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“Good guys in, bad guys out”, says Thailand Immigration chief

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All you on here sanctoniously pronouncing how good this all is, how Thailand is doing the 'right thing' by 'getting rid of all the 'scum" are seriously deluded. You won't find any of the many criminals here doing silly 90 day reports. Bent imm will simply up their bribes to look the other way. A country with 80% corruption (as a conservative estimate), should be a clue

Dear God .. Sheep .. baa

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Consider this scenario.

Those posting objections to the new rules/ enforcement policy are living in their own home countries.

There is an influx of foreigners, predominantly from the middle east, religion of peace types, who show little/no regard for YOUR own country's immigration laws, and choose to stay, illegally, some up to 11 years, citing their own situations as worthy of special consideration, whilst earning 'out of country' income, paying no tax, and contributing nothing to infrastructure, of which they are the beneficiaries.

Would you want your government to strictly enforce its laws, or would you be happy for those wilfully flouting those laws to stay on, and worse, object to the authorities in YOUR country trying to address the problem?

Weak, on so many levels. D-


The poster shown in the background has been posted at Pattaya Immigration for at least a month now already.

Pretty funny video...takeaways:

Only men overstay

It's OK to come to Thailand and comit crimes, like theft, online scams, and ATM card skimming as long as you don't overstay your entry stamp or visa.

Thai immigration officials have curiously Western accents


immigration deals with immigration issues which includes visas, permits to stay and overstay. Police is dealing with the other crimes you mentioned


Consider this scenario.

Those posting objections to the new rules/ enforcement policy are living in their own home countries.

There is an influx of foreigners, predominantly from the middle east, religion of peace types, who show little/no regard for YOUR own country's immigration laws, and choose to stay, illegally, some up to 11 years, citing their own situations as worthy of special consideration, whilst earning 'out of country' income, paying no tax, and contributing nothing to infrastructure, of which they are the beneficiaries.

Would you want your government to strictly enforce its laws, or would you be happy for those wilfully flouting those laws to stay on, and worse, object to the authorities in YOUR country trying to address the problem?

they only care about themselves and are always looking for excuses to right their wrongs. then when critisized they are trying to shoot the messenger, it is pathetic.

Good guys in, bad guys out.

So good guys who come here more then 10 years and NEVER overstayed can expect to get a lifetime Visa without visaruns? Yeah in your dreams.

did you mean stay here for 10 years by exploiting the rules by doing visa runs?


Consider this scenario.

Those posting objections to the new rules/ enforcement policy are living in their own home countries.

There is an influx of foreigners, predominantly from the middle east, religion of peace types, who show little/no regard for YOUR own country's immigration laws, and choose to stay, illegally, some up to 11 years, citing their own situations as worthy of special consideration, whilst earning 'out of country' income, paying no tax, and contributing nothing to infrastructure, of which they are the beneficiaries.

Would you want your government to strictly enforce its laws, or would you be happy for those wilfully flouting those laws to stay on, and worse, object to the authorities in YOUR country trying to address the problem?

I would question why those laws exist in the first place.

IMHO, far too many people accept "Laws" as a part of the cosmos, and far too few question the need for them.

overstay, get arrested and ask the judge

By the looks of it, this clears up any ambiguity of whether people overstaying less than 90 days would be prosecuted--as long as said people turn themselves in. Still wondering what would happen to someone who overstays a week and happens to get caught.

Based on the video alone it sounds like a 5 year ban.

You could make a case that you were on the way to the police station to report your overstay, making sure that you show them your passport and within the photo page, a couple of folded 1000 baht notes.


By the looks of it, this clears up any ambiguity of whether people overstaying less than 90 days would be prosecuted--as long as said people turn themselves in. Still wondering what would happen to someone who overstays a week and happens to get caught.

No reason to overstay a week. If someone needs to stay longer than their original visa is for all they need to do is go to immigration and extend for 30 days. I can understand 1-2 days due to changes in plans but if week then you can extend or do a boarder run and get 15 days. Real tourists dont have a problem.


Just don't know why The Immigration chief does not welcome tourists on a 6 month visa without having to leave the country every 60 days one way to get tourists back to thailand!!

I'd be happy with 3.


Is no one else going to mention that they showed the foreigners ( or aliens) in this very informative cartoon here as criminals traveling around the country and ripping people off with various scams and schemes in each location?

