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UK: MPs to debate calls to ban Donald Trump


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Let him come and see how he is the butt of almost every joke going. He has always been a figure of fun here because of his bigoted remarks and general stupidity. All the media here would have a great time, he is lampooned almost on a daily basis but if he was actually here it would be much funnier. He has already been stripped of the honours bestowed on him in Scotland which were given to him for splashing his cash. So please let him come!

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Yea ,, By Banning Trump and be against him to safe His Country You Pommy MPs are Supporting the invasion of Muslims into your Country and wasting precious money what belongs to the people of your own Country What sort of a Government does a low act to their own people,,,Get Rid Of them get decent MPs that help the Country instead of destroying it.

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...you just couldnt make this up.

While the politically correct, naval gazing, enlightened and incredibly offended progressives criticize and protest Trump, what else is happening in Europe? Paul Flynn is an idiot, if he wants to use his tax payer funded time to protest something, he should take a look at this... because the silence is deafening from the left wing, politically correct, mainstream media, worse still, it seems that they are actively attempting to suppress the story.

Is it really any surprise that Trump is resonating with people? for the most part politicians exist to grow government and feather their own beds, we are constantly lied to, and you couldnt get a gnats hair between labour and the so called conservatives in the U.K., at least Trump is perceived to be honest about his opinions, whether you agree with them or not. If we continue down this politically correct path, we are sowing the seeds of our own destruction, thats the bottom line....

Edited by DeepSea
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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.

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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.

The vast majority of Americans are embarrassed by Trump and would welcome any foreign friend saying , very officially, that this person is an undesirable and therefore unwelcome. He is unelectable but for some reason, probably related to making money, persists with the charade.

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"About 568,000 people have backed a petition calling on the tycoon to be barred for comments he made about banning Muslims from the US." --------------------- All those people are Muslims. I guarantee it. This is how London became brown-black (Negros) -Muslim. Have you been there lately?

​White people have multicultural knife on their throats with prosecution hanging in the air, so they are forced to be silent. To the time of a WAKE UP call.

Here are example of some twisted/strange perception of truth:

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Liberals sure don't like freedom of speech

More Right Wing hysterics. What is a Parliamentary debate if not an expression of free speech? What is the process of organising and presenting a petition if not an expression of free speech? Why is Foot in Mouth syndrome so prevalent on TVF?

So if I got enough votes for the extermination of all Muslims in Britain, you think that should be debated in parliament because it's an expression of free speech and democracy?

Of course not.

Same thing.

I know the Dad's Army non-immigrants in Thailand are not really the type to do nuance and subtlety but on this statement you really are pushing the envelope on defining your type. You not only believe but have the hide to state publicly that you would consider statements calling for the extermination of a group of people, many if not most would be fellow citizens and taxpayers, as your right under freedom of speech? How can anyone argue with that? Who would want to?

In response, I would just say one word - Proportionality. I know it has 6 syllables and the Trump fanboys are stretched beyond 3 but ask someone younger than you about its meaning.

It is a petition, started by a private UK citizen who was not just playing tit-for-tat against Trumps il-liberal, illogical and insane policy statement on Muslim entry to the US but also reciprocating for the incredible disrespect and viciousness of Trump's business dealings with his failed golf course development in Scotland which apparently impacted on the life of the originator of the petition. Good on her. Finally, there is no vote. The Petition Legislation requires those petitions which sufficient signatures to be debated by Parliament. Not to become legislation. What voting is involved. You think you can start your little fascist extermination petition and get enough retards to sign it and it will go to a vote? Really. Some people just don't even bother to understand the simple basics of an issue just so long as they can blurt out there bile and hatred and bigotry.

For the avoidance of doubt a petition calling for the extermination of fellow human beings is in no way related to or consistent with or a corollary of a petition to stop an loud mouth, blow hard clown from entering another country. In no way whatsoever. By any measure. Your speech would be criminal. Trump's speech was just more lunacy to stir up the peanut gallery. It has already been condemned by the Prime Minister of Britain.

