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Israel summons Swedish diplomat after ‘delusional’ Palestinian comments


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Mr Steely Dan to quote : "in a nutshell Swedish ministerial comments are but a projection of their own self loathing. " Whether you believe Israel was given to the Jews by God, or that Palestine never existed, how the hell can you be ok with abusing, killing and the removal of the people who have unequivocally been living there for generations?

There's no argument to justify these actions: Seriously, have a really hard look at yourself.

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“…that the Israeli response was reportedly disproportionate to the degree that extrajudicial killings could be strongly suspected,” said Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström. “Human rights groups and international law experts have expressed similar concerns. It is vital that there are thorough, credible investigations into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability.”

​If the whole world could state that, it will be labeled by Israel as DELUSIONAL. Any aggressor's shield is an attack. Any terrorist state will do this same. Any apartheid state will do this same. Any robber will do this same. Some states are immune to truth, but follows Goebbels logic closely. Lie told thousand times become truth.


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I am a Jew, and I have no right to criticize Israel. I have learned this time and time again, that to say anything negative about Israel, is considered a betrayal by my Jewish friends, and my liberal friends. Yet, I continue to criticize Israel, as their hawkish policies, and their treatment of the Palestinians in my opinion continues to resemble Apartheid. Netanyahu seem to feel compelled to side with the extremist elements within his coalition, and they are completely insane. It is everybody's right to criticize Israel, and any other country that practices heinous policies and commits human rights abuses, as Israel does with the Palestinians. Israel is nothing special. Just another country. However, because they consider themselves to be the (self appointed) chosen ones, you cannot say anything negative about them, without being labeled a Jew hater. There is nothing "chosen" about the Jews. Nothing. It is all a fiction, designed to anoint special status. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my case, when it comes to being labeled a Jew hater. I simply like to practice the tenets of democracy, and have been told I have the right to criticize something I do not approve of, within a democracy. Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

They'll block you if you mention Israel on here. Say anything you like about Muslims, but defend them, and you'll be told that you're off topic, even if the offensive ad biased comment you're addressing was totally off topic. Also don't mention anything about homosexuals coming to SEA and having sex with underage children, as they also don't like that for some reason. They're really going to struggle when the rest of the world works out the likely link between Israel and Koh Tao, which is overwhelming, how it links to the draft, the price of rice, the price of rubber, and the recent hacking events---all with biased press coverage which goes unpunished, thanks to "Hungarian" George.

Palestine's occupation by the terrorist entity, founded on terrorism, populated via terrorising the would be inhabitants into going there, extended by terrorism, and controlled by a steady self inflicted terrorism against it's component groups, in the form of radiation treatment for sephardic children to kill and sterelize them, to the constant busses blowing up is all a total disgrace and can only end badly. It's worse than Apartheid, as they didn't put blacks in camps, but none the less black Jews have been put in camps, and no other refugees have ever been accepted. The land of the oppressed we hear, but no cahrity of any kind ever, and the biggest welfare state ever known to man.

I have mixed feelings about Henry Kissinger's said it will be wiped off the map within the decade only last year, and he's not one for lying as much of a villain as he is. Albert Pike's letter to Guiseppi Mazzinni will come to pay in part or in whole, but "Israel's" days are numbered. I hear the depleted uranium's upwind of Telaviv and many of the inhabitants are virtually infertile, so the plan's behind schedule. The Roschild family built Israel and they're "Jews" who believe that the Messiah has already been in Jakob Frank and Sebadai Tsvi, so presumably they think there's a Jewish Messiah on Earth right now---or maybe not.

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

Israel was founded on terrorism and genocide by stealing money from the Jews in Western Europe who didn't want to go there. Then, they used terrorism to throw off the British protectorate---Britain having "given" them the right to go to Palestine but not to throw out the indiginous people or murder them for that matter. I don't recognise Israel as I don't belive in terrorism even if it's Jews doing it. Using patronising and emotive words to describe ambassadors is typical of the tribe's mindset of hypocrisy and hatred of the goyim.

No frined of the little jews---evidently---Stephen Spielberg's release of the footage about the work camps from jews who were in them's the tinder that will light the fire under the next role of expulsions, as has happened over two hundred times before---just to be nasty!

Look up Rabbi Ariel Toaff's book on why some jews don't want to get on with anybody and their hatred of all other people, codified within their holy book, the Talmud.

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A shame on you Sweden for allow such a person to be in such position of power to run amok with her relentless bigoted and hatred comments about Israel, how does that help anything at all? This women has made Israel the target of a hatred diatribe and diarrhea of the mouth, not stopping to think and consider her actions and words, SHAME ON YOU SWEDEN...

