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Inquests shows Briton died in Thailand after 'downing buckets of Vodka and Red Bull'


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"A 20 year old British holidaymaker, Peter Nicholson, 29,...."

"and he didn’t realise how he was drunk he was."

excellent edits.......the editor in Chief must be very proud.....

I ca n splell.....

Edited by AlQaholic
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Brits and alcohol, its one thing they are famous for. When i was 17 and on a holiday in France we were doing our own parties going to the local supermarket and buying wine and stuff all young kids English Dutch whatever. Great fun but the Dutch had a lot more sense about alcohol then the English. Probably because they were not as strict in our country so we were used to it.

There were quite a few young Brits that ended up in the hospital, one girl i remember was standing up to pee.. just fell over (unconscious).. i carried her with the help of some others to her parents next day we learned she had been brought to a hospital. Ever since that time I have known about the English drinking culture. Sure there were some Dutch I knew that would do the same.. but they were a minority.

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Seems B

rits are psychologically similar to Thais when alcohol is involved...

So your broad sweeping, all encompassing view of "brits " sums up this tragic loss?

So, based on your, well balanced view everyone visiting from the UK are nuts and deserve to die.

Nice one big thinker.

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit

From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according to


20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

bet your mum is so proud of you,

its 20 bottles, not pints and that 29 must be a guess as he was drinking in bars, not at home.

My mum is actually proud of me, doesn't have jack to do with the calculations here, nor different tolerances for intoxicating agents for that matter. I'm a small dude, and by every calculation I should be dead everytime (as I said a couple of times per year) I start drinking though I must be then a statistical miracle.

20 bottles doesn't give you volume, and I was lenient, and took a pint of 5.5% vol bottle instead of the actual "strong lagers" in to account - so I must be somewhere in the medium with that initial calculation. I even gave it a 30minute extension since don't know the bodyweight, or regular consumption in "alcohol units", so I was being generous. Like I said earlier, much more likely to have come by methanol in the drinks, than an actual alcohol poisoning from legit booze (- where most likely cause of death would be suffocating from your own vomit)

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Seen this a few times, what people on holidays don't realize is that Red Bull in Thailand is concentrate.

one small bottle Red Bull is equivalent to about one liter of Red Bull in Europe (4 times volume)

It really screws up your body.


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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit

From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according to


20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

in his urine, not blood

Doesn't really matter that much - I'd suspect the deceased didn't give a pee sample, but the sample was extracted by other means post mortem.

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Brits and alcohol, its one thing they are famous for. When i was 17 and on a holiday in France we were doing our own parties going to the local supermarket and buying wine and stuff all young kids English Dutch whatever. Great fun but the Dutch had a lot more sense about alcohol then the English. Probably because they were not as strict in our country so we were used to it.

There were quite a few young Brits that ended up in the hospital, one girl i remember was standing up to pee.. just fell over (unconscious).. i carried her with the help of some others to her parents next day we learned she had been brought to a hospital. Ever since that time I have known about the English drinking culture. Sure there were some Dutch I knew that would do the same.. but they were a minority.

Am I to assume that based on a camp site encounter in France,years ago, that you have pigeonholed the "Brits" as a nation as being piss heads on holiday?Therefore it's OK for this you man to die because he is of that ilk.

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit

From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according to


20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

Please tell me your real name so i never invite you to a party at my place, "you 'd cost me a fortune"

No worries - I tend to chip in laugh.png

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit

First off, you can't make a blanket statement like that because it very much depends on factors such as body weight, speed of drinking, etc. A 200lb man could have 2 (possibly 3) drinks over an hour before exceeding a limit of .05%.

My old physiological psychology prof taught (a Brit transplanted to Canada) taught us that to maintain a healthy but legal 'buzz', you could drink two drinks in your first hour and one drink every hour after that. It's one of the few things I retained from my undergraduate years. :-)

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So Red Bull kills yet again and still no talk of banning it.

