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Clinton cries foul over Sanders TV ad on Wall Street


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Clinton cries foul over Sanders TV ad on Wall Street

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign on Thursday accused Democratic rival Bernie Sanders of breaking a self-imposed pledge against negative advertising, offering up the latest sign that her campaign is concerned about the Vermont senator's rise in Iowa.

The Clinton campaign cried foul after the Sanders campaign released a television ad in Iowa and New Hampshire in which he tells viewers there are "two Democratic visions for regulating Wall Street."

Sanders says one vision says it's "OK to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do" while his plan would break up the big banks, close tax loopholes and make Wall Street pay its "fair share." The ad does not mention Clinton by name nor does it delve into her family's acceptance of millions of dollars in speaking fees from Wall Street banks or financial contributions for her campaigns.

Sanders, speaking to reporters in Hanover, New Hampshire, dismissed the Clinton charges. "They're mad at me today, they're mad at me yesterday, they're mad at me tomorrow," he said. "They're gonna be mad at me for a long time."

Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said in an interview that the ad is not an attack. "Secretary Clinton is not mentioned anywhere in there. This ad is an indictment of the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party," he said.

But Clinton's campaign said Sanders, who has said he has never run a negative ad during his political career, had broken his commitment not to engage in negative campaigning. "We were particularly surprised today to see him break that pledge and run this negative ad," said Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook.

Sanders' ad hit the airwaves as a new poll sponsored by The Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics showed a tightening race in Iowa, with Clinton at 42 percent and Sanders at 40 percent.

The Democratic race has increased in intensity. After largely ignoring Sanders at campaign events, Clinton has more directly critiqued his record at the start of 2016, questioning Sanders' past votes on gun control and how middle-class taxpayers might be affected by his plan to create a single-payer Medicare for all health care system.

Sanders has vowed to break up large Wall Street banks that were bailed out during the financial downturn in late 2008 and 2009 and suggested that Clinton would be more lenient in how she would address the financial industry.

Sanders has said that the polls and Clinton's tactics show that she is nervous about her standing in the campaign. The two leading Democrats and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who is running in a distant third place in polls ahead of the primaries, are set to appear for their final debate before the Feb. 1 Iowa contest on Sunday night in Charleston, South Carolina.

The former secretary of state has been the dominant front-runner for the campaign but has watched her advantage in Iowa diminish and trails Sanders in New Hampshire, his New England neighbor.

Clinton campaign senior strategist Joel Benenson said the Sanders ad marked a "new phase" in the campaign but would not commit to responding in turn with a similar ad. The campaign noted that Sanders pulled a digital ad in December that the senator felt fell into a "gray area" of negative campaigning.

"It's going to be up to him and we'll wait and see what he does," Benenson said. "He asked them to pull down the last one they put up, he might ask them to take this one down tomorrow."

O'Malley's team sought to distance themselves from the Clinton-Sanders scrap. Campaign manager Dave Hamrick said it was clear that "both Sen. Sanders and Secretary Clinton are wed to the failed, broken politics and tactics of the past."

Associated Press writer Kathleen Ronayne in Hanover, New Hampshire, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-15

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Go at it, Bernie! While you're at it, break up AIS and other corporations who do business badly. Wall street had a wake-up call in Sept. 2008, but they kept snoozing, comfortable in the knowledge they were too big and fat for the Feds to touch. Bush Jr. put Goldman Sachs execs in charge of cleaning up Wall Street mess. Like putting barking dogs in charge of a dog pound full of barking dogs, and wondering why they're all still barking all night and shitting on the floor. I like Obama, but he kept the same Goldman Sachs execs in the drivers seats. Hillary would probably do the same. Bernie wouldn't put insider billionaires in charge of policing insider billionaires.

Edited by boomerangutang
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That it irritates Hillary so is a bit self-incriminating. Doesn't make her look too good on a number of fronts: the pettiness of her complaint is verging desperate, it's more of this National Security State, don't critisize just go with the program style we get from Obama, and it shows how eager she is to jump to corporate America's defense at the drop of a hat.

As a side light I thought it was interesting to read that according to a poll, Hillary would lose an election to Trump while Sanders would route him. Analysts were saying that it shows how fed up people are with the legalized corruption of American politics and that they would rather vote for a lunatic than support the Wall Street candidates.

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But Clinton's campaign said Sanders, who has said he has never run a negative ad during his political career, had broken his commitment not to engage in negative campaigning. "We were particularly surprised today to see him break that pledge and run this negative ad," said Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook.

