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Drunk 17-year-old killed in East Pattaya road crash


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R.I.P. Not bashing!

This problem goes deep, deep into the Thai Culture and is more wide spread than many of us want to believe. The Thai home and parents especially the lower income and less educated is rampant that the kids are allow to get a taste of alcohol as young as 10 years old especially the male. It is like a badge of honor to the family to raise them in this manner? I've come to realize from what I've seen first hand that Thai are not bad people they just do not know any other way of raising children except how they were raise by their own parents. This is why when a topic like this is brought up I hear " Same " I wonder silently if everyone knows it is " Same " why isn't it changed?

It is not rocket science to figure out if adults provide this type of example, drinking and driving after you drink, allow for sale of alcohol to minors, allow minors to operate motor vehicles at any hour with no concept of a curfew what the results is going to be. The worse is all the half ass attempt by the leaders of this government to fix all these problem.

I use Hwy 7, this stretch day and night, it is getting worse especially the big bikes,,, Drivers seem to think the better the bike they need to go faster because that is why the bike was made.

Cases like this is not the beginning and it will not be the end.. In Pattaya, it goes on 24/7 kids all underage not going to school, not going home, but pool their money and resources together to buy alcohol. Everyday to them is Songkran and guess what Songkran is in sight.

Your thinking is of an educated person and well said.

As for RR-7 (Royal Road) AH-19 and AH123 (all the same road). Asia Highway system is 43,400 kilomotor long, runs from Tokyo to Moscow were is connect to the M roads to London.

RR-7 There are large signs showing that walking and motorcycles are not allowed. I drive RR-7 Laemchabang - Pattaya section several times a week and there isn't a day that I do not get the hell scared out of me by a motorcycle flying past me on the driver site of my car so close that I could touch him, they (Thais and Farangs alike) do that to show how macho driver they are, the unfortunate part, the slightest move I make to the right and he goes flying into the steel barrier rail, which can happen if the noise would scare a car driver and moves the steering wheel oh so slightly to the right.

When I came to Thailand some sixty years ago children upbringing was totally different, children were to be seen, not to be heard. Since then Hollywood came on the scene (TV) especially the cartoons and it became Katie bar the door. So now 2016 we have the second Hollywood generation bringing up the present youngsters (teenagers).

You may bring up your offspring the correct way but unfortunately they are in contact with the much larger, better said, the majority of irresponsible group. An acquaintance has 3-kids 2-girls one boy (teenagers) all three she and her husband brought up correctly, the girls are fine, but everyday she is scared to dead about the boy, he knows better, but goes to school and hangs out with the teenage crowed (against his mothers wishes) but he does anyway.

I have similar acquaintances in America and in Europe but it all turned out not the way their parents had brought their offspring up and by now we are into the third generation so there is absolutely no way to turn this problem around regardless of what Mr. Prime Minister thinks he can do with his military background. This is not an army of a few thousand, this is the whole, in this case, Thailand.

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glad he didn't hurt an innocent human

but he did , his passenger .

If the deceased was drunk, then the passenger must have known that, and so must take a share of the blame.

Pull up Possum, the deceased was a minor & intoxicated as was his passenger. This doesn't make the situation right but, need to be mindful of the whole situation. Premeditated evasion of the RTP is common in Thailand. Questions must be asked who's named on registration of the Bike? There is the key to some of the blame, however this will not bring the young fella back from his next life; 'mai pen rai' I concur. The lack of education and the common thought process of being invincible at that age, was the contributing factor here unfortunately. Common for young Thai men on motorbikes, which eventually ends in loss of life or amputation of extremities. Pushed his luck.

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The only ones, that issue a R.I.P are Farangs without even knowing the Farang and his true name that has died smile.png Thais would classify it as an non-event anyway.

Avoidance of Purgatory?


Last week," Motorbike Racer" (with young wife and 6 month old baby, missed a curve.) Young wife still in coma, 6 month old baby "death on arrival":

The "motorbike racer" claimed that he will resume his career shortly, as soon as his slightly rampaged underarm will allow him to take command of a competition Motorbike again.

With the full support of his Family ! ..Nobody talks about the young wife sill laying in a provincial hospital on basic life support

Nobody cares, because she will be excluded from gainful employment for life..

Should something similar happen to a Farang-Provider, that can no more "provide", I do not even want to think about it.


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A main highway like Hwy 7 and it is apparently a known fact there are no police patrols.

Drinking and driving, not a good mix. One could say fortunately no innocent 3rd party involved. But such a waste of life.

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glad he didn't hurt an innocent human

but he did , his passenger .

If the deceased was drunk, then the passenger must have known that, and so must take a share of the blame.

Pull up Possum, the deceased was a minor & intoxicated as was his passenger. This doesn't make the situation right but, need to be mindful of the whole situation. Premeditated evasion of the RTP is common in Thailand. Questions must be asked who's named on registration of the Bike? There is the key to some of the blame, however this will not bring the young fella back from his next life; 'mai pen rai' I concur. The lack of education and the common thought process of being invincible at that age, was the contributing factor here unfortunately. Common for young Thai men on motorbikes, which eventually ends in loss of life or amputation of extremities. Pushed his luck.

This may seem harsh, but I want to see every drunk driver dead, (I emphasis the word drunk) better them than some innocent driver, rider or pedestrian.

I don't care if they are young or not, there are many innocent people dead because of these scum,selfish b@astards, and may they rot in hell.

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When I was 19 I rode a Honda 350 Enduro into a barbed wire fence. I was sober and it was daytime, but it was raining a bit.

I saw it at the last second and laid the bike down, luckily on some wet grass. I thought I was bullet proof back then.

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Parents are to blame....

Whose dumber the dead kid or his friends unable to keep up with him?

Fortunately he didn't hurt any other innocent victims...

Will his friends learn? Doubt it

You state "parents are to blame" ...I will go out on a limb and in ny thinking you are not a parent. If you are maybe you could start a thread on how we can be the perfect parent you are. You post is most self serving rubbish on this thread. Stop and think ....if this was your son and you read post that you are somehow to blame.....

I will stop , clearly you were not in queue for intelligence

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Parents are to blame....

Whose dumber the dead kid or his friends unable to keep up with him?

Fortunately he didn't hurt any other innocent victims...

Will his friends learn? Doubt it

You state "parents are to blame" ...I will go out on a limb and in ny thinking you are not a parent. If you are maybe you could start a thread on how we can be the perfect parent you are. You post is most self serving rubbish on this thread. Stop and think ....if this was your son and you read post that you are somehow to blame.....

I will stop , clearly you were not in queue for intelligence

It sounds like the partying, drinking and driving/speeding drunk were a regular occurrence so the parents should have done something to curb it whether that be by having a curfew and/or confiscating the bike until the son showed more responsibility. If I had allowed my son to carry on with that behaviour and it ended in his death, I wouldn't need anyone else to tell me it was my fault. A 17 year old is not an adult, you still have a responsibility to protect them from themselves.

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