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Got Scammed By Motor Bike Cop

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A few weeks ago, I was on a Soi.....3 or 5 ish, and when I got to bottom, to Beach Road, I realised I had gone down the wrong way of the one way street.

So I had a good scan and look about and not a cop in sight.

Though I did notice a motor bike taxi guy eye me up a bit.

So I turned on to beach road, and was happlity motoring slowly down the road to starbucks for coffee, about 3 mins later, this fat motor cycle cop pulled up beside me and made me pull in.

he said I went down soi 5 the worng way. Sorry says I , I did not know.

Have you a licence. Yes says I an Irish one and its back at me house.

"No Licence is 600 bhat then " he exclaimed.

OkI said, so do you write me a ticket, I leave the bike and we go to the station to pay? I asked.

Now, where he pulled me in, there was motor bike taxi men, with same color of vest as guy who was eyeing me up on the Soi 5.

No he says, I got ID from the motorbike taxi and he will take the 600 bhat to the police station for me.

Ok I said, where me ticket then?

"You go home now" he said.

OK...so off I headed.

Obviously the cop and the bike taxi men have some sort of a scam, and I reckon the bike taxi guy called the cop on the mobile to tip him off, to come get me.

AH well.....welcome to Pattaya.

He's a fat looking stout cop, just in case you see him! Prick!

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Just another money-making scam aimed at farangs, but you did go down a one-way street, so you should feel lucky he did not demand your passport and driving licence.

600 baht is 1 & 1/2 cases of Chang.


Yes, I paid up! I do not think I had much of a choice anyway! LOL!

At the start I was unsure about direction, but when I got to the bottom, then I realised I was wrong, and took my chances.

Yeah...was a pure scam, anyway my fault for pushing my luck.

Point is, the taxi men I think were working with the cops on this joint scam.

Anyway I got a good run out of the cops up in Isan, where they do not give a flying <deleted>, as long as you buy them the occassional beer in the karoke bar....alot be drunk on duty anyway up there. I could write a book on some of the funny and amusing things I seen with the cops up there!

so sometimes I forget I am not in Isan.

Pattaya is a different ball game.

Yeah, had no passport nor documentation at all on me, and no number plate in hired motor bike. so he could have really done me over if no 600 bhat was produced.

anyway if he has to resort to fraud to get the price of a few beer, he is welcome to it, he needs if more than me.

Anyway I heard plenty of other variations of similar scams onbeach road involving cops and motor bike taxi men.

Just better slow down, wear the helemet, and watch out for the road signs in future .


Sorry....but they can demand what in the hel_l they want. Clear it though the legal process and its much cheaper.

From my experience, if you go through the propper process, 9 times out of 10 they will just get grumpy, leave without doing anything ( too lazy to write tickets)


I always thought you can drive the wrong way on a Soi only if you have a Thai driving licence :o

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


so seriously then....if this happens again.

and i demand a ticket, and to go to police station, and dig the heels in a bit, there is a good chance this might pee off and leave me alone? or indeed follow the proper process.

MY friend got stopprf for something similar, and being impatient, tried to bribe the cop, up cop was having none of it, and gave him a ticket, took keys off bike, and sent him to station.

funny...I guess some are straight, and some are corrupt, and up in Isan their just too lazy to bother to do anything....except get drunk on duty in Karoke bar, and drive police truck around town, when they can hardly walk from drinking. I often wonder how these clowns passed though a police academy at all.

In fairness the 2nd in Command where I was, was a decent guy, 2 stars on shoulder, spoke excellent english, and did not associate with his piss head colleagues. the captain 3 stars was a pure drunk, when boozed up would tell me to call him if I ever had problems, and the next day he'd be that hung over on the way to work he's pass by scowling at people from his car!!

I am not into breaking the law, but I did take excepting to some fat motor bike cop scamming me.

So I do have "right" of some sort?

For a man (i.e.) me, who crashed a motorbike into a phone pole, with no helemet, right outside a nong ki, burriram police box, and instead of arrest, had 3 cops, happily help me on my way, after lifting me off the ground.

I though my 9 lives with thai cops were well spent by now! LOL! but then again my friend, an old man, up there, was once head of the police board for all of burriram and ex politician, and all the cops were terrified of him, might have had something to do with that! LOL!!!


Gerry ,

I have got to say that my experiences have been quite different .

