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One-third of Australian pensioners live in poverty: OECD report


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Yeah, around my area in Sydney the aged pensioners are doing it so tough most of them can only afford to play the pokies 5 days a week. It beats me how they fill their time in the other 2 days a week. Many of them live in subsidised Housing Commission units, many never worked or saved for their senior years but they are the first to whine when the government when the government wants to tighten up benefits eligibility. The amount of money being wasted on gambling by pensioners must be staggering. If it's not pokies then it's Powerball or Keno.

By the way, I receive a part aged pension. I worked, saved, live in a one bed unit and put most of my money into superannuation. I could have blown the money same as many others but chose to do 'the right thing'. Now the government has changed the means test and as of 1/1/2017 myself and many others will lose the pension completely. I'm not complaining about it but it makes me sick to the stomach when I hear all the whining going on from those on the dole, DSP or age pension as to how 'tough' it is.

You selfish person, you have completely ignored those poor devils, both Female and Male who are asking for long term maternity leave on full pay.

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Yes i am on a aged pension in Australia.

And boy it is bloody hard to survive.

Especially if you do not own your own residence.

Australia give MILLIONS away in over seas aid to some countries who HATE us and BURN our flag.

Should be stopped and given to the Senior Citizens who made this ONCE great country.

I worked ALL my life and paid my taxes, not like the dole bludgers and the unmarried mothers who have 6 kids to 6 different fathers.

And not to mention the Refugees, both legal and illegal.

Our Governments are weak as piss.

I think it is time for say a LIBERAL ALLIANCE PARTY or AUSTRALIA FIRST PARTY to clean up the mess we are in.

There will never be a fair pension for the O/A as long as Julie Bishop insists on giving millions to the likes of Indonesia which is threatened my no one, but has one of the largest armies in the world.

This is a total fallacy and flogging a dead horse. Reduction in foreign aid costs does not lead to Age Pension budget increase. e.g. in 2014 Oz foreign aid was cut by 7.5 billion dollars over five years, not one cent in savings was allocated to Age Pension increase.

Edited by simple1
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Why call them Pensioners?....They are Senior Citizens, and deserve a little respect...Some of who, have done a lot for Australia over their lifetime...

Yea ,,,They built the Country ,,,and what happen,, The government let them down. Because a lot of them have no Super they are Poor Senior Citizens!

For most of us it was too late for super annuation.

I can't remember what year they got on the Superannuation bicycle, but this is what I was talking about. Some people were late 40ies, 50ies and 60ies when super came along, so no time to build decently into the scheme.

Super is a great thing if u start paying into it when u r 17-20 & go hard with it HOWEVER AND I MEAN

H O W E V E R the snott dribbling little scrawny arsed lying scum sucking pollies keep moving the goal posts continually tweaking the rules, so eventually you'll need to work until you are 189 years old to access it & then they'll tell you it's all gone anyway.

Australia needs a revolution !

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Yeah, around my area in Sydney the aged pensioners are doing it so tough most of them can only afford to play the pokies 5 days a week. It beats me how they fill their time in the other 2 days a week. Many of them live in subsidised Housing Commission units, many never worked or saved for their senior years but they are the first to whine when the government when the government wants to tighten up benefits eligibility. The amount of money being wasted on gambling by pensioners must be staggering. If it's not pokies then it's Powerball or Keno.

By the way, I receive a part aged pension. I worked, saved, live in a one bed unit and put most of my money into superannuation. I could have blown the money same as many others but chose to do 'the right thing'. Now the government has changed the means test and as of 1/1/2017 myself and many others will lose the pension completely. I'm not complaining about it but it makes me sick to the stomach when I hear all the whining going on from those on the dole, DSP or age pension as to how 'tough' it is.

You selfish person, you have completely ignored those poor devils, both Female and Male who are asking for long term maternity leave on full pay.

I thought the age of entitlement was over?

In the good ole days if u wanted to have kids YOU FUNDED IT! Not the other taxpayers.

Seriously, why should I fund these modern day a.holes to have kids, nobody funded us.

They'll only turn out to be spoilt little sods anyway.

