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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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But many of the Democrats are not really much better...

The below is why not a fan of the Hillary club...


Although to be honest think any estate tax should have exceptions .. Maybe up to 2-5 million or so..

Would need to research what average value of family farms are , as no one should have to sell a farm or a family home or small

Business just because it has been inherited

Although from my perspective, don't have huge problem with taxing this in a general sense, even though the personal may have paid taxes o. This income their whole life..

As I don't look at it as the person who is dead being taxed... It is the person that is alive and the recipient that is really being taxed

This is no different than if the person was still living and decided to just give millions of dollars to some one for no reason..

The recipient would need to pay taxes on the amount received. Why should it be different just because the person gave it to them after dying rather than as a gift when they were alive

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.

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It seems that forbes doesn't like my adblockers so I can't read. Let me say, if you've read any of my posts on various threads you will know that I am anything but a Hillary supporter. While she is just a fraction of the "lessor of two evils", if she wins the primaries, I'm not sure I could vote for her even against any of the batshit crazy buffoon and extremely dangerous clown car of the right wingnut party. The US has a real choice for the first time in many decades, blow this one and watch the US implode. Better call Bernie.

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It seems that forbes doesn't like my adblockers so I can't read. Let me say, if you've read any of my posts on various threads you will know that I am anything but a Hillary supporter. While she is just a fraction of the "lessor of two evils", if she wins the primaries, I'm not sure I could vote for her even against any of the batshit crazy buffoon and extremely dangerous clown car of the right wingnut party. The US has a real choice for the first time in many decades, blow this one and watch the US implode. Better call Bernie.

Agree with most of your post but I fall the other way and would go with Trump before Hillary...

Although I'm from NY so normally wouldn't make much difference who I vote for in the fall.

As If Trump ever came close to winning NY, the Dems may as well just close up shop as they must have already lost by a landslide

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But many of the Democrats are not really much better...

The below is why not a fan of the Hillary club...


Although to be honest think any estate tax should have exceptions .. Maybe up to 2-5 million or so..

Would need to research what average value of family farms are , as no one should have to sell a farm or a family home or small

Business just because it has been inherited

Although from my perspective, don't have huge problem with taxing this in a general sense, even though the personal may have paid taxes o. This income their whole life..

As I don't look at it as the person who is dead being taxed... It is the person that is alive and the recipient that is really being taxed

This is no different than if the person was still living and decided to just give millions of dollars to some one for no reason..

The recipient would need to pay taxes on the amount received. Why should it be different just because the person gave it to them after dying rather than as a gift when they were alive

"But many of the Democrats are not really much better..."

Please allow me to respectfully disagree . Though the democrats might be to variant degree bad, they are certainly not as bad as the Republicans in this nominating field .

Let's put put political differences aside, Have you seen their debates?? What ever happened to dignity???

Is this going to be the new paradigm?or will we reject it?

I support Sanders, I have contributed to his campaign. I don't like HRC , among other things , she says, she will protect the American worker,


That's like the fox offering to protect the chickens. Wasn't her and her husband who sold the American worker up the river with NAFTA??

But Having said all that, she is infinitely better than Trump !!!!! If it comes down to it I would have to hold my nose and vote for HRC

might even have to contribute to her campaign in the General Election.

Anything to keep Trump out!!

Be logical, think about it. The main thing I hear from his supporters is that " He says it as it is" . Really? is that how it is??

His position changes with the wind, Does "How it is "Change that Often? It has changed in the past few days. Has "how it is change in the past few days? Or will Trump say what ever is good for Trump??

If Trump is sincere why will he not release his Tax returns? Why will he not release NY Times tape to show that there is nothing there??

Is it perhaps because there is something there???

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Here is how the Republicans plan on winning, and it is the only way they can: http://www.thenation.com/article/voters-were-blocked-from-the-polls-on-super-tuesday-by-new-voting-restrictions/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=weekly . Ok, not the only way, they also change the results of the electronic voting machines, owned by, yep Republicans. A bit on why Hillary may eventually lose the minority vote and should have already: http://www.thenation.com/article/why-it-matters-that-hillary-clinton-championed-welfare-reform/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=weekly . I have never and will never vote for a republican who today stands for everything the US was NOT founded for, oops, except slavery and genocide of real Americans.

