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Temperatures to drop further in North and Isaan tomorrow


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Im just enjoying this global warming, here in Hua Hin very chilly wind this morning but lovely and fresh.

Sad that some folks passed away, hope they are better prepared in the future.

And what about the first snow that lao people have seen for the first time in their life ?

Photo from one of my friend who is living in Vientiane - Laos .

It's in Houaphan district


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Its Brass Monkeys today,never mind tomorrow.even the cat does not want to go out.

regards Worgeordie

Many people do NOT know the meaning of the saying... Do you?

Oh come on, I agree it's an English colloquialism, and not everyone on TVF will know it,, but 10 seconds on google gives you: "The phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off (or on) a brass monkey" is a colloquial expression used by some English speakers.". In fact it is one of the few phrases in "geordie" which are comprehensible to those of us who hail from south of Sunderland......

Alternatively.if you live in Lopburi, just follow the monkeys around the local garages, and listen to them asking the proprietors if they can do brazing....

The expression is appropriate but most believe it a crudity in origin. Instead it is a adaptive crudity of a physical phenomenon.

The miscomprehension is in that in the original phrase it was the monkey that froze. In the now comprehension it is the balls.

Either way it relates to a very cold event !laugh.png

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BKK is absolutely freezing. This must be a record low.

Nope - if it was only 16 degrees (as it was at around midnight last night and again at 8.30am in the morning) then that's nothing unusual for Bangkok, at least as far as minimums are concerned.

In December 2013 and January 2014, there were a couple of mornings with minimums of around 16C (I think 15 was the lowest on one occasion too) however, unlike now maximums always reached at least around 23 or 24 if not 28-29C by the afternoon. It was significant however that for around 14 consecutive days, the maximum temperature did not reach 30C both in the second half of December and again in the second half of January.

The difference now is that both minimum AND maximum temperatures are many degrees below average, yesterday the maximum I think was only around 20C, while the day before during heavy rains at times, 24C.

However, we shouldn't forget the similar situation to now that occurred back in March 2011. It happened twice during that month, all of a sudden, for a period of 2-3 days first in mid-March then again in late March, Bangkok experienced temperatures in the mid to high teens (min-max) dropping from the usual mid-thirties in the afternoon and mid-twenties in the early morning by almost half just over the course of one or two days.

The record low ever recorded in Bangkok was at Don Muang airport: 9.9C on Christmas Day in 1999 due to a blisterly cold front from Siberia/China that swept through Thailand for a few days in late December/early January that year.

Temperature at 6.30am


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Lovely day in Chonburi yesterday, bright and sunny and about 25 degrees, about 10 degrees down on normal for this time of year.

Looks like a bit the same today, supposed to hit 30 mid afternoon.

The normal max. temperature for this time of year in Chonburi should be around 31-32 C not 35. It's still technically "winter" you know.

Around March yes, 35 is quite average.

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Lovely day in Chonburi yesterday, bright and sunny and about 25 degrees, about 10 degrees down on normal for this time of year.

Looks like a bit the same today, supposed to hit 30 mid afternoon.

The normal max. temperature for this time of year in Chonburi should be around 31-32 C not 35. It's still technically "winter" you know.

Around March yes, 35 is quite average.

Do you really think that there is a uniform temperature throughout the province, that coastal temperatures are the same as inland.

It was 33 here this afternoon.

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Where can I buy a bathroom heater in Chiang Mai, not one of those silly Chinese oil filled things you find at Global but a proper bathroom heater?

Nothing wrong with them. I bought 2 of them several years ago and sitting here in my home office quite cozy with one next to me. And yes, got them at Global House. smile.png There are some at Central and probably at Robinson but last I looked they were silly prices.


I'd looked at them many times and because I had never met anyone who had one I followed my instinct and concluded they weren't that good, maybe I'll give them a try. But what I was really after is a traditional bathroom heater with an electric fire type element, the type that sits quite high on the wall, if anyone happens to spot one.

I have one and the damned thing quit working the first day of the cold spell. Anyone know a good place to get it fixed?

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I bought one and it's OK for a small room (bathroom is OK) but useless in a larger living room on its own.

BUT, I just came back from Chiang Rai where I found a product called "small sun", out of Korea or China unsure. It looks like a floor fan and operates on a swivel basis, inside, instead of a fan, is a polished steel back, against which a central heating element shines, the heat is then directed forward quite some distance and cooler air is drawn in through the back. I have to say it rocks, first saw it in a hair saloon measuring four metres square, it was toasty hot - selling like hot cakes apprently, we bought one on the spot, cost 2,600 baht. Loads of similar and vairants in Mai Sai markets I'm told, heaps better than the oil filled radiator.

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Lovely day in Chonburi yesterday, bright and sunny and about 25 degrees, about 10 degrees down on normal for this time of year.

Looks like a bit the same today, supposed to hit 30 mid afternoon.

The normal max. temperature for this time of year in Chonburi should be around 31-32 C not 35. It's still technically "winter" you know.

Around March yes, 35 is quite average.

It must be March today.

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Waiting for the usual government call to distribute blankets to the poor, the same people who gets

blankets every year and mange to lose them somehow, and also the article that

tell us how many people died from the cold.... nothing new under the sun...

easy to understand how they could / would be lost. they all need blankets...and more.
Actually relatively few blankets are distributed each year. This ignorant meme about the rural and minority people losing their blankets is just repeating racist tinged Bangkok nonsense. Up north there are some blankets distributed, mostly by the Border Police who also run schools in the more remote areas. But go to a more remote rural humble abode and you will see blankets stored in a corner to be used the next cool season. Like most cheap emergency wool blankets, they don't hold up to many annual washings. So there is a need to both replenish the blankets and to provide additional blankets to account for population growth and aging as one blanket shared by three toddlers soon becomes a need for three blankets. So Ezzra, hopefully this post will provide you with some ezra to help you better understand what goes on in the rural north and northeast.

An easy none ecspencive way to stay warm is "bobble plastic"

It is used by paramedics all over the world for treatment of hypodermic. Old people and small kids can get serious problems under 10 degrees Celsius. Raining and water can make I it even worse.

Just for information, sorry for my English.

Best regards

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