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IS militant in Syria kills his mother in public for apostasy


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People kill parents all the time because they are angry, on drugs, money, depressed, basically because they

are INSANE. Religion and deities are at best an absurd fantasy of the human mind, at this level of "devotion" pure criminal insanity.

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When humans got big complicated brains, mental illness and extreme cruelty became possible. Islam represents all the worst traits of humans: vindictiveness, being offended, senseless murder, holding grudges for hundreds of years, willingness to torture and torment (physical and mental), ......all traits which no other animals have.

Edited by boomerangutang
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You have to fear a mentality like this. I could not fathom in the slightest harming a family member based on some religious doctrine.

The submission to it is beyond my grasp.

It personifies evil and psychotic behaviour of the truly insane.

Any religion that can create such behaviour should be abandoned by any sane and intelligent person..

Any religious belief system is susceptible such twisted thinking...ever hear of the story of Abraham and Jacob? This similar family sacrifice narrative is a key touchstone in Judaism and Christianity.

Haven't heard of any Christians stoning someone to death or killing their mother in the name of religion recently.

I was just pointing out that it's happened in the past and that the practice is sanctioned in the "holy" books of these religions as well. The bigger problem here is the mental deficiency of religious belief itself.

You've omitted that there was no killing of Abraham's son so the practice wasn't sanctioned but denied.

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No point in using expensive precision guided weapons

Tons of iron bombs will be fine

Get rid of the lot of them

Innocent majority along with the fanatics you mean? You wanna play God? He can do a Sodom & Gomorrah if he wants to

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The religion of peace.

This is what happens when you take the Koran literally.

Correct. Here is another example.

Historically human sacrifices, often burning babies, were frequently made to the fire-god Molech in the Old testament. Apparently fire-gods were common to Arab Canaanite and Syrian tribes. These were the enemies of the Israelite's at the time. There was a directive in Leviticus 18:12 forbidding it:

"And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD."

Looks like their descendants are still practicing it.

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The religion of peace.

This is what happens when you take the Koran literally.

Correct. Here is another example.

Historically human sacrifices, often burning babies, were frequently made to the fire-god Molech in the Old testament. Apparently fire-gods were common to Arab Canaanite and Syrian tribes. These were the enemies of the Israelite's at the time. There was a directive in Leviticus 18:12 forbidding it:

"And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD."

Looks like their descendants are still practicing it.

Not only practiced by those mentioned, but also rampant across Europe itself, and a huge problem in 19th century England.

Unfortunately there is a word for killing ones mother... Matricide... We have the word, because it was needed, like suicide or fratricide, so as abhorrent as this mans actions may be... It's not the first time, and won't be the last time

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

You seem to know little about Islam. Charity is one of the pillars of Islam ( caring for widows and orphans ).

The insane scum that believe in terrorism are no more Muslim than the Inquisitors were Christian.

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Simply put: That's one sick disturbed bitch.

And one less to worry about ?

But the mother is not dead is she? does she not want to knock out 100 more fanatics to gain forgiveness from Allah.

She must have been really, really bad.

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Simply put: That's one sick disturbed bitch.

And one less to worry about ?

But the mother is not dead is she? does she not want to knock out 100 more fanatics to gain forgiveness from Allah.

She must have been really, really bad.

Maybe she needs to be told that she too can don a vest and thus blow herself to her share of the virgins, or whatever Muslim women get if " martyred"... Probably SFA, given how they are treated in this life

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IMHO, Islam, as a religion, is simply a couple of hundred years behind the mainstream religions, and as such, is mimicking the atrocities committed throughout recorded history.... By Christianity and pagan religions

I'm not sure were the thread picked up on sacrifice, but this poor woman was not sacrificed, she was murdered, for having a different belief to the son, as has been the case with so many unfortunates, especially since the rise of ISIS.

But if we are to talk of sacrifice to a religion, I believe that the dishonor of histories worst sacrifice goes to the Catholic Church, when Simon de montfort's army, attacked the city of beziers, which supported a mixture of "true" Christians and cathars ( who were also Christians, just following a different drummer).

At that time, the city was of an equivalent size to London...., and every man woman and child was killed ( just putting it in perspective)

When asked by a soldier, who should be spared, as it was seemingly impossible to tell the difference between cathars and " true Christians, the armies priest responded with that infamous saying " kill them all, and let God sort them out" ( some 40,000 souls sacrificed, I believe)

Then came the inquisitions, and in that period, all, including children were encouraged to report transgressions by family, friends and neighbors

A heretic was sentenced to death most horrible... Famously the head of the order of solomans temple ( Knights Templar), who were undoubtedly Christian, self charged with protecting pilgrims to the holy land.

The inquisitors, over many years, murdered their own... Or sacrificed them, if you will, in the most inhumane of ways.... And if you weren't a Christian, you were killed anyway

This is were Islam is at the moment... Hence my comment about Islam being a couple of hundred years behind mainstream religions of today.

So.... For them, this type of thing is normal... For the more progressive person, it is horrendous... But it is their belief, and they have the right to their religion, and I believe that enlightened societies protect the rights of individuals to follow whatever faith they wish to follow.

Am I saying it's right... Hell no... Religion in any form is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is for the uneducated... Violence in the name of religion is appalling.

That said, Religion has undoubtedly had its place in history, as law makers and enforcers of law... But in modern times, we have parliaments and police forces etc, so religions are antiquated.

We simply have to wait for Islam to evolve into a benevolent organization... Unfortunately this may take a hundred years, and during this time, we have to develop counter measures to protect ourselves.

Considering Islam hasn't changed in 1500 years, I find it surprising you think it will be reformed in the next century. You also might consider Islam's first external policies were about conquering and forcing non believers into submission whereas Christians made policy about caring for widows and orphans. Hardly a parallel path. What people did with Christianity after the Romans got hold of it, is just another story of corruption, which is human nature unfortunately. Things have improved since the inquisition. But to corrupt Islam, you would have to make it more tolerant.

You seem to know little about Islam. Charity is one of the pillars of Islam ( caring for widows and orphans ).

The insane scum that believe in terrorism are no more Muslim than the Inquisitors were Christian.

Thank Buddha!

Someone else who doesn't seem to believe in eradicating an entire religion to kill a few very very nasty terrorist... If only there was a pill to take, other than a slug from an M15, because "fast air" isn't fast enough

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Simply put: That's one sick disturbed bitch.

And one less to worry about ?

But the mother is not dead is she? does she not want to knock out 100 more fanatics to gain forgiveness from Allah.

She must have been really, really bad.

You could take a cynical POV in that Hamas encourages killings by providing financial support for the families of those killed in martyrdom operations. It would be interesting to know how much physiological & financial pressure in utilised.

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