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Netanyahu says UN chief Ban Ki-moon 'encouraging terror'


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Anyway, this isn't really much of a news story.

The U.N. being the U.N. -- wildly unbalanced attention on tiny Israel relative to nations doing much worse.

Netanyahu running his mouth when he might have been better off with a more diplomatic response ... he does that.

Perhaps more for domestic consumption.

West Bank settlement activity continues. They are illegal under international law but Israeli law doesn't see it that way. So it's an ongoing dispute. Palestinian terrorists still more heated than usual with their stabbings, car ramming, etc.

In other words, nothing's changed.

Remarks by the U.N. and Netanyahu arguably not much more consequential in the long run than than the endless hot noise about this conflict on this forum. coffee1.gif

Both sides need better leadership. Maybe in 20 years.

This forum needs much better posters!
Calling MORCH! Come back, come back, wherever you are.

Edited by Jingthing
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Which story is a lie? The OP? Whatever, it's quite a claim, and one that you back only with opinion.

The majority of Palestinians want an end to the occupation of their land and cessation of continued land theft. THAT is inarguable.

Leaving Gaza didn't bring peace because Israel didn't stop occupying it!!! By legal definition, it maintained it's occupation by it's blockade. Stop with the strawman silliness and the ingenuous deflection.

"River to the sea" I believe is a quote from the Likud charter, referring to the Jordan River ..... which is not quite as drastic as the original Zionist "river" being the Euphrates!!!

OF COURSE it's possible to separate racism from Israel criticism! What a hateful and odious accusation! You are implying that I, and many members here are racist. Quit with that nastiness, please. You have been warned before.
It not their land. It's Israel.
The problem for Israel is that most sane people, many world leaders such as Ban ki Moon, the Swedish and American ambassadors to Israel and the majority of the world's countries can now see through the great Israeli hoax: that they play the victim when they are in fact the aggressor.
The conflict is perpetuated by a hardcore of fanatical Zionists and nutjob US Evangelicals who believe that a popular work of fiction,the bible, is some sort of real estate title deed and refuse to join the 21st century. They are doing the future of Israel a great disservice.

If this was not Israel land then the world would be calling it an invasion. Like Russia taking over parts of the Ukraine.

No one in the entire eorld is calling this an invasion because it's not. It's Israel building new homes on Israel land.

It is occupied land, not Israeli land.

Occupied for 50 years or so. Me thinks that is now Israel land.

No! Its big gun Israel, just displacing Palestinians again.

What are you saying? "No" I can't think it's Israeli land or "No" to the reality of the situation?
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This says it all, could have used Gandhi as an example too.

Off topic deflection. The OP subject concerns Ban Ki Moon's comment on the 50 year Israeli occupation of the West Bank, not Tibet nor 1940s India.
Rubbish! Peaceful resistance to perceived injustice was advocated by the Dali Lama and Gandhi, this challenges Ban Ki Moons assertion that terrorism is somehow natural. The UN has ceased any pretense of impartiality long ago and their attitude makes peace even further away because there is no incentive for Palestinian leaders to stop incitement, whilst Israelis will dig their heels in. Hertzog just conceded there are no current prospects for a two state solution, effectively aligning his attitude with that of Netanyahu.

An oddly warped point of view.

Mr Ban did not say that terrorism was natural, he said it was human nature to react to oppression. To try to conflate that with not advocating peaceful resistance is pointless, and provides no evidence whatsoever to back your silly claim that the UN is biased.

Why do the oppressed people need to be incentivised to stop their form of reaction? Surely, SURELY, it is the oppressor, the aggressor, the invader, the criminal, that needs to be reigned in first.

Again the wife beater analogy works with your worldview on the conflict: Tell that woman to stop screaming and I'll stop beating her, maybe.

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World sympathy for the Palestinians flew out the window in the 1970s. Those blokes managed to turn-off, even their staunchest supporters (myself included), with all that airplane high-jacking crap, and their cocky, antagonistic attitudes. I've worked with Palestinians, in the U.S. corporate world. On the average, they (Palestinians) are truly an impossible bunch of people to get along with. The average Israeli, on the other hand, is a far more delightful person to inter-act with, by comparison.

