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Donald Trump's first TV ad touts Muslim ban


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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

Sort of like it "kinda made sense" to put all Japanese Americans in concentration camps & expropriate their property during WWII ... although German-Americans and Italian- Americans never faced that punishment for being the wrong nationality? Despite the supposed rational of protecting Americans from people in some remote way tied to our enemies in Europe & Asia during that war, it was purely a racist action.

These days more death & destruction in the US is caused by right wing white male nutcases with guns than Muslims. Add in all the other violence perpetrated by "real" Americans on other Americans and Islamic terrorism on US soil pales even more.

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Truth is the new hate speech, as far as the regressive media are concerned. Articulating what are mainstream opinions normally muzzled by political correctness are meeting a reaction somewhat reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes.

But he doesn't have and doesn't voice any real answers to these problems. He's a demagogue.

Perhaps you just conveniently missed the bits when he says what he will do.

Trump isn't a one man band. He will assemble the best advisors that America has to ponder solutions to the problems. Unlike Obama that just over rides everyone to do whatever he likes with his phone and his pen. Absolutely a terrible president- can't wait to see the back of him.

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Just because you think Obama is terrible doesn't rationalize as radical a reactionary swing as Trump.

Ironically Obama probably could win a 3rd term against anyone running now. If legal of course which it's not.

Edited by Jingthing
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Truth is the new hate speech, as far as the regressive media are concerned. Articulating what are mainstream opinions normally muzzled by political correctness are meeting a reaction somewhat reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes.

But he doesn't have and doesn't voice any real answers to these problems. He's a demagogue.

Perhaps you just conveniently missed the bits when he says what he will do.

Trump isn't a one man band. He will assemble the best advisors that America has to ponder solutions to the problems. Unlike Obama that just over rides everyone to do whatever he likes with his phone and his pen. Absolutely a terrible president- can't wait to see the back of him.

An assembly of generals?clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Truth is the new hate speech, as far as the regressive media are concerned. Articulating what are mainstream opinions normally muzzled by political correctness are meeting a reaction somewhat reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes.

But he doesn't have and doesn't voice any real answers to these problems. He's a demagogue.

Perhaps you just conveniently missed the bits when he says what he will do.

Trump isn't a one man band. He will assemble the best advisors that America has to ponder solutions to the problems. Unlike Obama that just over rides everyone to do whatever he likes with his phone and his pen. Absolutely a terrible president- can't wait to see the back of him.

An assembly of generals?clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Why do you say that? Do you have any evidence that the Donald is in cahoots with the military. Far as I know he isn't pals with any generals, and probably regards them with suspicion.

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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

Sort of like it "kinda made sense" to put all Japanese Americans in concentration camps & expropriate their property during WWII ... although German-Americans and Italian- Americans never faced that punishment for being the wrong nationality? Despite the supposed rational of protecting Americans from people in some remote way tied to our enemies in Europe & Asia during that war, it was purely a racist action.

These days more death & destruction in the US is caused by right wing white male nutcases with guns than Muslims. Add in all the other violence perpetrated by "real" Americans on other Americans and Islamic terrorism on US soil pales even more.

You are wrong. Check out the Crystal City, Texas internment camp, which kept both Germans and Italian Americans.

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Just because you think Obama is terrible doesn't rationalize as radical a reactionary swing as Trump.

Ironically Obama probably could win a 3rd term against anyone running now. If legal of course which it's not.

If it came down to Trump vs HRC it would justify a radical swing, as HRC would just be Obama version 2.

You are probably right about Obama winning a third term- that really scares me!

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Let him win and be the next president. Americans are known to vote rubbish into congress and the White House so why not a reality show clown this time.

Any way my guess he will not get the vote by the ROP and will run as an independent as Ross Perot did and we got another Clinton in the White House and bill have to keep an eye on his pants with all those interns at the WH.

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Don't get me wrong. I think the angry/frustrated demographic has good reasons to feel let down by the traditional U.S. political system. Something's got to give. But is Trump the answer?

Trump gives us an non-politician as an alternative. Just like Jesse Ventura did for Minnesota. It time to make the politicians realize that they do answer to the normal American. It times to remind them that they report to us. Edited by MadDog2020
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Trump reminds me of some of the egostistical jocks from high school. He's similar to Reagan in that he wants to take Americans back to a time when (he thinks) America was stronger/happier/more self-confident. As Trump says, "Let's make America great again." I don't deny that some days gone by were uplifting (first men on the moon, or winning Olympians, or do-wap music, for examples). In a general sense, older people usually look back at their earlier years with nostalgic eyes. I saw some photos of Trump's homes, interiors and outside. The decor is 100% Roman Ruler: gold predominates everywhere. Everything reeks of ostentatious Roman legion leader. He's touching a nerve for many Americans, but he won't win. I don't think he'll even win the Republican nomination. I see Cruz winning that. Whomever stands against Hillary will lose. I lean to Bernie, but Americans are too spooked by the Socialist label - which is ironic since most Americans (even rich ones) are steeped in socialism already. I'll be ok with Hillary. With Trump, I think it would be smart to get in the business of building fallout shelters. Many orders.

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One more time :

How will you know if someone is muslim?

Just in......new DNA link found connecting all Muslims.

And all white US citizens with black DNA

No doubt you are trying to be facetious, but you are correct. Everyone on the planet came from the same place in Africa, so obviously everyone's DNA is related, including Muslims to everyone else too.