Take not Sweden, just like in France and Belgium and other countries, your day will come where terrorists and their supporters will wreck havoc on your cities and don't be surprise if some of the terrorists will be Palestinians sympathizers....

Look Ezra, just because you are Jewish and support anything coming out of Tel Aviv telavivision, does not mean you can dictate thinking terms to any others.

Americans and much of the world is quite tired of Israel trying to tell us what we have to think about Israeli policy, or else we are threatened to be declared as antisemitic, delusional individuals.

What a pretense, and a long established one.

The Israeli response to Sweden was a fallacy, bluntly. When you attack a person, rather than refute their argument, that is called an ad hominem attack. It is illogical, unfair, and smug as a turd in the toilet (and smells about as good at that).

Theodore Hertzel coined the term antisemitic, as Trotsky, a.k.a. Bronstein the term racism. However, it's a supressed fact that over eighty-five percent of Israeli Jews are actually not in any way Semitic and are actually from Eastern Europe. Further, after the mass genocides in Arab settlements when Israel was being set up, the lovely jews immediately started to force the Semitic and Sephardic jews to send their children on special holidays with school, where they did radiation "experiments" on them, leaving many of them dead, with cancer, and or infertile. Be it their Armenian Genocide, the Holdomore, the Russian Genocide, the landmines in Africa as area denial weapons where they have the mining rights, the US Liberty, 9/11 or 7/7, they're not only behind it all and brag about it surprisingly often, and by the same token, they fully intended to use "the antisemites will be our best friends" for more than a hundred years.

There's going to be a lot more criticism of Israel in the next decade and it's all planned by them. Like Heins Kissinger says, it will no longer exist then. He should know. He's one of the worst of them, but he's not one for lying about important stuff as he likes boasting and people not understanding him, in his view validating his actions as they're sub-human and undeserving of sympathy.

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I am a Jew, and I have no right to criticize Israel. I have learned this time and time again, that to say anything negative about Israel, is considered a betrayal by my Jewish friends, and my liberal friends. Yet, I continue to criticize Israel, as their hawkish policies, and their treatment of the Palestinians in my opinion continues to resemble Apartheid. Netanyahu seem to feel compelled to side with the extremist elements within his coalition, and they are completely insane. It is everybody's right to criticize Israel, and any other country that practices heinous policies and commits human rights abuses, as Israel does with the Palestinians. Israel is nothing special. Just another country. However, because they consider themselves to be the (self appointed) chosen ones, you cannot say anything negative about them, without being labeled a Jew hater. There is nothing "chosen" about the Jews. Nothing. It is all a fiction, designed to anoint special status. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my case, when it comes to being labeled a Jew hater. I simply like to practice the tenets of democracy, and have been told I have the right to criticize something I do not approve of, within a democracy. Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

They'll block you if you mention Israel on here. Say anything you like about Muslims, but defend them, and you'll be told that you're off topic, even if the offensive ad biased comment you're addressing was totally off topic. Also don't mention anything about homosexuals coming to SEA and having sex with underage children, as they also don't like that for some reason. They're really going to struggle when the rest of the world works out the likely link between Israel and Koh Tao, which is overwhelming, how it links to the draft, the price of rice, the price of rubber, and the recent hacking events---all with biased press coverage which goes unpunished, thanks to "Hungarian" George.

Palestine's occupation by the terrorist entity, founded on terrorism, populated via terrorising the would be inhabitants into going there, extended by terrorism, and controlled by a steady self inflicted terrorism against it's component groups, in the form of radiation treatment for sephardic children to kill and sterelize them, to the constant busses blowing up is all a total disgrace and can only end badly. It's worse than Apartheid, as they didn't put blacks in camps, but none the less black Jews have been put in camps, and no other refugees have ever been accepted. The land of the oppressed we hear, but no cahrity of any kind ever, and the biggest welfare state ever known to man.

I have mixed feelings about Henry Kissinger's said it will be wiped off the map within the decade only last year, and he's not one for lying as much of a villain as he is. Albert Pike's letter to Guiseppi Mazzinni will come to pay in part or in whole, but "Israel's" days are numbered. I hear the depleted uranium's upwind of Telaviv and many of the inhabitants are virtually infertile, so the plan's behind schedule. The Roschild family built Israel and they're "Jews" who believe that the Messiah has already been in Jakob Frank and Sebadai Tsvi, so presumably they think there's a Jewish Messiah on Earth right now---or maybe not.

Sometimes you get to see some of the more off the wall stuff before it disappears. I guess the shelf life of this and a few other posts is going to be limited.