You're living in the past. Since then the world has changed, and the palestians are now recognised by UN and many countries.
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World sympathy for the Palestinians flew out the window in the 1970s. Those blokes managed to turn-off, even their staunchest supporters (myself included), with all that airplane high-jacking crap, and their cocky, antagonistic attitudes. I've worked with Palestinians, in the U.S. corporate world. On the average, they (Palestinians) are truly an impossible bunch of people to get along with. The average Israeli, on the other hand, is a far more delightful person to inter-act with, by comparison.

You're living in the past. Since then the world has changed, and the palestians are now recognised by UN and many countries.

They were recognized when offered their own countryin 1948, which they refused. The Palestinians have been turning down peace deals and murdering innocent civilians for the last 70 years. Officially "recognizing" them is LONG way from taking their side.

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World sympathy for the Palestinians flew out the window in the 1970s. Those blokes managed to turn-off, even their staunchest supporters (myself included), with all that airplane high-jacking crap, and their cocky, antagonistic attitudes. I've worked with Palestinians, in the U.S. corporate world. On the average, they (Palestinians) are truly an impossible bunch of people to get along with. The average Israeli, on the other hand, is a far more delightful person to inter-act with, by comparison.

You're living in the past. Since then the world has changed, and the palestians are now recognised by UN and many countries.

They were recognized when offered their own countryin 1948, which they refused. The Palestinians have been turning down peace deals and murdering innocent civilians for the last 70 years. Officially "recognizing" them is LONG way from taking their side.

There's a big difference between not accepting their own country and refusing to make way for forced evictions on your own land.

Israel has been murdering innocent Palestinians for the past 70 years, and on a much larger scale. On top of mass murder, there are the mass evictions from their homes.

I am glad you admit that the UN is not taking the Palestinian side. It's about time to stop that particular false claim that the UN favours Palestine.

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As recently as last month, the UN agreed on resolution (document A/70/480) granting Palestine permenant sovereignty over All its territories to include the West Bank, East Jerusalem and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan. This simply gives Palestine total control of the resources in these areas. That is a problem for Israel as it speaks to illegal settlements, water, oil, gas, etc….. http://www.un.org/press/en/2015/ga11746.doc.htmhttp://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N15/398/42/PDF/N1539842.pdf?OpenElement

In my mind, what matters about this is not the detail but that it was approved by a vote of 164 to 5. The five countries voting against were, USA, Israel Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Canada.

Israel has thumbed its nose at the UN repeatedly claiming bias. Seriously 164-5. I guess we are to believe that all the countries that voted in favor where Anti something to do with Israel and not voting because they favor the resolution on its merits.

Edited by Pakboong
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World sympathy for the Palestinians flew out the window in the 1970s. Those blokes managed to turn-off, even their staunchest supporters (myself included), with all that airplane high-jacking crap, and their cocky, antagonistic attitudes. I've worked with Palestinians, in the U.S. corporate world. On the average, they (Palestinians) are truly an impossible bunch of people to get along with. The average Israeli, on the other hand, is a far more delightful person to inter-act with, by comparison.

You're living in the past. Since then the world has changed, and the palestians are now recognised by UN and many countries.

They were recognized when offered their own countryin 1948, which they refused. The Palestinians have been turning down peace deals and murdering innocent civilians for the last 70 years. Officially "recognizing" them is LONG way from taking their side.

It is already, but obviously the occident think they are alone to decide who can be a member of the club

Countries recognizing Palestine as a state so far :


Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Israel and South Africa are very different historical situations.

Whites in South Africa were not INDIGENOUS people there.

JEWISH PEOPLE in Israel ARE indigenous.

Back to the MIDDLE EAST -- there are two different situations. Israeli citizen Arabs living in ISRAEL (clearly the TWENTY PERCENT I was referring to) definitely do not live under apartheid and anyone suggesting that is clearly either very misinformed or intentionally spreading propaganda lies.

If you're talking about Arabs in west bank/Gaza, then it gets more complicated what words you use. It's definitely a zone of conflict between two peoples (with no Jews in Gaza though of course). I agree there is a lot to criticize about Israeli policies in the west bank. But again, both sides need to up their game to seek peace.

