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Donald Trump's first TV ad touts Muslim ban


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Donald Trump's first TV ad touts Muslim ban
Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter

WASHINGTON: -- Donald Trump is taking to the television airwaves, and his first advert prominently features his controversial call for temporarily halting the entry of all Muslim into the US and a border wall "paid for by Mexico".

The 30-second spot is narrated by a stern-sounding male voice and features grainy images of Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

The advert also includes photos of the San Bernardino attackers, so-called Islamic State militants, a US warship firing cruise missiles, exploding buildings and undated footage of migrants purportedly crossing the US-Mexican border.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35227399

-- BBC 2016-01-05

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In true Trumpesque style, or course the pictures aren"t actually of the US Mexico border, but the border between Morocco and the Spainish enclave of Melilla, and the people fleeing are Morocans. Then again when did truth ever get in the way of a good reality show!

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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

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I think this is going to far now, there are good Muslims also I don't understand how a person that like to be president can be so rasist and how in H.... Are people wired that support his agenda. Same when it comes to Mexicans, visit any restaurant in NY and see who does the food prep and you will see Mexicans, including restaurants in Trumphs empire. It will be interesting to see the worlds reaction when he's in the White House think the Muslims is just a beginning. Another problem with him is that when he is asked question about other subjects like gay right and health care he refuse to answer. Today he have support from the religious right and tea dippers that have no respect for minorities. Health care for low income and gay rights are 2 subjects that he will not touch and we know the religious right and tea dippers opinion about these subjects. America will go back 50 year with him in the White House.

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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

How would you screen people to know they are muslims?

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He's going for the same angry/frustrated demographic that historical fascists have always gone for. But the anger and frustration is real, so it shouldn't be ignored by any U.S. politician. The question is how to channel it in a better way than electing someone like Trump.

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One more time :

How will you know if someone is muslim?

How about their reaction to a bacon sandwich ? Some things are much easier than you think smile.png

You will ban vegan as well....and followers of The Church of Divine Pork Redemption

Face it. If you won't chomp into a greasy BLT then maybe.........you are a Muslim (supporter).

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The weird thing about Trump is that I very much doubt he himself is as bad as his SUPPORTERS. He tells this large toxic group what they want to hear and they eat it up but does he really believe it? I doubt he's that stupid. But in the slim chance he becomes president based on such support, then we might have created a monster.

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In this case, I'm not buying that. Trump is not a normal politician and his base is not a normal base. Yes, sorry but it's true, Trump's base is quite similar to Hitler's base. Get him into power and they will have EXPECTATIONS.

I know, and I get it, that many people will be incredulous that I went there with the Hitler comparison. No I don't think Trump is like Hitler but I see strong similarities of their political bases before election, and Hitler was elected. Most people may not know this, but now you will, a common nickname of Trump among his "alt right wing" base is Der Trumpenführer.

So a potential monster being created may not so much be Trump, but his base. If he gets elected that base will not accept normal politics as usual and things could get ugly.

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Trump, doing everything that the MSM and Republican establishment say can't be done. And leading in the polls. And exposing the vicious, American worker hating interests that dominate both political parties.

And leading in the polls.

Just proving that many Americans are equally superficial, stupid and racist !!

Which some posts here prove!!

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I think this is going to far now, there are good Muslims also I don't understand how a person that like to be president can be so rasist and how in H.... Are people wired that support his agenda. Same when it comes to Mexicans, visit any restaurant in NY and see who does the food prep and you will see Mexicans, including restaurants in Trumphs empire.

Those might be Puerto Ricans. There are more Puerto Ricans in NYC than there are in Puerto Rico.

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Trump’s latest ad manages to hit all the major talking points of his campaign in a scant 30 seconds: radical Islam, Mexico etc. etc etc. His campaign represents the terrifying rise of a demagogue fueled by xenophobia, racism, and sexism. He has nothing to offer but his promise to protect us from Islamic terrorism. Let's not forget the chances of an American being killed by Islamic terrorism is less than getting hit by lightning.

There's no evidence yet of any ad buys in Iowa or New Hampshire with this ad. This is all a scam to get some free attention rather than actually paying to air it on television.

Trump is a total fraud who preys on the ignorant...(the pathetic Republican base)

Trump's campaign slogan is "Make America White Again."

Hate and fear are the most effective weapon in conservative politics, because conservatives are adult diaper-wetting cowards.

How Donald Trump answers a question https://youtu.be/_aFo_BV-UzI

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Truth is the new hate speech, as far as the regressive media are concerned. Articulating what are mainstream opinions normally muzzled by political correctness are meeting a reaction somewhat reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes.

But he doesn't have and doesn't voice any real answers to these problems. He's a demagogue.
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Incredulous ! The Land of The Free that egocentrically nominates itself the supreme defender of all that is good and right under the guise of democracy allows televized religious and racial discrimination ? And US citizens who venture forth in their Hawaian shirts are confused as to the lack of respect they assume should be accorded ? facepalm.gif

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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

How would you screen people to know they are muslims?

Easy. Ask them to denounce Mohammed as a false prophet. If they refuse they are Muslim.

Now even the BBC is telling LIES about the Donald. I heard the announcer say that Trump had called for a ban on Muslims in the US, while he has actually called for a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, but they never mentioned that.

Even the headline on this thread is incorrect, though it does point out in the OP that it is a TEMPORARY halt.

Judging by some of the posts on here, more than a few posters don't read Trump's statements properly, or they have been brainwashed by the propaganda. One I read even claimed he hated Mexicans, which is untrue.

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