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Israel: Palestinian girl killed after attempted stabbing


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Relatives are reporting that the dead terrorist girl was motivated to commit terrorism because she was inspired by the "heroic" funerals of other "martyred" Palestinian terrorists and wished to die herself and have that good stuff for herself.

The family argument was about that. Why didn't they have her sent to a mental institution? She stormed out with her knife and got what she wished ... now a "martyr" herself, the cycle of madness continues. Of course the Israel demonization agenda blames Israel for this ... interesting that they don't blame the Palestinian Arab culture that glorifies terrorists and inspires their own children to seek out their own deaths.

Edited by Jingthing
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To the victors go the spoils of war...its been happening since the dawn of time.....It's time for the Arabs of the region (no such thing as Palestine people or country) to finally make peace with Israel and get on with the job of building a nation instead of breeding hatred with its people. Hatred sure works well in keeping the Arab warlords in power and all their luxurious amenities while keeping the regular folks down in poverty. Hatred does not build roads, hospitals or industry to keep people employed and thus self fulfilled.

There is no such thing as the spoils of war in the 21st Century. This is not Medieval Europe.
It's a two way street. Nor does Israel have peace with its neighbors, nor permanent internationally recognized borders. So long as Israel continues to steal land under an illegal occupation, its citizens will be forever looking over their shoulders and incidents such as the OP continue. No way to live.
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Children are used by many countries inside places such as Africa and Palestine...to do the job of men. Using girls just makes it even fouler. By the way, some 13 year old girls I know (albeit back in the USA) are large enough to take a cop/school teacher down bare handed.They are not the "babies" you would think.

It was an alleged lone wolf attack. No-one was using anyone.

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Relatives are reporting that the dead terrorist girl was motivated to commit terrorism because she was inspired by the "heroic" funerals of other "martyred" Palestinian terrorists and wished to die herself and have that good stuff for herself.

The family argument was about that. Why didn't they have her sent to a mental institution? She stormed out with her knife and got what she wished ... now a "martyr" herself, the cycle of madness continues. Of course the Israel demonization agenda blames Israel for this ... interesting that they don't blame the Palestinian Arab culture that glorifies terrorists and inspires their own children to seek out their own deaths.

Perhaps Israel should stop creating martyrs then. They hold most of the power....certainly all of the military might. They could easily lessen the tension with a moratorium on West Bank colony expansion to give Palestinians hope for the future and show them there is a non violent path to peace.
The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, says the same thing.
"New settler outposts are being legalized despite earlier pledges to the United States not to do so, while routine, administrative demolition of Palestinian structures continues. Again, the question we ask is a simple one: What is Israel’s strategy?.....if [israel] judges a political solution to be out of reach for the time being, then what is its plan for managing and stabilizing the conflict in the short and medium term?”
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“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians,” he posted on his Facebook wall, “but, it must execute them and leave no one alive.” Eliyahu declared that the Palestinians are the enemy of the Israeli occupation state and they “must be destroyed and crushed in order to end violence.” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

I have participated in these discussions for 10 years and nobody has changed their mind about what side they are on. This Rabbi points out much of why I am on the side I am on. From the way it sounds, this is the Israel illustrious potentate and his way of thinking is criminal to say the least.


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Should have trained in Aikido...would have learned how to disarm a 13 year old child without shooting and killing them.

Oh, yeah, tough guy? I'll tell you want. I have a 4 Degree Black Belt in Shotokan, and a 1st Degree Black in Aikido. I also spent 20 years as a combat U.S. Marine. And you know what? I've still got 17 stitches in my left arm and hip from where a 16 year old boy attacked me without waning with a straight razor before I could put his ass down. And when I did put him down, I put him down HARD!

I don't give a damn what martial art you may know, and be proficient in, if you are suddenly attacked by someone with a knife, or a straight razor, such as in my case, you're damn LUCKY if you survive unharmed.

Save that crap about "disarming" them because while it looks good on the movie screen, in real life it's a whole different story.

Is Rambo your brother?

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Should have trained in Aikido...would have learned how to disarm a 13 year old child without shooting and killing them.

