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Tokays - How to get rid of them


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I don't have a single Tokay in my garden shed,............................I have a frigging family of 6 living in there.

That means that every so many months I have to clean the shed, which functions as a storage of left over materials and what not, because the smell of Tokay excrement gets unbearable.

This is a half day job every time, because tere are store many small items like sand stone, bricks and so on, and the excrement is behind tose of course.

So I want to indefinitely get rid of them. How do I do that.

I have now put rat poison in the shed, but I don't know if that is gonna work.

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One has to encourage them to move on to the next property. I had a family of four at the back of the house, well apart from the frequent "tokay" sound they were not too much bother. In the end I threw a shoe at them which knocked two to the floor and my trusty hound did the rest. The others cleared off, to the neighbours I reckon.

You could always throw one of those tree snakes into the shed too, they seem to like them.

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Buy a spray in Homepro, works really well.


I'm not dealing with those small Gecko's but with large Tokays.

Would be handy is they had something solid that contains that chemical, so could hang it in the shed, but spraying them is a hopeless task because they are hiding behind stuff.

There is another version you hang, looks like a giant Tea bag! They dont like the smell and vacate (usually)

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Buy a spray in Homepro, works really well.


I'm not dealing with those small Gecko's but with large Tokays.

Would be handy is they had something solid that contains that chemical, so could hang it in the shed, but spraying them is a hopeless task because they are hiding behind stuff.

There is another version you hang, looks like a giant Tea bag! They dont like the smell and vacate (usually)

Will have look for it. Have previously tried Naphthalene blocks, but they don't care about them.

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It doesn't matter what your building is made of, unless it's got gaping holes/vents....there's no reason you can't seal it up. If you don't seal it, you can remove the existing lizards but new ones will replace them.

Our home is gecko free......but it required quite a bit of tape/foam/etc to keep them out. I've learned how to catch the few that sneak in with my hands.

As for the larger lizards outdoors, we have a cat.....and every few days, we wake up to find the remnants of the tokay on our porch. The cat won't eat the head, but dispenses with the rest.

One idea for your shed......get some of those circular rat glue traps. In the center, place a very small jar (like the ones you see in Thai gift sets.....bird nest liquid). Get a few crickets at your local market or from your yard.....pull a few of the legs off of one and place it in the jar. Place the glue trap on the floor of your shed.

Assuming you catch a tokay, you can dispose of the lizard in the trash (it will still be alive)......or if you want to release it, take it away from your home and spray very small amounts of WD-40 near the bottom of its feet. It will be able to run away. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat........unless you seal up those holes.

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It doesn't matter what your building is made of, unless it's got gaping holes/vents....there's no reason you can't seal it up. If you don't seal it, you can remove the existing lizards but new ones will replace them.

Our home is gecko free......but it required quite a bit of tape/foam/etc to keep them out. I've learned how to catch the few that sneak in with my hands.

As for the larger lizards outdoors, we have a cat.....and every few days, we wake up to find the remnants of the tokay on our porch. The cat won't eat the head, but dispenses with the rest.

One idea for your shed......get some of those circular rat glue traps. In the center, place a very small jar (like the ones you see in Thai gift sets.....bird nest liquid). Get a few crickets at your local market or from your yard.....pull a few of the legs off of one and place it in the jar. Place the glue trap on the floor of your shed.

Assuming you catch a tokay, you can dispose of the lizard in the trash (it will still be alive)......or if you want to release it, take it away from your home and spray very small amounts of WD-40 near the bottom of its feet. It will be able to run away. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat........unless you seal up those holes.

Why do you have to spray WD-40 on its feet?

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In fact, they are in big demand in China, and as such, getting shipped from here to there to the extent where there is not so many around anymore in some places.....they are used as an aphrodisiac.....and as such get big money....

A nation of 1.5 billion people is hardly in need of any aphrodisiacs.

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Please don't make me homeless.


On a more serious note, have you asked any of your neighbors if they would like to rid you of them? When we get too many around the house my wife tells the neighbors and they come catch a few and thin the herd.

I don't have neighbors, and if i had any I doubt I could explain to them what I want.

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Its very simple , seal up every way in for them

Virtually impossible to seal every hole, the shed is made out of Shera planks, and they need only a small gap to get in and out.

your shed is rubbishlaugh.png

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WD40 works to loosen the grip of the glue on the tokay's feet. I, no joke, submitted the proven idea to the makers of WD40 in hopes they'd include it in the 1000's of things you can do with WD40. I never heard back from them....they probably thought I was crazy.

