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16 injured, mostly kids, in Bangkok shopping mall accident


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Sorry, I really don't get it.

Accidents like this happen world wide, and yes I know to you "but this is Thailand" crowd. Possibly shoddy construction in this case, but just as possible an extremely strong gust of wind.

The number of posters here with ongoing vitriol towards anything Thai is convincing me to join the "if you don't like it here, go home" brigade. This is Thailand and things are different here. Get it?

Wishing all the injured a speedy recovery.

I agree but in Thailand so many things are dangerous and never change that it's really asking for accidents to happen.

Malls like Paragon are just responsible for anything happening in their place, just like on the rest of the world. It's a weak excuse to blame the tentcompany who will probably blame the Myanmar workers for it.

That's the whole issue in Thailand, nobody is ever responsible. Why don't they have an insurance for cases like this?

The most famous oxymoron in Thailand "My Fault" or "Our Fault"

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It's ironic. I run an Adventure Park with several activities including a visit to a cave and some rock climbing with all safety equipment. When I speak with farang backpackers, they're gung ho and all have a fine time. When I discuss it with Thai folks, they usually say "it's dangerous!" (antarai), and a portion are afraid to enter the cave because, "have giant spiders/scorpions/snakes!" (of course, it doesn't).

Now it's official: Going to the Mall is more dangerous than an outdoor adventure park. Playing golf or drinking beer or riding in a car or motorbike are also more dangerous but those are stories for another rant.

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Sorry, I really don't get it.

Accidents like this happen world wide, and yes I know to you "but this is Thailand" crowd. Possibly shoddy construction in this case, but just as possible an extremely strong gust of wind.

The number of posters here with ongoing vitriol towards anything Thai is convincing me to join the "if you don't like it here, go home" brigade. This is Thailand and things are different here. Get it?

Wishing all the injured a speedy recovery.

You think one would get used to it ebonykap.......but yer the same old brigade, they must have lived on Mars before coming to Thailand, because everything here bad---everything back home wonderful.......

The UK---Alton Towers owner Merlin Entertainments has said the crash (on the roller-coaster) which seriously injured four people and resulted in two leg amputations was just caused by 'human error'

Human error meant that they just had to sack a few people & the ride was up & running again.....

USA--. Six people have lost their lives in separate incidents at Action Park in New Jersey, USA, with countless others injured since opening.

The wave pool was the most dangerous ride, which became known as the "Grave Pool" after a series of deaths.

An electrocution, a heart attack and having their face smashed onto a rock during a ride killed the three others.

The park shut in 1996 due to legal action, but reopened under a new name in 1998 following a safety-led refit. Its name reverted back to Action Park last year.

A tent blew up in the wind in Thailand......... Wow .........what a dangerous country to live in......coffee1.gif

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Safety standards here in Thailand are poor.....but they are gradually getting better as I remember a lot of building fires in the 80's and 90's while any construction site on the go was a major hazard and disturbing to watch ALL the workers working away with absolutely no safety equipment...including welders welding with no welding helmet or any eye protection at all and no gloves and no boots while welding in their shorts and Tee shirt....happy to be working and happy to have a job.

I do not think they would have dared to ask for the supply of proper safety equipment and PPE ...even if they knew about safety equipment and PPE while you seldom if ever heard about anyone dying or seriously injured on the many construction sites on the go.....at least not that I can recall. reading about any construction related accidents or deaths.


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Sorry, I really don't get it.

Accidents like this happen world wide, and yes I know to you "but this is Thailand" crowd. Possibly shoddy construction in this case, but just as possible an extremely strong gust of wind.

The number of posters here with ongoing vitriol towards anything Thai is convincing me to join the "if you don't like it here, go home" brigade. This is Thailand and things are different here. Get it?

Wishing all the injured a speedy recovery.

I agree, but its only in Thailand I have seen numerous jobs that are left unfinished because nobody does a final check. Buildings painted with parts missed, footpaths with pavers missing etc. Im sure it happens in most third world countries as well, but I still find it odd that people pay to get jobs done and then just dont care enough to actually check and see if it was done properly. In this case it seems neither the mall nor the tent building contractor checked to see if the job had been finished, and I guess when the fine is only 6000b they probably just dont care.

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....complete mindlessness....all these 'great ideas'....with their 'great slogans'....no bearing on reality....

......all pretend and illusion...

...even with 'the high class'....

...now give them the absolute minimum penalty...and pretend it never happened....


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165 $ = 16 injured people = 10.3125 $ per injured person

well yeah, that confirms the value a life in Thailand has. Is anybody surprised ? whistling.gif

Don't be mistaken the value of life is very low in most countries not just in Thailand. And when i say most, America someone gets shot by the police daily, for little or no reason other than being drunk and disorderly!

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A mother and her child suffered broken legs, and there may be a 6,000 baht fine. I'm speechless. A least

one million in the states. How can there be so little accountability that no one will worry about it happening again?

It is not unusual here, fines are notoriously low for 99% of offenses here, the threat of the jail sentence is supposed to be the deterrent. Whether these sentences get imposed or not in these cases, I do not know, I have never done any research, but I suspect not.

The injured will be offered all medical expenses, I presume, and a nominal sum of compensation, which, I presume again, will be accepted.

Hopefully one of the injured is related to a good lawyer, if so, things may be different.

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