Oh, yeah, tough guy? I'll tell you want. I have a 4 Degree Black Belt in Shotokan, and a 1st Degree Black in Aikido. I also spent 20 years as a combat U.S. Marine. And you know what? I've still got 17 stitches in my left arm and hip from where a 16 year old boy attacked me without waning with a straight razor before I could put his ass down. And when I did put him down, I put him down HARD!

I don't give a damn what martial art you may know, and be proficient in, if you are suddenly attacked by someone with a knife, or a straight razor, such as in my case, you're damn LUCKY if you survive unharmed.

Save that crap about "disarming" them because while it looks good on the movie screen, in real life it's a whole different story.

Is Rambo your brother?

He's a 2nd cousin, twice removed. cheesy.gif

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“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians,” he posted on his Facebook wall, “but, it must execute them and leave no one alive.” Eliyahu declared that the Palestinians are the enemy of the Israeli occupation state and they “must be destroyed and crushed in order to end violence.” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

I have participated in these discussions for 10 years and nobody has changed their mind about what side they are on. This Rabbi points out much of why I am on the side I am on. From the way it sounds, this is the Israel illustrious potentate and his way of thinking is criminal to say the least.


From an Israel demonization propaganda site (which you conveniently failed to cite, sneaky tactic) accused of false translation and leaving out the word TERRORISTS as the people needing to be crushed. Apparently he didn't say ALL Palestinians as that twisted website implies with that EXCLUSION turning their text into a BIG LIE. Unless you can rebut those accusations, your disgusting FLAME post should not stand. That is the kind of garbage that fuels Israel demonization and it's associated Jew hatred and fuels more insane terrorists based on LIES. The same lies as the Palestinian leadership lying about a change of status at the Temple Mount which isn't happening. Of course that filth you posted got likes. Surprise surprise.

Yes, this rabbi is an extremist right wing rabbi. But that's not the same thing as advocating genocide. Also, dude, he is Chief Rabbi of one area, Safed, your text implies he is Chief Rabbi of all Israel. Also, dude, Israel isn't Iran, it is not ruled by crazy rabbis, it is a democracy.

If you can actually prove that this rabbi actually does favor genocide, I would agree with condemning him in strongest possible terms. But again, whatever he said, a far right wing rabbi is not the same thing as actual Israeli government policies and intentions.

Favoring executing actual Palestinian TERRORISTS is not even REMOTELY the same thing as advocating GENOCIDE.

Edited by Jingthing
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“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians,” he posted on his Facebook wall, “but, it must execute them and leave no one alive.” Eliyahu declared that the Palestinians are the enemy of the Israeli occupation state and they “must be destroyed and crushed in order to end violence.” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

I have participated in these discussions for 10 years and nobody has changed their mind about what side they are on. This Rabbi points out much of why I am on the side I am on. From the way it sounds, this is the Israel illustrious potentate and his way of thinking is criminal to say the least.


From an Israel demonization propaganda site (which you conveniently failed to cite, sneaky tactic) accused of false translation and leaving out the word TERRORISTS as the people needing to be crushed. Apparently he didn't say ALL Palestinians as that twisted website implies with that EXCLUSION turning their text into a BIG LIE. Unless you can rebut those accusations, your disgusting FLAME post should not stand. That is the kind of garbage that fuels Israel demonization and it's associated Jew hatred and fuels more insane terrorists based on LIES. The same lies as the Palestinian leadership lying about a change of status at the Temple Mount which isn't happening. Of course that filth you posted got likes. Surprise surprise.

Yes, this rabbi is an extremist right wing rabbi. But that's not the same thing as advocating genocide. Also, dude, he is Chief Rabbi of one area, Safed, your text implies he is Chief Rabbi of all Israel. Also, dude, Israel isn't Iran, it is not ruled by crazy rabbis, it is a democracy.

If you can actually prove that this rabbi actually does favor genocide, I would agree with condemning him in strongest possible terms. But again, whatever he said, a far right wing rabbi is not the same thing as actual Israeli government policies and intentions.

Favoring executing actual Palestinian TERRORISTS is not even REMOTELY the same thing as advocating GENOCIDE.

You sound like you're about to go off the deep end.

