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Kicking the coffee habit

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I love Kefir. Being born in Balkans I can drink 2 litres a day easy.

However, I am pretty certain milk (or fat) is also giving me issues.

This is just a living hell because 3 years ago I could eat everything without problems, whatsoever.

I read a lot of people go towards antidepressants to deal with this stuff on daily basis.

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What is LPR ?

This is one of the things that annoys the crap out of me.

This was answered no less than five times in two pages of this thread. Granted three of them were repeats by mistake I think, but still, the answer was given, and only three messages back from this particular post.

How bout reading the thread before posting questions or comments that are already dealt with?facepalm.gif

I understand....Life can be so trying at times...the weight of things like this can almost be too much to bear.
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Good postings Sheryl. I didn't know caffeine did that!. For me it was beer. As soon as I stopped drinking the problem lessened about 90%

Another solution is to eat smaller portions. That way I can handle more or less anything. My diet isn't ideal but the problem has completely gone unless I get a stomach bug of course.

I would maintain overeating is the primary cause of most digestive issues that aren't disease related.

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Wow. A lot of quite dangerous nonsense here.

Yes, coffee is maybe good for you, but in my case it is dangerous. It affects my airways and I start wheezing and getting out of breath among other things.

Coffee is highly acidic... that is a proven fact.

This is one of those series of posts where if you don't have a clue about condition you shouldn't be posting anything.

Most of the advice is valid for people without a specific medical issue. What food triggers the problem just varies person to person. It also depends how much is consumed.

In your case you have a diagnosed problem. Would it help if you ate small portions ? And remain upright after meals ?

I can have a problem with airways though mine is more pollution related. I know how unpleasant those symptoms can be.

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Wow. A lot of quite dangerous nonsense here.

Yes, coffee is maybe good for you, but in my case it is dangerous. It affects my airways and I start wheezing and getting out of breath among other things.

Coffee is highly acidic... that is a proven fact.

This is one of those series of posts where if you don't have a clue about condition you shouldn't be posting anything.

Most of the advice is valid for people without a specific medical issue. What food triggers the problem just varies person to person. It also depends how much is consumed.

In your case you have a diagnosed problem. Would it help if you ate small portions ? And remain upright after meals ?

I can have a problem with airways though mine is more pollution related. I know how unpleasant those symptoms can be.

Actually when I don't eat I feel the worst. I strongly suspect stress is a major factor. Things like coffee and certain foods just make it worse. The problem is I don't know why I am stressed as things are working out fine for me. I think past event has to do something with this.

My diagnosis is not 100% correct. But I was diagnosed with reflux and nothing else was found, so I have to go by this. It is most likely a vocal cord dysfunction due to lpr. Again I don't have heartburn symptoms at all.

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It sounds a bit more like a syndrome than a definite structural problem, don't take my word for it obviously.

Review just how much you are eating.

Anxiety definitely cause UGT symptoms. And the wheezing attacks could be making you nervous too, as might too much caffeine. Illness does tend to provoke dread, and we might contemplate things more than usual. Often I have noted that when things are going well I might be troubled by the past too.

Just taking a step back, where are you living at present? it's a long shot but pollution could be a cause. And it is odd that your condition can strike when your stomach is empty. Just wondering if there is something environmental agitating your windpipe.

Drinking alcohol would be a no no !

All told I reckon things will work out ok. You might want to discuss the possibility of a mild sedative when you go back to the doctors.

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seems a little harsh to call coffee "poison" ; you have to find your own method for your style, it's not like nicotine physically .......

  • Head of bed elevated

  • Coffee, alcohol, fats, and smoking avoided

  • Proton pump inhibitors

Management of uncomplicated GERD consists of elevating the head of the bed about 15 cm (6 in) and avoiding eating within 2 to 3 h of bedtime, strong stimulants of acid secretion (eg, coffee, alcohol), certain drugs (eg, anticholinergics), specific foods (eg, fats, chocolate), and smoking. Weight loss is recommended for overweight patients and those who have gained weight recently.

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What I really mean is that I don't have typical GERD symptoms such as heartburn.

The advice about food is correct, but not necessarily about elevated bed. I actually sleep better on my stomach and I have also noticed that many people with lpr sleep fine but only get worse a few hours after waking up.