He is a politician, just like you. Therefore he breaks commitments and pledges, just like you. That's what you politicians do, it's your job, no surprise there.

Besides, anything that can get Clinton riled up a bit, is a good thing.

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Things that annoy Hillary are worth examining. Her complaining that her opponent has gone negative - this is interesting.
Bernie was stating a societal issue. He's said the same things for years. Hillary is crying foul as a ploy to set up her next round of negative campaigning - trying to justify it. She is desperate as the polls tighten, and as Bernie begins taking the lead in more polls.

Oh, BTW, she already went negative in how she is describing Bernie's health care plan. He wants to set up a single system option to cut costs of administration and to increase bargaining power. No where does his plan propose ceding options to the states the way Obama did. That is a false idea Hillary is throwing in - to confuse voters. Shame on her too - for getting Chelsea to go out this past week and peddle the same lie. I believe the age of internet fact checking will lead to her tactics amplifying the move away from supporting her.


It sounds like Clinton is saying that millions would be left totally uninsured as a result of Sanders' plan giving more authority to governors, which isn't the case.

"Her claim is analogous to saying that Medicare dismantled private insurance for the elderly," said David Himmelstein, co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program and an advocate for a national health insurance system. "It replaced defective private coverage with something better.""


"According to Politifact’s recent analysis of Bernie Sanders’ proposal to expand Medicare to all Americans under his “Medicare for All” single-payer healthcare system, Sanders’ plan WOULD SAVE THE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD between $505 and $1,823 per year — just shy of a $1,200 average cost savings. While this figure is lower than the Sanders campaign’s estimate of $3,855 to $5,173 in savings, it still means American families will pay less under single-payer healthcare than they currently do under the Affordable Care Act.

"Sanders also claims that the 6.6 percent payroll tax on employers would mean additional savings for businesses, as the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates the average business pays $12,591 in healthcare contributions for a worker making $50,000. A 6.6 percent payroll tax cuts the employer contribution down to $3,350 — a savings of over $9,000."


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Bernie is good and the thrust of his campaign is excellent.

Trouble is I haven't much info what his policy is toward Putin or the CCP Dictators in Beijing, or Iran, nuclear weapons etc. Anyone been to Burlington, Vermont where Bernie was mayor? Kon Khaen is bigger and has more people.

It has also become obvious that the pressing pressures of the campaign are starting to weigh heavily on Bernie as he becomes even more intense, self-serious and forceful in his absolute and focused monolithic lifetime cause.

HR Clinton is no angel but she's been around extensively here and there, to include not only the USA, but to Thailand, CCP China, Russia and a lot of other critical places.

I like that the CCP Dictators in Beijing fear and detest former SecState Clinton eons more than any cross eyed rightwingnut or tea party fatso does or ever could. Putin got kicked in the balls by Erdogan but his nuts shrivel at the thought of her. Conversely, the thought of Trump gives the prince Putin a rise.

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Go at it, Bernie! While you're at it, break up AIS and other corporations who do business badly. Wall street had a wake-up call in Sept. 2008, but they kept snoozing, comfortable in the knowledge they were too big and fat for the Feds to touch. Bush Jr. put Goldman Sachs execs in charge of cleaning up Wall Street mess. Like putting barking dogs in charge of a dog pound full of barking dogs, and wondering why they're all still barking all night and shitting on the floor. I like Obama, but he kept the same Goldman Sachs execs in the drivers seats. Hillary would probably do the same. Bernie wouldn't put insider billionaires in charge of policing insider billionaires.

I hate to break it to you this way, but Bernie's gonna do what ever he's told to do, just like the last last moron, and just like the future morons.

Don't, for a thin second, believe leaders from other countries are exempt from this; they're not.

The 'UN isn't my daddy', might be what the mouth piece of a little irrelevant country says, but at the end of the day, they'll tow the 'party line'. coffee1.gif

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It's probably good for HRC to not be coronated as long as she gets the crown at the end. Which she will.

Unless she is serving time in a Federal Penitentiary - which she should be.


And where do you think Bush and Cheney should be?

In jail, along with the 39 Democrat Senators and Congressmen that voted to approve the Iraq War Powers act.

Couldn't have done it without their wholehearted support.

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It's probably good for HRC to not be coronated as long as she gets the crown at the end. Which she will.

Unless she is serving time in a Federal Penitentiary - which she should be.


And where do you think Bush and Cheney should be?

In jail, along with the 39 Democrat Senators and Congressmen that voted to approve the Iraq War Powers act.

Couldn't have done it without their wholehearted support.

Huge difference between falsifying intelligence reports, and voting on a measure based on false intelligence reports.

