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There was a Facebook post a while back, from a young backpacker type who was shocked to be stopped several times by BiB in BKK. As soon as cops found out she was African American they lost interest and treated her respectfully.

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The reason there is so much racism towards people of African and African-American descent in Thailand's expatriate community is simple.

Many (not all) of the expatriate community come from middle and lower middle income socio-economic backgrounds which happen to be the groups most threatened by what they perceive as the encrouchment of non-white and other ethnic groups on their socio-economic status.

Many find It unbearably humiliatingly that African and African-American guys can get laid over here as easily (and sometimes more easily) than they can.

These are the guys who take such pleasure in promulgating the myth that Thais are racist towards blacks.

Anecdotal evidence on the web of African and African-American people complaining about racism in Thailand is very scarce. Even in the rare instances where African or African-American people have complained about racism on TVF, there is almost never a chorus of other people of color joining in to make similar complaints. These complaints about "Thai racism" almost always seem to be voiced on behalf of a black person by some white guy.

This thread is a prime example.

Ditto! clap2.gif


He's a black American and he was just hanging around Soi 22.

It was funny to see him in a cage, it was like <deleted>.

probably didn't carry his passport?


There was a Facebook post a while back, from a young backpacker type who was shocked to be stopped several times by BiB in BKK. As soon as cops found out she was African American they lost interest and treated her respectfully.

Thais treat each other with the exact same deference! Welcome to the reality of Asia!


1. boycott the country

2. report it to the embassy

3. do real activism

4. save others from it happening to them

oh you are at soi 99 drinking with bar girl on long-term visit???

well, in another life let's hope someone does something..



He's a black American and he was just hanging around Soi 22.

It was funny to see him in a cage, it was like <deleted>.

When you say just hanging around, what do you mean? Was he eating lunch inside a cafe or was he outside somewhere, loitering with intent?
he may just have been loitering.

Every single black, white or otherwise long-term farang (residential) expat is a "loiterer", if the truth be told. So what else, is new news, in The Kingdom, eh?coffee1.gif


He's a black American and he was just hanging around Soi 22.

It was funny to see him in a cage, it was like <deleted>.

When you say just hanging around, what do you mean? Was he eating lunch inside a cafe or was he outside somewhere, loitering with intent?

Pardon my ignorance, but can explain to me what "loitering, with intent" happens be?whistling.gif


Tell you friend to stop carrying a DVD player around under his arm.

No wonder he got stopped.


Tell ya what the racism is ramped here isnt it? How in the world its tolerated is beyond me? Both this and the Will Smith threads makes people show their true colors....


Tell ya what the racism is ramped here isnt it? How in the world its tolerated is beyond me? Both this and the Will Smith threads makes people show their true colors....

can you please tell what Thai officers are supposed to do when looking for Nigerian scammers / drug traffickers in Bangkok or Western officers who are looking for ISIS supporters ?

Certain demographics at certain places are more likely than others to be criminals, and the police doesn't have the resources to check everyone.

How would you act as an officer ?


Then later I find out that the police stopped him because he was black but let him go because he didn't do anything.

In the interests of balance, fairness and critical thinking, who determined that the sole reason was because your friend was black?


"People of colour...."

So are caucasian people not of colour?

Since when is black a colour and white not? Some people need to learn basic physics so they don't sound like idiots even before they sound like naive, wannabe politically correct 'non-racists'.


"People of colour...."

So are caucasian people not of colour?

Since when is black a colour and white not? Some people need to learn basic physics so they don't sound like idiots even before they sound like naive, wannabe politically correct 'non-racists'.


The reason I used the broader term of "person of color" is because similar claims have been made here in the past that Thais are racist towards Indians as well. The only point I was trying to make was that the alleged victims of Thai racial bias (be they be African, Indian or otherwise) rarely validate or confirm these anecdotal reports from white guys which pop up from time to time here.


Person of color (plural: people of color, persons of color, sometimes abbreviated POC) is a term used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not white. The term encompasses all non-white groups, emphasizing common experiences of racism.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

Was he arrested for being ugly???

That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.


The reason there is so much racism towards people of African and African-American descent in Thailand's expatriate community is simple.

Many (not all) of the expatriate community come from middle and lower middle income socio-economic backgrounds which happen to be the groups most threatened by what they perceive as the encrouchment of non-white and other ethnic groups on their socio-economic status.

Many find It humiliating that African and African-American guys can get laid over here as easily (and sometimes more easily) than they can.

These are the guys who take such pleasure in promulgating the myth that Thais are racist towards blacks.

Anecdotal evidence on the web of African and African-American people complaining about racism in Thailand is very scarce. Even in the rare instances where African or African-American people have complained about racism on TVF, there is almost never a chorus of other people of color joining in to make similar complaints. These complaints about "Thai racism" invariably seem to be voiced on behalf of a black person by some white guy.