Edited by lostboy
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Liberals sure don't like freedom of speech

More Right Wing hysterics. What is a Parliamentary debate if not an expression of free speech? What is the process of organising and presenting a petition if not an expression of free speech? Why is Foot in Mouth syndrome so prevalent on TVF?

So if I got enough votes for the extermination of all Muslims in Britain, you think that should be debated in parliament because it's an expression of free speech and democracy?

Of course not.

Same thing.

There's no need to speculate, use the same mechanism, organise an online petition and see what the result is.

Here's the website, off you go:

Petitions - UK Government and Parliament


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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.
Ah, got it, you decide what they should confer about.
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It may be woth mentioning that the Prime Minister is a Tory and the right wing of the government. He and the Conservative party have condemned Trump for his comments. According to the media the vast majority of the petitioners were not Muslims and the Muslim communities have welcomed Trump so that he can actually learn something of the reality.

To the person who thinks that the labour party and the conservative party have more or less the same political views shows just how ill-informed he is. I don't expect our American friends (or Australian ones come to that) to understand the workings of the English system but I do wish they wouldn't believe their media to try and justify their warped views.

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This is a preposterous waste of money and time...it is an embarrassment to the people of the UK to even be talking about a debate to ban Donald Trump...don't the MPs in the UK have any serious business to conduct...like how to handle the takeover of the UK by foreign nationals?

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Ban the idiot and ban him from Asia as well

He is not welcome with his dumb views and myopic views on foreign affairs

^^^ Translated: Chee doesn't believe in freedom of speech. End of.

If you believe in free dumb speech ...by all means keep listening to the man

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While the welcome mat is laid out for Middle Eastern immams and their supporters to preach and settle in the UK and spread their anti-semitic, anti-gay, anti-modern world hate speech. Go figure?

Hate speech is not allowed and hate speakers are expelled or banned, muslim or otherwise.

Does Trump fit that bill?

More British muslims have joined ISIS in Syria than have joined the UK armed forces...nuff said!

You can prove that statement ?

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While the welcome mat is laid out for Middle Eastern immams and their supporters to preach and settle in the UK and spread their anti-semitic, anti-gay, anti-modern world hate speech. Go figure?

Hate speech is not allowed and hate speakers are expelled or banned, muslim or otherwise.

Does Trump fit that bill?

More British muslims have joined ISIS in Syria than have joined the UK armed forces...nuff said!

You can prove that statement is factual ?

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It may be woth mentioning that the Prime Minister is a Tory and the right wing of the government. He and the Conservative party have condemned Trump for his comments. According to the media the vast majority of the petitioners were not Muslims and the Muslim communities have welcomed Trump so that he can actually learn something of the reality.

To the person who thinks that the labour party and the conservative party have more or less the same political views shows just how ill-informed he is. I don't expect our American friends (or Australian ones come to that) to understand the workings of the English system but I do wish they wouldn't believe their media to try and justify their warped views.

I didn't say they had the same political views, go back and read my post again. I said that most politicians are hell bent on 'growing government and feathering their own beds'... but don't let mere words get in the way of your attempt to obfuscate the issue.

I notice by the way that you chose not to comment on the link i posted, how surprising, doesn't fit your agenda i guess... and oh... by the way, I think even our American friends (or Australian come to that...), know that we in the U.K., have a 'British Parliamentary System', not an English one... pardon me for being pedantic on this issue, but I couldn't resist.

As long as far too many U.K., citizens remain uneducated and ignorant about the workings of Government and the steps politicians and other ideological special interest groups take, to undermine real liberty and promote tyrany; it will always be a realtively simple task for them to be led along by the nose. Thank you for your post, the irony (which will no doubt be lost on you), is that you've helped to make my point.

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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.
Ah, got it, you decide what they should confer about.

They're certainly free to debate whatever they want; if they feel that discussion of a certain candidate in the Republican presidential primary election is worth their time then go at it. It is they who will look the fool, not the candidate.