You do not get deleted because you mention certain words. You get deleted because your are insane. There are some interesting things in parts of what you say but the complete lack of the ability to present and support a coherent argument and connections between elements results in a confused mess. It would be interesting to see valid debate on some issues but at the moment I tend to suspect that much of what you claim is either indefensible or can only be supported by tainted evidence.

I absolutely support the right of Israel to exist. I absolutely support and concur with the rationale that led to its creation. I absolutely believe that the Palestinian people have the right to sovereignty and to live in peace and dignity. I now see that the persecution complex that has been expressed on TVF is often justified. There are ways of disagreeing and debating issues without being a boor.

In any case, when you linked homosexuality with pedophilia, you confirmed for me that you have nothing of any worth or value to contribute to any discussion. Whatever points you may have been trying to make, you demonstrate a gross bigotry that immediately places you in the 'ignore' pile. Repulsive really. I had wanted to find your words 'charmingly insane' but I am left with just 'insane'. How about you go and talk to some LGBT people and accuse them to their face of being pedophiles and see if you walk away with most of your teeth.

I look forward to all of your words ceasing to exist when I visit TVF in the morning.

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Yes, and it's a fact that Israel demonization and Jew hatred are very closely related. We get evidence of that everyday on this very forum. No, Israel demonization is not the same thing as criticism of Israeli government policies as would be done towards any country.

BTW, I think this Swedish FM based on her history, her comments about the Paris attacks, her unofficial comments about Jews, is more than likely in the Israel demonization camp than anything normal.

Israel is right to kick her to the curb. The level of Jew hatred masked as sympathy towards Palestinians in modern Scandavia is appalling.

Good meatballs though. Perhaps there's still hope.

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I am very curious to know...where is Morch when you need him...what exactly happens after one of these extrajudicial killings of a Palestinian by an IDF soldier, police or settler.

Is there an obligatory extensive coronial inquiry wth witnesses and video footage subpoenaed or merely a perfunctory military rubber stamping of impunity for the taking of a human being's life just because it happens to be Palestinian.

If the matter is simply swept under the carpet then the Swedish ambassador is perfectly correct in calling for an independent investigation.

If Israel has nothing to hide, what's the problem?

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

So why not give us some examples of constructive criticism of Israel? I suspect that you, like most of the die-hard Israel supporters here, won't be able to come up with any.

Please stop being so obtuse. Israelis and Jews all over the world critisize the Jewish nation constantly. I could easily provide THOUSANDS of examples.

Constructive Criticism of Israel


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This past December:

The UN General Assembly approved a draft resolution“Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources” (Document A/70/480).


It was adopted by 164 to 5 against (Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, United States), with 10 abstentions (Australia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Honduras, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, South Sudan, Togo, Tonga, Vanuatu).

Delegates to the UN agree with this Swedish lady, 164 to 5. It sounds like there is a lot of support for this position. I support the position as well. The only way to not support it is to believe that the 164 nations who voted in favor were all anti-semetic.. I don't know how anybody could make that stretch but it does happen often.

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This past December:

The UN General Assembly approved a draft resolution“Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources” (Document A/70/480).


It was adopted by 164 to 5 against (Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, United States), with 10 abstentions (Australia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Honduras, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, South Sudan, Togo, Tonga, Vanuatu).

Delegates to the UN agree with this Swedish lady, 164 to 5. It sounds like there is a lot of support for this position. I support the position as well. The only way to not support it is to believe that the 164 nations who voted in favor were all anti-semetic.. I don't know how anybody could make that stretch but it does happen often.

That's a well informed response.

It validates the Swedish Foreign Minister's position completely.

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I am a Jew, and I have no right to criticize Israel. I have learned this time and time again, that to say anything negative about Israel, is considered a betrayal by my Jewish friends, and my liberal friends. Yet, I continue to criticize Israel, as their hawkish policies, and their treatment of the Palestinians in my opinion continues to resemble Apartheid. Netanyahu seem to feel compelled to side with the extremist elements within his coalition, and they are completely insane. It is everybody's right to criticize Israel, and any other country that practices heinous policies and commits human rights abuses, as Israel does with the Palestinians. Israel is nothing special. Just another country. However, because they consider themselves to be the (self appointed) chosen ones, you cannot say anything negative about them, without being labeled a Jew hater. There is nothing "chosen" about the Jews. Nothing. It is all a fiction, designed to anoint special status. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my case, when it comes to being labeled a Jew hater. I simply like to practice the tenets of democracy, and have been told I have the right to criticize something I do not approve of, within a democracy. Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

Anybody who is truly interested in understanding the Israeli - Palestinian problem, should watch the amazing documentary called "The Gatekeepers". In it, several former bosses of Shin Bet talk about their experiences, and their current views. Every single one of them said it is dangerous and ignorant to not have an ongoing dialogue with all of the Palestinian factions.

