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Snake in the grass

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How do I rid myself of a snake in the grass? Have tried all sorts, I swear it is stalking me.

It's not a big snake, its rather small but irritating, bit like a mosquito, everytime I sit in the garden drinking tea, I swear it's watching me.

What do you suggest, have already set fire to the grass, does it burrow underground, please advise.

Edited by Minnie the Minx
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Snakes pick up movement through vibrations in the ground and tend to remove themselves. Do you have any heavy-footed acquaintances who could stomp around a bit?

Pigs are one of the most effective animal snake deterrents. If a snake has the misfortune to enter a pig pen, the pigs will most likely go into a frenzy and kill the snake as soon as possible. To utilize pigs as a natural snake deterrent, build a pig pen near the area where you have seen snakes most frequently. If you have a raised deck, consider converting the under-deck area into a pig pen. Snakes will naturally be drawn to the dark, cool space under the deck, so placing a pig pen in this location will be an effective way to deter snakes.

The OP is safe, it's the snake that should be worried.

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