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EU warns Greece over border controls


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EU warns Greece over border controls


BRUSSELS: -- The European Commission has said that Greece has “seriously neglected” its frontier duties to Europe’s free-travel Schengen zone.

It said that Greece had failed to implement an effective identification and registration process for irregular migrants.

“The draft report concludes that Greece seriously neglected its obligations and that there are serious deficiencies in the carrying out of external border control that must be overcome and dealt with by the Greek authorities,” said Valdis Dombrovskis, a European Commission vice-president.

Checks carried out by EU officials in November revealed that Greece did not register arrivals properly, fingerprint everyone, or check if identity documents were actually genuine.

Athens will be given three months to ensure that the situation at its borders improve.

EU officials are already mulling whether to extend temporary border controls introduced by some Schengen members inside the area’s internal borders for up to two years.

More than one million people arrived to Europe illegally by land or sea in 2015, according to the International Organization for Migration.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-28

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This is the sort of situation that weaponized drones were made for. After vaporizing a few of these rubber dingies full of colonists/extremists, I'll wager the tide will stop coming PDQ. Otherwise, yes, just let them over-run our countries, bankrupt us, rape and attack our daughters, sisters and mothers. Tough choice.

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The EU also criticised non-member Turkey's lack of action but what do they expect ?

Turkey is in the driving seat and they know it so will wring as many concessions as possible, cash, fast tracked membership etc on the promise of doing more but even as a member will Muslim Turkey, forget their constitution, actually take serious measures to prevent fellow Muslims travelling across Europe ?

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Whatever happened to the days when invaders were repelled from the shores?

German dentists are now saying it will cost billions of Euros to fix the teeth of these invaders because many have never had any dental care at all.

Merkel made a speech the other day in which she repeated she was sure Germany could still do it but the BBC reported she sounded more desperate than determined.

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European Union, get real.

America needs a stack of cheap foreign workers, that's why America is importing a load of Mexicans. Illegal or legal, they're still workers.

Thailand needs a stack of cheap foreign workers as well. That's why Thailand imports a load of people from Burma, Laos, and Cambodia. Legal or illegal, they're still workers. We all know that.

Now Europe, Europe is doing the same thing. Go and import a load of Africans and Middle-East foreigners. Oh, got to make it look like that the cheap foreign labourers are not really wanted. Look, we know they're doing the jobs that we don't want to do, for a far cheaper wage.

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The EU also criticised non-member Turkey's lack of action but what do they expect ?

Turkey is in the driving seat and they know it so will wring as many concessions as possible, cash, fast tracked membership etc on the promise of doing more but even as a member will Muslim Turkey, forget their constitution, actually take serious measures to prevent fellow Muslims travelling across Europe ?

Greece and Europe, and many other countries including little ol NZ are being swamped with refugees and migrants.

For the cost of a few ballistic missiles and a few drones we could build refuge camps in safe areas of Syria and guard them.

But the proponents and suppliers of money and arms to ISIS would never have this.

It is much better for the EU to impose Austerity on Greece and swamp them with refugees adding more strain and mysery to a country that is struggling with it's own unemployment and financial woes brought about by Banking terrorists and EU bullying.

The big boys could clean this mess up in a week or two but they continue to bomb the middle east into a pile of rubble while the tax payers foot the bill.

Syria can not ever afford the rebuild which is already on computer planning with estimates of trillions of dollars.

So who is going to lend the cash to these countries and have them forever in their debt, the world bank, IMF and other Banksters will own all their oil gas and minerals for ever until something big goes bang.wai2.gif

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European Union, get real.

America needs a stack of cheap foreign workers, that's why America is importing a load of Mexicans. Illegal or legal, they're still workers.

Thailand needs a stack of cheap foreign workers as well. That's why Thailand imports a load of people from Burma, Laos, and Cambodia. Legal or illegal, they're still workers. We all know that.

Now Europe, Europe is doing the same thing. Go and import a load of Africans and Middle-East foreigners. Oh, got to make it look like that the cheap foreign labourers are not really wanted. Look, we know they're doing the jobs that we don't want to do, for a far cheaper wage.

Latino workers - illegal or otherwise - fit in well culturally in the USA. They come to America to earn money to send home to their families.