On one trip up to Isaan , I was driving along the highway #2 towards Khon Kaen , and came up to the Maha Sarakam sign right lane . So I indicated and got into the right lane and was immediately pulled up by the BIB for apparently travelling in the right lane too long . A discussion with the GF ensued and I was not even spoken to and 200 baht saw us on our way . I was also pulled up once in a small village , but I think that was just for some english practice by the local police . No fine was asked for .

A couple of times I have been pulled up in BKK , for dropping cigarette butts . ( ###### lack of trash bins here . Once at Chatuchack WE market , and once on the overpass near Erawan hotel . I never carry a passport with me , but do keep a copy tucked in my wallet if needed . The usual fine is max 2000baht , but got off both times for 1000baht and no paperwork . I visit Pattaya quite often , and have never been pulled up by BIB . I was renting a motorbike the other day there and as I was going out to start up the bike a policeman came up . I asked if I was getting a ticket allready ( jokingly ) quite a conversation ensued with the gf , himself and I . We all had a good laugh and I found him to be very polite .

I guess you need to weigh up the advantages of the time and inconvenience versus the small fine you are paying , of trying to go through the correct channels .

I have found it suits me the way it is , but I don't go around causing problems or running amok outside of the bar areas .

Everybody knows that helmet laws and going the wrong way down sois is a no no for farangs . I would say with that and the fact that you never had your license on you , that you paid about the correct fine . And it wasn't put on paper to bite you again later .

Cheers ,

Jim .


well for the Isan incident in Dublin, a string of court dates, probably suspended licence for a year, and maybe if judge was in a bad mood a threat of 3 months in jail, that would not be imposed, but more so to frighten the bejaysus out of ya!

Traffic fine I am not sure these ....maybe 40 euro and 2 point of licenc, and irish cops have this grumpy "bad cop" routine they like to pull, as if you committed a major crime warranting a 10 year stretch. though an odd one is ok.

To be honest, I broke the traffic law, I could have turned back up the Soi but i chose not to. my fault.

Also....the quick 600 bhat for a scam, versus the I guess 400 Bhat I might have had to pay, plus trip to station, queue up for an hour, do paper work, and then try and find out who has the keys of your motor bike and walk back a few blocks .... probably worth the 600 bhat scam, and let the fat B*stard have his few cases of chang on me.

Lesson learned, be more careful, and do not attract attention, especially on beach road, and similar tourist areas.

I guess I should start to carry copy of passport and stick one in the bike too.

When they'd try to flag me in Isan, in nong ki for no helement...they only bother to stop from 8am -1am in mornings...then police work for day was finished(lazy B*stards).

I used to keep moving, Wai them. a big smilie , Swadee Kap, Sorry Kap, I go home now, and keep driving on!!!! Leaving a bewilder cop standing in middle of market or road with his note book! as I said either they were too lazy to bother, or knew I was friends with the local power brokers and ex politicians, so they probably figure....he is big mate of Mr. X, so better not bother him too much. As I said Mr. X ran the police board at one stage for whole of Burriram, or some similar set up, and was the local big noise who the local cops near kissed his boots, and he had no time for any of them. LOL!!!!

I appears to me, if you get in with the top older guys "masters" in the Muay Thai and become friends , who have a sort of fame in Muay Thai circles, alot have strongg connections to top cops, generals, etc through it. Mr x gave me a letter of intro to a Top Thai Master in Pattayer here, and called him too to intro me, and I was told if I had any serious problems to go to him and all would be sorted out.

Nice have made that kind of connection. lets hope I do not need to call it in, as I am a law abiding , non drinker, who stays away from the mad places and the frang tourist scene.

I always thought you can drive the wrong way on a Soi only if you have a Thai driving licence :D

Never realized there was such a thing as a 'one way' :D street in Ptty, when you go with the flow, you find it is multi-directional. :o


I always thought you can drive the wrong way on a Soi only if you have a Thai driving licence :D

Never realized there was such a thing as a 'one way' :D street in Ptty, when you go with the flow, you find it is multi-directional. :o

Yes true....but the frang guy has 1000 bhat in his pocket for police to scam, the local thai guy probably is lucky to have 100 bhat for tonight bottle of thai whiskey!


Bypass road, Chonburi. Driving in the left lane, slow moving truck ahead, I pull to the right lane only to see two cops standing in the middle of the highway and I see that my exit is coming up. I pull back to the left lane, they pull me over.