This is a quote from a visionary, about Israel, stated decades ago:

Leibowitz argued vehemently for two positions: that holding any state as a value in itself was inherently fascist and that sanctifying any piece of land, including Israel, was a form of idolatry. Very soon after the Six-Day War, Leibowitz predicted that if Israel didn't withdraw immediately from the occupied territories, all of the state’s energy would be tied up in ruling another people against its will. In some respects Leibowitz’s prediction has turned out to be false. Israel has continued to evolve economically, culturally and its creative energies have turned out to be remarkable.

And a link to the article:
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If you want to write anything anywhere critical about Israel or Jews, you are labelled antisemite, but on the other hand they do accuse all world of antisemitism with no repercussions. It's a one way street like Obama said: You are with us, or against us. There is no middle road. If you quiet you are under suspicion already.

This is called Jewish democracy; It's like a diktat in EU. I wonder why?

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If you want to write anything anywhere critical about Israel or Jews, you are labelled antisemite, but on the other hand they do accuse all world of antisemitism with no repercussions. It's a one way street like Obama said: You are with us, or against us. There is no middle road. If you quiet you are under suspicion already.

This is called Jewish democracy; It's like a diktat in EU. I wonder why?

Not true at all.

But if you're OBSESSIVE in demonizing Israel way out of balance to criticism of other nations doing much worse, then it's OBVIOUS there is something in that directed at Jewish people.

Even some other Swedes are smelling something rotten in the state of Sweden in the name of their Israel demonizing OBSESSED FM:

“The political actions of Margot Wallstrom are marked by controversy,” said liberal commentator Lars Kriss, arguing that her anti-Israel offensive borders on “an obsession” and questioning whether she is “an asset” to Sweden.


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If you want to write anything anywhere critical about Israel or Jews, you are labelled antisemite, but on the other hand they do accuse all world of antisemitism with no repercussions. It's a one way street like Obama said: You are with us, or against us. There is no middle road. If you quiet you are under suspicion already.

This is called Jewish democracy; It's like a diktat in EU. I wonder why?

Not true at all.

But if you're OBSESSIVE in demonizing Israel way out of balance to criticism of other nations doing much worse, then it's OBVIOUS there is something in that directed at Jewish people.

Even some other Swedes are smelling something rotten in the state of Sweden in the name of their Israel demonizing OBSESSED FM:

“The political actions of Margot Wallstrom are marked by controversy,” said liberal commentator Lars Kriss, arguing that her anti-Israel offensive borders on “an obsession” and questioning whether she is “an asset” to Sweden.


Always pointing at others.
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The Swedes?

Aha, I just reading that the Israel-demonizing obsessed Swedish FM is implicated in a CORRUPTION scandal in Sweden.

The plot thickens. Hopefully, the Swedes will kick her to the curb.

I'd like to see how the government of Sweden responds when Islamist terrorists start stabbing their Swedish (non-Jewish) people. I say non-Jewish Swedes because this particular FM would clearly blame being stabbed by terrorists on the Jews themselves, as she has towards Israel and also reflecting her sickening comments about Paris.

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If you want to write anything anywhere critical about Israel or Jews, you are labelled antisemite, but on the other hand they do accuse all world of antisemitism with no repercussions. It's a one way street like Obama said: You are with us, or against us. There is no middle road. If you quiet you are under suspicion already.

This is called Jewish democracy; It's like a diktat in EU. I wonder why?

Your quote comes from Tiny George II, not Obama.

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If you want to write anything anywhere critical about Israel or Jews, you are labelled antisemite, but on the other hand they do accuse all world of antisemitism with no repercussions. It's a one way street like Obama said: You are with us, or against us. There is no middle road. If you quiet you are under suspicion already.

This is called Jewish democracy; It's like a diktat in EU. I wonder why?

Your quote comes from Tiny George II, not Obama.

That's true and that statement was not about Israel OR Sweden.

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The Swedes?

Aha, I just reading that the Israel-demonizing obsessed Swedish FM is implicated in a CORRUPTION scandal in Sweden.

The plot thickens. Hopefully, the Swedes will kick her to the curb.

I'd like to see how the government of Sweden responds when Islamist terrorists start stabbing their Swedish (non-Jewish) people. I say non-Jewish Swedes because this particular FM would clearly blame being stabbed by terrorists on the Jews themselves, as she has towards Israel and also reflecting her sickening comments about Paris.

And still pointing at others.

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Boycott Ikea?


