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Thai govt approves 20 billion baht for internet broadband, gateway


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Junta Approves 20 Billion Baht for Internet Broadband, Gateway
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen
Staff Reporter

Photo: Norlando Pobre / Flickr

BANGKOK — The Junta approved 20 billion baht on Tuesday to improve internet broadband in the kingdom, drawing criticism from internet freedom advocates it will be used to develop its controversial “single gateway” project.

Government spokesman Maj. Gen. Sansern Kaewkamnerd yesterday said that 15 billion baht will be spent to expand the domestic high-speed internet network in rural areas, where the private sector is not interested in investing. That fits the “community internet” initiative recently touted by the Ministry of information and Communication Technology as a means to promote economic capacity and reduce unequal access to the internet.

The other 5 billion baht would be used to develop the single gateway, which the government has promoted as an economic measure to position Thailand as the “digital hub” of the ASEAN community.

The first phase of expanding the internet broadband across the country was expected to start in March, while Sansern said Thailand hoped its gateway project would make Thailand a link between Asia and the West begin in 2017.

Both state-owned TOT and CAT Telecom public companies will be responsible for the project.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1453264665

-- Khaosod English 2016-01-20

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

"Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will..."

The Shins did many bad things and most of us critical of the junta know this very well. My issue is with those who think that things are better now and that the junta actually want to reform the political system in a positive way.

"....and hence the coup."

The coup was planned long before the failed amnesty bid but it is an excellent excuse.

"Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble."

Now this we agree 100% on.

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I look forward to the gateway when nothing real goes in or out of Thailand and they start even more victimization and oppression of native and foreign citizens. It's just what the country needs along with economic collapse to help bring around real change.

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

"Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will..."

The Shins did many bad things and most of us critical of the junta know this very well. My issue is with those who think that things are better now and that the junta actually want to reform the political system in a positive way.

"....and hence the coup."

The coup was planned long before the failed amnesty bid but it is an excellent excuse.

"Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble."

Now this we agree 100% on.

Yup, no matter who rules, the greedy face-savvy influentials always get their ways...

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

So let me get this right:

The single gateway to go ahead after all.

'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

Edited by baboon
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I SMELL SCAM!!! If thailand is using a vegas firm to build 6000+++ server racks... without spending a penny, then why so much in building single gateway? All of a sudden they approve this much money??? Whose family pocket will this money go into? you know, switch AND GOOGLE will not put up with thai polictians and their scams. And im going to get my popcorn ready so i can enjoy the show.

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But but but. The junta kool aid drinkers told us the junta listend to the public and scrapped the single gateway idea rolleyes.gif

I've always maintained that the biggest junta lovers are amazingly naive. I guess this proves it.

Yes because the Shins never did something like this with Thaksins pardon.. no it wont. be.. then U turn.. oh it will and hence the coup.

Anyway whatever side your on.. This is bad (and so are many other Junta things) 100% against this.. will only cause trouble.

So let me get this right:

The single gateway to go ahead after all.

'Ha! But what about the previous government attempting to pass an amnesty bill, eh, eh?'

I know you go on to say you are against the whole thing, but even you have to admit the above is not exactly your finest hour when it comes to seeking some - any - kind of justification for the whole thing. Let's see what the others can come up with...

Even more of a mute point considering the current lot gave themselves amnesty too....

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Should focus this cash on the drought problems that will be hitting hard very soon.

dont be so stooooooopid can you imgaine if a Thai National could not access facebook for more than one nanosecond!!!

I mean once they get onto the hi speed train and fly past all the dry desert barren landscapes what are they going to do?

Wonder how long before we all have to get a number tattooed on us?

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I have always enjoyed having a maid, and getting" basic services" dead cheap. Liberating the serfs is a terrible idea: thai people should be kept in servitude, where they belong.

Ironing my own shirts? The notion is simply absurd! Imagine if thai people start to use their brains and question the status quo...... it would end in disaster for the elite.

Long live the single internet gateway!

Freedom on the information highway, no way, I say!

VPN is the order of the day.....

Edited by eddie61
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I bet there are a few cheerleaders creaming their pants over this, just think no more dissention and no more of that pesky news from the rest of the world....

This should allow the good people to get the poor folk back to their proper level of subservience with minimal interference..!

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THey want to become a gateway for Asian with a single gateway This will never happen This is a load of ka ka Who would want to be in a single gateway in Asian when their are more options

Someone from Hong Kong Or Singapore I don't thinks so This is a dream and way to curb dissent on the part of the Government That is all

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