I know some people want to use the word apartheid to describe the situation of Arabs in the west bank. I don't have a massive objection to that except that in the modern context the word suggests it is is the same historical situation as South Africa and that creates a false impression. So I don't use it. But personally will not spend much energy objecting to it.

Obviously the situation in the west bank is less than wonderful and the Arabs there feel put down both by Israel and their own incompetent so called governments. I hope there can be a solution that is OK for both peoples but knifing and car ramming isn't a good path to that.

Edited by Jingthing
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Well 90% of South African citizens who were black had to live under apartheid, why does 20% sound far fetched? Have you actually ever been to Israel? It IS an apartheid nation. That is not distorted nor is it inflammatory. It is fact.

Nonsense repeatedly asserted is still nonsense.

From the New York Times


Israel is discriminatory !

A law was passed by the Knesset that states that any community in Israel can refuse to accept new members to the community buying a house on the grounds of race and ethnicity. This was upheld by the Israeli supreme court in 2014. Funny old thing, Arab/Israeli citizens cannot buy new homes in most areas of Israel. In fact there are 50 openly discriminatory laws passed by the Knesset that quite clearly discriminate against all non Jewish Israeli citizens of which 20% are Arabs. Any Israeli can call for boycott on any Arab business in Israel, but no arab is permitted to call for a boycott of an Israeli Jewish business. It is as blatant as that. Read and learn.

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Israel and South Africa are very different historical situations.

Whites in South Africa were not INDIGENOUS people there.

JEWISH PEOPLE in Israel ARE indigenous.

Back to the MIDDLE EAST -- there are two different situations. Israeli citizen Arabs living in ISRAEL (clearly the TWENTY PERCENT I was referring to) definitely do not live under apartheid and anyone suggesting that is clearly either very misinformed or intentionally spreading propaganda lies.

If you're talking about Arabs in west bank/Gaza, then it gets more complicated what words you use. It's definitely a zone of conflict between two peoples (with no Jews in Gaza though of course). I agree there is a lot to criticize about Israeli policies in the west bank. But again, both sides need to up their game to seek peace.

I know some people want to use the word apartheid to describe the situation of Arabs in the west bank. I don't have a massive objection to that except that in the modern context the word suggests it is is the same historical situation as South Africa and that creates a false impression. So I don't use it. But personally will not spend much energy objecting to it.

Obviously the situation in the west bank is less than wonderful and the Arabs there feel put down both by Israel and their own incompetent so called governments. I hope there can be a solution that is OK for both peoples but knifing and car ramming isn't a good path to that.

A fairly reasonable post, aside from being a tad self-contradictory, and of course the oft-trotted out fallacy/diversion about the Israelis being indigenous to the area.

Yes, there are indeed some indigenous Jewish people, but the majority of Israeli Jews are not them. It's playing with words and deceitful to imply that the Israeli Jews are indigenous. They are no more indigenous to Palestine than Hawaiians are indigenous to Taiwan: There may have been a great great great xxx generations grandparent who was an indigenous Jew, but those Europeans can hardly claim being aboriginal.

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Well 90% of South African citizens who were black had to live under apartheid, why does 20% sound far fetched? Have you actually ever been to Israel? It IS an apartheid nation. That is not distorted nor is it inflammatory. It is fact.

Nonsense repeatedly asserted is still nonsense.

From the New York Times


Israel is discriminatory !

A law was passed by the Knesset that states that any community in Israel can refuse to accept new members to the community buying a house on the grounds of race and ethnicity. This was upheld by the Israeli supreme court in 2014. Funny old thing, Arab/Israeli citizens cannot buy new homes in most areas of Israel. In fact there are 50 openly discriminatory laws passed by the Knesset that quite clearly discriminate against all non Jewish Israeli citizens of which 20% are Arabs. Any Israeli can call for boycott on any Arab business in Israel, but no arab is permitted to call for a boycott of an Israeli Jewish business. It is as blatant as that. Read and learn.

Not the same thing as apartheid and you know it.
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Nonsense repeatedly asserted is still nonsense.

