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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Watching Sanders video today (12 May 2016) I am again impressed with his enthusiasm and deportment. Its really no wonder people like him. He is strong, knowledgeable, genuine, consistent, affable, and by all accounts, turns his age into an asset. A thing I noted about him- his grooming- he takes the minimal effort in his grooming (hair cut, etc) and it translates into a roll-the-sleeves-up and get-to-work demeanor. When he is contrasted with his rival, Hillary, its no wonder he is more accessible then the younger, female competitor. In fact, as we shall see, Sanders is defined by his opponent- exclusively.

Hillary, on the other hand, try as she might to again re-invent herself, always appears aloof, contrived, disingenuous, often condescending, and her efforts to fake laughter burn into the viewer's psyche as forced.

There is yet to be invented a hair do, outfit, laugh, cackle, or subterfuge that immunizes the collective memory. Hillary evokes the memory of decades of scandal and conflict and arrogance and all manner of 'baiting' and appeal to the lowest bars. In the human condition certain things are unconsciously repugnant: snakes, caves, death, smell of death, darkness, sickle, cloaked figures, etc. Its a primal memory hardwired into us, likely for self-preservation. Responses will be consistent in most people. Hillary elicits the same visceral repulsion in people of non-descriptive illness.

This then is what Sanders contrasts. This is why an aged socialist can go toe to toe with an elitist, hand picked, 'my-dress-was-made-for-ball', establishment opponent. When Sanders' inherent assets are appraised, minus the benefit of contrast with another, he is simply a Socialist; only a Socialist. In the end, should he beat Hillary, he is no longer remarkable simply by virtue of what he contrasts. He is just an old school Socialist.

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Also, I have heard this mentioned several times, wages at the current minimum rate result in workers needing and getting food stamps, etc. Thus, taxpayers are essentially subsidizing some companies' payrolls. Isn't that handing out "free stuff"?

There is also the argument that by giving good wages to workers that helps to stimulate the economy because those workers buy more goods and services. Such ideas were long ago used by such "socialists" as Henry Ford:


In brief, he paid his workers double the minimum wage so that his workers could afford to buy the cars.

So, up2u2 is right that it is not as simple as a childish cartoon.

It is also not as simplistic as he would have us believe that every corporation is evil, every dollar going off shore is horded to avoid taxes, simply tax corporations more and all will be well, bigger government is the solution, every options contract is wrong and should be stopped, whatever the wealthy are taxed it is not enough . . .

Where did I state corporations are evil?

Corporations want smaller Government no problem lets remove the Patent, Copyright and Intellectual Property license departments.

You want the economy stimulated? Stop adding government regulations and cancel most of the several thousand that have been added by Obama and his minions.

Here's a one year old US News report on the cost of regulations to the economy.

The article points out one rather astonishing fact...

"If U.S. federal regulation was a country, it would be the world’s 10th largest economy, ranking behind Russia and ahead of India."


The Real Cost of Regulation
America's economy is being buried by a flood of red tape and government spending.
By Peter Roff | Contributing Editor
May 16, 2015, at 8:00 a.m.
There's a battle going on in Washington between the two majors parties over the size of government. One wants bigger government in perpetuity, seeing it and the Constitution under which it is organized as kinds of living, breathing entities that can and must be allowed to grow with the demands of the times.
The other wants smaller government, at least smaller than the other guys. Even to them, the idea of limited government along the constitutional model, with power controlled and strictly defined, has given way, replaced by a notion that every problem society faces can and must be addressed by Washington.
Here is a more recent article detailing the current administration plans for year eight.
Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8
The calendar says there are 13 months left to Barack Obama's presidency. But when it comes to exercising executive power, it's more like five.
01/04/16 05:21 AM EST
Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency — many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.
That means a full court press at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to reduce exposure limits for silica, a chemical used widely in construction and fracking that can cause cancer when inhaled; at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to require more small-scale gun sellers to perform background checks; and at the Food and Drug Administration, to make food manufacturers disclose on product labels how much sugar they add to cranberry juice.
Much of this work will be carried out in the coming months by career bureaucrats working in the bowels of federal agencies, but the cumulative effect adds up to something larger: A final-year sprint by a president intent on using executive power to improve the lives of American workers and consumers — in many instances over loud objections from the businesses that will have to pay for it.
Read it and weep, America.

chuckd brace yourself because I am going to break something too you. There are people whose only ambition is to create as much wealth as they possibly can by any means they can use. Including exploiting other people, polluting an entire environment, total disregard to endangering peoples lives, in fact killing people would just be the 'cost of doing business', standover tactics and violence, collusion, cartels, market manipulation, deceit.

Guess what these very same people promote less regulation. Who would have thought that?

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All the big noise about Trumps not releasing his taxes - Sanders has only released one year of his and guess what?

He's been a bad boy with other people's money:


Seems the Lawyers got involved and Vanity Fair headed for the hills lol

Update: Jeff Weaver, campaign manager for the Sanders campaign, blasted the report as “rehashed, discredited republican attacks—some from a decade ago. Factual[ly] wrong in a number of respects…Everything here has been churned through stories before. Just because a partisan source regurgitates them does not make it news.”

Right Wing propaganda drivel.

Nice try Boon Mee. Maybe stick too cartoons mate.

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Well, how about this boys? The leading liberal yellow sheet - Huffington Post has come out solidly for Crazy Bernie.

