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David Cameron to make a last-ditch appeal to Jean-Claude Juncker to save EU renegotiation


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David Cameron to make a last-ditch appeal to Jean-Claude Juncker to save EU renegotiation
By Peter Foster, Europe Editor

The Prime Minister is expected to make a last-ditch appeal to the European Commission President, after talks enter deadlock over the issue of migration and benefits

LONDON: -- David Cameron is to make a last-ditch appeal to Jean-Claude Juncker to save his EU renegotiation after talks became deadlocked over the issue of migration and benefits, the Telegraph has learned.

The Prime Minister cancelled a trip to Scandinavia on Wednesday in order to make a hastily-scheduled meeting with the European Commission president in Brussels on Friday.

Officials said there is now less than 10 days for the talks to succeed, or Downing Street will miss its target of striking a deal at the European leaders’ summit February in order to hold early in-out referendum in June.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/12126212/David-Cameron-to-make-a-last-ditch-appeal-to-Jean-Claude-Juncker-to-save-EU-renegotiation.html

-- The Telgraph 2016-01-28

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Poor old David - Junker knows David wants to stay in anyway.

What David wants is to hoodwink the population of the UK into thinking it's in our benefit in staying in.

The downsides far outweigh the upsides now.

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Juncker will do whatever Merkel tells him to do. The non elected bureaucrat's only interest is in preserving the EU, the vast amounts of non elected non accountable bureaucrats and their very privileged lifestyles.

He doesn't give a toss about Britain, Cameron, or any other EU country. Only their contributions and willingness to serve the EU council.

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From what I see Cameron did not ask for much, and even said that was negotiable. His plan was built around claiming any concession was a victory and spin it hard as a major concession as he was always campaigning and voting to stay in. I can't see even the best spin doctors spinning a kick in the balls into a concession and Cameron negotiation victory. blink.png

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It's all nonsense anyway. The only reason we're having a referendum is nowt to do with DC's negotiating skills. It's because he had to head of the percieved threat of UKIP in the run up to the election last year.

I bet he curses himself, after securing a commons majority, to now have this monkey on his back. Of course, no-one knows if the promise of a referendum was the pivotal key or, more likely, the performance of the Labour Party and Ed. M.- as percieved by the press. (I voted Labour by the way - just to provide balance!)

We all know DC will now do an 11th hour Neville Chamberlain, waving a piece of paper with his 'agreement' on it. What the great British public will do, I have no idea.

By the way, they do not need to have the referendum until the end of 2017, so I don't know why it is assumed it will be this June.

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Last ditch?


Discussions are going well I understand

Better to be in the 500M tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in

Fear mongering won't work in this referendum.

Europe still deal with Norway, right?

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Last ditch?


Discussions are going well I understand

Better to be in the 500M tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in

Fear mongering won't work in this referendum.

Europe still deal with Norway, right?

Norway has to accept all EU rules but can not influence them.

Great idea


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Last ditch?


Discussions are going well I understand

Better to be in the 500M tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in

Remind me do you and one of your close relations live and work on the continent.

Don't worry in the event of the U.K. Gaining it's freedom from this corrupt club. I still believe the EU will not deport you or the other ex-pats residing in the remaining E.U.

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Last ditch?


Discussions are going well I understand

Better to be in the 500M tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in[/quo

Remind me do you or one of your close relations live and work on the continent.

Don't worry in the event of the U.K. Gaining it's freedom from this corrupt club. I still believe the EU will not deport you or the other ex-pats residing in the remaining E.U.

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There will be a few last minute choreographed 'concessions' cynically designed to hoodwink the electorate. They won't add up to a hill of beans though. With the EU intent on suicide by immigration it is crucial that the UK gets out. Cameron promised to get net migration below 100,000 yet last year it was 360,000 so his guarantees mean nothing.

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