Do you think they should then ban post-9891-0-24808400-1453860592_thumb.jppost-9891-0-72190700-1453860591_thumb.jp and all the other small, bottled, so-called energy drinks, simply because one foolish man mixed them with his alcohol intake and subsequently died? Moderation?

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit
From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.
Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.
according to

20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

Please tell me your real name so i never invite you to a party at my place, "you 'd cost me a fortune"

A question comes to mind! Did they actually do an autopsy to determine the cause of death? Or are they just assuming that he died from alcohol poisoning because they think he drank too much?
I, like others here, can easily polish off a 5th with beer chasers and still be functional and level headed and able to order more. Been there and done that quite a few times while in Thailand. Energy drinks should not override the effects of being drunk I would think. Maybe I am wrong about that though. It just strikes me this explanation because it seems too convenient and it is something that does not happen very often. Especially from Brits who are known to be able to handle their whiskey.
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RIP. There but for good luck on my part go I in my younger days. Would start on Friday afternoon and finish in time to go to work Monday morning. We can't all be angelic bible thumping tv posters. Some like to have a few bevvies some drink in moderation. Whatever or why ever he decided to drink to excess it still a horrible accident. Won't say try not to be judgemental because I know there will be a lot on here that will be.

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Methanol comes to mind whenever you get a fatality out of drinks bah.gif

Knockoff alcohol is rampant here. Just because it says Jack Daniels on the bottle doesn't mean it's real JD. Especially at the cheaper bars. It's typically jungle juice. Very dangerous.

Yes, when I go out, I order only Absolut/soda... although they may start with Absolut, I know that so many bars try to sneak in something else either right off the bat or if they think I've had enough to notice... this should be illegal!

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit

From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according to


20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

One thing clearly comes through on too many of these posts...the macho-manly art of boozing...no matter what the amount/tragic results is staunchly defended...(unless, of course, the abuser is a Thai, and then it would ptobably be seen here as 'typically stupid')
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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit
From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.
Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.
according to

20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

Please tell me your real name so i never invite you to a party at my place, "you 'd cost me a fortune"

A question comes to mind! Did they actually do an autopsy to determine the cause of death? Or are they just assuming that he died from alcohol poisoning because they think he drank too much?
I, like others here, can easily polish off a 5th with beer chasers and still be functional and level headed and able to order more. Been there and done that quite a few times while in Thailand. Energy drinks should not override the effects of being drunk I would think. Maybe I am wrong about that though. It just strikes me this explanation because it seems too convenient and it is something that does not happen very often. Especially from Brits who are known to be able to handle their whiskey.

Reading the whole article it would appear that this is the conclusion of the inquest carried out in the UK.
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His local pub will miss him.

Probably not as much as his son will. But never mind, you got your cheap shot in.

lighten up , take the stick outta your keester , it is sad , but the point is he practiced this suicide by proxy . and his pub will no doubt miss him .

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit
From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according to


20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

Please tell me your real name so i never invite you to a party at my place, "you 'd cost me a fortune"

A question comes to mind! Did they actually do an autopsy to determine the cause of death? Or are they just assuming that he died from alcohol poisoning because they think he drank too much?

I, like others here, can easily polish off a 5th with beer chasers and still be functional and level headed and able to order more. Been there and done that quite a few times while in Thailand. Energy drinks should not override the effects of being drunk I would think. Maybe I am wrong about that though. It just strikes me this explanation because it seems too convenient and it is something that does not happen very often. Especially from Brits who are known to be able to handle their whiskey.

Reading the whole article it would appear that this is the conclusion of the inquest carried out in the UK.

ehhh... yea he drank himself to death , or as the shrinks call it suicide by alcohol . let him rest .

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That's still fishy... 4 times over the drunk driving limit is nothing.

The drunk driving limit is reached after 2 glasses of wine... 4 times over driving limit doesn't kill you, it hardly makes you smile while considering the color of the next bottle.

still if he drunk as much as is described, surely it's dangerous, but his blood should be 20 times over limit or more if he downed all that. Not only 4...

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