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'Putin is corrupt' says US Treasury


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Putin is corrupt. So what, so are all the American polititians. ME ME ME only about me.

Some, for sure. But due to freedom of the press, mandatory financial disclosures, and an independent judiciary, they aren't even in the same league. Nowhere near.

Have you caught up with the latest IRS problems with Congressional oversight and transparency?

The old KGB would be proud of these guys.

Understood. But the old KGB never had to worry about oversight. Nor does the new version of them.....That what happens when you don't have freedom of the press.

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US Treasury? Why would they have a say in the matter?

They are a branch of government that isn't assigned to name corrupt leaders of other countries.... Unless they would like to draw attention away from their own activities.

What is corrupt is the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" which acts secretly under the claim of "National Security" to print untold sums of currency.

When is the last time a US politician or banker was jailed for corruption?

The politicians are allowed to resign and the bankers are fined billions of dollars when they are caught red-handed.

We need to see some U.S. politicians punished for corruption before we start pointing out leaders of other countries as being corrupt.

Many US politicians have gotten in trouble over corruption. How many Russians have had the same happen?

Here's a list of US federal politicians jailed. There's another one for state and locals. And it's long also.


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Repeat after me "I must uncritically believe everything the US and UK media say about Putin"; "I must uncritically believe everything the US and UK media say about Putin"

...and about them wicked red commies in China laugh.png

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Repeat after me "I must uncritically believe everything the US and UK media say about Putin"; "I must uncritically believe everything the US and UK media say about Putin"

I'd dare say what the US and UK media reports is light years ahead in terms of reliability than what the Russian media reports.

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The US Treasury is a wholly owned subsidiary of Banking Inc. Since 1913 US citizens have funded the entire nation on debt. The coercive power of Government requires the citizens to pay debt to private bankers who print money on a printing machine. Notes "Redeemable in legal tender" became "Legal tender for all debts public and private" by no more than the power that the government declared it as such- coercion. Inescapably so. In essence, the perennial means by which Mankind was remunerated for their products and labor became a point of entry for tyranny, crippling money as an economical device and leveraging it as political chains upon the bearer.

US Treasury/money has no intrinsic value, no linkage to coin or metal, and can be stretched through fractional lending (this is grossly evident in the real depreciation of money roughly 95% less than when they began this rouse). Thus, $1,000.00 of debt passed on to taxpayers is paid back to US private banking families with interest. Moreover that $1,000 on deposit or passing through a bank's coffers can also be stretched to $9,000 to be loaned out to others, also collecting interest. All the while, money as an real asset is a fiction, a fiat, created out of thin air and saddling future generations to this modern fiefdom. The US Treasury is the enforcement arm of this private banking cartel operating under the Orwellian name of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not federal and there are no reserves (The Creature from Jekyll Island). Calling Putin "corrupt" is the pot calling the kettle black.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Vlad's summer house:


My understanding is that he's worked for the government his entire life.

Putin is just another of many power mongers with his fingers in the till its rampant in today's society. The ongoing story in Mayalasia is another example. The AG whitewashed his boss and the boss said game over lets move on a classic statement. From Mexico on down its a way of life. Its more subtle in the West and Europe. All you and I get to do is to press our nose against the candy store window.

Edited by elgordo38
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Pretty simple really. Where did all these oligarchs come from? Born yesterday?. They and their buddy Putin have been ripping off the people for years.

Yeah sure, people like Abramovitch can just buy a huge yacht and Chelsea football club. Really --- from a country that supposedly is communist.

Very obvious .........

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"US Treasury/money has no intrinsic value, no linkage to coin or metal, and can be stretched through fractional lending."

Nonsense. US T-bills and US currency is considered to be the #1 World's Safest Asset.

"Thus, $1,000.00 of debt passed on to taxpayers is paid back to US private banking families with interest."

Yes, that's because banks in America are not nationalized and are run by Capitalists. Who have families. Do you hate Capitalism or families?

"Moreover that $1,000 on deposit or passing through a bank's coffers can also be stretched to $9,000 to be loaned out to others, also collecting interest."

Wow, why don't you open a bank if its such easy money?

"All the while, money as an real asset is a fiction, a fiat, created out of thin air and saddling future generations to this modern fiefdom."

It's not fiction if I can pay my rent, gas up the car and purchase legal, medical marijuana down at the State-licensed dispensary. That sounds pretty real to me, 555.

"The US Treasury is the enforcement arm of this private banking cartel operating under the Orwellian name of the Federal Reserve."

I've got news for you. Businesses all over the world are run by "cartels", or dictatorships. Capitalism is not Democratic, its brutal little kings running their fiefdoms.

"The Federal Reserve is not federal and there are no reserves (The Creature from Jekyll Island)."

To say the US government has no reserves is false. $434,416,453,480 Total reserves (2014)(includes gold).