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One more time :

How will you know if someone is muslim?

Just in......new DNA link found connecting all Muslims.

And all white US citizens with black DNA

No doubt you are trying to be facetious, but you are correct. Everyone on the planet came from the same place in Africa, so obviously everyone's DNA is related, including Muslims to everyone else too.

Wait.......Adam and Eve were Black?

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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

How would you screen people to know they are muslims?

That's not difficult at all.

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I think this is going to far now, there are good Muslims also I don't understand how a person that like to be president can be so rasist and how in H.... Are people wired that support his agenda. Same when it comes to Mexicans, visit any restaurant in NY and see who does the food prep and you will see Mexicans, including restaurants in Trumphs empire. It will be interesting to see the worlds reaction when he's in the White House think the Muslims is just a beginning. Another problem with him is that when he is asked question about other subjects like gay right and health care he refuse to answer. Today he have support from the religious right and tea dippers that have no respect for minorities. Health care for low income and gay rights are 2 subjects that he will not touch and we know the religious right and tea dippers opinion about these subjects. America will go back 50 year with him in the White House.

The problem is, [it] has not gone far enough- the issue of where terrorism comes from. I do not necessarily concur that this is the best road, but it is the best road offered thus far as an initial, first glance restriction. It is a predictable byproduct of the Obama & Company denial. Example: Islamic terror is due to too few jobs, or climate change. No wonder people support Trump. After all, the alternative is the surreal presumption that islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam. This is so self evidently fraudulent as to be among the greatest reasons moderate muslims will be pushed toward more orthodox expressions of faith. The world, in spite of Progressive protests, knows darn well that islamic terrorism comes from islamic ____. By not defining a thing for what it is one cannot hardly begin to get policy arms around the problem. By not defining a thing by its intrinsic nature the central, responsible narrative is lost and countless millions of people, left alone to their self evident observations, will conclude the obvious without a central constructive narrative- that yes, islamic terrorism comes from islamic ______. This will present in wide-scale blow-back, outrages, often incorrect indictment of innocent muslims, etc. The current policy actually demands alienation of the larger muslim body as an end result. Again, the West's policy of denying the source of islamic terrorism empowers islamic terrorism! Even a lay examination of insurgency and unconventional warfare reveals this truth.

Note: Islam is not a race, its a religion. Words have meaning. But you provide context at how you reach this astute observation. You visited a Mexican restaurant and saw Mexicans. They prepared your food. Therefore... Also, there is no presumptive civil rights protections for applicants to visit the US. It is consistently the case that broad powers to allow or deny entire classes of people for nationality, etc., exist. It may be political madness, but it is permissive to deny anyone. The problem is not muslims or Mexicans. These are symptoms. The problem is the radical lawlessness of this Executive.

Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

How would you screen people to know they are muslims?

Of course you cannot. It depends entirely on disclosure. However, the conversation must be had. See above.

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Let's not forget the chances of an American being killed by Islamic terrorism is less than getting hit by lightning.

Tell that to the mother of an american who got killed by a terrorist.

There will be a lot more telling to do to Vietnamese and Iraqi mothers , who's children was killed by the mighty USA.

All in the name of God and American self righteousness !!

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He's going for the same angry/frustrated demographic that historical fascists have always gone for. But the anger and frustration is real, so it shouldn't be ignored by any U.S. politician. The question is how to channel it in a better way than electing someone like Trump.

"Definition of fascism. : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted." LINK

Doesn't sound like Trump to me.

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He's going for the same angry/frustrated demographic that historical fascists have always gone for. But the anger and frustration is real, so it shouldn't be ignored by any U.S. politician. The question is how to channel it in a better way than electing someone like Trump.

"Definition of fascism. : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted." LINK

Doesn't sound like Trump to me.

Yeah, cause the opposition are all LOSERS. rolleyes.gif

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The weird thing about Trump is that I very much doubt he himself is as bad as his SUPPORTERS. He tells this large toxic group what they want to hear and they eat it up but does he really believe it? I doubt he's that stupid. But in the slim chance he becomes president based on such support, then we might have created a monster.

A monster who would have a time out with Muslim immigration until people could be vetted, and a monster who would seal the borders and stop illegal immigration.

Sorry, the "monsters" are already in office.


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So a potential monster being created may not so much be Trump, but his base. If he gets elected that base will not accept normal politics as usual and things could get ugly.

To me you are describing Obama and his dictatorial executive orders.


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Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

How would you screen people to know they are muslims?

get them to eat a bacon butty

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Truth is the new hate speech, as far as the regressive media are concerned. Articulating what are mainstream opinions normally muzzled by political correctness are meeting a reaction somewhat reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes.

"Articulating ...a reaction ... reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes. "

That sentence seems to illustrate (what I assume is) your point remarkably well. I feel just like the little boy staring at a naked king.

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Let's not forget the chances of an American being killed by Islamic terrorism is less than getting hit by lightning.

Tell that to the mother of an american who got killed by a terrorist.

What about the poor child that was killed by lightning? There are a lot more of them.

Xenophobic hysteria is a cornerstone of the Republican candidates policies. They only way to possibly way to be elected (about the same chances of getting hit by lightning) is to scare everyone to death.

Republicans are adult diaper wearing cowards.

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