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Iran seizes two US Navy boats after straying into Iranian-claimed waters


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With Obama in charge I suggest people start collecting yellow ribbons.

Which is a typical comment from the mis-informed brigade who in light of Obama removing troops and exiting wars, are still chasing non existent WMDs......

It is you who is sadly misinformed.


Add another U.S businessman detained in October last. The Iranians keep doing this with impunity knowing that the POTUS has nothing but dust for his legacy, save a deal with Iran, which will duly deliver the world radioactive dust.

Take the blinkers off Dan and try reading something other than Breitbart.

A ship carrying 25,000lb (11,000kg) of low-enriched uranium left Iran for Russia on Monday, marking one of the most vital steps yet in a high-stakes deal to deny Iran a nuclear weapon.


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Washington and Tehran are talking on this which they had not done concerning anything for more than 30 years.

This just occurred, however there aren't any lightening bolts zapping back and forth which was the only way it used to be. We can quite thank the P5+1 and Iran successful negotiations for establishing multiple government to government relations and cooperative interaction.

Indications are that the sailors will not become an issue nor will they suffer at the hands of Iranians, despite the manglers of the Republican Guards.

Twice, in 2004 and again in 2007 Iranian navy took British sailors briefly then set them loose. The first group was treated harshly, the second group was given chocolates on their release after 13 days. I think Iran knows what it needs to do (and should do) in this very different instance and time.

So let me get this right, you are trying to portray it as a positive that the Iranians were gifted $100 billion dollars, sanctions regimes were destroyed and Iran's illegal nukes program was made legal, because it opens a channel to talk to the Iranians now they have abducted ten U.S citizens?

Would you stop with this "gifted $100 Billion dollars" nonsense.

It's THEIR money.

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Washington and Tehran are talking on this which they had not done concerning anything for more than 30 years.

This just occurred, however there aren't any lightening bolts zapping back and forth which was the only way it used to be. We can quite thank the P5+1 and Iran successful negotiations for establishing multiple government to government relations and cooperative interaction.

Indications are that the sailors will not become an issue nor will they suffer at the hands of Iranians, despite the manglers of the Republican Guards.

Twice, in 2004 and again in 2007 Iranian navy took British sailors briefly then set them loose. The first group was treated harshly, the second group was given chocolates on their release after 13 days. I think Iran knows what it needs to do (and should do) in this very different instance and time.

So let me get this right, you are trying to portray it as a positive that the Iranians were gifted $100 billion dollars, sanctions regimes were destroyed and Iran's illegal nukes program was made legal, because it opens a channel to talk to the Iranians now they have abducted ten U.S citizens?

So let me get this right,


Wrong yet again.

Astoundingly off the mark in fact.

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Looks to me as if someone wanted to provoke an incident.

But no forthcoming explanation on which "someone" is referred to, or what ends would such an incident serve.

I'm no conspiracy guy but I doubt there were technical problems and I doubt the sailors were just on a training mission.

How is this not a conspiracy theory notion? (other than not having much by way of theory)

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Sorry, but how can Obama be blamed for this. According to news reports, one boat became disabled and drifted into Iranian waters. I guess it's because Obama isn't a good mechanic? laugh.png

Yes. He is not quite up to keeping the Navy in ship shape.

These boats go 40 knots...and Iranians would not normally catch up...neither were they fired upon. Obviously, one went down for maintenance and drifted.

Prior posts about being in the wrong place, etc...are utter nonsense.

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Strange story. Will be interesting to see if the real story ever emerges.

There was two boats. Supposedly one had engine trouble. Surely the

other vessel should have had a line aboard where it could have towed

the stricken vessel to safety.

I am a former ship captain, and I never ever went out in a vessel of

any length that did not have a tow line aboard.......

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With Obama in charge I suggest people start collecting yellow ribbons.

Which is a typical comment from the mis-informed brigade who in light of Obama removing troops and exiting wars, are still chasing non existent WMDs......

For a grumpyoldman you seem to have missed Steely's allusion completely. Go back to the dawn of the 70s and mayble you'll get it.

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A pair of "Riverine boats", that is small boats designed to operate on rivers, were traveling from Kuwait to Bahrain???? That's over 400km!


What were they thinking?? I wouldn't be surprised if they just ran out of fuel! facepalm.gif

That's the wrong boat. They are much, much bigger and more sophisticated:


A Defense spokeswoman identified the American vessels as riverine command boats. These 49-foot-long vessels feature an aircraft-like cockpit and a reinforced hull that can drive onto a rocky beach to offload troops. They're a cross between a boat and a Stryker armored combat vehicle, according to a 2007 Navy Times profile of the boats.

