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Denmark to vote on bill to allow seizure of refugee valuables


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Denmark to vote on bill to allow seizure of refugee valuables


COPENHAGEN: -- Denmark is set to pass controversial legislation that will require asylum seekers to hand over cash or valuables worth more than €1,300 to help cover government expenses on room and board.

The so-called “migrants bill” has already been revised after widespread criticism from across the political spectrum.

One source said Denmark may set up a public auction to sell valuables seized by police from refugees, noting there is likely a national market for gold and jewelry.

What constitutes sentimental

On Monday (Jan 25) the matter was discussed in the EU parliament where Denmark’s Immigration Minister Inger Stojberg said sentimental items would be exempt as she explained the bill.

“We also think it is fair and reasonable that those asylum seekers who do bring enough assets with them should cover the costs of their food and lodging during the asylum process itself.”

European MP Sophia in`t VELD of the ALDE responded:
“How do you actually define sentimental value? If somebody travels thousands of miles risking their lives with probably just a small bag with them, is it not that every object that they are carrying IS of great personal value, otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered.”

The refugee debate is a hot topic in Denmark with the country having taken in a record 20,000 last year. The government is responding to a growing anti-immigration sentiment but the new legislation has stirred many emotions.

Member of Denmark’s Liberale Parti Birthe Rønn Hornbæk, who is a former minister said: “When you seize a refugee’s jewelry, it has a huge symbolic impact… the prime minister says there has been a misunderstanding, but there has not . Because its all there in the bill. It has really led to many thinking about the German concentration camps”.

more changes on the way

The legislation which is designed to deter would-be asylum seekers also includes possibly more significant changes such as limiting asylum to one year at a time and a bar on refugees from bringing their families to the country for at least three years.

Denmark is also considering moving migrants into camps outside its towns ans cities, a tactic that the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DF) which hopes will shift the focus of government immigration police to repatriation rather than integration.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-26

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European MP Sophia in`t VELD of the ALDE responded:

"How do you actually define sentimental value? If somebody travels thousands of miles risking their lives with probably just a small bag with them, is it not that every object that they are carrying IS of great personal value, otherwise they wouldnt have bothered."

OMG ohmy.png! What a ridiculous statement. And to think this woman is an MP. This is why Europe is going down the drain.

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They should also ask them to wear a kind of distinctive symbol on the chest to recognize them, maybe a kind of yellow star or purple triangle...

Do they think this will stop the migrants? do they think they will collect money or items worth the work of people who would have to seize these.

They should focus on the tax evasion which cost around 160 milliards of euro for an average EU country each year

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They should also ask them to wear a kind of distinctive symbol on the chest to recognize them, maybe a kind of yellow star or purple triangle...

Do they think this will stop the migrants? do they think they will collect money or items worth the work of people who would have to seize these.

They should focus on the tax evasion which cost around 160 milliards of euro for an average EU country each year

Is it unreasonable to require migrants, some who are no more than illegal economic immigrants, to be assessed and treated the same as the people in the country that they want to enter and reside in?

The Danes want to treat them the same, despite your attempted sensationalism. Not to differentiate and treat them all as special cases, giving them more than their own citizens.

Perhaps these economic migrants who are chancers and illegal immigrants should be returned to their own countries and then the real refugees and their problems could be addressed.

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A good move.This are people who from day one entitled to benefits from us and it`s only fair that they should give up substantual values.................................And I might add that in my home country citizens who are in the unfortunate situation where they have to depend on benefits from the state ALSO have to give up their valuables,so those naive EU parliamantarians who cry foul on this matter.............Please shut the "*/# up,you clearly don`t know what you are talking about !!!

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Is there any offical data on the cavity searches being carried out on these migrants? It is accepted that valuables/drugs should be secreted in the migrants back passage to sail through the infidels customs checkpoints. In theory you can keep a kings ransom up there in a "charger". Seems to me like its a case of we'll keep any large sums of money in your wallet or packet but of course we will not search you properly. Bit silly isn't it. Full cavity searches, at every border and intermittent cavity checks as and when local law enforcement are in a bad mood, for starters.

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Let those who disagree, foot the bill.

Then, see how many would still raise their hands to question.

It's easy when using someone else's money.

Remember the bombings in Libya, Sirya, Irak,.... It was YOUR money who was spent to bomb them... Did this work? No, did this brought freedom and stability? No, Did these actions fuelled the migrations ? Yes..so you already paid to have them flee in Europe and USA...

It is easy to condemn people migrating when you are responsible for their migration...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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