-"Wadtee Khap!"

"Thailan, dibe lep lane"


"Thailan, dibe lep lane"

-"Mee pomplem mai?"

"Thailan, dibe lep lane"

- "Chai, chai. Pratet angrit dibe lep lane douai!" ( "We also drive on the left in England" I'm from Canada :D ) :o

So, he's all confused now thinking that I,m from the U.K and that I normally drive on the same side of the road as Thailand. I confuse him even more when I show him my 5 year Thai licence. :D

"Where you lib?

-ban you Chonbuli"


- " Pai Tesco, lep lane" :D (I was really going to Tesco)

Now he pulls down his surgical mask and is totally confused, walks to the back of the truck and he waves me off with his white glove. Apparently, I was wasting too much of his tea money collecting time. :D I just love to confuse the sh!t out of them. Useless pr!cks. In the meantime dozens of drivers are pulling death defying stunts all over the road.

Back home, when you see a cop, you don't feel like you've just stepped on a hornets nest, here, well, you know what happens almost every time.


I got caught a while back coming out of Soi Post Office. I had gobne about 10 yards and got stung for 500 baht (200 baht one way, 200 baht no license on me (though I do have one)) and 100 baht for the gofer (m/c taxi driver to go to the Police Station to pay it for me,).

What p1ssed me off was that the cop then went to his motorcycle parked in the soi and brazenly drove out of the Soi going against the one way system.

Since then I always go round the one way sytem or if I'm close to the junction I wheel my bike out onto the road before getting on it and starting up.

I don't mind them enforcing the traffic rules it's just the hypocrisy that gets me "you can't do it but we can".

The same goes for the chief who wanders around with his <deleted> man chu moustache, ever present pipe and massive gold medalian. He parks his police pick truck where the he11 he likes - parking restrictions or not. It can often be seen outside Pizza Hut on beach road whilst he visits Nevada agogo.

I got caught a while back coming out of Soi Post Office. I had gobne about 10 yards and got stung for 500 baht (200 baht one way, 200 baht no license on me (though I do have one)) and 100 baht for the gofer (m/c taxi driver to go to the Police Station to pay it for me,).

What p1ssed me off was that the cop then went to his motorcycle parked in the soi and brazenly drove out of the Soi going against the one way system.

Since then I always go round the one way sytem or if I'm close to the junction I wheel my bike out onto the road before getting on it and starting up.

I don't mind them enforcing the traffic rules it's just the hypocrisy that gets me "you can't do it but we can".

The same goes for the chief who wanders around with his <deleted> man chu moustache, ever present pipe and massive gold medalian. He parks his police pick truck where the he11 he likes - parking restrictions or not. It can often be seen outside Pizza Hut on beach road whilst he visits Nevada agogo.

Thats not the chief of police. Thats police colonel Pike who years ago was the chief of the tourist police. He retired and was given that so called police jeep. You can see him at night on walking street. He still is involved with the city of Pattaya. Nice guy.



I got caught a while back coming out of Soi Post Office. I had gobne about 10 yards and got stung for 500 baht (200 baht one way, 200 baht no license on me (though I do have one)) and 100 baht for the gofer (m/c taxi driver to go to the Police Station to pay it for me,).

What p1ssed me off was that the cop then went to his motorcycle parked in the soi and brazenly drove out of the Soi going against the one way system.

Since then I always go round the one way sytem or if I'm close to the junction I wheel my bike out onto the road before getting on it and starting up.

I don't mind them enforcing the traffic rules it's just the hypocrisy that gets me "you can't do it but we can".

The same goes for the chief who wanders around with his <deleted> man chu moustache, ever present pipe and massive gold medalian. He parks his police pick truck where the he11 he likes - parking restrictions or not. It can often be seen outside Pizza Hut on beach road whilst he visits Nevada agogo.

Thats not the chief of police. Thats police colonel Pike who years ago was the chief of the tourist police. He retired and was given that so called police jeep. You can see him at night on walking street. He still is involved with the city of Pattaya. Nice guy.


Agreed :o And charlesdavid what business it of ours where he parks his truck?



Agreed :o And charlesdavid what business it of ours where he parks his truck?