I was just about to.

Does anyone now have any doubt about just how they view us?

My wife's cousin works for immigration and I have a friend that also works for immigration. They believe that people that overstay their visa's for months and years are no good and involved in illegally activities. They believe if someone is overstaying their visa they are afraid to apply for a visa so they are either working illegally or involved in illegally activities. I agree with them.

Sure you get someone here and there down on their luck that something happened no money, accident etc. however every-time you see in the paper they arrested this guy or that guy for warrants in their home towns they are almost always on overstay.


Meanwhile.....Cambodia begs: "Please ramp up the abuse of Thailand's farangs, so we can have the overflow." Perhaps the most dense, obtuse immigration in the developing world. Someone PLEASE explain to them that you DO NOT grow an economy by abusing your cash cows. tongue.png

The cash cow are real tourists that stay an average of 10 days. People that overstay are overstaying for a reason, they either have problems (no money), working illegally or wanted back home. Anyone that wants to live in Thailand can get a visa.


Ain't it strange, no Thai official has ever asked me if I have taken care of Thai nationals, whether I have put a Thai kid through school cos his father don't give a shit......Ain't that strange........coffee1.gif

No, it is not strange.
I didn't think it strange either. Why on earth would a Thai official even think to ask, any more than he would ask a foreigner whst drugs he was taking, or his involvement in sex with underage kids??

My bet is that for every foreigner who has put a Thai kid through school because he has a dead$hit father, there would be several in the other categories, i.e., junkies and pedophiles.

And this is why you have ZERO credibility here. Your sick obsession with and presumption about what others might be doing is impervious to facts.

Certainly yellow trash journalism would would have you believe that way, but it doesn't take much grey matter to figure out what sells more papers, or, in this day, gets more clicks: a caring father or a lurid story about sex trafficking and dope...

The question is, why are you so obsessed with the latter?


Meanwhile.....Cambodia begs: "Please ramp up the abuse of Thailand's farangs, so we can have the overflow." Perhaps the most dense, obtuse immigration in the developing world. Someone PLEASE explain to them that you DO NOT grow an economy by abusing your cash cows. tongue.png

The cash cow are real tourists that stay an average of 10 days. People that overstay are overstaying for a reason, they either have problems (no money), working illegally or wanted back home. Anyone that wants to live in Thailand can get a visa.
May we quote you at our immigration office visit:

"ericthai, a genius of note, says that anyone who wants to live in Thailand can get a visa. Please be so kind as to issue mine now. Thank you."

From what orifice did you pull this gem?

Consider any 30 year old, self-supporting, single person, not desirous of employment in Thailand. He/she would like to stay in Thailand. What visa applies?

As for overstayers being no good, that is only recent propaganda. For years, overstaying was a minor offense, punishable by a small fine. Suddenly, its a big deal. Why? Because the people at the top need a scapegoat to deflect attention from their own misdeeds. The idea that overstayers are somehow responsible for major crime is ludicrous. If I were a successful criminal, I would NEVER overstay. I would just enter legally, do my crimes, exit, and repeat as desired.

The Thai public are mostly unaware of Immigration rules, and couldn't care less about overstayers - at least until the junta started whipping them to a xenophobic lather...



The poster shown in the background has been posted at Pattaya Immigration for at least a month now already.

Pretty funny video...takeaways:

Only men overstay

It's OK to come to Thailand and comit crimes, like theft, online scams, and ATM card skimming as long as you don't overstay your entry stamp or visa.

Thai immigration officials have curiously Western accents


immigration deals with immigration issues which includes visas, permits to stay and overstay. Police is dealing with the other crimes you mentioned

News for ya - Immigration ARE Police. Duh.


Meanwhile.....Cambodia begs: "Please ramp up the abuse of Thailand's farangs, so we can have the overflow." Perhaps the most dense, obtuse immigration in the developing world. Someone PLEASE explain to them that you DO NOT grow an economy by abusing your cash cows. tongue.png

The cash cow are real tourists that stay an average of 10 days. People that overstay are overstaying for a reason, they either have problems (no money), working illegally or wanted back home. Anyone that wants to live in Thailand can get a visa.
May we quote you at our immigration office visit:

"ericthai, a genius of note, says that anyone who wants to live in Thailand can get a visa. Please be so kind as to issue mine now. Thank you."

