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David Cameron says migrants must learn English


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Cameron says migrants must learn English

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday attacked what he called "passive tolerance" of some people in Britain's Muslim communities who support segregation and discrimination against women, and said his government would make it harder for migrants to remain in the country if they did not learn English.

"Where in the world do you think the following things are happening? School governors’ meetings where male governors sit in the meeting room and the women have to sit out of sight in the corridor. Young women only allowed to leave their house in the company of a male relative. Religious councils that openly discriminate against women and prevent them from leaving abusive marriages. The answer, I’m sorry to say, is Britain," Cameron said in an opinion piece for the (London) Times.

The British leader wrote the column as part of a drive to counter what he said was, for many British Muslim women, "an alarming picture of forced gender segregation, discrimination and social isolation from mainstream British life." He said that this failure to integrate helped foster extremism.

Full story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/01/18/cameron-says-migrants-must-learn-english/78955422/

-- USA TODAY 2016-01-19

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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

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Cameron: Language classes for Muslim women can help fight extremism
By Everton Gayle | With REUTERS


"We will now say: if you don't improve your fluency, that could affect your ability to stay in the UK"

LONDON: -- British Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged 25 million euros (20 million pounds) for English classes for women in isolated communities.

Cameron said there were 190,000 British Muslim women who spoke little or no English and Britain needed to take on the “backward attitudes” of some men whom he said exerted damaging control over wives, sisters and daughters.

The British leader said while there was no direct causal link between poor English language skills and extremism, those who were not able to integrate into British society were at risk of being more susceptible to extremist ideologies.

He said: “We want to build a more integrated, cohesive, one nation society, where everyone can make the most of their talents.

“You can’t have a country of opportunity if some people can’t speak the language.

“In many cases it is no fault of their own, because they have been put into a situation where they are encouraged not to integrate, not to go out, not to learn the language and that’s not good enough.

“That needs to change in our country and these proposals will make sure it does.”

In addition to the money pledged, from October this year the government will begin testing those who have come in to Britain on a spousal visa to check if their language skills have improved.

The PM suggested that those who did not pass the test within two-and-a-half years of arriving may not be allowed to stay

“Someone can move to here with very basic English and there’s no requirement to improve it over time. We will change that. We will now say: if you don’t improve your fluency, that could affect your ability to stay in the UK,” Cameron told the Times newspaper.

But Shaista Gohir, Chair of Muslim Women’s Network UK, hit back at the British Prime Minister’s plans.
“We get calls on the helpline and there are Muslim women who really want to go to college and learn English, particularly spouses from abroad, and they are stopped by in-laws and their husbands, and actually the threat of sending them back is used to try and control and silence them.

“So, if the government is saying ‘well, we would punish women for not learning’, that’s actually re-victimising them

Cameron was also criticised by the Ramadan Foundation, which said the PM was using British Muslims as a “political football” to score cheap points.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-19
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Its eyewash, no different then the pacifying nonsense in Switzerland to make new arrivals "pay." Here too, the target audience is not the "new arrivals" rather the citizenry. The effort is to assuage the outrage of the nation's leaders betraying their own culture/citizenry by importing wholesale a replacement culture. Under the premise of "we are taking your outrage seriously" lawmakers are making the injured- the citizens- complicit in the massive influx of an alien culture by adding some additional requirement as if this is a collectively agreed standard to make it all ok. Make 'em pay... make 'em learn "English," are no more than a magician waving his hand here so you do not look there any longer. For Leftist/Multiculturalists time is the solvent that renders the will of the people meaningless. They always tapdance to allow time to pass and make their injuries to society permanent. This is why "Progressivism" is called... progressivism.

If anyone thinks the modern rise of islamic jihad coupled with a massive movement of muslim populations is unrelated are fools. Living in history's watersheds as they are unfolding makes it difficult to appreciate correlation and causation because the window of time is so narrow. So, we look to past history to inform us; today few look back to the ample examples in history to inform us what is happening is not new. Any future historian looking back will declare "Fools, it was clearly obvious what was happening." Learn English? That horse left the barn a long time ago.

Edited by arjunadawn
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That's strange. I thought that all migrants from outside the EU except recognised refugees would be sent back without delay to where they came from.

Isn't it bad enough that people from one EU country can freely move to another EU country without knowing the language of the destination country and get unemployment benefits and other social security benefits (health care, child allowance, housing allowance, etc)? Something seems wrong with this system.

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His motives may be suspect, but of all the things to spend money on, education is one of the better options.

Even Saddam Hussein opened schools for Kurdish women in the North of Iraq and required them to get an education.

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"Cameron said there were 190,000 British Muslim women who spoke little or no English and Britain needed to take on the “backward attitudes” of some men whom he said exerted damaging control over wives, sisters and daughters."

So improving the English language skills of the Muslim women, will change the backward traditional ways of the Muslim men/husband's?

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Twenty million pounds to teach them English. How much more is spent in supporting them?

Meanwhile in other news the biggest steel plant remaining in UK ( Wales) is to close with the loss of 750 jobs.

When are they going to start looking after their own people first.

Forget the economic immigrants, they are not refugees, if they can't or won't work send them back home. Twenty million pounds would pay for a lot of flights.