This thread is a prime example.

Very, very well said and spot on. The OP is clearly race-baiting. And among the Thai-hating farangs who themselves are rabid racist, it gives them a chance to get on their high horse and attack the Thais on moral grounds. Having spoken to hundreds, if not thousands of Thais, it's clear to me that Thais hold no malice towards blacks and if anything, see them in the same light as farangs, i.e., foreigners.

Thais attitude towards blacks in Thailand is much, much more positive than white attitude towards blacks in the USA.


The reason there is so much racism towards people of African and African-American descent in Thailand's expatriate community is simple.

Many (not all) of the expatriate community come from middle and lower middle income socio-economic backgrounds which happen to be the groups most threatened by what they perceive as the encrouchment of non-white and other ethnic groups on their socio-economic status.

Many find It humiliating that African and African-American guys can get laid over here as easily (and sometimes more easily) than they can.

These are the guys who take such pleasure in promulgating the myth that Thais are racist towards blacks.

Anecdotal evidence on the web of African and African-American people complaining about racism in Thailand is very scarce. Even in the rare instances where African or African-American people have complained about racism on TVF, there is almost never a chorus of other people of color joining in to make similar complaints. These complaints about "Thai racism" invariably seem to be voiced on behalf of a black person by some white guy.

This thread is a prime example.

Very, very well said and spot on. The OP is clearly race-baiting. And among the Thai-hating farangs who themselves are rabid racist, it gives them a chance to get on their high horse and attack the Thais on moral grounds. Having spoken to hundreds, if not thousands of Thais, it's clear to me that Thais hold no malice towards blacks and if anything, see them in the same light as farangs, i.e., foreigners.

Thais attitude towards blacks in Thailand is much, much more positive than white attitude towards blacks in the USA.

The Thai skin color palette ranges from very light to very dark. Some Thais have darker skin than many African-Americans.

I'm not sure what the genetic term for this is but Thais can have a wide range of skin color amongst siblings and even between parents and children. It's kind of hard to harbor deep prejudice against darker skinned people when your younger brother, child or grandmother has dark skin.

Another shocker for some TV members? Thais and other Asians often times feel more racially comfortable around non-white foreigners than around white foreigners, especially if the white foreigner projects an air of superiority and entitlement. I discovered this years ago working with Japanese nationals who were much more likely to "let down their hair" around their non-white US business associates.

I have met plenty of African-Americans here in Thailand, and they have consistently reported that they feel racially welcome here. I, too, have discussed racial attitudes with numerous Thais, and the level of bias in most cases is almost immeasurably benign. In the few instances I have sensed or observed racially prejudicial attitudes from Thais, I often had reason to suspect that these attitudes were inculcated or instilled by their Western boyfriends and husbands. whistling.gif

If there are any African-Americans out there who feel they have experienced discrimination or racist attitudes in Thailand, I invite them to share their experiences either here or by PM.


"People of colour...."

So are caucasian people not of colour?

Since when is black a colour and white not? Some people need to learn basic physics so they don't sound like idiots even before they sound like naive, wannabe politically correct 'non-racists'.

So if I have a colour TV does that mean I am not racists?

Sent from my c64

he was just hanging around Soi 22.

Just hanging around? What does that even mean? Hanging from what?

Usually people are going from A to B, or to/from/between bar/restaurant/massage, just hanging around a pointless soi of all places sounds strange to me

The only thing that I can picture in my mind is the less than desirable drug pushers that "just hang around" soi 4 - 8 and he been confused with them?


The reason there is so much racism towards people of African and African-American descent in Thailand's expatriate community is simple.

Many (not all) of the expatriate community come from middle and lower middle income socio-economic backgrounds which happen to be the groups most threatened by what they perceive as the encrouchment of non-white and other ethnic groups on their socio-economic status.

Many find It humiliating that African and African-American guys can get laid over here as easily (and sometimes more easily) than they can.

These are the guys who take such pleasure in promulgating the myth that Thais are racist towards blacks.

Anecdotal evidence on the web of African and African-American people complaining about racism in Thailand is very scarce. Even in the rare instances where African or African-American people have complained about racism on TVF, there is almost never a chorus of other people of color joining in to make similar complaints. These complaints about "Thai racism" invariably seem to be voiced on behalf of a black person by some white guy.

This thread is a prime example.

This is one of the silliest posts I've seen in ages. To see jut how daft it is, let's examine the logic, step by step.

1. I come from England. I'm white. I grew up in Surrey, a predominantly white county just south of London. Per Mr Gecko's "logic", I feel threatened by non-whites.