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Yeah, around my area in Sydney the aged pensioners are doing it so tough most of them can only afford to play the pokies 5 days a week. It beats me how they fill their time in the other 2 days a week. Many of them live in subsidised Housing Commission units, many never worked or saved for their senior years but they are the first to whine when the government when the government wants to tighten up benefits eligibility. The amount of money being wasted on gambling by pensioners must be staggering. If it's not pokies then it's Powerball or Keno.

By the way, I receive a part aged pension. I worked, saved, live in a one bed unit and put most of my money into superannuation. I could have blown the money same as many others but chose to do 'the right thing'. Now the government has changed the means test and as of 1/1/2017 myself and many others will lose the pension completely. I'm not complaining about it but it makes me sick to the stomach when I hear all the whining going on from those on the dole, DSP or age pension as to how 'tough' it is.

You selfish person, you have completely ignored those poor devils, both Female and Male who are asking for long term maternity leave on full pay.

I thought the age of entitlement was over?

In the good ole days if u wanted to have kids YOU FUNDED IT! Not the other taxpayers.

Seriously, why should I fund these modern day a.holes to have kids, nobody funded us.

They'll only turn out to be spoilt little sods anyway.

Oz government is claiming funded maternity leave, as well as the 'baby bonus', is to encourage female participation in the workforce & encourage increased birth rates, thereby lots of future tax payers.

Birth rates have increased, albeit fairly minor and no idea if the increase can be attributed to Federally funded incentives.


I bet that many people reading this topic don't know that 50% of Australian families pay no net tax after taking into account welfare payments. This financial year welfare payments total AUD156 billion, with Federal income totaling approx AUD400 billion.

Edited by simple1
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Yeah, around my area in Sydney the aged pensioners are doing it so tough most of them can only afford to play the pokies 5 days a week. It beats me how they fill their time in the other 2 days a week. Many of them live in subsidised Housing Commission units, many never worked or saved for their senior years but they are the first to whine when the government when the government wants to tighten up benefits eligibility. The amount of money being wasted on gambling by pensioners must be staggering. If it's not pokies then it's Powerball or Keno.

By the way, I receive a part aged pension. I worked, saved, live in a one bed unit and put most of my money into superannuation. I could have blown the money same as many others but chose to do 'the right thing'. Now the government has changed the means test and as of 1/1/2017 myself and many others will lose the pension completely. I'm not complaining about it but it makes me sick to the stomach when I hear all the whining going on from those on the dole, DSP or age pension as to how 'tough' it is.

You selfish person, you have completely ignored those poor devils, both Female and Male who are asking for long term maternity leave on full pay.

I thought the age of entitlement was over?

In the good ole days if u wanted to have kids YOU FUNDED IT! Not the other taxpayers.

Seriously, why should I fund these modern day a.holes to have kids, nobody funded us.

They'll only turn out to be spoilt little sods anyway.

Oz government is claiming funded maternity leave, as well as the 'baby bonus', is to encourage female participation in the workforce & encourage increased birth rates, thereby lots of future tax payers.

Birth rates have increased, albeit fairly minor and no idea if the increase can be attributed to Federally funded incentives.


I bet that many people reading this topic don't know that 50% of Australian families pay no net tax after taking into account welfare payments. This financial year welfare payments total AUD156 billion, with Federal income totaling approx AUD400 billion.

It's a bloody joke. I knew of a couple that had 12-14 kids, I can't remember the numbers exactly but it was 2 minivans that use to buzz the little bastards around. I quizzed him on how he afforded it and couldn't believe it when he told me how much he got in family payments. Full time Nanny looked after the child care issue & her bf drove the second mini bus.

Meanwhile mum and dad cruised around in their company sponsored European luxury vehicles and they had just about every corporate sponsored salary sacraficed device on the market and lived a life with more comforts than most & still took home over $1000 a week in kids payments (some rediculous thing like that).

I don't care who has what but I don't see why people should subsidise they're overpopulated families with payments like this......socialism gone stark raving M A D !

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And don't forget that the Australian pension is "means tested", which is absolutely BS because it should be a general pension for each citizen whether rich or poor, If you saved all your life for your pension you are not getting anything, but if you spend it all you are getting the pension, what a lot of bull is that. Australia is going down the drain pretty fast and soon you can not even afford to life in Thailand anymore like a lot of Brits lately realized and they are back home now. The Australian economy is hit by the downturn in China and now they tell you that the low Australian Dollar is good for exporting Australian manufactured goods, what do they manufacture???? If you can dig it ship it that's the truth.r

What a lot of bull so you are trying to tell so if a former politician and getting all the freebies like free travel for life free pensions worth millions of dollars and they deserve a pension on top of that ?

