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Trump rally in Vermont disrupted repeatedly by protesters


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Liberals really can't stand Trump.

Why not let all politicians have their rallies free of disruption by those with opposing views?

We lose control of our country 'cause everybody's afraid to do anything," he said.

Yes, telling paid thugs to take the coats of protesters in freezing weather is the stuff that made America great

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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


Edited by Jingthing
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Did you notice in your clip that when he was saying, in a moderate voice, "Take them out, take them out..." there was little response from the crowd, but when he changed his voice to gruff, "Get 'em outta here!" the crowd cheered? Typical wrestling fan mentality. Ya gotta talk tough like an angry John Wayne or wrestling star.

Whoa there, Pilgrim. The wrestling part might be pretty accurate but lay off the Duke. cowboy.gif

No offense to the Duke.....it's those that want to parody his toughness that I was aiming at.thumbsup.gif

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Here is why Trump will win the presidency with a landslide. I am putting myself on the limb here but I believe it . First I usually get 1 or 2 people agree with me on posts here from time to time on varieing subjects from Politics to cats

But when I posted about Trump not being politically correct and we need someone in the White House that will ruffle some feathers I have 12 people agree.

Although not scientific it is the general feeling of the public that they are very tired of the old guard so to speak. He is hitting a nerve with the Silent Majority . The people who usually are not vocal and who may not vote under normal circumstances since they feel their vote does not matter in the big scheme of things.

What Trump has done here and no commentator has yet to zero in on it is that he has tapped into the silent majority . He has energized them and THEY WILL VOTE THIS TIME because they believe they have someone that really echos their feelings and frustrations with Washington

Its not the woman's group or the men over 35 or the black minority or Hispanics as a voting block that will put him into office. It is this silent majority that politicians have ignored for decades that are fed up with the system and will show up in mass to vote for Trump. Not necessarily because they love him but because they want to send a very clear message to the politicians that they are fed up with the status quo.

You can see it from the venues he is attending where there is standing room only . Hillary is not getting those types of crowds and neither are the other GOP Candidates.

And the bottom line is that Trump knows what he has

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Here is why Trump will win the presidency with a landslide. I am putting myself on the limb here but I believe it . First I usually get 1 or 2 people agree with me on posts here from time to time on varieing subjects from Politics to cats

But when I posted about Trump not being politically correct and we need someone in the White House that will ruffle some feathers I have 12 people agree.

Although not scientific it is the general feeling of the public that they are very tired of the old guard so to speak. He is hitting a nerve with the Silent Majority . The people who usually are not vocal and who may not vote under normal circumstances since they feel their vote does not matter in the big scheme of things.

What Trump has done here and no commentator has yet to zero in on it is that he has tapped into the silent majority . He has energized them and THEY WILL VOTE THIS TIME because they believe they have someone that really echos their feelings and frustrations with Washington

Its not the woman's group or the men over 35 or the black minority or Hispanics as a voting block that will put him into office. It is this silent majority that politicians have ignored for decades that are fed up with the system and will show up in mass to vote for Trump. Not necessarily because they love him but because they want to send a very clear message to the politicians that they are fed up with the status quo.

You can see it from the venues he is attending where there is standing room only . Hillary is not getting those types of crowds and neither are the other GOP Candidates.

And the bottom line is that Trump knows what he has

Here's why Trump has a snowball's chance in hell. My best number of likes for a single post is close to 170. Not about cats, though. And I say he wont'.

Not scientific, I agree.

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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


I agree with you....but it sort of looks like George C Scott.

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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


Brilliant choice of photos. One of the best contributions to TV in quite some time.

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When I had to take a course in real estate law as a banker the prof had his own saying. It was:

"There are only two kinds of property in this world. There is your property, and there is 'not your property'. Don't ever confuse the two".

You are forgetting a very imported one,,,Rented /Leased Property is not yours But You are the Boss !

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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


Brilliant choice of photos. One of the best contributions to TV in quite some time.


Doesn't quite have the "ring" of the "original".

Edited by Enoon
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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


What do you dislike about George C. Scott, an actor?

Edited by NeverSure
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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


What do you dislike about George C. Scott, an actor?

Come again?