From the New York Times


Israel is discriminatory !

A law was passed by the Knesset that states that any community in Israel can refuse to accept new members to the community buying a house on the grounds of race and ethnicity. This was upheld by the Israeli supreme court in 2014. Funny old thing, Arab/Israeli citizens cannot buy new homes in most areas of Israel. In fact there are 50 openly discriminatory laws passed by the Knesset that quite clearly discriminate against all non Jewish Israeli citizens of which 20% are Arabs. Any Israeli can call for boycott on any Arab business in Israel, but no arab is permitted to call for a boycott of an Israeli Jewish business. It is as blatant as that. Read and learn.

Not the same thing as apartheid and you know it.

Well I think that the Government introduced bill, upheld by the Supreme Court that allows Israeli Jewish citizens in communities to choose who they permit to move into the village or town as a resident based on religion and ethnicity (when the Israeli citizen who wishes to move in is one of the '20%' !) is indeed one classic example of apartheid - and you know it!

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Well 90% of South African citizens who were black had to live under apartheid, why does 20% sound far fetched? Have you actually ever been to Israel? It IS an apartheid nation. That is not distorted nor is it inflammatory. It is fact.

Nonsense repeatedly asserted is still nonsense.

From the New York Times


Israel is discriminatory !

A law was passed by the Knesset that states that any community in Israel can refuse to accept new members to the community buying a house on the grounds of race and ethnicity. This was upheld by the Israeli supreme court in 2014. Funny old thing, Arab/Israeli citizens cannot buy new homes in most areas of Israel. In fact there are 50 openly discriminatory laws passed by the Knesset that quite clearly discriminate against all non Jewish Israeli citizens of which 20% are Arabs. Any Israeli can call for boycott on any Arab business in Israel, but no arab is permitted to call for a boycott of an Israeli Jewish business. It is as blatant as that. Read and learn.

Not the same thing as apartheid and you know it.

It's very much the same thing, and you know it.

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Agree to disagree.
But I get it.

The throwing the dirty words, apartheid and much worse are classic Israel demonization memes.

Meant to dehumanize the Jews of Israel and make them seem like monsters deserving to be knifed.

The Israel demonization agenda ideology doesn't seek a real solution based on rationality and acceptance of the right of Israel and the Jews of Israel to exist and defend itself.

It's the same "anti-Zionist" incendiary garbage you hear at pro-Palestinian rallies where Islamists and pathetic naive "progressives" chant the genocidal chant:

Free Free Palestine From the River to the Sea

Edited by Jingthing
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Israel and South Africa are very different historical situations.

Whites in South Africa were not INDIGENOUS people there.

JEWISH PEOPLE in Israel ARE indigenous.

Back to the MIDDLE EAST -- there are two different situations. Israeli citizen Arabs living in ISRAEL (clearly the TWENTY PERCENT I was referring to) definitely do not live under apartheid and anyone suggesting that is clearly either very misinformed or intentionally spreading propaganda lies.

If you're talking about Arabs in west bank/Gaza, then it gets more complicated what words you use. It's definitely a zone of conflict between two peoples (with no Jews in Gaza though of course). I agree there is a lot to criticize about Israeli policies in the west bank. But again, both sides need to up their game to seek peace.

I know some people want to use the word apartheid to describe the situation of Arabs in the west bank. I don't have a massive objection to that except that in the modern context the word suggests it is is the same historical situation as South Africa and that creates a false impression. So I don't use it. But personally will not spend much energy objecting to it.

Obviously the situation in the west bank is less than wonderful and the Arabs there feel put down both by Israel and their own incompetent so called governments. I hope there can be a solution that is OK for both peoples but knifing and car ramming isn't a good path to that.

So the West Bank and Gaza is NOT Israel! That's what you just affirmed. So why do Israeli's feel that it's OK to build unauthorized settlements and steal further land? And also I note that you keep referring to "from the sea to the river" or some such garble and suggest it means genocide for Jews living in Israel (not the lands that don't actually belong to Israel as determined above) and yet you TOTALLY ignore another posters reference to the Jordan river (I think) is that because it doesn't fit with your "oh no it's happening again" genocide rhetoric?

