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U.S. bombs 'millions' in ISIS currency holdings


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First on CNN: U.S. bombs 'millions' in ISIS currency holdings
By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent

Washington (CNN)In an extremely unusual airstrike, the U.S. dropped bombs Sunday in central Mosul, Iraq, destroying a building containing huge amounts of cash ISIS was using to pay its troops and for ongoing operations, two U.S. defense officials told CNN.

The officials could not say exactly how much money was there or in what currency, but one described it as "millions."

Two 2,000-pound bombs destroyed the site quickly. But the longstanding impact may be even more significant. The officials said the U.S. plans to strike more financial targets like this one to take away ISIS's ability to function as a state-like entity.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/01/11/politics/us-bombs-millions-isis-currency-supply/index.html

-- CNN 2016-01-12

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I am astonished. After the Israeli bombing of the counterfeit intaglio presses in Syria awhile back, cutting off the cash is sure way to starve the hydra (all sixteen heads).

I'm not astonished they did it. I am astonished that someone in the Western military industrial complex had a good idea, even if an obvious one, and they executed a plan.

About that, I am astonished.

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Nothing new here which nonetheless does not detract from the already existing approach.

In the past year, US forces targeted IS cash storage facilities and recently have started attacking illicit oil trucks making their way out of Syria. It is reported that before carrying out the air strikes on the Mosul compound, the Isis warehouse had been closely monitored for days to figure out how to minimise civilian casualties.

Earlier, the US had said that collateral damage would be considered if targets were of high priority. Defense officials believe that between five and seven civilians were killed in the air strikes.

This as a specific news item pretty much negates the Putin-Assad fanboyz complaining and whinging about the US bombing campaign with its Coalition and partners. Still, they'll never stop whining and whinging unless the US copies their hero Putin by completely ignoring civilian casualties and, moreover, take pride in the ruthlessness involved in the barbaric approach of the cluster bomber Putin and his barrel bomb buddy Assad.

Edited by Publicus
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Someone should do that to the sources of US currency to stop them from buying even more bombs that perpetuate this fake "war on terror"

oh you really mean like the Assad regime ... to stop them using cluster bombs on their own people not the US.

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'Makes a nice headline (and heaven knows the Obama ldrshp can use a few...), but I doubt this puts much of a hurt on IS finances. Esp when ISIS fighters who fail to defend their positions to the death end up being burned alive (now THAT'S a "townhall meeting!!). Sort o' makes their pay being delayed seem, emm, less important...

Find a way to cut off black-market oil flows and you might have something. But of course we can't have any "collateral damage" can we?

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"In an unusual move..." It is only unusual because it is effective, and little the US has done has been to defeat IS. When IS' usefulness expires the US will turn on its child.

I hardly think military planners just came up with this target now. In fact, entire target folders have existed for some time, each with vast fleets of analysts updating the target packets hourly- Intel, HUMINT, RUMINT, SIGNET, etc. From crippling infrastructure to power grid to psyops to logistics to natural resources to proxies to morale and welfare targets, etc- there are tons and tons of similar targets that could bring DAESH to its knees in days. The reason why this is only happening now is because every single target in those packets must be approved directly by the white house and the WH aids and abets islamic jihad. Every target, every time- well over 75% get called off. http://freebeacon.com/national-security/us-pilots-confirm-obama-admin-blocks-75-percent-of-isis-strikes/ People have known this for years, long before the pilots came out. Any review of warfare informs an observer that this war is not being waged against IS.

This target should be part of a packet of targets separated in space/time- that synergize each other in the battlespace. Example only: Perhaps we know that within x weeks logistics for foodstuffs would dry up if we bombed financial target now; then coordinate the bombing in such a way as to drive the enemy to rely on xyz logistics at z point in time. Then, wait... then bomb that before launching an assault on Mosul proper. There is no reason to believe the US would do this but bombing the money then supplies before moving on Mosul would cripple morale and eventually the will to resist. I am at least as smart as their dumbest general and I would use this bombing in this manner. Force multiply the battlespace to advantage.

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I am astonished. After the Israeli bombing of the counterfeit intaglio presses in Syria awhile back, cutting off the cash is sure way to starve the hydra (all sixteen heads).

I'm not astonished they did it. I am astonished that someone in the Western military industrial complex had a good idea, even if an obvious one, and they executed a plan.

About that, I am astonished.

I have to agree. I'm not surprised that there was someone in the military competent to do it, but that they were allowed to. After all, ISIS is the military arm in Syria of two of our most important allies, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The State Department will be throwing a fit over this (not that you'll see anything in the press about it). I have read that there are high-ranking people in the Pentagon who feel very, very frustrated that we are supporting al Qaeda and ISIS, and maybe some of them decided it was better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. I'll bet Prince Bandar and Erdogan are fuming.

Edited by Acharn
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What good will that do? They just get 10 times more new money printed,If they can't they will Steal it.

Well, there isn't much they can steal within the area they control any more. What could be stolen they've already taken. The Russians are cutting off their access to the Turkish oil market and may be reducing the flow of arms from Saudi Arabia through Turkey. The astonishing thing, to me, is that with all the resources of the seventeen spy agencies, with a combined annual budget estimated at over $60 billion, the Treasury and the CIA have not found evidence (haha, I joke) of where the money is coming from. Nor have they found any way to stop American and British banks from forwarding it to ISIS.

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