Tokay's are an okay thing to have on the outside of a home....they'll eat small rodents, cockroaches, etc. But inside? NOPE!

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WD40 works to loosen the grip of the glue on the tokay's feet. I, no joke, submitted the proven idea to the makers of WD40 in hopes they'd include it in the 1000's of things you can do with WD40. I never heard back from them....they probably thought I was crazy.

Tokay's are an okay thing to have on the outside of a home....they'll eat small rodents, cockroaches, etc. But inside? NOPE!

Tokays don't have glue on their feet...they have microscopic modified scales that create a surface tension between the bottom of their feet and the substrate on which they are standing, which allows them to "adhere" to just about any surface in any position.

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WD40 works to loosen the grip of the glue on the tokay's feet. I, no joke, submitted the proven idea to the makers of WD40 in hopes they'd include it in the 1000's of things you can do with WD40. I never heard back from them....they probably thought I was crazy.

Tokay's are an okay thing to have on the outside of a home....they'll eat small rodents, cockroaches, etc. But inside? NOPE!

Tokays don't have glue on their feet...they have microscopic modified scales that create a surface tension between the bottom of their feet and the substrate on which they are standing, which allows them to "adhere" to just about any surface in any position.

They do when they're stuck to a trap...

The WD40 is to get them off the trap without killing them.

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I had to laugh at this. I'm not sure if you are straight or on a wind up. The glue being discussed comes from the rat trap they got caught with. clap2.gif

WD40 works to loosen the grip of the glue on the tokay's feet. I, no joke, submitted the proven idea to the makers of WD40 in hopes they'd include it in the 1000's of things you can do with WD40. I never heard back from them....they probably thought I was crazy.

Tokay's are an okay thing to have on the outside of a home....they'll eat small rodents, cockroaches, etc. But inside? NOPE!

Tokays don't have glue on their feet...they have microscopic modified scales that create a surface tension between the bottom of their feet and the substrate on which they are standing, which allows them to "adhere" to just about any surface in any position.

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I had to laugh at this. I'm not sure if you are straight or on a wind up. The glue being discussed comes from the rat trap they got caught with. clap2.gif

WD40 works to loosen the grip of the glue on the tokay's feet. I, no joke, submitted the proven idea to the makers of WD40 in hopes they'd include it in the 1000's of things you can do with WD40. I never heard back from them....they probably thought I was crazy.

Tokay's are an okay thing to have on the outside of a home....they'll eat small rodents, cockroaches, etc. But inside? NOPE!

Tokays don't have glue on their feet...they have microscopic modified scales that create a surface tension between the bottom of their feet and the substrate on which they are standing, which allows them to "adhere" to just about any surface in any position.

Sorry then...my bad. I just with my house had a tokay or two (outside), their calling back and forth to each other always lulls me to sleep when I'm away from home on one of the islands or some country cabin.

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I miss them. Love their calls. So rare nowadays.

How could you send me some?

I was never much annoyed by them except when they walked on the roof over me or got into the house (rare).

The little buggers are much more of an annoyance.

I hated to learn they have nested in my PCs power supply and I needed a new one.

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I miss them. Love their calls. So rare nowadays.

How could you send me some?

I was never much annoyed by them except when they walked on the roof over me or got into the house (rare).

The little buggers are much more of an annoyance.

I hated to learn they have nested in my PCs power supply and I needed a new one.

Thanks you can come get them, free to a good home. By the way, I never hear them, it's only theirmassive amount of excrement that makes me mad.

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I'd much rather have a family of tokays than a single centipede or those little tan scorpions. Unfortunately we have a family of cats move in and they have killed off most of the tokays. A few days ago I saw a huge centipede. That's the first one I have seen since the cats came and killed my lizards.

Get a cat if you want to get rid of your beneficial lizards.

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I'd much rather have a family of tokays than a single centipede or those little tan scorpions. Unfortunately we have a family of cats move in and they have killed off most of the tokays. A few days ago I saw a huge centipede. That's the first one I have seen since the cats came and killed my lizards. Get a cat if you want to get rid of your beneficial lizards.

I'm allergic to cats.

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Tokays are my best friends. There are a few living around the house, but I also have two inside. One normal sized one lives behind the wardrobe in my daughter's room and a pretty large one lives in my bedroom, alternating between the behind the wardrobe and behind the curtain. Never any mosquitos in either room. Awesome creatures, albeit noisy at times.

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