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It does make me angry when the obsessive Israel agenda falsely accuses the state of Israel of genocide or genocidal intentions. It's actually the Palestinian leadership that has been on written record as favoring genocide against Jews, particularly Hamas. Israel demonizing protesters chant, Palestine River to the Sea all the time, meaning of course wipe out the Jews. Now, THAT is a genocidal intention.

Israel demonizers suggest genocide of Arabs has already happened. Such a big lie too when you look at the massive POPULATION growth of Arabs in the region. The root of the Israel demonization movement is the goal for Israel to not exist, which is shared with actual active Palestinian terrorists, so no surprise that Israel demonizers are often enthusiastic cheerleaders for the Jew murdering terrorists. Obsession to end what? The one state in the world with a majority Jewish demographic, a TINY minority in the world. But over 50 Islamic majority nations. See the outrageous IMBALANCE of the Israel demonization movement? Nothing to do with Jews? Wanna buy a bridge?

Edited by Jingthing
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This is a thirteen year-old girl that has been shot dead.

She was a terrorist. Her family knew she was leaving the house with a knife with the intention to attack Jews knowing she would be killed and made a martyr with a heroic funeral in the sick terrorist glorifying culture of her neighbors. You're acting like she was innocent. She was a terrorist and her community and leaders are complicit as well in encouraging her terrorism.

Whether her family did enough to stop her leaving the house knowing she was going to become a terrorist/martyr is a fair question.

Whether the Israeli that shot her needed to use deadly force or not is also a fair question.

But the fact remains that though young she consciously intended to act out as a Jew killing terrorist and also intended to be killed for it.

Israel demonizers can call that brave and heroic. I call it insane, racist, and evil.

The good news is that she failed to fulfill her murderous intent.

It is not surprising in her community that if you go out to kill Jews there is an excellent chance you will be shot dead as a terrorist. That community REWARDS such terrorism basically creating more of it.

(Abusive personal comments INTENTIONALLY not included in quote.)

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I don't know what's worse an occupation that has obviously made life so utterly miserable that even children are risking death striking back with knives. Or posters here that believe that gunning down little girls is perfectly justified, or bombing hospitals as in the past.

I'm afraid that you have strayed a long way from the path of humanity, as comments like that is pure barbarism. And that is regardless of what cause or religious observance you use to try to justify what cannot be condoned.

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I don't know what's worse an occupation that has obviously made life so utterly miserable that even children are risking death striking back with knives. Or posters here that believe that gunning down little girls is perfectly justified, or bombing hospitals as in the past.

I'm afraid that you have strayed a long way from the path of humanity, as comments like that is pure barbarism. And that is regardless of what cause or religious observance you use to try to justify what cannot be condoned.

Please share with us what your actions might be if a 13 year old girl attacked you with a knife and you were armed.

Curious how a seeming pacifist would handle it.

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This is just being milked for propaganda purposes because the terrorist was young. That's part of the calculation from the Palestinian terrorist movement. Gaining the world's sympathy through such "martyrs" is part of the program and she acted the pawn. It's too bad their leadership doesn't have more reasonable goals and more reasonable tactics. There is blame on both sides for lack of peace but in the case of this girl, she definitely asked for this, her family has been clear about that. So yes she deserves to be grieved by her family, but the glorification of her "martyrdom" just makes things worse ... but again, that's what she wanted.

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I don't know what's worse an occupation that has obviously made life so utterly miserable that even children are risking death striking back with knives. Or posters here that believe that gunning down little girls is perfectly justified, or bombing hospitals as in the past.

I'm afraid that you have strayed a long way from the path of humanity, as comments like that is pure barbarism. And that is regardless of what cause or religious observance you use to try to justify what cannot be condoned.

Well said sir!

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It does make me angry when the obsessive Israel agenda falsely accuses the state of Israel of genocide or genocidal intentions. It's actually the Palestinian leadership that has been on written record as favoring genocide against Jews, particularly Hamas. Israel demonizing protesters chant, Palestine River to the Sea all the time, meaning of course wipe out the Jews. Now, THAT is a genocidal intention.