The only people who want them there are the politicians who somehow believe they are doing themselves a favour by helping them.

Let me tell the politicians now. 'They won't vote for you unless you are one of them'

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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

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Cameron: Language classes for Muslim women can help fight extremism
sub-text -
The British leader said while there was no direct causal link between poor English language skills and extremism, those who were not able to integrate into British society were at risk of being more susceptible to extremist ideologies.
Doubt there is even an in-direct link, except perhaps just a correlation, and we know correlation does not imply causation.
I rest my case! (Enough said!)
Edited by meltingpot2015
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Communication and being able to have a grasp on the language is one of the essentials for integration. Let's leave politics out of it for the time being. My home country, many men who marry Thais, Filipinas, Chinese other ladies from Asian countries and bring them over same thing. Without English skills they are completely isolated and form their own groups refusing to go into the larger society.

I support the idea Switzerland has on making refugees pay their way. UK may want to take a page out of that book.

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Communication and being able to have a grasp on the language is one of the essentials for integration. Let's leave politics out of it for the time being. My home country, many men who marry Thais, Filipinas, Chinese other ladies from Asian countries and bring them over same thing. Without English skills they are completely isolated and form their own groups refusing to go into the larger society.

I support the idea Switzerland has on making refugees pay their way. UK may want to take a page out of that book.

Don't think this post (nor the policy advocated in the article) is about refugees. But you've clearly associated Muslim Women = Refugees.

UK may want to take a page out of that book.

sure, that's all what the UK Should be doing, taking pages out of a nation that encourages tax dodging and shady banking practices, yet manages to make "refugees pay their way".

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You can correct me if I'm wrong but your title suggests that you believe we can all live happily together irrespective of colour religion and nationality. A wonderful idea but completely misguided. History shows it to be impossible.

We are tribal animals and need to defend our patch and our tribe. Religion has been used to further that idea since it was thought up, religion being thought up that is.

Unfortunately the uneducated and gullible fall into the trap and somehow can't see what a money and power trip it is for those at the top. All religions are the same. Don't ask me about any single religion, I said all.

The fanatics get their ideas from their top men in their particular religion and just can't see they are being used.

Certain sects in UK are only there to extend their 'patch' and 'tribe' and will take over if they are allowed to.

Spending money time and effort on them only shows them how week and stupid we are.

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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

Tell me, are the approx 100 sharia courts in England there as a joke? One of the isis apologists on another thread claimed there was NO sharia in England. When I pointed out there was approx 100 sharia courts he went silent. Will you go silent?

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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

Which bit is not true? There are 85+ Sharia courts operating in England now. A recent study by a Dutch academic, done as part of her Phd. outlined the inherent discrimination against women running throughout the proceedings of these courts. A great many Muslim women are more or less prisoners in their own homes and can never go out without a male relative. This is in Bradford, Burnley, Blackburn, Luton, Leicester, Birmingham, not Riyadh. A BBC report, and they are the ultimate left/liberal commentators, wryly noted that Blackburn is so culturally divided that school children are given visits from one part of the town to the other so they can meet and experience each others' culture.

Incidentally, the response to the Dutch academic's report was not a call to address the issues but for her dismissal from Leyden University.

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Its a start. Next he will be admitting that a large number of midland and northern English towns/cities are under sharia. Trump has started this ball rolling single handedly, and deserves praise from all quarters for ending the PC that has destroyed Europe.

This is just not true. You are either a liar or tremendously ignorant.

Tell me, are the approx 100 sharia courts in England there as a joke? One of the isis apologists on another thread claimed there was NO sharia in England. When I pointed out there was approx 100 sharia courts he went silent. Will you go silent?

There is NO Sharia Court in England

While there are undoubtedly lots of different councils and tribunals dealing with Sharia principles, they aren’t courts of law.

Most are Sharia ‘councils’ set up to make decisions on purely religious matters, and never overules law..

I m not saying there is not any problem with those councils but the way you try to "sell" this reminds me some far right wing nuts propaganda

Following your misleading path we could also say there are many Jedi Councils in USA....

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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weak not week, of course

Thanks for lecture about luck (how fortune plays a part in all this...."unfortunately the uneducated and gullible...."). About 'tribes", which century are you living in?. (tribes exist in certain parts of Africa (actual tribes), America (actual and man-made. e.g.tea party??), and new zealand (actual - e.g. maori).
These "uneducated" and "gullible" you mention don't need a politician dressed in a cape to spoon-feed HIS idea of grandeur. especially since he has not provided adequate evidence of causality of the actual social evil he is trying to prevent.
You say there are evil "big men" out there trying to trick and fool "uneducated" and "gullible" victims. Isn't that what Mr Cameron is doing?. Does your theory only hold for the big men of religious sects. Unless of course you see the world as a battle of civilisations (and good versus evil) your "practical solutions" are best suited and (relics of) a bygone age.
p.s. I really have better things to do than have discussions about 'tribes' from someone who is lecturing about education, but who cannot even be bothered to spell check his own post and pick-out the difference between week and weak. Anyone who spots irony will tell you, how clueless you are, and how baseless your argument is. Before teaching migrants "language skills", I think we should, ourselves, learn to spell.
Edited by meltingpot2015
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