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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.
Ah, got it, you decide what they should confer about.
They're certainly free to debate whatever they want; if they feel that discussion of a certain candidate in the Republican presidential primary election is worth their time then go at it. It is they who will look the fool, not the candidate.
The fool is the one that ignores a petition like this one. The result does not have to be a ban, but a discussion must be held.
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While the welcome mat is laid out for Middle Eastern immams and their supporters to preach and settle in the UK and spread their anti-semitic, anti-gay, anti-modern world hate speech. Go figure?

Hate speech is not allowed and hate speakers are expelled or banned, muslim or otherwise.

Does Trump fit that bill?

More British muslims have joined ISIS in Syria than have joined the UK armed forces...nuff said!

You can prove that statement is factual ?
Here's a few Google links to get you started...



And the socialist Guardian's strained attempt to deny the obvious...


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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.
The vast majority of Americans are embarrassed by Trump and would welcome any foreign friend saying , very officially, that this person is an undesirable and therefore unwelcome. He is unelectable but for some reason, probably related to making money, persists with the charade.
I don't accept the premise of your argument but if it is true, both the republican primary electorate or the general election electorate are free to reject his candidacy. This is a process called democratic elections...maybe you've heard of it. We don't go about hounding people for their political opinions but reject them at the ballot box.

I don't know if Trump is "unelectable" (whatever that means) or not and I'm not so presumptious to make a judgment on the matter but I leave that up to the members of the Republican Party and the people of America, if it should come to that, to decide.

Many people said JFK was "unelectable" as a Roman Catholic, the same was said of Barack Obama as a black-American. The same now could be said of Hillary Clinton as the first serious woman candidate, and Bernie Sanders as a Jew...maybe they should have all not run or drop out now because people have said they're "unelectable." It's a good thing for the people of American and the world that they ignored such opinions in the past and continue to do so in the present.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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While the welcome mat is laid out for Middle Eastern immams and their supporters to preach and settle in the UK and spread their anti-semitic, anti-gay, anti-modern world hate speech. Go figure?

Hate speech is not allowed and hate speakers are expelled or banned, muslim or otherwise.

Does Trump fit that bill?

No! He speaks the truth.

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Liberals sure don't like freedom of speech

More Right Wing hysterics. What is a Parliamentary debate if not an expression of free speech? What is the process of organising and presenting a petition if not an expression of free speech? Why is Foot in Mouth syndrome so prevalent on TVF?

You remind me of the recruit with two left feet saying "Look mum, I'm the only one in step!"

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The fool is the one that ignores a petition like this one. The result does not have to be a ban, but a discussion must be held...

Christian Iraqi Women, and Yazidi girls are being tortured, sexually abused and decapitated in Iraq by 12th Century ISIS throwbacks... read this. The animals who are committing these heinous acts, are following an ideology which calls for the destruction of Western Civilization... did I miss your post on the need for a discussion to be held about this issue? No... didn't think so, puts the whole ridiculous argument about Trumps comments into better perspective dont you think..? or maybe you would if it was your mother/daughter/sister in their crosshairs.

ISIS have the ability to print their own passports, using Syrian printing equipment removed from their passport offices, providing them the ability to forge genuine documents. I believe that Trump has called for a moratorium on travel to the U.S., until they can figure out how to deal with this situation, and the utterly pourous Southern border of the U.S., NOT a permanent ban on travel.

Seems pretty logical to me, of course, when you have the luxury of distance, when youre not facing the sharp edge of a knife, or an AK47, its easy to be high handed and insist that this man is held to account for... for what exactly? For saying what all but the most politically correct, self hating apologists recognize to be common sense?

Edited by DeepSea
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The fool is the one that ignores a petition like this one. The result does not have to be a ban, but a discussion must be held...

Christian Iraqi Women, and Yazidi girls are being tortured, sexually abused and decapitated in Iraq by 12th Century ISIS throwbacks... read this. The animals who are committing these heinous acts, are following an ideology which calls for the destruction of Western Civilization... did I miss your post on the need for a discussion to be held about this issue? No... didn't think so, puts the whole ridiculous argument about Trumps comments into better perspective dont you think..? or maybe you would if it was your mother/daughter/sister in their crosshairs.