Yes that is exactly what I mean, if you ever paid into a social security system you should be entitled to get money out of the system at your old age whether you are a millionaire or not, but your politicians don't pay into the system, because they have the life pension anyhow paid by the taxpayer and that is the difference.

You don't pay into the social security system. It is not a future fund

If you worked, you paid taxes, which fund what is happening at the time.

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O. The cost of basic home services like water gas electricity and Council rates accounts for a huge proportion of their meager income.

God help the poor bastards.

This is a big problem for many people. Privatisation of electricity and gas services has seen a sharp rise in the price to use the services.

Bloated salaries for management, pressure to deliver shareholder dividends, councils building ever bigger statues and water fountain features...

Add in insurances for home owners and vehicles and it is quite a yearly sum on necessities

Edited by BookMan
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if you worked all your life thinking you will get a nice retirement, sorry to tell you but your are a deluded idiot with pink glass.

we know all that this is based on a pyramid scheme.

Gov will tell you it's not, that the money taken from your pay cheque is smartly invested on the stock market, 401k crap... .. ahahah it's even worse. when market crash, your pension go dodo unless the print more money to save your posteriors.

in fact the only one who profit are the one who do nothing, and suck your money by claiming refuge.

in 5 years, I think pensions won't exist anymore. only public soup and bridges as a shelter.

my questions is why to work and why to save? our corrupt governments don't give a rat ass about their citizen.

While I don't disagree with the general premise, are you saying that 49 years ago I was supposed to know what has happened NOW?

My mother and everyone of her age has done very nicely, and people didn't pay as much tax back then.

The country can certainly afford to pay pensions for all, if they didn't spend it on stupidities. For starters, no child benefit should be paid at all- if you can't afford a child, don't have them. Thank the deity that Abbot's moronic scheme didn't happen.

Of course pensions should be only for those that don't have a lot of money- why should millionaires get the pension when there probably isn't enough for all because of bad spending choices.

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Just read that report and it states that a single person can only claim about $22,000 in pension. In Canada, unless you are a government worker or union, max I think is around $13,000, so in my books, aussies are really doing quite fine.

Not sure if that is right or not...BUT...I know of a Husband & Wife (Thai) who are living in Canada and receiving around $2K per month....They are very happy. They never want to return to Thailand.....

But this is about Australian Pensioners (Senior Citizens) some of who were in one job all their life and done what was asked of them.

Police Force in Aus never got big Salaries years ago, neither did Firemen, Ambulance, and many other essential Jobs in Government Employment...

They are now Pensioners who thought they would be looked after, when their turn came to retire....sadly what they did to bring Australia forward, has been pushed aside....Not rewarded.

Your friends in Canada probably own their own house like my Wife and I do. Then $2,000 a month will get you lots of food, all your gas, elec, taxes, insurances etc and money to spend every month for holidays or whatever. Now, if you are a drinker and smoker and don't own your own place, then retirement in canada is not going to be fun at all unless you were a union or government worker of course.

I visited Australia, but cost of living there was considerably higher than where I live in Canada, but the Aussies have much better weather to enjoy and you get better interest rates in the bank than canadians get. This year Canadian banks will all be going to negative interest rates and that is really going to hurt the savers. In the end, I do understand why many Canadians and Australians on a small pension decide to leave and retire in places like Thailand. I was a month in Thailand in May last year, but it wasn't for me, and my Wife being 100% Thai couldn't wait to get back to Canada too, so we all have our own idea of what a good life is I guess.

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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

Indeed it makes a mockery of the 500 baht my mother in law receives each month,talk about light years behind.

In a country where the elderly are held in such high esteem,yeah righto by who not the government elite obviously.

You can Wai till your hearts content all you like,doesn't mean diddly squat if you haven't a proverbial pot to piss in.