From what orifice did you pull this gem?

Consider any 30 year old, self-supporting, single person, not desirous of employment in Thailand. He/she would like to stay in Thailand. What visa applies?

As for overstayers being no good, that is only recent propaganda. For years, overstaying was a minor offense, punishable by a small fine. Suddenly, its a big deal. Why? Because the people at the top need a scapegoat to deflect attention from their own misdeeds. The idea that overstayers are somehow responsible for major crime is ludicrous. If I were a successful criminal, I would NEVER overstay. I would just enter legally, do my crimes, exit, and repeat as desired.

The Thai public are mostly unaware of Immigration rules, and couldn't care less about overstayers - at least until the junta started whipping them to a xenophobic lather...


Agree with all of what you say except for the 'If I were a successful criminal, I would NEVER overstay' part. Please refer back to my post on corruption here. Do you think a criminal major/minor would not be aware of the fact that ALL officials here are bribeable? That's why there are so many of them here.


Hows it working for the ISIS Terrorists in Thailand that Immigration don't seem to know the whereabouts of?

They are on forged turkish passports and are not classified as terrorists


Since the Erawan shrine bombing in August, Thai Imm has tightened screws. Unfortunately, they don't quite get it right - about who are the good guys and who are bad. It's like the Thai propensity to think all white-skinned Europeans speak English well, and therefore should be considered good English teachers. I met two guys, a Finn and a Frenchman who had scored good jobs at Bkk's best U, teaching English. Neither could speak worth a damn, but the people hiring didn't know or didn't care.

Here's how that applies to the most recent screw-tightening by the Junta: They think farang who aren't overtly polite or who are casual in their attire are baddies, and similarly think farang who dress well and/or have classy Thai girlfriends/wives accompany them to visa renewals, are fine. They can't see through the glossy image to see the substance.


While I accept Thailand for what it is, the good, the bad and the ugly- the video on the overstay rule change is very misleading and frankly quite irritating. Overstay is a victim less crime and those criminals who exist do not overstay. They do what they do and most stay legal. They make sure they have the proper documents. The video and the police have the wrong idea. I would venture to guess most over stayers involve some type of financial issue. If my memory serves me, the posters on this board who have overstayed admit they got into a financial situation and didn't have the funds to leave; get a new Visa or have the overstay fee. I have much sympathy for them. One's life can change drastically in a minute and often the best laid plans go astray.

While any country can set its own Immigration rules, Thailand has been a very easy country to live in, even when a person did overstay. In fact, the lax rules did encourage overstays. The pendulum has swung to the other side and it has nothing to do with prior over stayers. The government seems to believe that this will keep out the criminals and perceived terrorists. The fact is it will not. Remember, the 9-11 terrorists entered the US on valid Visas.

there has been a lot of vitriol on this issue with each side condemning the other. Let us all remember, we are all part of the human family and we all want to live in a peaceful place. Those that want to stay long term in Thailand and are under 50 still will have a hard time keeping themselves legal due to the lack of a real solution to their issue.Many of these people have families and have tried to do the right thing. Just because we have ours, let us have some sympathy for people who are trying their best to abide by the rules but sometimes fail because of circumstances.


Just don't know why The Immigration chief does not welcome tourists on a 6 month visa without having to leave the country every 60 days one way to get tourists back to thailand!!

Does your country offer a 6 month tourist visa?


Meanwhile.....Cambodia begs: "Please ramp up the abuse of Thailand's farangs, so we can have the overflow." Perhaps the most dense, obtuse immigration in the developing world. Someone PLEASE explain to them that you DO NOT grow an economy by abusing your cash cows. tongue.png

The cash cow are real tourists that stay an average of 10 days. People that overstay are overstaying for a reason, they either have problems (no money), working illegally or wanted back home. Anyone that wants to live in Thailand can get a visa.
May we quote you at our immigration office visit:

"ericthai, a genius of note, says that anyone who wants to live in Thailand can get a visa. Please be so kind as to issue mine now. Thank you."

From what orifice did you pull this gem?

Consider any 30 year old, self-supporting, single person, not desirous of employment in Thailand. He/she would like to stay in Thailand. What visa applies?