None really. The only point I'm making is that everybody should be equal before the law. Police officers in uniform and those driving vehicles marked "police" have a duty to set an example for Pattaya citizens to follow.

It shouldn't be one law for them and another for the rest of us.



Agreed :o And charlesdavid what business it of ours where he parks his truck?

None really. The only point I'm making is that everybody should be equal before the law. Police officers in uniform and those driving vehicles marked "police" have a duty to set an example for Pattaya citizens to follow.

It shouldn't be one law for them and another for the rest of us.

LOL....if you think that is bad..... you should see the small villages in Isan

One night two cops in uniform, both with pistols still on them, were so drunk, one was passed out face down on table in Karoke bar, the other was just able to walk, and I assume drive the police truck.

I often seen them loading beer intro the police box at night too.

What a joke. They must send the lads you just about scraped a passing mark in the police academy to places like villages in Isan. Aside from the motor cycle helmet law, I doubt if any of them know anything about the law nor policing at all.

And for the small village i was in Nong Ki population about 2000 approx, there must have been 60 -80 cops stationed there. What they did, are why so many there, God only knows!!!

About 70% of them were pure drunks, then there was a few who seemed to be upstanding cops with morals, who did not drink, and did not keep company with their drunking colleagues, and seemed more serious about their jobs.

What a joke. They must send the lads you just about scraped a passing mark in the police academy to places like villages in Isan. Aside from the motor cycle helmet law, I doubt if any of them know anything about the law nor policing at all.

They become traffic cops, hence the fine driving skills you can observe every time you risk you life behind the wheel. It's probably safer to fly a spaceship through the Van Allen belt. :D

There was a truck stuck in the EMERGENCY lane today, cars would drive up to it and were waved off by a cop, 15 meters later they were waved back INTO the EMERGENCY lane by another fine boy in brown. :o


Agreed :o And charlesdavid what business it of ours where he parks his truck?

None really. The only point I'm making is that everybody should be equal before the law. Police officers in uniform and those driving vehicles marked "police" have a duty to set an example for Pattaya citizens to follow.

It shouldn't be one law for them and another for the rest of us.

But this is Thailand :D

  • 1 year later...


you easily merit a fine of twice that amount for recounting the story using pidgin english. I can only imagine how patronizing you sound in person.


Well two mistakes, driving the one way in false direction and carrying no drivers license. What do you complain about? Ok, 600 Bht is a bit too much...but....

I do not support those cops, but just face it as reality. They take money from anybody and we as farangs just have to pay a bit more. I got fined only one time after mounting a much too loud exhaust on my scooter. But all was official, they confiscated the bike, I had to reinstall the original pipe, then head for the police station and had to pay all in all abt. 1,500 Bht (which corresponds to the official price list for "modifying motorcycles").



F@ckin piss take isnt it, i make a left turn out of foodland and hit a bike that is coming at me on the wrong side of the road, result 20000 baht worse off, cop says my fault, words to the effect of ,it wouldnt have happened if you had been in your own country,.however this sort of con only takes place in pattaya where all the scum of thailand come to rip you off,...those that say what would have happened in your country are missing the point,.head buried in the sand comes to mind,..by the way to answer your question the taxi boys get paid to take you to the police station to pay up, in fact i have had one go for me,..you think you are being done a favour when in fact its a band of theives, and the worse ones are in unifiorm !,.

So I do have "right" of some sort?

Dunno Gerry, you seen to have paid for your 'rights' in Isaan and Pattaya... no wait, Thailand is no different, you just need to hob-knob with the local 2 & 3 stars and you'll be 'home'. Mind how you go now.


Why not? It's low-and-rainy season in the sh!thole of Thailand. There's only the baht bus mafia, grafting MIB, the South Pattaya Road Shell station scam and ladyboys as alternate 'new' topics, nah?

Oh yes, I forgot slow internet as well.

I got caught a while back coming out of Soi Post Office. I had gobne about 10 yards

Me, too, once, but due to a little trick the cops pulled there. They moved all the motorbike taxis out from the end of the soi, so that there were lots of parking spaces there. Anybody coming down 2nd Road would see them and and just pull into one, a few meters into the soi, rather than go around via Soi Yamato. Technically it meant you were going the wrong way a few meters. Well, a cop was waiting in the shadows . . . but he sent me to the station while he kept the bike and driving license.

They made some good easy money that day and must have been amused. So watch out for that one, too.

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