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Here is how the Republicans plan on winning, and it is the only way they can: http://www.thenation.com/article/voters-were-blocked-from-the-polls-on-super-tuesday-by-new-voting-restrictions/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=weekly . Ok, not the only way, they also change the results of the electronic voting machines, owned by, yep Republicans. A bit on why Hillary may eventually lose the minority vote and should have already: http://www.thenation.com/article/why-it-matters-that-hillary-clinton-championed-welfare-reform/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=weekly . I have never and will never vote for a republican who today stands for everything the US was NOT founded for, oops, except slavery and genocide of real Americans.

Personally don't have a problem with requiring ID for voting

Otherwise could be really easy for voter fraud , right?

I know in NY the DMV issue non driver ID so no reason why everyone can't get a picture ID

Also know I had to show picture ID today to vote and I am completely ok with that.

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Here is how the Republicans plan on winning, and it is the only way they can: http://www.thenation.com/article/voters-were-blocked-from-the-polls-on-super-tuesday-by-new-voting-restrictions/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=weekly . Ok, not the only way, they also change the results of the electronic voting machines, owned by, yep Republicans. A bit on why Hillary may eventually lose the minority vote and should have already: http://www.thenation.com/article/why-it-matters-that-hillary-clinton-championed-welfare-reform/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=weekly . I have never and will never vote for a republican who today stands for everything the US was NOT founded for, oops, except slavery and genocide of real Americans.

Personally don't have a problem with requiring ID for voting

Otherwise could be really easy for voter fraud , right?

I know in NY the DMV issue non driver ID so no reason why everyone can't get a picture ID

Also know I had to show picture ID today to vote and I am completely ok with that.

I agree with that also

If some one wants to vote for the highest office in the land, Not only does one needs to do some research on the candidates, their record, and policies, at the very least one needs to invest on an ID card.

If not, do your self and everyone else a favor, STAY HOME

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Wrong! There is NO voter fraud, none, nada, zip, zero! This is only to stop those that might vote Democratic from voting. Even the Republicans admit it. It only was enabled by the lifting of the Voters Right Act by the right wing federalist/corporate "gang of 5". If minorities, poor people, college students, and others who tend to vote with their brains, i.e. Democrat, cannot vote then what would have been a win for a Democrat candidate is now a loss. There IS voter suppression, all coming from the Republican right wingnut traitor extremists, the same as gerrymandering and electronic voter machine fraud. Poor people can't afford a voter ID and especially when they have to travel to a place they are unable to travel to because of funds. Can you say "Jim Crow", poll tax?

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Wrong! There is NO voter fraud, none, nada, zip, zero! This is only to stop those that might vote Democratic from voting. Even the Republicans admit it. It only was enabled by the lifting of the Voters Right Act by the right wing federalist/corporate "gang of 5". If minorities, poor people, college students, and others who tend to vote with their brains, i.e. Democrat, cannot vote then what would have been a win for a Democrat candidate is now a loss. There IS voter suppression, all coming from the Republican right wingnut traitor extremists, the same as gerrymandering and electronic voter machine fraud. Poor people can't afford a voter ID and especially when they have to travel to a place they are unable to travel to because of funds. Can you say "Jim Crow", poll tax?

An interesting opinion filled with colorful descriptions of those you disagree with, but ultimately, pure hyperbole. Edited by SpokaneAl
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Wrong! There is NO voter fraud, none, nada, zip, zero! This is only to stop those that might vote Democratic from voting. Even the Republicans admit it. It only was enabled by the lifting of the Voters Right Act by the right wing federalist/corporate "gang of 5". If minorities, poor people, college students, and others who tend to vote with their brains, i.e. Democrat, cannot vote then what would have been a win for a Democrat candidate is now a loss. There IS voter suppression, all coming from the Republican right wingnut traitor extremists, the same as gerrymandering and electronic voter machine fraud. Poor people can't afford a voter ID and especially when they have to travel to a place they are unable to travel to because of funds. Can you say "Jim Crow", poll tax?