2. A regular contributor to this forum is Mr CypressHill. He's black and comes from London.

3. Per Mr Gecko's "logic", I feel humiliated because Mr CypressHill can get laid here in Thailand more easily than me.

4. Needless to say, neither Mr CypressHill nor I came to Thailand for any reason other than sex.

5. Yes boys and girls -- sex is the only thing that motivates Mr CypressHill and I.

6. And now I'm pissed off because Mr CypressHill -- a black man -- can get laid whenever he wants.

7. Remember, neither My CypressHill nor I care jack shit for Thailand, its history or culture. We're only here to get laid. And I'm obsessed with My CypressHill's private life and the ease with which he can laid.

8. Finally, per Mr Gecko's "logic", I will now start a new thread here on ThaiVisa stating that Thai people dislike blacks.

Yeah. Right. Thanks.


Mr Gecko: respectfully, why do you waste your time writing such ignorant tripe? Why do you assume that My CypressHill and I give a flying EFF about local women? What makes you think I judge My CypressHill solely on his ability to get laid?

Did you ever stop to consider that I don't give a shit about his skin color or the number of women he's done?

Did you consider the possibility that I -- a white man -- may actually like CypressHill and admire him for his ability to oversee a respectable business here in Thailand?


Didn't take long for the racist haters to come out of the woodwork. Lol many of them living in Thailand.

Sent from my Vi10Pro using Tapatalk


The reason there is so much racism towards people of African and African-American descent in Thailand's expatriate community is simple.

Many (not all) of the expatriate community come from middle and lower middle income socio-economic backgrounds which happen to be the groups most threatened by what they perceive as the encrouchment of non-white and other ethnic groups on their socio-economic status.

Many find It humiliating that African and African-American guys can get laid over here as easily (and sometimes more easily) than they can.

These are the guys who take such pleasure in promulgating the myth that Thais are racist towards blacks.

Anecdotal evidence on the web of African and African-American people complaining about racism in Thailand is very scarce. Even in the rare instances where African or African-American people have complained about racism on TVF, there is almost never a chorus of other people of color joining in to make similar complaints. These complaints about "Thai racism" invariably seem to be voiced on behalf of a black person by some white guy.

This thread is a prime example.

This is one of the silliest posts I've seen in ages. To see jut how daft it is, let's examine the logic, step by step.

1. I come from England. I'm white. I grew up in Surrey, a predominantly white county just south of London. Per Mr Gecko's "logic", I feel threatened by non-whites.

2. A regular contributor to this forum is Mr CypressHill. He's black and comes from London.

3. Per Mr Gecko's "logic", I feel humiliated because Mr CypressHill can get laid here in Thailand more easily than me.

4. Needless to say, neither Mr CypressHill nor I came to Thailand for any reason other than sex.

5. Yes boys and girls -- sex is the only thing that motivates Mr CypressHill and I.

6. And now I'm pissed off because Mr CypressHill -- a black man -- can get laid whenever he wants.

7. Remember, neither My CypressHill nor I care jack shit for Thailand, its history or culture. We're only here to get laid. And I'm obsessed with My CypressHill's private life and the ease with which he can laid.

8. Finally, per Mr Gecko's "logic", I will now start a new thread here on ThaiVisa stating that Thai people dislike blacks.

Yeah. Right. Thanks.


Mr Gecko: respectfully, why do you waste your time writing such ignorant tripe? Why do you assume that My CypressHill and I give a flying EFF about local women? What makes you think I judge My CypressHill solely on his ability to get laid?

Did you ever stop to consider that I don't give a shit about his skin color or the number of women he's done?

Did you consider the possibility that I -- a white man -- may actually like CypressHill and admire him for his ability to oversee a respectable business here in Thailand?

Maybe as a white man it is not women you like


The reason there is so much racism towards people of African and African-American descent in Thailand's expatriate community is simple.

Many (not all) of the expatriate community come from middle and lower middle income socio-economic backgrounds which happen to be the groups most threatened by what they perceive as the encrouchment of non-white and other ethnic groups on their socio-economic status.

Many find It humiliating that African and African-American guys can get laid over here as easily (and sometimes more easily) than they can.

These are the guys who take such pleasure in promulgating the myth that Thais are racist towards blacks.

Anecdotal evidence on the web of African and African-American people complaining about racism in Thailand is very scarce. Even in the rare instances where African or African-American people have complained about racism on TVF, there is almost never a chorus of other people of color joining in to make similar complaints. These complaints about "Thai racism" invariably seem to be voiced on behalf of a black person by some white guy.

This thread is a prime example.

This is one of the silliest posts I've seen in ages. To see jut how daft it is, let's examine the logic, step by step.

1. I come from England. I'm white. I grew up in Surrey, a predominantly white county just south of London. Per Mr Gecko's "logic", I feel threatened by non-whites.