ISIS have the ability to print their own passports, using Syrian printing equipment removed from their passport offices, providing them the ability to forge genuine documents. I believe that Trump has called for a moratorium on travel to the U.S., until they can figure out how to deal with this situation, and the utterly pourous Southern border of the U.S., NOT a permanent ban on travel.

Seems pretty logical to me, of course, when you have the luxury of distance, when youre not facing the sharp edge of a knife, or an AK47, its easy to be high handed and insist that this man is held to account for... for what exactly? For saying what all but the most politically correct, self hating apologists recognize to be common sense?

I was very alarmed by your information that ISIS members carrying Syrian printed passports is raping white women on the southern border of the US. So I did some research. Guess what? A bunch of right wing looney ignorant blog sites appeared. You think you are speaking the 'Truth'. You think Trump is speaking the 'Truth'. You are such heroes. Spreading your ill conceived, hysterical mis-information around contributes what to any discussion? We get it. You're a Trump fanboy. Lapping up everything bit of vacuous nonsense that comes out of his mouth. Bedazzled by his billionaire status.

You believe that Western civilisation is at risk from a bunch of extremists and terrorists? Fortunately there are those of us who are made of stronger stuff than you and we do not give into fear-mongering and hysteria.

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Liberals sure don't like freedom of speech

More Right Wing hysterics. What is a Parliamentary debate if not an expression of free speech? What is the process of organising and presenting a petition if not an expression of free speech? Why is Foot in Mouth syndrome so prevalent on TVF?

You remind me of the recruit with two left feet saying "Look mum, I'm the only one in step!"

It is so flattering when someone makes me the subject of a post even when the insult is as puerile, juvenile and pretty much incomprehensible as the one you hurled. Something about my feet. I do admit they are not my most attractive quality but thank you for your interest in my body parts. As I say to all stalkers, please feel free to continue as my fanboys, search my username for previous posts, exchange views on me in this and other threads. Like I said, I am most flattered. We can start a little club. I know a few who would love to join.

Of course, having some comment on the topic can also be useful. I was elaborating on the definitions of freedom of speech. You were blathering on about your mother or something. Do please try to get out of the sand box once in a while.

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Are there still some UK MPs left who didn't get the memo? The US is NOT, I repeat NOT, anymore under their jurisdiction!

There is a proposal of a foreign national for temporary stricter visa rules of another foreign, sovereign nation. This proposal is the reaction of a mass-shooting executed by Muslims. And "the UK" officially discusses the barring of this foreign national?

Come on guys, does Ochlocracy ring any bells? At least for some of you?

It's about time for the first small changes and Mr. Trump is just one obvious symptom of this. Sorry to spoil your moaning, but I'm sure, there are many more surprises, much bigger changes, in the pipeline for my fellow Western comrades.

... UK MPs officially discussing the barring a law abiding US citizen from entering the UK... How much more ludicrous can it get? Rhetorical question, btw.

NB: Mr. Cameron is as "conservative" as his German counterpart IM "Erika", the former youth leader of the former SED (for the uninitiated members here on TV). Still no bells ringing? Ok, then be at least prepared for a rude awakening.

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Ban the idiot and ban him from Asia as well

He is not welcome with his dumb views and myopic views on foreign affairs

why ? oh yeah ... ban him because he want's to make the world safer and because he is expressing the truth and that of many. tis .... tis ...

LawrenceChee, why not ban them if they are a serious threat to the security of the countries people ?

I for one would vote yes in a heartbeat to kill every muslim radical.

Edited by steven100
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Isn't this the way democracy is supposed to work? The people are unhappy with something so it gets discussed in parliament.

A few hundred thousand politically correct geeks out of a population of 70 million constitutes "the people"? I suggest that august body concern itself with more important matters and should Trump be sworn in as President, then Parliament and UK Border Control can decide if they wish to ban him from the UK's shores or not.

He'd probably vow to ban all gays too if it were to win votes.

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