Same in Thailand with workers from neighboring countries. I assume they come to work and send money home if possible.

Europe is a whole different story with their African and Middle Eastern migrants. They mostly come for free gov't handouts courtesy of the taxpayers.That's why they walk so far through safe countries to get to Germany, UK & Sweden.

Edited by mopar71
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BREAKING NEWS this very minute on BBC that Sweden is preparing to expel 80,000 failed asylum seekers !

Let the games begin as the UN, charities, humanitarian groups etc weigh in.

In 2015 Germany received over 1 million migrants. Fewer than 20,000 were deported.

You can do the math!

I'll believe that Sweden will do this when I see it. coffee1.gif

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European Union, get real.

America needs a stack of cheap foreign workers, that's why America is importing a load of Mexicans. Illegal or legal, they're still workers.

Thailand needs a stack of cheap foreign workers as well. That's why Thailand imports a load of people from Burma, Laos, and Cambodia. Legal or illegal, they're still workers. We all know that.

Now Europe, Europe is doing the same thing. Go and import a load of Africans and Middle-East foreigners. Oh, got to make it look like that the cheap foreign labourers are not really wanted. Look, we know they're doing the jobs that we don't want to do, for a far cheaper wage.

Latino workers - illegal or otherwise - fit in well culturally in the USA. They come to America to earn money to send home to their families.

Same in Thailand with workers from neighboring countries. I assume they come to work and send money home if possible.

Europe is a whole different story with their African and Middle Eastern migrants. They mostly come for free gov't handouts courtesy of the taxpayers.That's why they walk so far through safe countries to get to Germany, UK & Sweden.

Thailand and most countries does not need slave labour there is no jobs, there are high unemployment rates throughout the world.

The only people that need these so called jobs that lazy falangs and Thais wont do are labour exploiters and greedy corporates.

Thailand is building thousands of resorts and condos , houses that are empty, only the greedy developers want to employ slave labour.

Decent wages are a joke, wages have flat lined for the last 30 years or more while upper echlon have had exhorbitant pay increases.

Walmart is Americas leading slave market propped up by the govt compensation.

Look at the state of turmoil in LOS with shootings and breakins increasing by the day, not only LOS but world wide turmoil, the crime rate in NZ is shocking.

Italy France Greece Spain ect in turmoil with high unemployment, so where my friend do you get the information that the world needs slave labour, in fact at present there are more slaves in employment that ever recorded in history.

Migrants were used to smash down wages and bust up trade unions the minimum wage is about 13 dollars an Hour in Nz, the USA is lower.

What is needed is jobs with fair rewards, wall st needs reform.

Not just them the whole world is at it and on the take. the corruption in Africa and South America and USA and most countries makes LOs Look like amateurs.

Wall St can steal and be bailed out for trillions, so little old LOS are only babies.

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Is this the same EU that warned Greece that it could not get any more bail out money until reforms were in place ? Then after after NO REFORMS were made Still gave them more money ? 3 times ? Yea, Keep at it EU,and they wonder why England wants out.

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Is this the same EU that warned Greece that it could not get any more bail out money until reforms were in place ? Then after after NO REFORMS were made Still gave them more money ? 3 times ? Yea, Keep at it EU,and they wonder why England wants out.

It is well known the ex finance minister who just resigned from the new government says this as well, the bailout money ends up in the hands of Bankers, the very people that caused this in the first place.

Apart from that Greece was bullied into buying arms from Germany with part of the money that they did not want.

The to impose more Austerity on people is just a recipe for diaster, you cant kick the can down the Rd any further.

Greece should get out of the EU and man up to Merkel and the financial global terrorist Banksters.

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I am hard on the Greeks. They lied to get into the EU. They lied about farm production

to get increased EU subsidies, They voted in corrupt governments that lowered

retirement for most occupations to 55. They don't pay there taxes. They have a

bloated government bureaucracy that is double per capita of Germany.

All that said, this is not there fault. Merkel has announced to the world that all are

welcome. That message was on the front pages of newspapers around the world.

Migrants know exactly how to answer questions and get live updates on social

media on routes to travel, contacts, security, etc... all in real time. Next year

3-5 million are expected to make the migration unless Merkel gets out in front of

this hard. Which I doubt she will do. coffee1.gif

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