2. A regular contributor to this forum is Mr CypressHill. He's black and comes from London.

3. Per Mr Gecko's "logic", I feel humiliated because Mr CypressHill can get laid here in Thailand more easily than me.

4. Needless to say, neither Mr CypressHill nor I came to Thailand for any reason other than sex.

5. Yes boys and girls -- sex is the only thing that motivates Mr CypressHill and I.

6. And now I'm pissed off because Mr CypressHill -- a black man -- can get laid whenever he wants.

7. Remember, neither My CypressHill nor I care jack shit for Thailand, its history or culture. We're only here to get laid. And I'm obsessed with My CypressHill's private life and the ease with which he can laid.

8. Finally, per Mr Gecko's "logic", I will now start a new thread here on ThaiVisa stating that Thai people dislike blacks.

Yeah. Right. Thanks.


Mr Gecko: respectfully, why do you waste your time writing such ignorant tripe? Why do you assume that My CypressHill and I give a flying EFF about local women? What makes you think I judge My CypressHill solely on his ability to get laid?

Did you ever stop to consider that I don't give a shit about his skin color or the number of women he's done?

Did you consider the possibility that I -- a white man -- may actually like CypressHill and admire him for his ability to oversee a respectable business here in Thailand?

Maybe as a white man it is not women you like


Once you've done a hundred or so you realize that most of them are just a pair of tits and a snatch. They're generally empty vessels.

This again is why I really couldn't give a toss how black men get on, and further demonstrates the idiocy of Gecko's claim.


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

Was he arrested for being ugly???

That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

The naive western world believes the mainstream population of Thais to be "white" Chinese, until they present their passport to a brown-skinned Thai Immigration Officer @ Swampi. Surprise! And, welcome to the real Thailand. cheesy.gif


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

Was he arrested for being ugly???

That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

BTW ~ Book an international flight on Thai Airways. Not one beautiful, brown-skinned Thai Flight Service Attendant, representing the ethnic realities of Thailand,.....ever, on that airline! Now, can Thailand get more constipated than that? Huh?


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

Was he arrested for being ugly???

That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

An awful lot of the Thais I've met aren't nearly as hung up on the fair/dark skin thing as farangs appear to be and that's not because they've been brainwashed into accepting their station in life.

It's because they realise that the Thai beauty industry wouldn't make money if it advocated and celebrated dark skin as a beauty ideal because that's what the majority of Thais are born with.

It's the Thai beauty industry's job to sell the majority - dark-skinned, brown people - the notion that paler skin is more desirable.

The beauty industry in the UK sells the majority - pale-skinned, white people - the notion that darker skin is more desirable.


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453487877.709868.jpg

Was he arrested for being ugly???

That's perfect. And maybe the Japanese-looking dude should be arrested for being, like, strung-out-handsome.

My 2 cents: In the LOS, there is clear favoritism of paler, Chinese-looking Thais over "not beautiful" and therefore stupid or criminal Burmese, Cambodian, Malay, or name-your-indigenous-ethnic-group persons. I cannot count the number of times Thai people came up to me and commented, Why are you so white? (Tham-mai phiu man khaaw jang baeb nii?) in an envious tone, sometimes petting the skin on my arm. One time I attempted a 'Well, my ancesters came from western Europe', which was lost on the person. I also had an African American friend who was devastated when Thai people repeatedly told him that his skin was 'not beautiful' or 'ugly'.

To become tanned in the sun means, for a Thai, that you are a lowly peasant field worker. You can't miss the whitening products everywhere. Once, I walked into a pharmacy, where a ridiculously face-painted model attempted to sell me skin whitening facial lotion. That s**t causes cancer and do I look like I need such a product?!

Call it ethnocentrism, racism, or nationalism. Prejudice against non-Chinese Thais is prevalent.

If you understand Thai language reasonably well, you'll hear the prejudiced commentary. There is no mistake about it.

An awful lot of the Thais I've met aren't nearly as hung up on the fair/dark skin thing as farangs appear to be and that's not because they've been brainwashed into accepting their station in life.

It's because they realise that the Thai beauty industry wouldn't make money if it advocated and celebrated dark skin as a beauty ideal because that's what the majority of Thais are born with.

It's the Thai beauty industry's job to sell the majority - dark-skinned, brown people - the notion that paler skin is more desirable.

The beauty industry in the UK sells the majority - pale-skinned, white people - the notion that darker skin is more desirable.

Right on! Excellent post CH. Thanks for sharingclap2.gif


Many Africans come to Thailand bringing sapphire, ruby, and other precious stones from Africa and Madagascar, to sell in the markets and sometimes they are targeted, e.g. having their goods confiscated for not having a work permit. Its one of the risks of doing business.

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