Israel demonizers suggest genocide of Arabs has already happened. Such a big lie too when you look at the massive POPULATION growth of Arabs in the region. The root of the Israel demonization movement is the goal for Israel to not exist, which is shared with actual active Palestinian terrorists, so no surprise that Israel demonizers are often enthusiastic cheerleaders for the Jew murdering terrorists. Obsession to end what? The one state in the world with a majority Jewish demographic, a TINY minority in the world. But over 50 Islamic majority nations. See the outrageous IMBALANCE of the Israel demonization movement? Nothing to do with Jews? Wanna buy a bridge?

You repeatedly make the quantum leap from calls (endorsed by almost the entire global community) to end Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank to that somehow being tantamount to the destruction of the State of Israel. Hyperbole. The two positions are mutually exclusive in a 2 state solution. Israel simply needs to stop being the invader, the occupier in the West Bank which drives some Palestinians with no hope left to the events of the OP
You talk also repeatedly of the one state in the world with a majority Jewish demographic...fine...which begs the question why are Zionists trying to make themselves the majority in the West Bank as well when they are already the majority in pre 67 israeli borders. Sounds like colonialism to me, and naturally the indigenous Palestinians object to this colonial expansion by resisting as in the OP.
Israel...don't be greedy. End your occupation, make a just peace with your neighbors, the whole world will recognize you and the OP incidents will cease.
Edited by dexterm
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I don't know what's worse an occupation that has obviously made life so utterly miserable that even children are risking death striking back with knives. Or posters here that believe that gunning down little girls is perfectly justified, or bombing hospitals as in the past.

I'm afraid that you have strayed a long way from the path of humanity, as comments like that is pure barbarism. And that is regardless of what cause or religious observance you use to try to justify what cannot be condoned.

Please share with us what your actions might be if a 13 year old girl attacked you with a knife and you were armed.

Curious how a seeming pacifist would handle it.

More like a pretend pacifist. I don't remember him expressing remorse for Jewish victims of terrorism.

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“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians,” he posted on his Facebook wall, “but, it must execute them and leave no one alive.” Eliyahu declared that the Palestinians are the enemy of the Israeli occupation state and they “must be destroyed and crushed in order to end violence.” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

I have participated in these discussions for 10 years and nobody has changed their mind about what side they are on. This Rabbi points out much of why I am on the side I am on. From the way it sounds, this is the Israel illustrious potentate and his way of thinking is criminal to say the least.


From an Israel demonization propaganda site (which you conveniently failed to cite, sneaky tactic) accused of false translation and leaving out the word TERRORISTS as the people needing to be crushed. Apparently he didn't say ALL Palestinians as that twisted website implies with that EXCLUSION turning their text into a BIG LIE. Unless you can rebut those accusations, your disgusting FLAME post should not stand. That is the kind of garbage that fuels Israel demonization and it's associated Jew hatred and fuels more insane terrorists based on LIES. The same lies as the Palestinian leadership lying about a change of status at the Temple Mount which isn't happening. Of course that filth you posted got likes. Surprise surprise.

Yes, this rabbi is an extremist right wing rabbi. But that's not the same thing as advocating genocide. Also, dude, he is Chief Rabbi of one area, Safed, your text implies he is Chief Rabbi of all Israel. Also, dude, Israel isn't Iran, it is not ruled by crazy rabbis, it is a democracy.

If you can actually prove that this rabbi actually does favor genocide, I would agree with condemning him in strongest possible terms. But again, whatever he said, a far right wing rabbi is not the same thing as actual Israeli government policies and intentions.

Favoring executing actual Palestinian TERRORISTS is not even REMOTELY the same thing as advocating GENOCIDE.

Israeli news website Walla reported that right-wing rabbis replied to questions including: “Am I allowed to kick the insurgent, hit him or shoot him in order to kill him after he has been arrested or is this prohibited?”

Rabbi Rav Benzion Mutzafi replied: “It is not only desirable to do so, but it is a religious duty that you hold his head down to the ground and hit him until his last breath.”

I don't know anything about Walla but it is an Israeli publication. This was also covered in the JP. I don't know any of these Rabbis and I don't care what wing they are on. Pretty much all trouble when it comes to the Palestinians is Right Wing driven.

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Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, municipal chief rabbi of Ramat Gan and one of the most senior national-religious leaders, has also waded into the debate.

He was asked in a question on the yeshiva.org website about the differing opinions voiced by the rabbis on the issue.