No doubt the Republicans want to restrict minority voting But.......let's get real, poor people can make the trip to access services available to them but can not to get a proper ID??

and how you say there is no voter fraud? if the person voting has no ID, how can one confirm that the person voting is indeed who he/she say they are?

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Prove it! You can't! Not opinion, proven fact. Voter fraud is a right wingnut lie used to suppress those that might vote Democrat. Oh, BTW I voted by mail, no ID required, hmmm should fit those republicans wanting to commit "voter fraud" quite well. You want to see my ID's ese'? Nope didn't think so.

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Ahem, for those not in the know, one does have to register to vote and you get a voter ID then, and please, please find me some cases of voter fraud, including those that are Republican. Obviously some folks here don't know what it is like to be poor, very obviously. Oh, but they do know how to be racist, right wingers.

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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

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Ahem, for those not in the know, one does have to register to vote and you get a voter ID then, and please, please find me some cases of voter fraud, including those that are Republican. Obviously some folks here don't know what it is like to be poor, very obviously. Oh, but they do know how to be racist, right wingers.

Absolutely correct voter fraud in the US as close to zero as you can get. It's just Republicans being tossers as usual.

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Wrong! There is NO voter fraud, none, nada, zip, zero! This is only to stop those that might vote Democratic from voting. Even the Republicans admit it. It only was enabled by the lifting of the Voters Right Act by the right wing federalist/corporate "gang of 5". If minorities, poor people, college students, and others who tend to vote with their brains, i.e. Democrat, cannot vote then what would have been a win for a Democrat candidate is now a loss. There IS voter suppression, all coming from the Republican right wingnut traitor extremists, the same as gerrymandering and electronic voter machine fraud. Poor people can't afford a voter ID and especially when they have to travel to a place they are unable to travel to because of funds. Can you say "Jim Crow", poll tax?

An interesting opinion filled with colorful descriptions of those you disagree with, but ultimately, pure hyperbole.

Problem is he is right. Actual voter fraud not even an issue. Just another Right Wing boogie man.

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Prove it! You can't! Not opinion, proven fact. Voter fraud is a right wingnut lie used to suppress those that might vote Democrat. Oh, BTW I voted by mail, no ID required, hmmm should fit those republicans wanting to commit "voter fraud" quite well. You want to see my ID's ese'? Nope didn't think so.

That's the point. With out ID, you can't prove it

Every time this issue is raised, the media, brings out some lovely 90 year old, colored lady who if required to have an ID would not be alowwed to vote, and who would not want this lovely old lady not to vote?

I wonder what percentage of the voters who do not have ID, are 90 year old colored ladies?

Let's get reasonable, on both sides of the political divide, If one want's to vote . one needs to be able to identify him/her self.

and even if one had to identify theme selves to register to vote, how can some one confirm that the person voting is the same person who registered.

Please address my specific concerns.If you successfully address these concerns I promise to change my position.

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Ahem, for those not in the know, one does have to register to vote and you get a voter ID then, and please, please find me some cases of voter fraud, including those that are Republican. Obviously some folks here don't know what it is like to be poor, very obviously. Oh, but they do know how to be racist, right wingers.

Absolutely correct voter fraud in the US as close to zero as you can get. It's just Republicans being tossers as usual.

but how can you be sure?? How can you tell that the person who registered to vote is the same who is voting?

Instead of making emotional general statement, How about we address specific issues.

Perhaps there is a mechanism that addresses my above concern, and I dont know about it,

I admite I dont know everything, and I am willing to learn, please educate me.