With Rolls-Royce jets that propels it up to 43 knots, these $2.8 million boats are the flagships of the brown water Navy. They are designed for rivers and coastal waterways, with a three foot draft. The fast-attack craft host sensitive communications gear to act as a floating command post for riverine forces and can be outfitted for different missions.

These command boats can carry up to 20 troops and be armed with six crew-served machine guns, or alternately serve as an floating ambulance.


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An Iranian state-run news outlet reported that 10 U.S. sailors had been “arrested” even though Iranian and U.S. officials said that none of the sailors were harmed and that they would be released promptly. It is unclear how the boats ended up in Iranian hands, though officials have stated that one of the boats broke down very close to Iranian territorial waters and after drifting for a short time both were picked up by Iranian forces.


Search and rescue teams from the Harry S. Truman Strike group were scrambled to aid the crew but stopped short after the crew was taken by the Iranians.


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What was the force that captured them? How big was it? Why didn't they fight back? There may be good answers, especially for the last question, but I'd like to know what they are.

Since they were in Iranian waters, one person would be enough to capture them. And since they were in Iranian waters, they made the wise decision not to fight back.

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It’s unclear which Iranian forces seized the boats and the crews, however the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) operates a base on the island in the middle of the Persian Gulf.

In 2007, forces with the IRGCN captured 15 U.K. Royal Navy personnel embarked in a small boat from HMS Cornwall in international waters.

The IRGCN is separate from the regular Iranian Navy and closely tied to the country’s sectarian Islamic hierarchy.


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I suppose the US would ignore Iranian military vessels in their waters?

Iranians have indicated that if the boat really did have engine trouble then the crews will be release soon.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe the US has any "waters" in the Arabian Gulf. biggrin.png

The US has apologised to Iran after 10 American sailors were arrested for entering Iranian waters, the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards naval forces has said.

General Ali Fadavi accused those detained of "unprofessional" acts. But he suggested the group, who are being held by the guards, could be released soon.

The incident comes at a sensitive time, as the US and Iran try to implement the deal on Iran's nuclear activities. US Secretary of State John Kerry has contacted Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif over the incident.

Giving his assessment of the talks, Gen Fadavi said "Mr Zarif had a firm stance, saying that they were in our territorial waters and should not have been, and saying that they [the US] should apologise".

"This has been done and it will not take long, and the naval force, according to its hierarchy, will act immediately upon the orders it receives," he added.


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Washington and Tehran are talking on this which they had not done concerning anything for more than 30 years.

This just occurred, however there aren't any lightening bolts zapping back and forth which was the only way it used to be. We can quite thank the P5+1 and Iran successful negotiations for establishing multiple government to government relations and cooperative interaction.

Indications are that the sailors will not become an issue nor will they suffer at the hands of Iranians, despite the manglers of the Republican Guards.

Twice, in 2004 and again in 2007 Iranian navy took British sailors briefly then set them loose. The first group was treated harshly, the second group was given chocolates on their release after 13 days. I think Iran knows what it needs to do (and should do) in this very different instance and time.

Sorry to disappoint you but Iran is now saying there is no timeline for the release of the ten sailors and Tehran is now demanding an apology from the US. It wouldn't surprise me if Obama flew to Tehran, bowed before Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and apologized.

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Sure is somewhat, relatively speaking, quiet in the media about this incident which makes me worry that there are potentially some serious amounts of doggy doo doo about to hit the fan if Kerry can't use his connections to resolve the matter. And what is this crap about losing communication or two boats both having mechanical issues and drifting into Iranian waters. Nothing being said makes any sense.

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Washington and Tehran are talking on this which they had not done concerning anything for more than 30 years.

This just occurred, however there aren't any lightening bolts zapping back and forth which was the only way it used to be. We can quite thank the P5+1 and Iran successful negotiations for establishing multiple government to government relations and cooperative interaction.

Indications are that the sailors will not become an issue nor will they suffer at the hands of Iranians, despite the manglers of the Republican Guards.

Twice, in 2004 and again in 2007 Iranian navy took British sailors briefly then set them loose. The first group was treated harshly, the second group was given chocolates on their release after 13 days. I think Iran knows what it needs to do (and should do) in this very different instance and time.

Sorry to disappoint you but Iran is now saying there is no timeline for the release of the ten sailors and Tehran is now demanding an apology from the US. It wouldn't surprise me if Obama flew to Tehran, bowed before Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and apologized.