Ariel backed Stav’s initial comments, replying that when the terrorist still presents a danger it is permitted to kill him.




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I don't know what's worse an occupation that has obviously made life so utterly miserable that even children are risking death striking back with knives. Or posters here that believe that gunning down little girls is perfectly justified, or bombing hospitals as in the past.

I'm afraid that you have strayed a long way from the path of humanity, as comments like that is pure barbarism. And that is regardless of what cause or religious observance you use to try to justify what cannot be condoned.

Please share with us what your actions might be if a 13 year old girl attacked you with a knife and you were armed.

Curious how a seeming pacifist would handle it.

More like a pretend pacifist. I don't remember him expressing remorse for Jewish victims of terrorism.

Do you two have kids out of interest?

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I don't know what's worse an occupation that has obviously made life so utterly miserable that even children are risking death striking back with knives. Or posters here that believe that gunning down little girls is perfectly justified, or bombing hospitals as in the past.

I'm afraid that you have strayed a long way from the path of humanity, as comments like that is pure barbarism. And that is regardless of what cause or religious observance you use to try to justify what cannot be condoned.

Please share with us what your actions might be if a 13 year old girl attacked you with a knife and you were armed.

Curious how a seeming pacifist would handle it.

More like a pretend pacifist. I don't remember him expressing remorse for Jewish victims of terrorism.

Do you two have kids out of interest?

I have three and none of them were raised to be suicide murderers.

How about you?

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It's not that complicated.

Israel demonizers try to make this complicated because of an obsession to oppose the existence of Israel.

Terrorists are murderers.

‘Gentle, kind’ stabbing victim Shlomit Krigman laid to restHundreds attend funeral of 23-year-old killed in Beit Horon by Palestinian terrorists, remember her love of books and ‘great curiosity’; grave is close to that of Dafna Meir, murdered last week


Knives kill regardless the age and gender of the terrorists using them.

If you attempt murder and/or murder bad things may happen.

Interesting we get the coverage of Palestinian terrorists who got what they were expecting and asking for by becoming murderers and not the stories of the Jewish targets of these terrorists.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians,” he posted on his Facebook wall, “but, it must execute them and leave no one alive.” Eliyahu declared that the Palestinians are the enemy of the Israeli occupation state and they “must be destroyed and crushed in order to end violence.” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

I have participated in these discussions for 10 years and nobody has changed their mind about what side they are on. This Rabbi points out much of why I am on the side I am on. From the way it sounds, this is the Israel illustrious potentate and his way of thinking is criminal to say the least.


From an Israel demonization propaganda site (which you conveniently failed to cite, sneaky tactic) accused of false translation and leaving out the word TERRORISTS as the people needing to be crushed. Apparently he didn't say ALL Palestinians as that twisted website implies with that EXCLUSION turning their text into a BIG LIE. Unless you can rebut those accusations, your disgusting FLAME post should not stand. That is the kind of garbage that fuels Israel demonization and it's associated Jew hatred and fuels more insane terrorists based on LIES. The same lies as the Palestinian leadership lying about a change of status at the Temple Mount which isn't happening. Of course that filth you posted got likes. Surprise surprise.

Yes, this rabbi is an extremist right wing rabbi. But that's not the same thing as advocating genocide. Also, dude, he is Chief Rabbi of one area, Safed, your text implies he is Chief Rabbi of all Israel. Also, dude, Israel isn't Iran, it is not ruled by crazy rabbis, it is a democracy.

If you can actually prove that this rabbi actually does favor genocide, I would agree with condemning him in strongest possible terms. But again, whatever he said, a far right wing rabbi is not the same thing as actual Israeli government policies and intentions.

Favoring executing actual Palestinian TERRORISTS is not even REMOTELY the same thing as advocating GENOCIDE.

Israeli news website Walla reported that right-wing rabbis replied to questions including: “Am I allowed to kick the insurgent, hit him or shoot him in order to kill him after he has been arrested or is this prohibited?”

Rabbi Rav Benzion Mutzafi replied: “It is not only desirable to do so, but it is a religious duty that you hold his head down to the ground and hit him until his last breath.”

