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Where to buy a 12V waterpump in BKK ?

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Is there a place in BKK who sells many carparts and has a big stock?

I need a 12V waterpump with a small watertank and some spraynozzles. The tank has to be a high thin model so it fits in the body of the scooter, which carbrand has a model like that?

The plan is to build it inside the scooter to spray soidogs who attack me. It has to spray to the sides James Bond style.

Any other idea's to repell soidogs are also welcome.


That is the best idea i have heard in ages.

how about a regular agricultural tank-sprayer

say 10-15 liter

some water & pepper sauce

not too strong.


wear goggles.

let us know.

if this is agin' the law fergit it.


That is the best idea i have heard in ages.

how about a regular agricultural tank-sprayer

say 10-15 liter

some water & pepper sauce

not too strong.


wear goggles.

let us know.

1-2 litre is enough, i need the pump plus tank from the windscreen-washer for a car. But it has to be small so i can build it inside the plastic covers of the scooter.

Today 3 big dogs came to attack me, i pass those for 6 years and they are always sleeping but today they were agressive and the owner called them back but they didn't. So those are the first to get sprayed.

Also i need a switch which fit in my handlebars but i'll find that somewhere. I don't want anything visible except the spraynozzles on the sidecovers.

It will be great to have that installed.....can't wait 555


do you want it to spray to both sides simultaneously?

might need a "T" fitting or summon'.

papa is no expert

consider a squirt gun.

interim & as back-up piece .

a car wiper pump is too small, think.


do you want it to spray to both sides simultaneously?

might need a "T" fitting or summon'.

papa is no expert

consider a squirt gun.

interim & as back-up piece .

a car wiper pump is too small, think.

Actually they always come from the left side so i make it there first.

Some cars have a great windscreen washer which sprays so hard that i get the soap in my eyes when i drive behind them. A Volvo has a good system and it sprays many small rays. They also have it for the headlights, with wipers, but not in Thailand i guess.

So i 'm looking for a shop where they have them on the shelves so i can see different models of tanks.

I have considered many systems today but i just want it installed on the scooter permanently. I'm not going to bring a big stick or plantsprayer every day.

I have an empty slot at the handlebars where a switch for the claxon would fit, i will order that switch from Honda so it fits perfect and you won't see that i placed that.

I agree it's a great idea, Honda should install that on their scooters/big bikes. For Thailand only.gigglem.gif

In the past i had a campervan and bought a small waterpump for it for tapwater. That's what i need and also a thin tank but where can i buy it?


Why bother to hide your pump and sprays? Any Thai or dog that sees them won't understand it's purpose nor will they care if they do, get yourself a "bilge" pump from any marine supplier, coupled with a 10-20 litre tank filled with a vinegar/ chilli mix.....yes, it'll hurt the dogs for a while but they'll remember!! So will their owners! wink.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif


When I rode bicycles back home, I used to carry an ordinary squirt gun loaded with a solution of liquid floor cleaning soap. One squirt and chasing dogs quickly lost interest.

A friend here who lives on a side soi with a bunch of dogs bought one of those electronic zappers they sell on Sukhumvit. All he has to do is point it at them and buzz the thing and the dogs turn and run...they hate the sound.

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