Edited by stoneyboy
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The methodology of this survey is a little questionable. It is a percentage of aged people who get less than 50% of the mean income. That is mean, not average. Australia has a fairly high average wage, so this has an effect on the result. I don't doubt that a lot of pensioners are a bit tight for dough. There are others who are fairly comfortable. As for means testing; it has always been so. Tax would have to have been at a much higher level to pay to all. Your choice (Europe is facing that problem now). Be careful of stupid information circulating in emails and I would suggest that talk back radio is pitched at non thinking dills, predominantly.

Think things through and resist the urge to be an umbrage taker.

The mean is the average. No difference.

There are times when the average is not the mean. To refer to the sum of all values divided by the total number of values, what you have is called the average. In mathematics there are different "averages" or "means" - the average number as calculated above is more properly called the arithmetic mean. However, meteorologists record the "mean daily temperature" as being the sum of the high temperature and the low temperature divided by 2. And mean and average can also be very different things when used by a Statistician. The average (or arithmetic mean) of 20, 20, 20, 70, 90, 120, 120 is 51.42 - but the mean is 70. Most statiticians refer to the mean as the mid point in a range of numbers - meaning there is an equal number above and equal number below the mean value in any list of numbers - but technically (mathematically) that is the median value. The point being that if you have a lot of low numbers and a lot of much higher numbers, the mean of that list will always be above the average. Did the people making this list use the mean or the arithmetic mean - my bet is they used the mean. Having had some involvement in this area, I always found that when a statistician used mean, they were really using the median - they know exactly what the term 'average' is and therefore they only use average when they calculate the arithmetic mean. When they calculate the median they use the term mean - because many people dont know what median means (they often think it is a typo or means medium).

The median is often used as some data sets don't follow a normal distribution - the mean is skewed due to extreme high and low values...e.g. median house price makes more sense than median, as costly houses 'pull' the mean f the distribution higher, away from the median value.

In terms of the OP...I could never return to OZ and actually be able to afford to rent a decent place (even if I could get job as a teacher), and don't qualify for loan there - too old now. Just to get the full pension (even if it would still exist in the future), I'd have to go back now and work till I'm 70, just to qualify. That ain't gonna happen. So I got my own fund here and also have a bit of money in OZ. So looks like I'll be remaining here in LoS.

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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

Pensioners can live OK in Australia, providing they own their own house...but renting at 300-500 a week makes it tough for a lot of people, not just pensioners.

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Many of todays pensioners worked hard, married and had families, scrimped and saved to put a deposit down on a house, sacrificed many luxuries like holidays, new cars etc to pay the house mortgage and eventually retired on an old age pension. These are the Aussies I respect and admire. But so many others did not save (and I agree some did not have the opportunity to) and these are the ones doing it tough now. But at the end of the day we are better off than so many others countries.

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Many of todays pensioners worked hard, married and had families, scrimped and saved to put a deposit down on a house, sacrificed many luxuries like holidays, new cars etc to pay the house mortgage and eventually retired on an old age pension. These are the Aussies I respect and admire. But so many others did not save (and I agree some did not have the opportunity to) and these are the ones doing it tough now. But at the end of the day we are better off than so many others countries.

Australia simply funds too many beaurcats, 3 levels of govt for what, too much welfare incorrectly administered, little ins entices for business to employ and a huge land with only a small base of taxpayers.

Something has to give.

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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

Thanks samran for posting this data...

This is my take on the Situation.

The difference between Couples and Singles is too big a gap, the way i see it...Now...If one of the couple on $2700 per month dies for unforeseeable circumstances, and the other Partner still surviving is reduced by around $900 per month to $1800...They are in one hell of a hole. because the debts (living) still go on...Sure...people may say, you just adjust, but that stress on old people, can be horrific. They feel completely lost....

One of the greatest pleasures i get is, when i visit some people I know in this situation, is to drop off a tray of meat, when i visit them.

Could you imagine trying to make ends meet on $1800 per month? in Aus...Thats around $450 per week...You can spend that just on paying rates, power, and every other thing thats got to be paid....discounts and all....So wheres the food money coming from?...without even mentioning any kind of luxury.

The basic entitlement, at least in my opinion should be raised by at least $100 per week, to even come close to a bit of dignity in their last few years...Take it out of the Refugee or Dole Bludgers fund, to make it possible....But do it, wouldnt you agree?