Sure, its declining. Sure, its smaller than many countries. But none?

No way are you credible in any manner, on any issue or any idea.

A total zero, you might say. Not the opinion I would care about...


Edited by SiSePuede419
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Putin's history as KGB and corruption in party-government positions is well documented and has been for a long time. It is excellent that someone in the US Treasury has come forward to finally give the issue a high visibility.

This one provides a good background of how Vlad the Putin set himself up in the money mayor's office in St Petersburg in 1990 when he saw the Soviet Union on the cusp of collapse.

In May 1990, Vladimir Putin became an advisor to St. Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak, and then deputy mayor and head of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (CFER). The function of the committee was to encourage, regulate, and license the establishment of foreign trade in and by St. Petersburg. Officials in Moscow granted Putin the authorization to issue licenses and contracts to conduct foreign trade.

During the early 1990’s, billions of dollars flowed overseas from Russia. These funds came from a variety of sources, Dawisha contended, including CPSU and KGB accounts, organized crime, and receipts of sale for Russian goods bought low in the domestic market and sold high on the foreign market.

See more at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/has-vladimir-putin-always-been-corrupt-and-does-it-matter#sthash.3v5m4f3m.dpuf

The battalion of global rightwhingers and other Putin fanboyz fail btw when they try to ever so desperately connect the IRS in another bogus Republican witch hunt or the limited corruption in USA (what about Europe) to a naturally corrupt place such as Russia (to include CCP China).

Edited by Publicus
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The US Treasury is a wholly owned subsidiary of Banking Inc. Since 1913 US citizens have funded the entire nation on debt. The coercive power of Government requires the citizens to pay debt to private bankers who print money on a printing machine. Notes "Redeemable in legal tender" became "Legal tender for all debts public and private" by no more than the power that the government declared it as such- coercion. Inescapably so. In essence, the perennial means by which Mankind was remunerated for their products and labor became a point of entry for tyranny, crippling money as an economical device and leveraging it as political chains upon the bearer.

US Treasury/money has no intrinsic value, no linkage to coin or metal, and can be stretched through fractional lending (this is grossly evident in the real depreciation of money roughly 95% less than when they began this rouse). Thus, $1,000.00 of debt passed on to taxpayers is paid back to US private banking families with interest. Moreover that $1,000 on deposit or passing through a bank's coffers can also be stretched to $9,000 to be loaned out to others, also collecting interest. All the while, money as an real asset is a fiction, a fiat, created out of thin air and saddling future generations to this modern fiefdom. The US Treasury is the enforcement arm of this private banking cartel operating under the Orwellian name of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not federal and there are no reserves (The Creature from Jekyll Island). Calling Putin "corrupt" is the pot calling the kettle black.

Methinks your definition is a bit off. I read Jekyll Island. Many think it's a nice fiction book. But it refers to the Fed, not the US Treasury. Two separate entities. And yes, there are issues around the Fed, but that's not part of this topic.


The establishing act of congress passed in 1789, read in part,

...it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury ...to execute such services relative to the sale of the lands belonging to the United States, as may be by law required of him; to make report, and give information to either branch of the legislature, in person or in writing (as he may be required), respecting all matters referred to him by the Senate or House of Representatives, or which shall appertain to his office; and generally to perform all such services relative to the finances, as he shall be directed to perform.[2]

The current law, 31 U.S.C. § 301, reads as follows (in part):

(a) The Department of the Treasury is an executive department of the United States Government at the seat of the Government.

(B) The head of the Department is the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

President George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789. He left office on the last day of January 1795. Much of the structure of the government of the United States was worked out in those five years, beginning with the structure and function of the cabinet itself.

In the next two years, Hamilton submitted five reports:

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I think the topic is Putin being corrupt.

Riiiight. So comparisons are forbidden?

1) Admit or deny Vladimir Putin is corrupt.

2) Absent this starting point there isn't anywhere to go.

3) The Treasury guy who made the statement, Adam Szubin, is Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control, since 2006 where one thing he does is enforce US sanctions regimes, to include of course Russia. Atty. Szubin was appointed by then SecTreas Paulson, reappointed by Sec Geitner and then the present Sec Jack Lew. Szubin is also expert at Department of Justice and Treasury in terrorism financing.

No doubt true. Corruption is a way of life for the rich and powerful in Russia. I wonder why the US thinks they need to go outside their own country to find corruption.

It is one of the things US Treasury Department does.

Must do.

Thank you to Adam Szubin and the Department of the Treasury.

Screw the Chekist Putin and his gangster pals and cronies.

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No doubt true. Corruption is a way of life for the rich and powerful in Russia. I wonder why the US thinks they need to go outside their own country to find corruption.

There is no comparison between level of corruption in Russia and the US. Most of the wealthy I know are actually pretty honorable, good people. Appears that a lot of these corruption comments may be driven by bitterness or jealousy. Sure there are bad individuals here, but seriously . . . Comparing US to Russia is hilarious and a bit delusional.