The pace at which Donald Trump is devolving into a full-blown fascist demagogue is accelerating. Just a few days ago it was difficult to argue that Trump was anything but a lightly modernized reincarnation of Il Duce. Yesterday’s pronouncement that President Trump would ban all Muslims from entering the country because of the “dangerous threat” they pose reflects some key traits of fascist politicking: unmasked intolerance, leveraging fear of clandestine external threats, and hostility towards the legitimate governing order. In this case, Trump has offered a direct rebuke of the Constitution’s legal and moral authority, arguing that its protections of religious liberty must be suspended in order to safeguard the country from every Muslim living outside our borders.
Edited by Jingthing
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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.



At first I thought you were being sarcastic but you and a few other posters really think he was being 100% truthful in saying keep their coats. It's a joke. Sure he and others believe it a little but it's based in sarcasm. This " coat thing" will go away NEXT WEEK. There will be something much more fun and emotionally provoking and disturbing coming from his comments next week. He didn't say burn the coats and dispense the protesters to Vermonts harsh winter. Big DUH!!!

Edited by alex8912
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Is making Mexico pay for a wall SARCASM too? Is banning all Muslims SARCASM too? He's dangerous. Warning.1zgarz5.gif Dictator Alert. He's pandering to fascists and if elected they will expect him to follow through with his MAD promises.

You might need to read my post a little clearer because you are completely stretching it dude. Your above post has Nothing to do with the coats at all. And yes having Mexico pay for the wall is sarcastic ( but not a bad idea actually) building the wall has some truth but also some sarcasm because of the cost. Banning all Muslims has some sarcasm. But banning some in certain situations is already occurring and will probably increase because in 2016 , almost daily, there are situations where Muslims are getting out of control somewhere . You should sit down with the family of the Philadelphia police man just shot at numerous times and hear what they might think It was of course in the name of allah. He says things to provoke with some truth and quite honestly with lots of sarcasm and fun. Everyone has to stop taking him so literal ALWAYS. No politician follows through on most issues. Don't you know this by now? Edited by alex8912
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Go Donald Go! Did someone mention "Freedom of Speech" when refering to the Brits wanting to ban the duck from coming to the UK? Anyway this is all good entertainment as Donald digs himself a deeper and deeper hole.

Clearly Mr Trump is uncomfortable dealing with people who want to question his views. Is this a good position for a politician to take. Maybe his security people should just shoot the protesters?

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Is making Mexico pay for a wall SARCASM too? Is banning all Muslims SARCASM too? He's dangerous. Warning.1zgarz5.gif Dictator Alert. He's pandering to fascists and if elected they will expect him to follow through with his MAD promises.

You might need to read my post a little clearer because you are completely stretching it dude. Your above post has Nothing to do with the coats at all. And yes having Mexico pay for the wall is sarcastic ( but not a bad idea actually) building the wall has some truth but also some sarcasm because of the cost. Banning all Muslims has some sarcasm. But banning some in certain situations is already occurring and will probably increase because in 2016 , almost daily, there are situations where Muslims are getting out of control somewhere . You should sit down with the family of the Philadelphia police man just shot at numerous times and hear what they might think It was of course in the name of allah. He says things to provoke with some truth and quite honestly with lots of sarcasm and fun. Everyone has to stop taking him so literal ALWAYS. No politician follows through on most issues. Don't you know this by now?

I might need to put you on my ignore list. Being baited with moronic questions is not worth my time.

Edited by Jingthing
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When I had to take a course in real estate law as a banker the prof had his own saying. It was:

"There are only two kinds of property in this world. There is your property, and there is 'not your property'. Don't ever confuse the two".

How come bankers have a problem with that? They learned that your property is mine.

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At the rally Trump said, “Get them out. Take them out. Get them out there. Don’t give him his coat. Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. It’s about ten below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”

Sure being petty and vindictive towards protesters in Vermont who happen to be American citizens.

Put your fake outrage on hold. It was a tongue in cheek comment. Hardly as outrageous as the Sanders campaign theft of data is it? The University of Vermont kids and the burnt out hippie refugees from NYC most likely enjoyed the attention.

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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


Absolutely right jt, and we all know what happened to el duce.