As for overstayers being no good, that is only recent propaganda. For years, overstaying was a minor offense, punishable by a small fine. Suddenly, its a big deal. Why? Because the people at the top need a scapegoat to deflect attention from their own misdeeds. The idea that overstayers are somehow responsible for major crime is ludicrous. If I were a successful criminal, I would NEVER overstay. I would just enter legally, do my crimes, exit, and repeat as desired.

The Thai public are mostly unaware of Immigration rules, and couldn't care less about overstayers - at least until the junta started whipping them to a xenophobic lather...


For your comment on recent propaganda guess you have not been around Thailand that long. It has been said for years and years and years by immigration if you want to stay in Thailand get the correct visa. I have a few friends that work in immigration they dont care how long you stay just get the correct visa. They feel if you are overstaying you are working illegally. That is their thinking.

As for the 30yr old that wants to stay in Thailand he has a few options such as an Investment visa or Thai elite visa.

You're right the Thai public dont care about overstayers nothing says they care now so dont know where you're getting this the junta is whipping them up.


Will these new rules have any effect for the hardened existing over stayers?

Most have over stayed for a reason, usually not having proof of funds to get an extension.

If they don't have money, then how can they pay the fine, return home to get the correct Visa, then deposit funds in a Thai bank.

I think most will chance their arm and continue to remain in the hope of never being caught.

A particular case in mind is a German guy I know who came to Thailand 30 years ago on a Tourist Visa, got married, and never returned home.

He has no income other than a little money his elderly parents send him and his wife earns. His passport expired years ago.

He doesn't have any options, so I doubt the new rules will have any effect to his situation.

I'll bet there are a few in exactly the same situation.


There are legal means provided for almost every category of visitor. Even 'visa runs' which, although perhaps not in the spirit of the law, are tolerated. That Immigration imposes a penalty on people who break the terms of their visa or can't be bothered to regularise their position either themselves or through a third party should not be seen as unfair.


Will these new rules have any effect for the hardened existing over stayers?

Most have over stayed for a reason, usually not having proof of funds to get an extension.

If they don't have money, then how can they pay the fine, return home to get the correct Visa, then deposit funds in a Thai bank.

I think most will chance their arm and continue to remain in the hope of never being caught.

A particular case in mind is a German guy I know who came to Thailand 30 years ago on a Tourist Visa, got married, and never returned home.

He has no income other than a little money his elderly parents send him and his wife earns. His passport expired years ago.

He doesn't have any options, so I doubt the new rules will have any effect to his situation.

I'll bet there are a few in exactly the same situation.

I don't really care what happens to guys like this...let him live his little life as far as I'm concerned. He's made his bed and if he's happy in it fine. I also won't have any sympathy for him if he ever gets found out, for whatever reason, and ends up spending his days in IDC in Bangkok if his elderly parents can't or won't bail him out.


There seems to be a lot of discussion on people being 'unintentional' overstayers, down on their luck, can't pay the B20,000 overstay fine, can't afford to replace an expired passport, can't afford a visa/renewal/border run, or can't afford the fare home.

These are EXACTLY the people Thailand doesn't need, or want. They are not spending as tourists normally do. What little they spend to survive is not worth having in the Thai economy, so get rid of them.

If you owned a hotel/restaurant, would you prefer to have guests who spend up big on food and drink every night, or those who buy a fried noodles and share a small Leo between three?

Of what possible value can somebody who can't afford a B20,000 fine or ticket home be to Thailand? Allow him to stay because of his cultural input?

It's easy to comply. Their rules may not be what you think they should be, or would like them to be, but they are the rules.


Is no one else going to mention that they showed the foreigners ( or aliens) in this very informative cartoon here as criminals traveling around the country and ripping people off with various scams and schemes in each location?

I guess because excessive overstay is a crime, they assume criminals do criminal things. Or are some people just "sort of" criminals?


Is it just me that finds it quite strange that they picture foreigners on overstay as criminals going around Thailand stealing money?? I mean if that's what they think they are doing while they are overstaying not sure that a 3 year ban makes sense... That video is surreal...


"...complete with a cartoon video which whilst informative..." cheesy.gif Maybe this was intended to all the IO's so that clarity could be gleaned in the new rule(s). I've never seen a collective bunch of adults enjoying cartoons as much as the current populace does.coffee1.gif

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