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We never stood a chance, did we ?


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Thai Women are absolutely gorgeous to look at. Fantastic in the bedroom, have bodies to die for and can make you feel like the Emperor Halle Selassie.

I have seen good men broken by the love of a Thai Woman, they don't drink in the bars anymore, they are forced to go shopping and some even have children, which means they will never be free again.

Oh we never stood a chance did we, we came here from Bangkok Airport in control, looking for a sense of adventure and like a professional hitman, they painted a target on us, the mark and decided we were ripe for the plucking.

We must obey the girlfriend otherwise there will be sanctions. We cannot bear the sanctions, this is the cries of desperate men, drinking fast and eating mints like their lives depended on it, so they can leave the bar and get home before she does.

They were once Captains of Industry, Soldiers, Men, not they are slaves to the woman they adore, they have trapped their man, wanting more and more of what they can offer and in return for a sweet moment all they ask is an open wallet and a nice big diamond ring.

Oh we never stood a chance, we love them, I love them. Thai Women are Goddesses, freedom after all is over-rated.

Where she goes, I go too.

(A poem to the Women of Thailand)

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Its the same the world over isn't it, even in the animal world, the lion knows he is mastered by his Mother, same with the stallion who is supposedly in charge of the herd, he moves over for his Mother to eat that nice bit of grass

Women rule OK!

However I agree with a lot of your "poem" but men are not broken by women they are usually made by them or at least saved from themselves.

her indoors in my case is the Boss, in the words of a similar poster to yourself "I have been Pussy whacked"

The difference is after a lifetime of making the decisions, taking responsibility and thinking for others it's great to have a wife, Boss who wants to take charge of my life and all of the finances.

And would you believe it she is better at it than I am.

Of course she didn't get to this situation overnight, it's only after nearly ten years of unstinting care and devotion that she has gained this absolute position of trust

In my case through nothing more than good luck I married a girl who had a good brain and couldn't be either "bullshitted" or manipulated, maybe she is "old school Thai".

It does occur to me that maybe a courtship of at least two years would be a good idea before jumping the broomstick to find out the real character of the girl that you have fallen in LOOOOOVE with!

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Its the same the world over isn't it, even in the animal world, the lion knows he is mastered by his Mother, same with the stallion who is supposedly in charge of the herd, he moves over for his Mother to eat that nice bit of grass

Women rule OK!

However I agree with a lot of your "poem" but men are not broken by women they are usually made by them or at least saved from themselves.

her indoors in my case is the Boss, in the words of a similar poster to yourself "I have been Pussy whacked"

The difference is after a lifetime of making the decisions, taking responsibility and thinking for others it's great to have a wife, Boss who wants to take charge of my life and all of the finances.

And would you believe it she is better at it than I am.

Of course she didn't get to this situation overnight, it's only after nearly ten years of unstinting care and devotion that she has gained this absolute position of trust

In my case through nothing more than good luck I married a girl who had a good brain and couldn't be either "bullshitted" or manipulated, maybe she is "old school Thai".

It does occur to me that maybe a courtship of at least two years would be a good idea before jumping the broomstick to find out the real character of the girl that you have fallen in LOOOOOVE with!

As I read your post, I am punching the air and exclaiming, yes, yes I envy this man. YESSSS !

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They're not really my cup of tea, to be honest, but it takes all sorts.

You like Thai Boys Mr ???

No. I like women. But Thai women don't particularly interest me.

Good more for the rest of us then. You are a real humanist. Thanks

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I have to admit I have a Thai wife and love her dearly she is the reason I am here. But to be absolutely honest a Thai wife was my second choice. Filipino's really rock my boat. I had a filipino gf in Canada she was so domestic and family orientated it was unbleiveable . She kept the house spotless,cleaned, the car,laundry done and ironed. the list goes on. Thai wife does what needs to be done,cleans where she can reach easily and only once a week,the car donot even think of it,laundry when she wants no priority.

I wouldnot marry in Canada because of their archaic divorce laws.but would have married her if we lived Filipines. She wouldnot go back so the future with her was doomed and ended.

