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British lawmakers debate a ban on Donald Trump entering the country


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The debate was a bit of a waste of time. Most Brits view the entire US political system and it's candidates with disbelief, bemusement or good fodder for satire. Incidentally I think viewing the Republican debate showed that the Donald is unfortunately much, much smarter than the other candidates. Ok, it was a very low bar.

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A number of US citizens commenting who conveniently ignore the fact the US has a similar petition arrangement, though a different decision making process. Anyone recall the petition calling for Piers Morgan to be removed from the US?

US citizens are able to file petitions on the White House website. If they collect at least 25,000 signatures within 30 days the White House is obliged to issue a response.

That's just a political stunt instituted by the Obama administration...supposedly the Big Man or the appropriate cabinet member will review an issue and maybe issue an administration statement it if something like 100k people "sign" the online petition in favor of it. Of course this has nothing to do whatsoever with the operation of the government.

OK you're referring to "We The People" petitions. Interesting to read the First Amendment Right to Petition.


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A number of US citizens commenting who conveniently ignore the fact the US has a similar petition arrangement, though a different decision making process. Anyone recall the petition calling for Piers Morgan to be removed from the US?

US citizens are able to file petitions on the White House website. If they collect at least 25,000 signatures within 30 days the White House is obliged to issue a response.

Yeah but if it looked like it was going to happen, the Brits would have had one to make them keep him.


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Go to any pantomine in England and the audience will cheer the hero and boo the baddie. This petition is a bit like that. It is just booing the baddie. It is a way of people showing their disgust for the duck. It had to be debated in Parliament because any petition getting over a100,000 signatures has to be. The were some voices saying ban him but the majority said no let him in. The general feeling was that you don't ban someone for being stupid and it was pretty much unanimously agreed that he is very stupid.

How many representatives were in parliament during the debate? What is the average compensation paid to the politicians? For 3 hours? Is this really the most productive the politicians can be for the citizens they represent? Glad the UK has no more pressing issues than to worry about what a US politician says in the USA about USA borders.
If you had read why the debate took place it wasn't just about his statements to ban Muslims entering the USA he also made some pretty dumb and derogatory statements about the UK and is policies. Also again if you had actualy followed the whole circus you would see that it wasn't discussed in the House but in a committee room therefore not disturbing the running of the U.K.

Hmmmmm. The UK government's policies are so atrocious that it would be hard not to be derogatory about them.

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