Ps: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine. But then you knew that it had in fact been called Palestine before.

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Don't be disingenuous. Not fooling anyone.

People chanting "River to the sea" at anti-Israel rallies know EXACTLY what they are saying.

They are saying, Israel doesn't deserve to exist, our goal is to overtake all of Israel and kick the Jews out and kill the ones that don't flee.

That's genocide.

That chant of genocide is chanted all over the world now pretty much at all anti-Israel rallies.

That's Israel demonization, it is pro-genocide, and as Jew hating as you can get.

Criticism of Israeli policies is one thing. Israel demonization cheerleading for genocide of Jews is something else.

Gaza is Gaza. It's ruled be Hamas.

West Bank is not part of the state of Israel. It's governed by the Palestinian Authority.

The Israeli settlements are illegal under international law. Objecting to those is totally legitimate.

Chanting for genocide of the Jews IS NOT.

Don't assume everyone who is fighting against the Jew hating BDS/Israel demonization/pro genocide of Jews "River to the Sea" movement supports Israeli government settlement policy.

For those IGNORANT of what the Palestinian and leftist "progressive" "River to the Sea" chant actually means, here you go, get a clue:


Then there’s that matter of racism, or apartheid, that the anti-Israel group opposed. We all know why Israel was created, as a safe haven for Jews. We also know how Palestinians have fought Israel, at times suggesting it be wiped off the face of the earth, along with its people, the Jews. Yasser Arafat turned that into a slogan: “From the [Jordan] River to the Sea.” To Jews in Israel, that slogan represents extermination. Now, imagine being a Jew in a room in a hotel with 200 people outside who are banging on the doors yelling that slogan or who are wrapping a Palestinian flag over the head of a Jew who is trying to make his way into the room. That is what happened in Chicago.

Many of us would gladly protest Israeli treatment of Palestinians in Israel, but that is different than supporting the Palestinian government that wants you to be put to death if you’re LGBT and you live on the Gaza Strip. But trapping Jews in a room yelling what is some in Israel consider a death slogan? Does that conjure something to your mind? Look up the word “Kristallnacht.” Insensitive at the very least.

Yes, sure, I know, many apologists for the Genocide Chant and even some of those who chant it might say, it's just rhetoric, don't worry, we don't have the CAPABILITY to commit this genocide we're chanting about. Yeah, uh huh, that's really comfortingrolleyes.gif and a great reason to make sure the forces behind those chants NEVER get that capability.

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Don't be ingenuous. Not fooling anyone.

People chanting "River to the sea" at anti-Israel rallies know EXACTLY what they are saying.

They are saying, Israel doesn't deserve to exist, our goal is to overtake all of Israel and kick the Jews out and kill the ones that don't flee.

That's genocide.

That chant of genocide is chanted all over the world now pretty much at all anti-Israel rallies.

That's Israel demonization, it is pro-genocide, and as Jew hating as you can get.

Criticism of Israeli policies is one thing. Israel demonization cheerleading for genocide of Jews is something else.

Gaza is Gaza. It's ruled be Hamas.

West Bank is not part of the state of Israel. It's governed by the Palestinian Authority.

The Israeli settlements are illegal under international law. Objecting to those is totally legitimate.

Chanting for genocide of the Jews IS NOT.

And yet they aren't chanting for genocide are they. They are really chanting for their lands back that they were forcibly evicted from. The anger is there brought on by Israel ignoring international law! As others have shown the Jewish state of Israel has encroached on land that doesn't belong to them for many years. They have been doing it government aided. It's not like a bunch of fellas decided to build a housing estate on the border of another country by ACCIDENT! In many cases this building is only achieved BECAUSE of IDF forces allowing it and defending the settlers.. The actions of the terrorists be they Jewish or Palestine is abhorrent!
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No, they most certainly are chanting for genocide.

Palestinian leadership has been very clear.

Their intended state is to include NO JEWS. Just like the Nazis which they allied with in WW2.

If they actually meet their goal of making a Palestinian state include all of Israel (river to the sea) that would mean kicking out or killing all the Jews in Israel. Of course the Jews have something to say about that and will not allow it.