About Pensioners... who play the pokies to pass the time, sometimes on a daily basis, DONT play dollar machines....They usually play the one cent ones and are excited when they win $5 and bust out on a Coffee and piece of cake...When they win $20 jackpots, that is taken home for food in the pantry....

Look after people who haven't been as fortunate, for what ever reason, as some.. they sure could use our support....

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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

Thanks samran for posting this data...

This is my take on the Situation.

The difference between Couples and Singles is too big a gap, the way i see it...Now...If one of the couple on $2700 per month dies for unforeseeable circumstances, and the other Partner still surviving is reduced by around $900 per month to $1800...They are in one hell of a hole. because the debts (living) still go on...Sure...people may say, you just adjust, but that stress on old people, can be horrific. They feel completely lost....

One of the greatest pleasures i get is, when i visit some people I know in this situation, is to drop off a tray of meat, when i visit them.

Could you imagine trying to make ends meet on $1800 per month? in Aus...Thats around $450 per week...You can spend that just on paying rates, power, and every other thing thats got to be paid....discounts and all....So wheres the food money coming from?...without even mentioning any kind of luxury.

The basic entitlement, at least in my opinion should be raised by at least $100 per week, to even come close to a bit of dignity in their last few years...Take it out of the Refugee or Dole Bludgers fund, to make it possible....But do it, wouldnt you agree?

About Pensioners... who play the pokies to pass the time, sometimes on a daily basis, DONT play dollar machines....They usually play the one cent ones and are excited when they win $5 and bust out on a Coffee and piece of cake...When they win $20 jackpots, that is taken home for food in the pantry....

Look after people who haven't been as fortunate, for what ever reason, as some.. they sure could use our support....

Australia is a country that can walk and chew gum at the same time. No need to penalise the worse off in society when there are a bunch of things we can do elsewhere first.

The main issue is the revenue base as been eroded away. During the mining boom successive governemts gave away massive tax breaks to win votes. Didn't matter until the boom went bust and more recent govenments found that without mining royalties from $200/t iron ore and $150/t thermal coal, what was left wasn't enough to cover ongoing expected liabilities.

Superannuatiom loopholes need to be closed, the deisel fuel rebate needs to be wound back. Getting rid of the 30% free money the government gives to private health issuers so we get hit with crappy out of pocket expenses when we use the private instead of the excellent public system needs to go. And yes, we need to put the GST on more things.

Edited by samran
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Well at least they don't have to spend any money on guns and ammo.

Ah, the wonderful nutbag myth that australians have been disarmed and a cowering in corners. Keep the hillbilly hilarity coming.

Edited by samran
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you don't go very far with 1800$ and this is if you receive 100%. some people like me got big gap in their resume and in 20 years, I think my retirement would consist of a free condo in a cargo container and street soups with dried bred and water if I move back to farangistan.

retirement will be part of the past soon. only people who have really nothing will be helped(minimum assistance) . many farangs will move to other countries to get a better life.

refugees and else will still live the high life with their 10 children.

Edited by papayasalad
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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

All depends on other factors as to whether any amount of money is enough though.

In NZ, rents are being driven so high that anyone on a fixed income is having to pay so much in rent that they have too little to pay for food, etc.

My pension is under $300 a week, but average rents for a one bedroom flat exceed $300 a week. Rent top up is capped at $100. How the frack can I rent a place and still eat, go to the dentist, drive a car on what the government deems to be all that I am worth?

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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

Thanks samran for posting this data...

This is my take on the Situation.

The difference between Couples and Singles is too big a gap, the way i see it...Now...If one of the couple on $2700 per month dies for unforeseeable circumstances, and the other Partner still surviving is reduced by around $900 per month to $1800...They are in one hell of a hole. because the debts (living) still go on...Sure...people may say, you just adjust, but that stress on old people, can be horrific. They feel completely lost....

One of the greatest pleasures i get is, when i visit some people I know in this situation, is to drop off a tray of meat, when i visit them.

Could you imagine trying to make ends meet on $1800 per month? in Aus...Thats around $450 per week...You can spend that just on paying rates, power, and every other thing thats got to be paid....discounts and all....So wheres the food money coming from?...without even mentioning any kind of luxury.