I don't know anything about Walla but it is an Israeli publication. This was also covered in the JP. I don't know any of these Rabbis and I don't care what wing they are on. Pretty much all trouble when it comes to the Palestinians is Right Wing driven.

You failed to address the issue I brought up.

The issue of posting a blatantly false translation indicating that Rabbi Eliyahu was supporting genocide of all Palestinians when actually he was talking about recommended actions towards Palestinian TERRORISTS specifically. I am taking your lack of response as an admission of posting outrageously incendiary falsehoods. Typical of the obsessive Israel demonization agenda but worthy of being CALLED OUT when it is done.

The situation is bad enough already between the sides without broadcasting outrageously INFLAMMATORY distortions as truth. I'm happy this has been cleared up.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's not that complicated.

Israel demonizers try to make this complicated because of an obsession to oppose the existence of Israel.

Terrorists are murderers.

‘Gentle, kind’ stabbing victim Shlomit Krigman laid to restHundreds attend funeral of 23-year-old killed in Beit Horon by Palestinian terrorists, remember her love of books and ‘great curiosity’; grave is close to that of Dafna Meir, murdered last week


Knives kill regardless the age and gender of the terrorists using them.

If you attempt murder and/or murder bad things may happen.

Interesting we get the coverage of Palestinian terrorists who got what they were expecting and asking for by becoming murderers and not the stories of the Jewish targets of these terrorists.

Next ...

Talking about calling people out for blatant falsehoods and "broadcasting outrageously INFLAMMATORY distortions as truth"..... you continue to equate criticism of Israel with a desire to bring an end to the state of Israel.

Call them demonisers if you must, but do not lie about their agenda. It has been made very clear that the criticism is ALL about the illegal occupation and the inhumanity Israel imposes upon the occupied population....leading to stories such as the OP.

Edited by Seastallion
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“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians,” he posted on his Facebook wall, “but, it must execute them and leave no one alive.” Eliyahu declared that the Palestinians are the enemy of the Israeli occupation state and they “must be destroyed and crushed in order to end violence.” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

I have participated in these discussions for 10 years and nobody has changed their mind about what side they are on. This Rabbi points out much of why I am on the side I am on. From the way it sounds, this is the Israel illustrious potentate and his way of thinking is criminal to say the least.


From an Israel demonization propaganda site (which you conveniently failed to cite, sneaky tactic) accused of false translation and leaving out the word TERRORISTS as the people needing to be crushed. Apparently he didn't say ALL Palestinians as that twisted website implies with that EXCLUSION turning their text into a BIG LIE. Unless you can rebut those accusations, your disgusting FLAME post should not stand. That is the kind of garbage that fuels Israel demonization and it's associated Jew hatred and fuels more insane terrorists based on LIES. The same lies as the Palestinian leadership lying about a change of status at the Temple Mount which isn't happening. Of course that filth you posted got likes. Surprise surprise.

Yes, this rabbi is an extremist right wing rabbi. But that's not the same thing as advocating genocide. Also, dude, he is Chief Rabbi of one area, Safed, your text implies he is Chief Rabbi of all Israel. Also, dude, Israel isn't Iran, it is not ruled by crazy rabbis, it is a democracy.

If you can actually prove that this rabbi actually does favor genocide, I would agree with condemning him in strongest possible terms. But again, whatever he said, a far right wing rabbi is not the same thing as actual Israeli government policies and intentions.

Favoring executing actual Palestinian TERRORISTS is not even REMOTELY the same thing as advocating GENOCIDE.

Israeli news website Walla reported that right-wing rabbis replied to questions including: “Am I allowed to kick the insurgent, hit him or shoot him in order to kill him after he has been arrested or is this prohibited?”

Rabbi Rav Benzion Mutzafi replied: “It is not only desirable to do so, but it is a religious duty that you hold his head down to the ground and hit him until his last breath.”

I don't know anything about Walla but it is an Israeli publication. This was also covered in the JP. I don't know any of these Rabbis and I don't care what wing they are on. Pretty much all trouble when it comes to the Palestinians is Right Wing driven.

You failed to address the issue I brought up.