If these protests don't want to broadcast their intention of genocide, I suggest they STOP chanting it. Yet, it gets more and more popular.

They are being heard.

To stop chanting for genocide of the Jews, simply change the chant.

I'm sure something catchy can be written that communicates Israeli settlements out of the WEST BANK.

That would be very reasonable.

Chanting for genocide is about as inflammatory as it gets.

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Bearing in mind Jingthing continually stating Jews were in Palestine BEFORE the commencement of the State of Israel. This document is interesting especially given the date 1946. So after a influx of European Jews: So in keeping with that view there should really only be two relatively small areas around Haifa etc


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This isn't interesting and we've been over it 1000 times. Of course, anyone with the slightest knowledge of the history of the Middle East knows for a fact that the Jewish people are indigenous to the Middle East and were spread out into a diaspora, many returning in the modern era when the Zionist movement gained traction. The Zionist movement, a secular political movement, was based on the belief that the diaspora was not working out for the Jewish people.

The Israel demonization agenda obviously is still fighting what happened in 1948. They simply can't accept the very existence of the state of Israel. So there is no peace with such fanatics.

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Well 90% of South African citizens who were black had to live under apartheid, why does 20% sound far fetched? Have you actually ever been to Israel? It IS an apartheid nation. That is not distorted nor is it inflammatory. It is fact.

What utter stupidity. Those South Africans could not vote, did not have political parties and did not have a member of the Supreme Court. Arabs in Israel have virtually the same rights as Jews.

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Well 90% of South African citizens who were black had to live under apartheid, why does 20% sound far fetched? Have you actually ever been to Israel? It IS an apartheid nation. That is not distorted nor is it inflammatory. It is fact.

What utter stupidity. Those South Africans could not vote, did not have political parties and did not have a member of the Supreme Court. Arabs in Israel have virtually the same rights as Jews.

My bold, my underline.

What a key word you use, now go read some more from unbiased sources and let you be bathed in truth.

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Nearly the same is long way from APARTHEID. Every country on earth has a few minor laws that are not exactly the same for minorities and the majority of the poulation. Trying to call that "Apartheid" is downright idiotic. crazy.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Nearly the same is long way from APARTHEID. Every country on earth has a few minor laws that are not exactly the same for minorities and the majority of the poulation. Trying to call that "Apartheid" is downright idiotic. crazy.gif

It's not idiotic if you're trying to promote the toxic Israel demonization agenda. Apartheid is one of the more MILD words that that movement of HATRED promotes. Their goal is the end of Israel, the one nation state in the world associated with Jews.

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Let me see if I have this right ... When people of the Muslim faith wish to create a nation state using their faith, cries of Terrorists ring out loud and clear. But when people of the Jewish faith do the same, then they are courageous people standing up against their oppressors. People need to take a good hard look at the actions of the Israeli government in acting in the very same way that they have accused people since time began of their persecution of the Jewish people. Genocide, Apartheid, ... all can be laid at the door of the Israeli government. And anyone who refuses to acknowledge this fact is just as guilty as the perpetrators. Stop defending these Jewish Terrorists just because you share a religion. It is Wrong. End of ...

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This isn't interesting and we've been over it 1000 times. Of course, anyone with the slightest knowledge of the history of the Middle East knows for a fact that the Jewish people are indigenous to the Middle East and were spread out into a diaspora, many returning in the modern era when the Zionist movement gained traction. The Zionist movement, a secular political movement, was based on the belief that the diaspora was not working out for the Jewish people.

The Israel demonization agenda obviously is still fighting what happened in 1948. They simply can't accept the very existence of the state of Israel. So there is no peace with such fanatics.

I don't think anyone has disputed that fact! I was merely showing that the facts of the matter are contained in documents from recent history and it shows that they counter your argument that Jews were there first in large numbers. They weren't the picture I posted proves it! If it hadn't been for Hitler's atrocities against the Jews then I doubt Israel would even exist today! As has been shown by others Israel has been stealing land from the Palestinians since inception with the blessings or at least turning of a blind eye of it's greatest sponsor the USA!
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