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Wrong! There is NO voter fraud, none, nada, zip, zero! This is only to stop those that might vote Democratic from voting. Even the Republicans admit it. It only was enabled by the lifting of the Voters Right Act by the right wing federalist/corporate "gang of 5". If minorities, poor people, college students, and others who tend to vote with their brains, i.e. Democrat, cannot vote then what would have been a win for a Democrat candidate is now a loss. There IS voter suppression, all coming from the Republican right wingnut traitor extremists, the same as gerrymandering and electronic voter machine fraud. Poor people can't afford a voter ID and especially when they have to travel to a place they are unable to travel to because of funds. Can you say "Jim Crow", poll tax?

No doubt the Republicans want to restrict minority voting But.......let's get real, poor people can make the trip to access services available to them but can not to get a proper ID??

and how you say there is no voter fraud? if the person voting has no ID, how can one confirm that the person voting is indeed who he/she say they are?

When I voted today it was at Democratic primary not a Republican Primary and yes.. They require ID and that is as it should be.

It is ridiculous to say that 'smart voters' can't get picture ID.. That some how voters that prefer Democrats are some how unable to do something as simple as getting voter ID

And that some how Only the stupid voters are able to get picture ID?

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The reality is that no drivers ID is not expensive and many sites have reduced fees for those that qualify

Either 28 or those that qualify only 8 dollars

It seems to me that most of these ID complaints are really just a way to try and find a way for non US citizens to vote, which is illegal

If you want non citizens to have re right to vote, just come out and say it.


It will cost you $28 for a:

Original California ID.

CA ID card renewal.

Replacement CA ID card (for a lost or stolen card or a name change).

This ID Card valid for 6 years.

There is no cost:

For a senior citizen card if you're 62 years old or older. This card is valid for 10 years.

To change your address.

To exchange your driver's license for a CA ID card if you're no longer able to drive due to a physical or mental condition. Contact your local CA DMV office for more information.

Reduced Fee CA ID Card

If you meet income requirements from a government or public assistance program, you may be eligible to receive a CA ID for a reduced fee of $8.

You will need to obtain a Verification for Reduced Fee Identification Card form (Form DL 937) from the government or from a non-profit agency giving you assistance, and bring the completed form with you to the CA DMV when you apply for your CA ID card.

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We may very well disagree but believe it is time for Americans to discuss an decide .. As this seems to be the core of it... But none willing to come out and say that they don't want ID to be required so that illegal aliens who are currently barred from voting in federal elections can vote

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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Since you are a Brit, let me inform you of a few places where a photo ID is required in the US.

Cashing a government welfare check.

Cashing a personal check.

Applying for food stamps.

Applying for unemployment benefits.

Applying for Aid for Dependent Children.

Registering a child into a new school system.

Applying for earned Social Security benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Purchasing alcoholic drinks if one is youngish looking.

Opening a bank account.

Entering all federal buildings.

Providing proof of identity if involved in a routine traffic stop.

Boarding a commercial airliner at an airport.

Renting or purchasing a house.

Renting a car.

Getting married.

Purchasing a gun.

Renting a hotel room in many places,

Obtaining a hunting or fishing license.

Picking up a prescription at a pharmacy.

Applying for a license to stage a protest.

Donating blood.

Registering in a hospital.

These are just a few examples of where a photo ID is required.

And they are all, seemingly, more important than guaranteeing the integrity of an election.

Edited by chuckd
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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.

The Roosevelt you're probably thnkng of was Frankln, a Democrat. The Republcan was Teddy a distant relative. An amalgamation of the two, would IMO be the perfect president.

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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.

The Roosevelt you're probably thnkng of was Frankln, a Democrat. The Republcan was Teddy a distant relative. An amalgamation of the two, would IMO be the perfect president.
Very briefly, both Roosevelts came from the 1% although Teddy had his financial issues from some bad financial decision making. T. Roosevelt fought vigorously against corruption, especially the corrupt Democratic party of the State of New York and Tammany Hall, ironically, in retrospect, supported by immigrant groups. Franklin, the Democrat, realized that with the populism of the various progressive, how shall we say, socialist movements in both the US and Europe realized that to survive the 1% had to make some serious concessions to the populist movement or a risk revolution in the US. This was a time when the US was bordering between a workers revolt or a 1% business revolt and military coup (Google General Smedley Butler). FDR was in effect the Nick Hanauer of his time (see here: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014#.VcDTh_mSfYg) and the 1% wisely listened and prospered. Alas the 1% today has no sense of history and even less understanding of economics. Money always percolates upwards and never trickles down. Both the neo-Republicans as well as the neo-Democrats have been conned by the absolute stupidity of neo-liberal economics which is neither new nor liberal but is simply nonsense.

