camp

Guess who gave him money "to start his business" and training at this time...a small beard man known as Bin Ladin..whom, guess what, was a good friend of the USA...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Go Donald go!. More brilliant enlightening comments from the republican golden boy. The fact that Isil were around and building their following when Bush was still fumbling his way through his presidency won't worry the duck at all. He would make a good honorary Thai Politician with his total disregard for anything approaching the facts.

Vote for Donald and you elect Clinton!

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Given the damage that Trump is doing to the GOP brand, I'd say that Hillary created Trump.

Elements within both the Democratic Party as well as within the Republican Party created the Trump candidacy in order to distract attention away from the message of Bernie Sanders. Both sides prefer the candidacy of Hillary over an anti-corporate candidate. It also thwarts the rise of Elizabeth Warren, a potential 2020 candidate who they fear even more than Sanders. Trump is nothing but political legerdemain.

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ISIS is Bush's baby Trump is a lying loser

Don't know anything about US policy or if he is lying but if he's a loser then can I have some of whatever he's taking. Can't be much of a loser if he's worth around 10 billion. How's your status?

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Stop all this B... S . I know for a fact that Mr & Mrs Obama have together created black people!

And tax payers are supporting their education!

Also none of these Black children have guns, nor are they members of the NRA.

Stop this Madness now ;-) ;-)

Edited by BigBadGeordie
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What is that old saying: "Better to keep quiet and be thought an moron...than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"...this quote seem to apply to all politicians these days...and not only in the US.

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The Don is just using the tactics that the progressive liberal wingnuts use every Presidential election cycle. The Left can dish it out, but when someone feeds them their own medicine, they freak out and start having a hissy fit. The Don drives them even nuttier than they are. He's just baiting the left with the ISIS rhetoric. It's show! However, main-stream news and the DNC don't know how to handle him other than to go on the attack. Trump just plays the "Reality TV" game that he's honed over the years. He's a master, the Left are plebs. The DNC would have better luck running Jeff Probst from Survivor against The Don instead of the geriatric, hippy Sanders, and of course Slick Willey's esteemed wife.

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in the Netherlands there is a law that says if you form an immediate danger to yourself or others, you are forced to be recorded. Mr. Trump is already a threat to the long term, but do Contiue Mr. Trump and you are a direct danger to others. I also incite you to come to the Netherlands where you will be locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

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To be fair, I don't think Trump is, in effect, saying the Obama and Clinton set about creating ISIS and funding ISIS. My inference is that he is saying that the policies of these two allowed ISIS to expand and spread its influence. Sorry but it is difficult to blame Bush for this one. Sure there are connections between all these radical groups but let's face the fact that for the last 7 years the Obama policies regarding Assad in Syria and the fighting taking place there have been almost nonexistent allowing radical groups to grow and spread throughout the area. I don't even think Obama wants to deal with the problems there and hopes just to ride out his Presidency and leave it to the next President. Obama has been mostly wishy washy on foreign policy his entire time as President.

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To be fair, I don't think Trump is, in effect, saying the Obama and Clinton set about creating ISIS and funding ISIS. My inference is that he is saying that the policies of these two allowed ISIS to expand and spread its influence. Sorry but it is difficult to blame Bush for this one. Sure there are connections between all these radical groups but let's face the fact that for the last 7 years the Obama policies regarding Assad in Syria and the fighting taking place there have been almost nonexistent allowing radical groups to grow and spread throughout the area. I don't even think Obama wants to deal with the problems there and hopes just to ride out his Presidency and leave it to the next President. Obama has been mostly wishy washy on foreign policy his entire time as President.

Please don't let facts stand in the way of pushing some story to fit your ideology. I believe you can be challenged on both of your key points.

"The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003". http://www.cfr.org/iraq/islamic-state/p14811 This is from the Council on Foreign Relations. Hardly an ideological ally of the Left. We do remember who pushed for, directed and essentially stuffed up the invasion of Iraq in 2003 don't we?

Obama being wishy washy? Why? Because he doesn't advocate invading every country in the world? Who avoids armed conflict. Who has withdrawn troops from existing conflicts. This is not wishy washy. It is policy. Policy that he announced and implemented. This is called Leadership. A summary of his policies on these matters can be seen here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-foreign-policy-broken-promises_5633e41fe4b0c66bae5c8d22

The Right tries to push a narrative that Obama is a lack lustre President. He kept America from a potential quagmire in Libya. He kept American from an actual quagmire in Syria. He has not launched any attack on Iran. He is consistent with his policies as he is consistent with his Leadership. GW broke the World. His legacy of death, destruction and terror will be with us for generations. Obama's foreign policies have kept the world from disintegrating further. History will be kind to Obama and will continue to vilify GW.

Edited by lostboy
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