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Is making Mexico pay for a wall SARCASM too? Is banning all Muslims SARCASM too? He's dangerous. Warning.1zgarz5.gif Dictator Alert. He's pandering to fascists and if elected they will expect him to follow through with his MAD promises.

You might need to read my post a little clearer because you are completely stretching it dude. Your above post has Nothing to do with the coats at all. And yes having Mexico pay for the wall is sarcastic ( but not a bad idea actually) building the wall has some truth but also some sarcasm because of the cost. Banning all Muslims has some sarcasm. But banning some in certain situations is already occurring and will probably increase because in 2016 , almost daily, there are situations where Muslims are getting out of control somewhere . You should sit down with the family of the Philadelphia police man just shot at numerous times and hear what they might think It was of course in the name of allah. He says things to provoke with some truth and quite honestly with lots of sarcasm and fun. Everyone has to stop taking him so literal ALWAYS. No politician follows through on most issues. Don't you know this by now?

So.....everything stupid that Trump says is just sarcasm?

I've heard of people making excuses but this takes the cake!

Just to veer off topic....What is your opinion of Hulk Hogan?

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There he goes again.bah.gif


A woman wearing a white hijab and a turquoise T-shirt that said "Salam, I come in peace" was escorted out of a Donald Trump campaign rally in Rock Hill, South Carolina Friday night.

Rose Hamid, a Muslim, stood up silently behind Mr. Trump as he was speaking about the threat of Syrian refugees to US security. She was removed from the rally as other attendees booed her presence. Hamid and three others were also wear yellow stars pinned to their shirts, reminiscent of those worn by Jews in the Holocaust.


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Vermont State motto: Freedom and Unity.

The motto is about personal freedom and independence of the individual citizen in balance with the common good of the larger community.

Trump will not win Vermont in the GOP primaries or POTUS election.

It's worse than that,Trump is unlikely to win the Presidentcy ! every time he opens his mouth he makes some more enemies !

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Screening political rallies for supporters only is normal. Questionable but normal. Ejecting protesters that are disruptive is normal too. What's not normal is the coat thing. More proof Trump is a fascist and his supporters are fascist.

People say no matter how outrageous Trump gets it doesn't hurt him, doesn't stop him. Perhaps not going towards the nomination of the right wing republican party. But this coat thing, if he is nominated, and similar, will damage him later. Many Americans do want an American Strong Man Dictator in the spirit of Il Duce, and that choice is obviously Trump. But not the majority when it comes to a general election.


What do you dislike about George C. Scott, an actor?

Apparently, this is another left wing meme being generated to smear Trump. But many of the people spreading it (not referring to JT, here) are too dumb to realize it's from a TV mini-series. The same people claiming their membership among the erudite educated classes. That is, second year college kids and retired government workers. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088579/

Edited by Usernames
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Here is why Trump will win the presidency with a landslide. I am putting myself on the limb here but I believe it . First I usually get 1 or 2 people agree with me on posts here from time to time on varieing subjects from Politics to cats

But when I posted about Trump not being politically correct and we need someone in the White House that will ruffle some feathers I have 12 people agree.

Although not scientific it is the general feeling of the public that they are very tired of the old guard so to speak. He is hitting a nerve with the Silent Majority . The people who usually are not vocal and who may not vote under normal circumstances since they feel their vote does not matter in the big scheme of things.

What Trump has done here and no commentator has yet to zero in on it is that he has tapped into the silent majority . He has energized them and THEY WILL VOTE THIS TIME because they believe they have someone that really echos their feelings and frustrations with Washington

Its not the woman's group or the men over 35 or the black minority or Hispanics as a voting block that will put him into office. It is this silent majority that politicians have ignored for decades that are fed up with the system and will show up in mass to vote for Trump. Not necessarily because they love him but because they want to send a very clear message to the politicians that they are fed up with the status quo.

You can see it from the venues he is attending where there is standing room only . Hillary is not getting those types of crowds and neither are the other GOP Candidates.

And the bottom line is that Trump knows what he has

I think the probability that you are right is there and I certainly hope it works out that way, otherwise everything will be going way deeper down the tubes than it already is.

It is more important than ever.

Edited by Rimbuman
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