The basic entitlement, at least in my opinion should be raised by at least $100 per week, to even come close to a bit of dignity in their last few years...Take it out of the Refugee or Dole Bludgers fund, to make it possible....But do it, wouldnt you agree?

About Pensioners... who play the pokies to pass the time, sometimes on a daily basis, DONT play dollar machines....They usually play the one cent ones and are excited when they win $5 and bust out on a Coffee and piece of cake...When they win $20 jackpots, that is taken home for food in the pantry....

Look after people who haven't been as fortunate, for what ever reason, as some.. they sure could use our support....

Australia is a country that can walk and chew gum at the same time. No need to penalise the worse off in society when there are a bunch of things we can do elsewhere first.

The main issue is the revenue base as been eroded away. During the mining boom successive governemts gave away massive tax breaks to win votes. Didn't matter until the boom went bust and more recent govenments found that without mining royalties from $200/t iron ore and $150/t thermal coal, what was left wasn't enough to cover ongoing expected liabilities.

Superannuatiom loopholes need to be closed, the deisel fuel rebate needs to be wound back. Getting rid of the 30% free money the government gives to private health issuers so we get hit with crappy out of pocket expenses when we use the private instead of the excellent public system needs to go. And yes, we need to put the GST on more things.

GST needs to be increased on luxuries, not the commonplace used by low income people. 50% GST on luxury yachts, holiday homes over 1 million $ etc perhaps?

I'd also like to see a flat tax that increases by 10% for each million income, with NO loopholes, so the rich can't employ an army of accountants to avoid paying tax, as they do. Be a lot of unemployed accountants, but then they might have to find out what the world of the average bloke is like.

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What are we talking about numbers wise here? Isn't it circa:

Couples: $2700 per month

Singles: $1800 per month


On top of that - pensioners card discounts, medicare, cheap presciptions.

Thanks samran for posting this data...

This is my take on the Situation.

The difference between Couples and Singles is too big a gap, the way i see it...Now...If one of the couple on $2700 per month dies for unforeseeable circumstances, and the other Partner still surviving is reduced by around $900 per month to $1800...They are in one hell of a hole. because the debts (living) still go on...Sure...people may say, you just adjust, but that stress on old people, can be horrific. They feel completely lost....

One of the greatest pleasures i get is, when i visit some people I know in this situation, is to drop off a tray of meat, when i visit them.

Could you imagine trying to make ends meet on $1800 per month? in Aus...Thats around $450 per week...You can spend that just on paying rates, power, and every other thing thats got to be paid....discounts and all....So wheres the food money coming from?...without even mentioning any kind of luxury.

The basic entitlement, at least in my opinion should be raised by at least $100 per week, to even come close to a bit of dignity in their last few years...Take it out of the Refugee or Dole Bludgers fund, to make it possible....But do it, wouldnt you agree?

About Pensioners... who play the pokies to pass the time, sometimes on a daily basis, DONT play dollar machines....They usually play the one cent ones and are excited when they win $5 and bust out on a Coffee and piece of cake...When they win $20 jackpots, that is taken home for food in the pantry....

Look after people who haven't been as fortunate, for what ever reason, as some.. they sure could use our support....

Australia is a country that can walk and chew gum at the same time. No need to penalise the worse off in society when there are a bunch of things we can do elsewhere first.

The main issue is the revenue base as been eroded away. During the mining boom successive governemts gave away massive tax breaks to win votes. Didn't matter until the boom went bust and more recent govenments found that without mining royalties from $200/t iron ore and $150/t thermal coal, what was left wasn't enough to cover ongoing expected liabilities.

Superannuatiom loopholes need to be closed, the deisel fuel rebate needs to be wound back. Getting rid of the 30% free money the government gives to private health issuers so we get hit with crappy out of pocket expenses when we use the private instead of the excellent public system needs to go. And yes, we need to put the GST on more things.

GST needs to be increased on luxuries, not the commonplace used by low income people. 50% GST on luxury yachts, holiday homes over 1 million $ etc perhaps?

I'd also like to see a flat tax that increases by 10% for each million income, with NO loopholes, so the rich can't employ an army of accountants to avoid paying tax, as they do. Be a lot of unemployed accountants, but then they might have to find out what the world of the average bloke is like.