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Duh! Saying Putin is corrupt is a bit like saying Ida Amin was not kind to his people. Or Fat Kim is not a benevolent leader. Or Prayuth is competent. Or Obama is a good president.

Of course he is corrupt. Some estimate his net worth to be well north of $40 billion US. He got a large fee on every state monopoly that was broken up, and rarely does a huge deal get done in Russia, without him receiving a piece of the action. Few in the past decades have been more corrupt.

But, the timing of this announcement is strange. The US has known of his gang activities for decades. Why announce this now? It appears to be pure politics, and an attempt to isolate him even further, though he has little sympathy from me. He is a pig and a despot.

However, what about some of the fabulously corrupt American politicians? What ever happened to the over $30 billion US that "disappeared" from the pallets of cash the US was shipping to Iraq and Afghanistan, to pay informers? I am fairly certain that was divided by Cheney, Tiny George II, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. $7.5 billion each. And how much additional money did Rumsfeld make on those Blackwater and Halliburton contracts? Was any of that ever investigated? Of course not.

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Duh! Saying Putin is corrupt is a bit like saying Ida Amin was not kind to his people. Or Fat Kim is not a benevolent leader. Or Prayuth is competent. Or Obama is a good president.

Of course he is corrupt. Some estimate his net worth to be well north of $40 billion US. He got a large fee on every state monopoly that was broken up, and rarely does a huge deal get done in Russia, without him receiving a piece of the action. Few in the past decades have been more corrupt.

But, the timing of this announcement is strange. The US has known of his gang activities for decades. Why announce this now? It appears to be pure politics, and an attempt to isolate him even further, though he has little sympathy from me. He is a pig and a despot.

However, what about some of the fabulously corrupt American politicians? What ever happened to the over $30 billion US that "disappeared" from the pallets of cash the US was shipping to Iraq and Afghanistan, to pay informers? I am fairly certain that was divided by Cheney, Tiny George II, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. $7.5 billion each. And how much additional money did Rumsfeld make on those Blackwater and Halliburton contracts? Was any of that ever investigated? Of course not.

There's almost always a hidden agenda. Putin is trying to get back on the world stage with negotiations regarding Syria. Deflect attention away from Crimea. So you're right, could be more to this than meets the eye. European countries are wavering with regards to sanctions (gas from Russia is a big deal). Who knows.

As far as the $30 billion that disappeared. If paid to informants, then it didn't disappear. Might not have been used in the best manner, but not corrupt. Perhaps a CIA project? But no way was it divided among the people you mention. Word would have gotten out. Loose lips sink ships, especially with the whistle blower program the US government has in place.

As far as the other companies go, that's another topic. But an interesting one!

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I think the topic is Putin being corrupt.

Riiiight. So comparisons are forbidden?

yes, because not Thailand related! cheesy.gif

This is World News Forum where Thailand topics are, shall we say, discouraged and appropriately so. wink.png

Some people really crack themselves up. And over no point at all.

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Duh! Saying Putin is corrupt is a bit like saying Ida Amin was not kind to his people. Or Fat Kim is not a benevolent leader. Or Prayuth is competent. Or Obama is a good president.

Of course he is corrupt. Some estimate his net worth to be well north of $40 billion US. He got a large fee on every state monopoly that was broken up, and rarely does a huge deal get done in Russia, without him receiving a piece of the action. Few in the past decades have been more corrupt.

But, the timing of this announcement is strange. The US has known of his gang activities for decades. Why announce this now? It appears to be pure politics, and an attempt to isolate him even further, though he has little sympathy from me. He is a pig and a despot.

However, what about some of the fabulously corrupt American politicians? What ever happened to the over $30 billion US that "disappeared" from the pallets of cash the US was shipping to Iraq and Afghanistan, to pay informers? I am fairly certain that was divided by Cheney, Tiny George II, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. $7.5 billion each. And how much additional money did Rumsfeld make on those Blackwater and Halliburton contracts? Was any of that ever investigated? Of course not.

"However, what about some of the fabulously corrupt American politicians? What ever happened to the over $30 billion US that "disappeared" from the pallets of cash the US was shipping to Iraq and Afghanistan, to pay informers? I am fairly certain that was divided by Cheney, Tiny George II, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. $7.5 billion each. And how much additional money did Rumsfeld make on those Blackwater and Halliburton contracts? Was any of that ever investigated? Of course not."

Then why don't you get on your little moped and drive down to the nearest US Embassy and file a complaint. They will have an FBI agent in-house that will discuss it with you.

Be sure and take all your supporting documents, any tapes or photos you might possess and any other evidence you might have in your possession. They will want to see it all.

Please report back with your progress on this. In the meantime, continue trying to bash Trump.

You're better at that than dreaming up ridiculous conspiracies.

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