Thai women make good wifes, but like everything in life donot take the first one you see. Thai women need to be told or taught what their man wants and likes,so it takes time to form the relationship. Thai women are pleasers so they need to know your needs. As my wife says it you lead I follow. When i stray from that she gets uncomfortable not knowing what to do. Doing it all the time is hard for me I would like a little more working together with both of our needs involved. But it appears her needs are based on supporting my wants and needs,so I try to steer a good course.The best thing about Thai women or asian women in general,they take care of themselves and always try to look good. Being with a healthy cared for pretty women day in and day out is a good thing for a mans well being.

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They're not really my cup of tea, to be honest, but it takes all sorts.

You like Thai Boys Mr ???

No. I like women. But Thai women don't particularly interest me.

If you live in Thailand what other choice do you have, Russian hookers?

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They're not really my cup of tea, to be honest, but it takes all sorts.

You like Thai Boys Mr ???

No. I like women. But Thai women don't particularly interest me.

They "probably" dont interest you because you are happily married. If you were not, I doubt you would refuse.

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They're not really my cup of tea, to be honest, but it takes all sorts.

You like Thai Boys Mr ???

No. I like women. But Thai women don't particularly interest me.

If you live in Thailand what other choice do you have, Russian hookers?

My wife.

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They're not really my cup of tea, to be honest, but it takes all sorts.

You like Thai Boys Mr ???

No. I like women. But Thai women don't particularly interest me.

They "probably" dont interest you because you are happily married. If you were not, I doubt you would refuse.

No really - they just don't do it for me.

I know the prevailing opinion round these parts is that Thai women hold some sort of universal appeal for the world's menfolk, but that's simply not the case. I spent plenty of time as a single man in Thailand back in my backpacking days, and it was the female tourists that drew my eye, not the local ladies.

Different people have different tastes. Is that really so hard to believe?

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Different people have different tastes. Is that really so hard to believe?

I'm incline to agree with you. I find Western or Japanese women more appealing than Thai, maybe there's a certain amount of conditioning involved that determined my tastes. Very few Thai women are stacked well enough to my liking, they all look like clones in terms of their build.

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They're not really my cup of tea, to be honest, but it takes all sorts.

You like Thai Boys Mr ???

No. I like women. But Thai women don't particularly interest me.

They "probably" dont interest you because you are happily married. If you were not, I doubt you would refuse.

Thats certainly the case for me but it doesn't stop me having a good look (leer) with the Nationality not entering into the deal

Funnily enough as I have "aged" I have found my tastes have changed a bit, at one time thin and lean was the ideal now firm and well rounded seems to be my fashion but one thing they all have to have is that lovely smile which in my opinion Thai ladies excell at together with an aura , air or attitude oozing with sheer femininity which for me is unmatched anywhere else in the world.

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Read the book "Predatory Female"

It will change the way you think of women.

Anyone with a little of the old grey matter only has to read of the development of homo sapiens in the lightest of reading to understand just why the Female of the species so acts instinctively with regard to the males in her life.

This equally applies to lesser animals as well

The biggest nest house, the biggest and most aggressive cock, the best hunter are still the main reasons for her brain to work in the manner it does today

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to change the rules slightly from those early days of human existence to what is going on in the brain of a "lady" today especially on the brightside of Pattaya where there certainly are some neandertal ladies luring and looking for that gullible neandertal male.

In my younger days I can remember the old saying when they were talking about someone getting married:

It went something like

Has She/He married well or above their station. In other words its all about procreation and the need to better the gene factor by finding better partners to have your babies with

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Of course, most of the Farangs marry Thai Ladies for their "inner values". This is where the problem already starts:

-Due to different culture/religion/upbringing the "inner-values" of a Thai female can never be the same as compared to a female having an European background. 2 worlds collide !

Just to name one example: No Thai (including the government) would find it offensive, when a Thai Lady manages to fleece a Farang and throws him out. Quite the opposite: She would gain, as far as social standing is concerned and would be regarded as a "successful woman".

In Europe, a lady performing in this way would likely be called a " money-gabbing character and spineless slut" and would be well advised to change her domicile.

Just something to be aware of and NOT FORGET.


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Of course, most of the Farangs marry Thai Ladies for their "inner values". This is where the problem already starts:

-Due to different culture/religion/upbringing the "inner-values" of a Thai female can never be the same as compared to a female having an European background. 2 worlds collide !