Sweden’s relations with Israel were already bad. They just got much worse.

Eurovision 2016 in Sweden is going to be interesting.coffee1.gif

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I am a Jew, and I have no right to criticize Israel. I have learned this time and time again, that to say anything negative about Israel, is considered a betrayal by my Jewish friends, and my liberal friends. Yet, I continue to criticize Israel, as their hawkish policies, and their treatment of the Palestinians in my opinion continues to resemble Apartheid. Netanyahu seem to feel compelled to side with the extremist elements within his coalition, and they are completely insane. It is everybody's right to criticize Israel, and any other country that practices heinous policies and commits human rights abuses, as Israel does with the Palestinians. Israel is nothing special. Just another country. However, because they consider themselves to be the (self appointed) chosen ones, you cannot say anything negative about them, without being labeled a Jew hater. There is nothing "chosen" about the Jews. Nothing. It is all a fiction, designed to anoint special status. Nothing could be further from the truth, in my case, when it comes to being labeled a Jew hater. I simply like to practice the tenets of democracy, and have been told I have the right to criticize something I do not approve of, within a democracy. Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

They'll block you if you mention Israel on here. Say anything you like about Muslims, but defend them, and you'll be told that you're off topic, even if the offensive ad biased comment you're addressing was totally off topic. Also don't mention anything about homosexuals coming to SEA and having sex with underage children, as they also don't like that for some reason. They're really going to struggle when the rest of the world works out the likely link between Israel and Koh Tao, which is overwhelming, how it links to the draft, the price of rice, the price of rubber, and the recent hacking events---all with biased press coverage which goes unpunished, thanks to "Hungarian" George.

Palestine's occupation by the terrorist entity, founded on terrorism, populated via terrorising the would be inhabitants into going there, extended by terrorism, and controlled by a steady self inflicted terrorism against it's component groups, in the form of radiation treatment for sephardic children to kill and sterelize them, to the constant busses blowing up is all a total disgrace and can only end badly. It's worse than Apartheid, as they didn't put blacks in camps, but none the less black Jews have been put in camps, and no other refugees have ever been accepted. The land of the oppressed we hear, but no cahrity of any kind ever, and the biggest welfare state ever known to man.

I have mixed feelings about Henry Kissinger's said it will be wiped off the map within the decade only last year, and he's not one for lying as much of a villain as he is. Albert Pike's letter to Guiseppi Mazzinni will come to pay in part or in whole, but "Israel's" days are numbered. I hear the depleted uranium's upwind of Telaviv and many of the inhabitants are virtually infertile, so the plan's behind schedule. The Roschild family built Israel and they're "Jews" who believe that the Messiah has already been in Jakob Frank and Sebadai Tsvi, so presumably they think there's a Jewish Messiah on Earth right now---or maybe not.

Well just look who the Swedish diplomat has as her new friends, our old friends the conspiracy crowd with with some of their usual pet hates: gays, George Soros in parentheses, radiation and of course the Rothschild's.

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Frankly speaking, it appears that Israel is the one democracy where criticism is not allowed.

If you really believe this, it pretty much negates your opinions on Israel IMHO. Israel gets criticized constantly by lots of different people including Jews and Israelis. I don't know anyone who thinks Israel deserves no constructive criticism at all.

The problem with people like the Swedish Ambassador and the haters of Israel is that they have no intention of being fair and impartial. They ignore Palestinian terrorism and want to destroy the Jewish nation.

Israel was founded on terrorism and genocide by stealing money from the Jews in Western Europe who didn't want to go there. Then, they used terrorism to throw off the British protectorate---Britain having "given" them the right to go to Palestine but not to throw out the indiginous people or murder them for that matter. I don't recognise Israel as I don't belive in terrorism even if it's Jews doing it. Using patronising and emotive words to describe ambassadors is typical of the tribe's mindset of hypocrisy and hatred of the goyim.

No frined of the little jews---evidently---Stephen Spielberg's release of the footage about the work camps from jews who were in them's the tinder that will light the fire under the next role of expulsions, as has happened over two hundred times before---just to be nasty!

Look up Rabbi Ariel Toaff's book on why some jews don't want to get on with anybody and their hatred of all other people, codified within their holy book, the Talmud.

Painting the Talmud as a book of hatred is straight out of the Julius Streicher handbook, but what jars is not so much that such views try to slipstream behind the Swedish statement but rather that those who purport to support the left meekly accept their new allies as something not to raise even a whisper about.

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Pointing at a lying hypocrite.


Is there something wrong with asking for an investigation? Surely israel would be happy for it, would prove them right wouldnt it?

Attacking the messenger is for 5 year old mentalities.

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