The issue of posting a blatantly false translation indicating that Rabbi Eliyahu was supporting genocide of all Palestinians when actually he was talking about recommended actions towards Palestinian TERRORISTS specifically. I am taking your lack of response as an admission of posting outrageously incendiary falsehoods. Typical of the obsessive Israel demonization agenda but worthy of being CALLED OUT when it is done.

The situation is bad enough already between the sides without broadcasting outrageously INFLAMMATORY distortions as truth. I'm happy this has been cleared up.

JT, it was clear to me that he was addressing people who were believed to be terrorists. There are many statements from several Rabbis to that effect. I have posted a couple. I don't know if I addressed your issue as I don't really understand your issue. These guys may have been misquoted as A--------ajad was years ago but nobody seemed to mind the "Wipe off the face of the earth" misquote which is still repeated today. I can't get too excited about it. I posted several parts of the articles and included the links. It is easy to read that as being "suspected terrorists". The issue seems to be summary execution of non Jews under Jewish law. You can believe all of them to be terrorists and as a result, kill them all.

To me, the "believe to be terrorist" issue is at the heart of the consideration with these Rabbis collectively. Discussing whether it is okay under Jewish law to kill an injured person who the mob believes to be a terrorist is a major issue. The idea is contrary to pretty much any law in place today in our world. We don't summarily execute the accused whether it is okay by Jewish law or any other such law. I posted two videos of examples of believed to be terrorist that were still alive and attacked in the street.

One of the Rabbis claims the believed to be terrorist's head should be smashed into the ground until he is dead. Defend that if you must but I consider it to be indefensible.

I happen to agree with

"This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will." Gary Rosenblat, The Jewish Week

Gary Rosenblat. He’s a hard-core supporter of Israel and the editor and publisher of The Jewish Week. In an article for it, and as summed up by Weiss, he revealed that Jewish leaders are saying that it’s getting impossible to sell Israel to young Jews.


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Please share with us what your actions might be if a 13 year old girl attacked you with a knife and you were armed.

Curious how a seeming pacifist would handle it.

More like a pretend pacifist. I don't remember him expressing remorse for Jewish victims of terrorism.

Do you two have kids out of interest?

I have three and none of them were raised to be suicide murderers.

How about you?

Thanks for your candour

I have two grown up British kids and two Thai daughters

The youngest Thai girl is 13

Maybe, I'm a big old softy, but I reckon I would have bundled her to the ground in some kind of bear hug sort of thing!

I don't think it would be too difficult to protect my face (which is not a particularly beautiful piece of architecture anyway!)

I think that would be the natural reaction of a grown man (excluding nut cases of course)

I'm no hero. It would just have been natural to do that.

I can see 13 year old boys being radicalised in madrassas but 13 year old girls?

Even if I am wide of the mark, I would be happier to fall in a futile attempt to save the child's life!

However, I am from Yorkshire and bound to be a bit bonkers.....

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JT, it was clear to me that he was addressing people who were believed to be terrorists. There are many statements from several Rabbis to that effect. I have posted a couple. I don't know if I addressed your issue as I don't really understand your issue. These guys may have been misquoted as A--------ajad was years ago but nobody seemed to mind the "Wipe off the face of the earth" misquote which is still repeated today. I can't get too excited about it. I posted several parts of the articles and included the links. It is easy to read that as being "suspected terrorists". The issue seems to be summary execution of non Jews under Jewish law. You can believe all of them to be terrorists and as a result, kill them all.

To me, the "believe to be terrorist" issue is at the heart of the consideration with these Rabbis collectively. Discussing whether it is okay under Jewish law to kill an injured person who the mob believes to be a terrorist is a major issue. The idea is contrary to pretty much any law in place today in our world. We don't summarily execute the accused whether it is okay by Jewish law or any other such law. I posted two videos of examples of believed to be terrorist that were still alive and attacked in the street.

One of the Rabbis claims the believed to be terrorist's head should be smashed into the ground until he is dead. Defend that if you must but I consider it to be indefensible.

I happen to agree with

"This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will." Gary Rosenblat, The Jewish Week

Gary Rosenblat. He’s a hard-core supporter of Israel and the editor and publisher of The Jewish Week. In an article for it, and as summed up by Weiss, he revealed that Jewish leaders are saying that it’s getting impossible to sell Israel to young Jews.