Another thing is that PPI's are not as nearly as effective as with classic GERD

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I had this problem come or go for the last twenty years. My biggest problem coffee, love the stuff, to me it is like a good glass of wine. First time I was told, I went cold turkey stop after drinking it for 30 years plus. I was a early riser love getting that giant cup to drink and read the morning paper before work. By 9am, I was having withdraws falling asleep but after a few weeks I got over it. For two years I took a pill called Prelisac? now seem to be replaced by Nexum?

After two years I stopped the pill and didn't seem to have problems and one day I had a good cup of Decaf.. from Decaf back to a regular coffee again I was hooked. Just this last week I noticed I have been having a sore throat and a few days after the gas..started coming this time not for just a few hours it is getting bad so today I stop drinking coffee. My problems are easy to figure just like many others.

Caffeine in coffee is a killer for me. There is also caffeine in most tea,Caffeine is also in Chocolate and many soft drinks like Coke. Spicy food and Alcohol. And many people I know living here in Thailand that is all they do and do not know that is the cause. You would be a minority if only one is the problem. I never really had problems with a drink or two at a Go Go now I can't even get past the two.

I know all the plus and minus of fixing the problem.. will now need to change my diet habits,exercise and get some pills Nexum to take for a week.

Edited by thailand49
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Wow. A lot of quite dangerous nonsense here.

Yes, coffee is maybe good for you, but in my case it is dangerous. It affects my airways and I start wheezing and getting out of breath among other things.

Coffee is highly acidic... that is a proven fact.

This is one of those series of posts where if you don't have a clue about condition you shouldn't be posting anything.

Most of the advice is valid for people without a specific medical issue. What food triggers the problem just varies person to person. It also depends how much is consumed.

In your case you have a diagnosed problem. Would it help if you ate small portions ? And remain upright after meals ?

I can have a problem with airways though mine is more pollution related. I know how unpleasant those symptoms can be.

Actually when I don't eat I feel the worst. I strongly suspect stress is a major factor. Things like coffee and certain foods just make it worse. The problem is I don't know why I am stressed as things are working out fine for me. I think past event has to do something with this.

My diagnosis is not 100% correct. But I was diagnosed with reflux and nothing else was found, so I have to go by this. It is most likely a vocal cord dysfunction due to lpr. Again I don't have heartburn symptoms at all.

Remember when you do not eat, your stomach is producing acid. I kind of eat once a day my main meal is dinner. Morning I just have coffee and read. Today due to my condition I had yogurt and water, when I get hungry doing the day, just fruit. sad!

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perhaps, it is closer to alcohol and nicotine, in there being a pre-dispostion to dependence, but 2007, seemed jury was still out, on if it was even that, just dropping in on this study



Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance and is a legal stimulant that is readily available to children. Caffeine has occasionally been considered a drug of abuse and the potential for dependence on caffeine has been debated. Presently, due to a paucity of clinical evidence oncaffeine dependence or abuse, no such diagnosis is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder-fourth edition. The authors present two cases of abuse or dependence on the caffeine contained in 'eutrophic' (energy/nutritional) beverages or caffeine preparations, followed by a review of clinical studies demonstrating evidence that some people can manifest a clinical syndrome of caffeine dependence or abuse. The cases suggest that caffeine can produce a clinical dependence syndrome similar to those produced by other psychoactive substances and has a potential for abuse. In a recent study using a structured interview and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder-fourth edition criteria for substance dependence and abuse, a subset of the general population was found to demonstrate caffeine dependence or caffeine abuse. Therefore, the authors propose that companies or businesses manufacturing or marketing caffeine or products containing caffeine must meet the following guidelines: (i) clearly indicate the caffeine content of products containing comparatively higher quantities of caffeine; (ii) warn that such products should be avoided by infants and children wherever possible, and inform adult consumers about the precise quantity of caffeine that is considered safe for consumption; and (iii) clearly state that consuming large quantities of caffeine and the long-term use of caffeine carry health risks.

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I had gerd issues for quite a long time until I changed everything.

I don't drink alcohol or soft drinks or coffee anymore.

I take kefir everyday and just eat an unprocessed food diet with no sugar, fried food, white flour, cakes etc.

Fixed it very quickly.

I also got rid of sinus issues I was having as well.

I would also recommend apple cider vinegar daily although for some people this can irritate the stomach.

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