Basically a bunch of tax policies encouraging high net worth individuals not to invest in Oz, relocate overseas, and increase unemployment

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Thanks samran for posting this data...

This is my take on the Situation.

The difference between Couples and Singles is too big a gap, the way i see it...Now...If one of the couple on $2700 per month dies for unforeseeable circumstances, and the other Partner still surviving is reduced by around $900 per month to $1800...They are in one hell of a hole. because the debts (living) still go on...Sure...people may say, you just adjust, but that stress on old people, can be horrific. They feel completely lost....

One of the greatest pleasures i get is, when i visit some people I know in this situation, is to drop off a tray of meat, when i visit them.

Could you imagine trying to make ends meet on $1800 per month? in Aus...Thats around $450 per week...You can spend that just on paying rates, power, and every other thing thats got to be paid....discounts and all....So wheres the food money coming from?...without even mentioning any kind of luxury.

The basic entitlement, at least in my opinion should be raised by at least $100 per week, to even come close to a bit of dignity in their last few years...Take it out of the Refugee or Dole Bludgers fund, to make it possible....But do it, wouldnt you agree?

About Pensioners... who play the pokies to pass the time, sometimes on a daily basis, DONT play dollar machines....They usually play the one cent ones and are excited when they win $5 and bust out on a Coffee and piece of cake...When they win $20 jackpots, that is taken home for food in the pantry....

Look after people who haven't been as fortunate, for what ever reason, as some.. they sure could use our support....

Australia is a country that can walk and chew gum at the same time. No need to penalise the worse off in society when there are a bunch of things we can do elsewhere first.

The main issue is the revenue base as been eroded away. During the mining boom successive governemts gave away massive tax breaks to win votes. Didn't matter until the boom went bust and more recent govenments found that without mining royalties from $200/t iron ore and $150/t thermal coal, what was left wasn't enough to cover ongoing expected liabilities.

Superannuatiom loopholes need to be closed, the deisel fuel rebate needs to be wound back. Getting rid of the 30% free money the government gives to private health issuers so we get hit with crappy out of pocket expenses when we use the private instead of the excellent public system needs to go. And yes, we need to put the GST on more things.

GST needs to be increased on luxuries, not the commonplace used by low income people. 50% GST on luxury yachts, holiday homes over 1 million $ etc perhaps?

I'd also like to see a flat tax that increases by 10% for each million income, with NO loopholes, so the rich can't employ an army of accountants to avoid paying tax, as they do. Be a lot of unemployed accountants, but then they might have to find out what the world of the average bloke is like.

Basically a bunch of tax policies encouraging high net worth individuals not to invest in Oz, relocate overseas, and increase unemployment

Where overseas would they relocate? Every western country is in the crapper because all those "investors" exported the industry to China and other low wage countries where they can exploit the workers already.

If they want to live in terminally polluted China, well good riddance.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Possibly one of the biggest handicaps to those trying to live on a pension plus what superannuation they have is the low interest returns on their savings and super. I know it works both ways especially if you have a mortgage and it is complicated economics the reasons for high and low interest rates but for anybody over 50 it is usually better to have higher interest and try to build up the super savings.

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Possibly one of the biggest handicaps to those trying to live on a pension plus what superannuation they have is the low interest returns on their savings and super. I know it works both ways especially if you have a mortgage and it is complicated economics the reasons for high and low interest rates but for anybody over 50 it is usually better to have higher interest and try to build up the super savings.

Typically Australia is punishing savers and current policy will encourage certain people to get in over their heads. I've heard people say "if interest get to 5 or 6 % they're in trouble" and I'm like <deleted>, your joking ARNT you!

Meanwhile, I'm struggling to get 3.5% on my saving after which, the tax 40% of it away in income tax. So nett speaking in making 2.1% which is well under where the REAL CPI sits.

At this rate,?whats the point of keeping savings.

Australia wants to encourage savers by taking the bejesus out of it.

How's on earth do they expect me to keep the fuel up to my AMG63 so I can pay more tax at 85 cents per litre? Don't they realise I live on top of a large hill?

Fleckers !

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Australia is a country that can walk and chew gum at the same time. No need to penalise the worse off in society when there are a bunch of things we can do elsewhere first.

