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Isil exploiting migrant routes to smuggle jihadists back to Britain using fake documents


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Isil exploiting migrant routes to smuggle jihadists back to Britain using fake documents
By Tom Whitehead, and Con Coughlin

Intelligence officials fear terror groups are increasingly exploiting the huge migrant flows to set up jihadist sleeper cells throughout Europe

LONDON: -- Isil jihadists are exploiting the migrant crisis to smuggle terrorists into Europe with fake passports they can then use to travel to the UK, British intelligence officials fear.

Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isil) is increasingly exploiting the huge migrant flows to slip jihadist cells through undetected to launch attacks in the UK and elsewhere.

They are mainly travelling on fake Syrian or Iraqi passports which are now so sophisticated it is almost impossible to distinguish between genuine refugees and terror suspects.

The concerns will increase pressure on European leaders to get a grip on the migrant crisis that is engulfing the EU.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/12123333/Refugee-routes-main-tactic-for-Isil-terrorists-to-get-in-to-Europe-and-launch-attacks-British-intelligence-officials-fear.html

-- The Telegraph 2016-01-27

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Every Tom Dick and Harry have known this all along, its just a pity people who are supposed to know what they are doing Dont.

Its time these Politicians woke up to the Damage they are doing while not doing their job properly and be like Japan, who do not recognise any thing or person

to do with Islam into their country.All western nations should follow their example.

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Counterfeiters continue to amaze me with there ability to counterfeit passports and other official documents. You would think in this day and age there would be many countermeasures and the ability to verify documents in real time. Its not like passports of first world countries are cheap to renew. I am left scratching my head. As a UK born citizen and immigrant to Canada and naturalized there, I had about 6 Canadian passports and then about 15 years ago I had to go through the whole first time passport application process again providing proof of citizenship etc. Even though I had a half dozen expired passports (they only had 5 year passports until 2 years ago) these were no longer adequate proof of Canadian citizenship and renewal. ( as they had been for

years). From that I surmised either many blanks had been sold out the back door from embassies in India-Pakistan-or some African country. Or the Canadian government could not tell the difference between a forgery and the real thing. I tend to think it was the first because Canadian passport holders with Canadian birth certificates did not have to provide there birth certificates to renew there passports, just there expired passports. Never really sure.It was just the one passport cycle. blink.png

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