Just to name one example: No Thai (including the government) would find it offensive, when a Thai Lady manages to fleece a Farang and throws him out. Quite the opposite: She would gain, as far as social standing is concerned and would be regarded as a "successful woman".

Seriously? Shed be regarded as a con, and possibly scum for even involving herself with a foreigner, although its unlikely anyone would confront her about it. Most of the Thais I know speak negatively about mismatched couples behind their backs and reckon the girl is only in it for the money. Classy Thai women do not grow up dreaming of one day tricking a foreigner out of his money. Its definitely not seen as glamorous.

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OP, "Fantastic in the bedroom, have bodies to die for and can make you feel like the Emperor Halle Selassie."

Selassie was removed by coup and many of his family executed without trial. He died while under arrest and of suspicious circumstances.

Hmmm you may be correct.

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Thai Women are absolutely gorgeous to look at. Fantastic in the bedroom, have bodies to die for and can make you feel like the Emperor Halle Selassie.

I have seen good men broken by the love of a Thai Woman, they don't drink in the bars anymore, they are forced to go shopping and some even have children, which means they will never be free again.

Oh we never stood a chance did we, we came here from Bangkok Airport in control, looking for a sense of adventure and like a professional hitman, they painted a target on us, the mark and decided we were ripe for the plucking.

We must obey the girlfriend otherwise there will be sanctions. We cannot bear the sanctions, this is the cries of desperate men, drinking fast and eating mints like their lives depended on it, so they can leave the bar and get home before she does.

They were once Captains of Industry, Soldiers, Men, not they are slaves to the woman they adore, they have trapped their man, wanting more and more of what they can offer and in return for a sweet moment all they ask is an open wallet and a nice big diamond ring.

Oh we never stood a chance, we love them, I love them. Thai Women are Goddesses, freedom after all is over-rated.

Where she goes, I go too.


Only saps who were unable to have perfectly normal relations with attractive women before arriving in Thailand are so "affected" by Thai women.

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Different people have different tastes. Is that really so hard to believe?

I'm incline to agree with you. I find Western or Japanese women more appealing than Thai, maybe there's a certain amount of conditioning involved that determined my tastes. Very few Thai women are stacked well enough to my liking, they all look like clones in terms of their build.

Not at all - it's very easy to believe!

I like good-looking, pretty, intelligent, funny, sexy, ladies with self-knowledge, open minds and "good hearts" (cliche alert!) If they happen to be dark-skinned, brown-eyed and Thai or Filipina, great - if they happen to be blonde, blue-eyed and European / American or any other nationality, also great.

I prefer to avoid women of any nationality who don't match the above description - but then I imagine they may wish to avoid me too!

I would suggest that many men on this forum have opinions formed by the availability of some Thai women - I certainly have found myself in that group over the years.

Beauty is in the eye / ear and mind of the beholder.

One needs to step back and look at the entire picture in my opinion.

I now await the trolls and sarcasm!

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Only saps who were unable to have perfectly normal relations with attractive women before arriving in Thailand are so "affected" by Thai women.

Hmm, disclaimer: Yes, it's an internet forum an we are all uber handsome. So, here I go.

I had never problems with women before Thailand but I am really affected by this Asian petite style. Since arrived here I have lost my attraction to European women and it is sometimes scary because before I was always in love with tall blondes.

I also thought that my affection isn't only based at Thai girls but then found out that I don't like pale white skinned Asians nor the ladies from Cambodia, Philippines, India.

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Only saps who were unable to have perfectly normal relations with attractive women before arriving in Thailand are so "affected" by Thai women.

Hmm, disclaimer: Yes, it's an internet forum an we are all uber handsome. So, here I go.

I had never problems with women before Thailand but I am really affected by this Asian petite style. Since arrived here I have lost my attraction to European women and it is sometimes scary because before I was always in love with tall blondes.

I also thought that my affection isn't only based at Thai girls but then found out that I don't like pale white skinned Asians nor the ladies from Cambodia, Philippines, India.

Did you ever date Asian woman back home? Presumably ones that dont act as immature as a typical Thai girl does?

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