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Transvestite sentenced to 2 months for throwing dog from 5th floor in Bangkok


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The person involved is a Transexual, not a Transvestite.

You think that in a place like Thailand they'd be able to get that part right.

Whatever, it's a disfigured male

Instead of 'wobbling' your gums, try educating yourself. These bigoted views are so 1980ies.


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is it relevant to the news article that the person is a transvestite?

just askin'...

Never saw an article that started with "Sino-Thai sentenced to .... "


Only relevant to sexual honkies.

More of the bigoted discrimination that goes on against the LGBT section of the community with common acceptance.

I bet some folk wish we could just get back to the days where we kept coloured slaves for remedial tasks around the house.

2016 I hear you say?

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Damn, I know the 2 month sentence is half what it should be, but damn photographing the poor little thing in the open area of the cop-shop. Is that for evidence or a scrap-book ? Very very unprofessional boys, use some common sense.

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Damn, I know the 2 month sentence is half what it should be, but damn photographing the poor little thing in the open area of the cop-shop. Is that for evidence or a scrap-book ? Very very unprofessional boys, use some common sense.

I'm surprised there were no fotos with various soi dogs all pointing at the offending person. Maybe a re enactment and the associated media coverage of said session.

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I would gladly throw this low life scum from the same window, as is his fit punishment

So you would commit murder over a small dog? Killing a human would not be a fit punishment for killing a dog.

"Killing a human would not be a fit punishment for killing a dog".

That's your opinion, mine is that the dogs life is worth more than

the ar sehole's life that killed it. An eye for an eye in this case.

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The person involved is a Transexual, not a Transvestite.

You think that in a place like Thailand they'd be able to get that part right.

Whatever, it's a disfigured male

Instead of 'wobbling' your gums, try educating yourself. These bigoted views are so 1980ies.


AAH the good old 80's where a spade was a spade, fat was fat, gay's were queers, and PC was used to describe a police constable, yes i'll stick with the 80's

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on an unrelated topic, did you ever flick a jing jok off a high floor balcony?

I did and was amazed when he spread out and looked like a Concorde as he navigated his descent. He landed 8 floor down on white concrete and ran away. Wish I had filmed it. It was really surprising. Kind of like flying squirrel, but a lot more silly.

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Sad lot here. No nice end to a small defenseless creature no matter what it is. I personally don't like yappy little things but that is a disgrace.

Let's see him or her or whatever try to throw a Rottweiller off a balcony.

People who get animals as pets for whatever reason then get bored with them and out they go. It's not right.

The Hello Kitty types who have them in their handbags, the fools that have huge dogs in a small place, the all of it stinks of animal abuse no matter what the animal is.

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I did, dawgs aren't supposed to be running around loose here, but subdivision has expanded 4 times and most are Thai instead of Thai/farang couples now. And for your info, my wife called me when I was still having to go back and forth to the states with a very emphatic "you come home now, kill dogs!" It seems she had left the gate open, wouldn't have mattered the little vicious poodle mutts can and did slip through bars in the gate, while she walked down the soi a couple of houses to talk to a neighbor, the poodle mutts came in, pushed the screen door open and shit on the floor. Unfortunately she didn't know they were even there until she opened the screen and they ran out trying to bite her. They tried with me once after I came home, ran like scared rabbits when I went after them with knife (I don't carry here or they would have died on the spot), damn it they were too fast for me to get a knife in. They are very locked up at backyard neighbors but never shut up unless there are bad guys trying to break into somebody's house close by. Any dog that threatens me or especially my family I will kill and the neighbors damn well know it after I've chased a few down the road. Oh, and the soldier (Thai) that lives a couple of houses down shot one the other night. I'll buy him a drink or 3.

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Sad lot here. No nice end to a small defenseless creature no matter what it is. I personally don't like yappy little things but that is a disgrace.

Let's see him or her or whatever try to throw a Rottweiller off a balcony.

People who get animals as pets for whatever reason then get bored with them and out they go. It's not right.

The Hello Kitty types who have them in their handbags, the fools that have huge dogs in a small place, the all of it stinks of animal abuse no matter what the animal is.

I'd like to see her try and throw a pig wearing lipstick over the railing.

Imagine the ruckus !

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I would gladly throw this low life scum from the same window, as is his fit punishment

So you would commit murder over a small dog? Killing a human would not be a fit punishment for killing a dog.

Yes I would be happy to rid the world of low life scum like this

What makes his life more important than a small helpless animal

Will his next outburst of cruelty be throwing a baby out of a window???

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from the one side this behavior is unacceptable - dog suffered a painful death. from the other side -it was a big mistake to allow a lady to stay in his room with her dog and not taking care of it.

small dogs like Chihuahua are useless - they are just genetic freaks - stupid, with bad character, easy to bark, can urinate or defecate everywhere. with such small brains they just can't control their behavior like real dogs can.

they are just a baby replacement, an amusement for bored selfish indolent ladies, who love themselves too much to dedicate a significant part of their life to raise a real kid.

Edited by TimmyT
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