The former was illegal, and should be treated as a crime against humanity.

The latter was naive and stupid, but not against any laws. (Edit: But should have gotten a lot of them voted out at the next election)

Edited by impulse
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It's probably good for HRC to not be coronated as long as she gets the crown at the end. Which she will.

Unless she is serving time in a Federal Penitentiary - which she should be.


There's a phenomenon called epistemic closure Basically it means that someone has shut themselves off from any facts that might contradict there worldview. One such instance is the right's repeated allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered a stand-down. This despite the fact that the House Subcommittee, hardly a friendly group to HIllary Clinton could find absolutely no evidence to that effect.

"The committee also found “no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support,” rejecting claims that have fed persistent conspiracy theories that the U.S. military was prevented from rescuing U.S. personnel from a night-time assault that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans."


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Bernie is good and the thrust of his campaign is excellent.

Trouble is I haven't much info what his policy is toward Putin or the CCP Dictators in Beijing, or Iran, nuclear weapons etc. Anyone been to Burlington, Vermont where Bernie was mayor? Kon Khaen is bigger and has more people.

It has also become obvious that the pressing pressures of the campaign are starting to weigh heavily on Bernie as he becomes even more intense, self-serious and forceful in his absolute and focused monolithic lifetime cause.

HR Clinton is no angel but she's been around extensively here and there, to include not only the USA, but to Thailand, CCP China, Russia and a lot of other critical places.

I like that the CCP Dictators in Beijing fear and detest former SecState Clinton eons more than any cross eyed rightwingnut or tea party fatso does or ever could. Putin got kicked in the balls by Erdogan but his nuts shrivel at the thought of her. Conversely, the thought of Trump gives the prince Putin a rise.

I think the idea of getting America "great" again is his main agenda.. Americas meddling in world affairs hasn't really worked well the last 30 or so years! The funny thing is you call them CCP dictators but educated Chinese find the US system were government can be closed down for a month ridiculous. Things do get done in China, new cities. High speed trains etc. How many high speed trains does America have?
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Bernie is good and the thrust of his campaign is excellent.

Trouble is I haven't much info what his policy is toward Putin or the CCP Dictators in Beijing, or Iran, nuclear weapons etc. Anyone been to Burlington, Vermont where Bernie was mayor? Kon Khaen is bigger and has more people.

It has also become obvious that the pressing pressures of the campaign are starting to weigh heavily on Bernie as he becomes even more intense, self-serious and forceful in his absolute and focused monolithic lifetime cause.

HR Clinton is no angel but she's been around extensively here and there, to include not only the USA, but to Thailand, CCP China, Russia and a lot of other critical places.

I like that the CCP Dictators in Beijing fear and detest former SecState Clinton eons more than any cross eyed rightwingnut or tea party fatso does or ever could. Putin got kicked in the balls by Erdogan but his nuts shrivel at the thought of her. Conversely, the thought of Trump gives the prince Putin a rise.

I think the idea of getting America "great" again is his main agenda.. Americas meddling in world affairs hasn't really worked well the last 30 or so years! The funny thing is you call them CCP dictators but educated Chinese find the US system were government can be closed down for a month ridiculous. Things do get done in China, new cities. High speed trains etc. How many high speed trains does America have?

China does have high speed trains, but at an unacceptable price of poverty for millions, and pollution.

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The guys who were there say there WAS a stand-down order, but Hillary LIED to the American people and the families of the men killed at Benghazi. Her emails PROVE IT. THAT is what she should pay for.


And if her emails do prove it, cite them with links. Believe it or not, using capital letter as in "PROVE IT" proves nothing.

But common sense would indicate that the emails prove no such thing. Do you think it stands to reason, that the House Subcommittee, whose Republican majority has been implacably hostile to Hillary Clinton, would have overlooked such conclusive evidence?

Edited by ilostmypassword
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The guys who were there say there WAS a stand-down order, but Hillary LIED to the American people and the families of the men killed at Benghazi. Her emails PROVE IT. THAT is what she should pay for.


And if her emails do prove it, cite them with links. Believe it or not, using capital letter as in "PROVE IT" proves nothing.

But common sense would indicate that the emails prove no such thing. Do you think it stands to reason, that the House Subcommittee, whose Republican majority has been implacably hostile to Hillary Clinton, would have overlooked such conclusive evidence?

Given a choice of believing the men that went in harm's way, or a woman that makes a habit of lying, I take the men's word over hers. She'll never give up the e mails that really tell the story- I'm sure they are long destroyed.

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