As for Al, well he comes from the great Inland Empire of Eastern Washington where they like to talk the talk of small government but where they are all the biggest welfare queens on the planet, totally dependent upon the government for their infrastructure as well as the economic livelihood of the dominant agricultural sector of that region. Hey Al, want to privatize BPA too? That he would believe in the baseless myth of voter fraud is no surprise.

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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Since you are a Brit, let me inform you of a few places where a photo ID is required in the US.

Cashing a government welfare check.

Cashing a personal check.

Applying for food stamps.

Applying for unemployment benefits.

Applying for Aid for Dependent Children.

Registering a child into a new school system.

Applying for earned Social Security benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Purchasing alcoholic drinks if one is youngish looking.

Opening a bank account.

Entering all federal buildings.

Providing proof of identity if involved in a routine traffic stop.

Boarding a commercial airliner at an airport.

Renting or purchasing a house.

Renting a car.

Getting married.

Purchasing a gun.

Renting a hotel room in many places,

Obtaining a hunting or fishing license.

Picking up a prescription at a pharmacy.

Applying for a license to stage a protest.

Donating blood.

Registering in a hospital.

These are just a few examples of where a photo ID is required.

And they are all, seemingly, more important than guaranteeing the integrity of an election.

Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.

The Roosevelt you're probably thnkng of was Frankln, a Democrat. The Republcan was Teddy a distant relative. An amalgamation of the two, would IMO be the perfect president.

I agree lanner. An even mix of Capitalism and Socialism. If you mix Teddy and Franklin together you probably would get the balance right.

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Anywhoo, I like Bernie's financial transaction tax. I think it's targeted at computerized, high frequency, algorithm based trading that adds no value to the market but does increase volatility, which is good for traders but bad for investors. A proper regulatory scheme would have weeded out this practice already but one of the consequences of politicians being owned by Wall Street is that all of these agencies are effectively "captured" by those they purport to regulate. There was once separation between the regulators and the regulated. "Revolving Door" politics in Washington all but assures that regulation is in but name only.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.

The Roosevelt you're probably thnkng of was Frankln, a Democrat. The Republcan was Teddy a distant relative. An amalgamation of the two, would IMO be the perfect president.
Very briefly, both Roosevelts came from the 1% although Teddy had his financial issues from some bad financial decision making. T. Roosevelt fought vigorously against corruption, especially the corrupt Democratic party of the State of New York and Tammany Hall, ironically, in retrospect, supported by immigrant groups. Franklin, the Democrat, realized that with the populism of the various progressive, how shall we say, socialist movements in both the US and Europe realized that to survive the 1% had to make some serious concessions to the populist movement or a risk revolution in the US. This was a time when the US was bordering between a workers revolt or a 1% business revolt and military coup (Google General Smedley Butler). FDR was in effect the Nick Hanauer of his time (see here: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014#.VcDTh_mSfYg) and the 1% wisely listened and prospered. Alas the 1% today has no sense of history and even less understanding of economics. Money always percolates upwards and never trickles down. Both the neo-Republicans as well as the neo-Democrats have been conned by the absolute stupidity of neo-liberal economics which is neither new nor liberal but is simply nonsense.

As for Al, well he comes from the great Inland Empire of Eastern Washington where they like to talk the talk of small government but where they are all the biggest welfare queens on the planet, totally dependent upon the government for their infrastructure as well as the economic livelihood of the dominant agricultural sector of that region. Hey Al, want to privatize BPA too? That he would believe in the baseless myth of voter fraud is no surprise.

I "come from" the inland empire of WA? - you know what they say when you assume. Edited by SpokaneAl
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