ANOTHER disgusting (intentional?) distortion. You just indicated Gary Rosenblat said that. Look at the article.

Weiss concluded with this prediction. “This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will.”

That quote is attributed to the NOTORIOUS Israel demonization website Mondoweiss. It was NOT said by Rosenblat.

Rosenblat actually said this, a very REASONABLE thing to say that the was TWISTED by the obsesive Israel demonization website and then again here in the FALSE attribution:

The hard fact is that Israel’s leadership is moving in a direction at odds with the next generation of Americans, including many Jews, who want to see greater efforts to resolve the Palestinian conflict and who put the onus for the impasse on Jerusalem. It is not only President Obama who feels that way… Whether or not it is fair, the strong perception today is that the Israeli government is moving further right, and intransigent, at a time when the rest of the world is fed up with the Israel-Palestinian impasse.

Zionism is not racism. That's the classic BS of Israel demonizers who are very often Jew haters.

Actually, ANTI-ZIONISM is racism. Why should the Jewish people not have the right to political self determination realized in the state of Israel?

Zionism does not mean supporting all Israel government policies It is does not necessary mean supporting west bank occupation.

Edited by Jingthing
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JT, it was clear to me that he was addressing people who were believed to be terrorists. There are many statements from several Rabbis to that effect. I have posted a couple. I don't know if I addressed your issue as I don't really understand your issue. These guys may have been misquoted as A--------ajad was years ago but nobody seemed to mind the "Wipe off the face of the earth" misquote which is still repeated today. I can't get too excited about it. I posted several parts of the articles and included the links. It is easy to read that as being "suspected terrorists". The issue seems to be summary execution of non Jews under Jewish law. You can believe all of them to be terrorists and as a result, kill them all.

To me, the "believe to be terrorist" issue is at the heart of the consideration with these Rabbis collectively. Discussing whether it is okay under Jewish law to kill an injured person who the mob believes to be a terrorist is a major issue. The idea is contrary to pretty much any law in place today in our world. We don't summarily execute the accused whether it is okay by Jewish law or any other such law. I posted two videos of examples of believed to be terrorist that were still alive and attacked in the street.

One of the Rabbis claims the believed to be terrorist's head should be smashed into the ground until he is dead. Defend that if you must but I consider it to be indefensible.

I happen to agree with

"This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will." Gary Rosenblat, The Jewish Week

Gary Rosenblat. He’s a hard-core supporter of Israel and the editor and publisher of The Jewish Week. In an article for it, and as summed up by Weiss, he revealed that Jewish leaders are saying that it’s getting impossible to sell Israel to young Jews.


ANOTHER disgusting (intentional?) distortion. You just indicated Gary Rosenblat said that. Look at the article.

Weiss concluded with this prediction. “This crisis will not end until American Jews declare Zionism is racism. And one day they will.”

That quote is attributed to the NOTORIOUS Israel demonization website Mondoweiss. It was NOT said by Rosenblat.

Rosenblat actually said this, a very REASONABLE thing to say that the was TWISTED by the obsesive Israel demonization website and then again here in the FALSE attribution:

The hard fact is that Israel’s leadership is moving in a direction at odds with the next generation of Americans, including many Jews, who want to see greater efforts to resolve the Palestinian conflict and who put the onus for the impasse on Jerusalem. It is not only President Obama who feels that way… Whether or not it is fair, the strong perception today is that the Israeli government is moving further right, and intransigent, at a time when the rest of the world is fed up with the Israel-Palestinian impasse.

Zionism is not racism. That's the classic BS of Israel demonizers who are very often Jew haters.

Actually, ANTI-ZIONISM is racism. Why should the Jewish people not have the right to political self determination realized in the state of Israel?

Zionism does not mean supporting all Israel government policies It is does not necessary mean supporting west bank occupation.

My apologies, it was not intentional. The quote was in a funny script next to Weiss' assertion about Rosenblat. Obviously, I would not have posted the link to the article had I any intent to deceive.

I am just as offended/disgusted by obsessive defense of Israel as you seem to be about obsessive demonization. I don't know which is worse, I guess it depends on which side of the table one sits. It is clear which of those two you think is worse and I completely understand your position on the matter and I completely understand your right to your opinion.

Edited by Pakboong
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