The main issue is the revenue base as been eroded away. During the mining boom successive governemts gave away massive tax breaks to win votes. Didn't matter until the boom went bust and more recent govenments found that without mining royalties from $200/t iron ore and $150/t thermal coal, what was left wasn't enough to cover ongoing expected liabilities.

Superannuatiom loopholes need to be closed, the deisel fuel rebate needs to be wound back. Getting rid of the 30% free money the government gives to private health issuers so we get hit with crappy out of pocket expenses when we use the private instead of the excellent public system needs to go. And yes, we need to put the GST on more things.

GST needs to be increased on luxuries, not the commonplace used by low income people. 50% GST on luxury yachts, holiday homes over 1 million $ etc perhaps?

I'd also like to see a flat tax that increases by 10% for each million income, with NO loopholes, so the rich can't employ an army of accountants to avoid paying tax, as they do. Be a lot of unemployed accountants, but then they might have to find out what the world of the average bloke is like.

Basically a bunch of tax policies encouraging high net worth individuals not to invest in Oz, relocate overseas, and increase unemployment

Where overseas would they relocate? Every western country is in the crapper because all those "investors" exported the industry to China and other low wage countries where they can exploit the workers already.

If they want to live in terminally polluted China, well good riddance.

Post removed to enable reply.

For decades Oz has been heavily reliant on inflow of foreign capital to grow the economy as there is insufficient local investment capital in Oz. However, it sounds like you are not familiar will low tax countries welcoming and incentivising foreign nationals to relocate their investment capital.

So far as outsourcing in concerned the horse has long bolted. Companies now must outsource to low cost structure countries as without doing so their competitive position for pricing and so on would have led to their collapse creating yet more job losses, reduced federal tax revenue etc. In the past Oz failed in encouraging added value companies to invest in Oz due to high local costs, insufficient tax incentives and so on, that is a factor in federal tax income or rather lack of. An example a while back was the multi billion dollar manufacturing investment proposed by Intel Corp that was lost to, I believe, Malaysia due to the issues outlined above.

Edited by simple1
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GST needs to be increased on luxuries, not the commonplace used by low income people. 50% GST on luxury yachts, holiday homes over 1 million $ etc perhaps?

I'd also like to see a flat tax that increases by 10% for each million income, with NO loopholes, so the rich can't employ an army of accountants to avoid paying tax, as they do. Be a lot of unemployed accountants, but then they might have to find out what the world of the average bloke is like.

Basically a bunch of tax policies encouraging high net worth individuals not to invest in Oz, relocate overseas, and increase unemployment

Where overseas would they relocate? Every western country is in the crapper because all those "investors" exported the industry to China and other low wage countries where they can exploit the workers already.

If they want to live in terminally polluted China, well good riddance.

Post removed to enable reply.

For decades Oz has been heavily reliant on inflow of foreign capital to grow the economy as there is insufficient local investment capital in Oz. However, it sounds like you are not familiar will low tax countries welcoming and incentivising foreign nationals to relocate their investment capital.

So far as outsourcing in concerned the horse has long bolted. Companies now must outsource to low cost structure countries as without doing so their competitive position for pricing and so on would have led to their collapse creating yet more job losses, reduced federal tax revenue etc. In the past Oz failed in encouraging added value companies to invest in Oz due to high local costs, insufficient tax incentives and so on, that is a factor in federal tax income or rather lack of. An example a while back was the multi billion dollar manufacturing investment proposed by Intel Corp that was lost to, I believe, Malaysia due to the issues outlined above.

The horse has indeed bolted. Pity all those silly Australians wanting to have a decent wage to live on, so the 1% have to relocate to where the workers are sensible enough to live in slums while the bosses live in palaces.

Here's a question- if all the workers in the west are reduced to unemployment, or asking if people want fries with that, who, who is going to buy the stuff the 1% make in low wage countries?

Isn't that what caused the sub prime crash, isn't that the reason China is in the doo doo- not enough money for enough people to buy stuff to keep the merry go round going?

So once the car companies pull out of Oz, and all the companies that supported them go broke, what's left except a load of dirt that China doesn't want anymore?

Can I sell you a Holden franchise, biggrin.png .

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