Sorry to disappoint you, but Iran has now released all 10.

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You can all relax now lads, nothing to worry about.

Iranian state TV says Iran has released 10 U.S. Navy sailors who were being held Tuesday after their boats are said to have drifted into Iranian waters on a journey from Kuwait to Bahrain.


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Sorry, but how can Obama be blamed for this. According to news reports, one boat became disabled and drifted into Iranian waters. I guess it's because Obama isn't a good mechanic? laugh.png

Agreed, typical for the biased, blinded FOX news fanatics.

Blame Obama for everything including the mess created by Bush and Cheney.


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Make no mistake, a major crisis has been averted. And kudos to both Kerry, the Obama administration, as well as the Iranian government for choosing a path other than confrontation. Despite the blustering of the Mullahs, this bodes well.

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Washington and Tehran are talking on this which they had not done concerning anything for more than 30 years.

This just occurred, however there aren't any lightening bolts zapping back and forth which was the only way it used to be. We can quite thank the P5+1 and Iran successful negotiations for establishing multiple government to government relations and cooperative interaction.

Indications are that the sailors will not become an issue nor will they suffer at the hands of Iranians, despite the manglers of the Republican Guards.

Twice, in 2004 and again in 2007 Iranian navy took British sailors briefly then set them loose. The first group was treated harshly, the second group was given chocolates on their release after 13 days. I think Iran knows what it needs to do (and should do) in this very different instance and time.

Sorry to disappoint you but Iran is now saying there is no timeline for the release of the ten sailors and Tehran is now demanding an apology from the US. It wouldn't surprise me if Obama flew to Tehran, bowed before Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and apologized.

It was a fast moving story but all the same your source of news was 180-degrees opposite the facts and the realtiy.

Have gun will travel but now that the issue is closed there's no longer a need to deputize you to go over there to do any of the dreamt up bowing. Nothing wrong on the other hand with an expression of regret over an unfortunate incident such as this.

So stand down the nukes over there on the warpath right.

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Sorry, but how can Obama be blamed for this. According to news reports, one boat became disabled and drifted into Iranian waters. I guess it's because Obama isn't a good mechanic? laugh.png

Fair question: "How can Obama be blamed for this?" Well, here's how.

Iran as a sovereign nation seems clearly within their authority to act as it did regarding these vessels. As a State actor there were multiple ways this can be handled. For example: Iran could have said "The Revolutionary Guards has saved US Navy sailors who were stranded. It is with pride the Iranian Navy assisted, processed, and will repatriate these sailors. However, we caution the US that standing Navies so close to our jurisdiction can have unintended consequences. Iran will continue to honor the rule of law will protecting its vital interests."

This is not the language that has been driveling out of the Theocratic mouths of their spokespeople. One statement made clear that Iran's actions should be a message to those in Congress reviewing existing/continued sanctions. Clearly, Iran choose instead to use this pretext as a diplomatic instrument of war to pressure the United States- so clearly over its head in asserting Iran is a team player- to cower to Iranian bellicosity.

This is how it is Obama's fault. Any merchant or leader for ages could have told you entering negotiations with Persians from a position of weakness and desperation will always result in continued problems and a bad deal on your end. Brilliant negotiators and authorized with divine mandate, nothing short of stern and hard nosed diplomacy with a real possibility of military extension of that diplomacy will result... no invite... further aggression. Obama has enabled and enriched a Shiite Frankenstein in the region. This may have happened had Obama not given a way the store but my aunt also would have been my uncle if she had balls.

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Sorry, but how can Obama be blamed for this. According to new reports, one boat became disabled and drifted into Iranian waters. I guess it's because Obama isn't a good mechanic? laugh.png

His fault if his boats aren't equipped with an anchor. Basic boating stuff that is, when the engine is rooted throw over the anchor and remain in situ - not just drift willy-nilly or it could lead to problems...

We don't know all the facts, and probably never will. The US navy has some of the best equipment in the world...and some of the best trained sailors. Second to none. With that being said, problems will always arise. It's the nature of the beast.

As with most of your posts you are correct and level headed. However, we do not have to know all the facts to know how allies, and even neutral countries would have handled the US naval debacle compared to Iran- demanding an apology and/or linking the event to pending US Congressional debates is provocative. Saying Obama has no role in the development of Iranian behavior at present is like saying Reagan was no contrast to Carter in the eyes of the Iranians. These navy boats without an engine are emblematic of US policy in the region without a rudder. Iran will fill the space that our retreat provides. Expect more and expect further US retreat.

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