Hillary Clinton Should Concede to Bernie Sanders Before The FBI Reveals Its Findings

The Huffington Post reported: that Hillary Clinton Should Concede to Bernie Sanders Before The FBI Reveals Its Findings

Dead woman walking...whistling.gif

Edited by Boon Mee
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Good article by the center left Huffington Post, except for throughly discredited Michael B. Mukasey. Personally I hope she is indicted and it happens soon. arjunadawn, well written and I agree, except Bernie is NOT a socialist any more than FDR was. He wants to return to the New Deal. If that's your idea of Socialism, well all I can say is you should know better. I'll take the New Deal which brought prosperity to the American people over "Reaganomics", AKA voodoo economics, that has brought America to it's knees and destroyed the working/middle class. OK, with the Clinton's help in repealing Glass-Steagall.

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All the big noise about Trumps not releasing his taxes - Sanders has only released one year of his and guess what?

He's been a bad boy with other people's money:


Seems the Lawyers got involved and Vanity Fair headed for the hills lol

Update: Jeff Weaver, campaign manager for the Sanders campaign, blasted the report as “rehashed, discredited republican attacks—some from a decade ago. Factual[ly] wrong in a number of respects…Everything here has been churned through stories before. Just because a partisan source regurgitates them does not make it news.”

Right Wing propaganda drivel.

Nice try Boon Mee. Maybe stick too cartoons mate.

What makes you say Vanity Fair headed for the hills based on an update saying one of Sanders' political operatives had made a comment?

Do you have a link saying Vanity Fair had admitted their alleged error or that they might have withdrawn some of the article?

Lacking that, all you have is the Sanders' campaign using that tired old excuse that it is all history from a decade ago.

You people are attacking Trump based on what he said as a college freshman but Sanders personally playing games this century with campaign finances isn't news?

Don't do as I do, do as I say do. The mantra of a liberal.

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Hey entrepreneurs, here's a good biz idea, perfectly suited for the months leading up to November.

Selling 55 gallon drums filled with crap. Not regular crap, but the ugliest gnarliest stuff you can find.

Republicans, in particular, will buy many barrels, as they feed on a continuous supply of crap - to throw at political opponents. They hope if they throw enough tons of it, at least some will stick.

As for sensible policy statements or ideas for bringing out the best in Americans. Nawww, are you kidding?! It's much more fun in the mosh pit, throwing shit.

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It is also not as simplistic as he would have us believe that every corporation is evil, every dollar going off shore is horded to avoid taxes, simply tax corporations more and all will be well, bigger government is the solution, every options contract is wrong and should be stopped, whatever the wealthy are taxed it is not enough . . .

Where did I state corporations are evil?

Corporations want smaller Government no problem lets remove the Patent, Copyright and Intellectual Property license departments.

You want the economy stimulated? Stop adding government regulations and cancel most of the several thousand that have been added by Obama and his minions.

Here's a one year old US News report on the cost of regulations to the economy.

The article points out one rather astonishing fact...

"If U.S. federal regulation was a country, it would be the world’s 10th largest economy, ranking behind Russia and ahead of India."


The Real Cost of Regulation
America's economy is being buried by a flood of red tape and government spending.
By Peter Roff | Contributing Editor
May 16, 2015, at 8:00 a.m.
There's a battle going on in Washington between the two majors parties over the size of government. One wants bigger government in perpetuity, seeing it and the Constitution under which it is organized as kinds of living, breathing entities that can and must be allowed to grow with the demands of the times.
The other wants smaller government, at least smaller than the other guys. Even to them, the idea of limited government along the constitutional model, with power controlled and strictly defined, has given way, replaced by a notion that every problem society faces can and must be addressed by Washington.
Here is a more recent article detailing the current administration plans for year eight.
Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8
The calendar says there are 13 months left to Barack Obama's presidency. But when it comes to exercising executive power, it's more like five.
01/04/16 05:21 AM EST
Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency — many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.
That means a full court press at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to reduce exposure limits for silica, a chemical used widely in construction and fracking that can cause cancer when inhaled; at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to require more small-scale gun sellers to perform background checks; and at the Food and Drug Administration, to make food manufacturers disclose on product labels how much sugar they add to cranberry juice.
Much of this work will be carried out in the coming months by career bureaucrats working in the bowels of federal agencies, but the cumulative effect adds up to something larger: A final-year sprint by a president intent on using executive power to improve the lives of American workers and consumers — in many instances over loud objections from the businesses that will have to pay for it.
Read it and weep, America.

chuckd brace yourself because I am going to break something too you. There are people whose only ambition is to create as much wealth as they possibly can by any means they can use. Including exploiting other people, polluting an entire environment, total disregard to endangering peoples lives, in fact killing people would just be the 'cost of doing business', standover tactics and violence, collusion, cartels, market manipulation, deceit.

Guess what these very same people promote less regulation. Who would have thought that?

Even with all your pontificating and self aggrandizement you simply missed the entire point.

Well, what is the point?. you ask.

The point is who ultimately ends up paying the $1.8 Trillion annual cost of these aforementioned government regulations?

Are you so completely naive that you would believe an electric utility company, having to expend funds to adhere to some new DOE energy regulation will simply shrug their collective shoulders and say...so be it.?

Do you honestly believe they will say in their next board meeting that Obama has mandated this so it must be right and we will simply bite the bullet and pay the costs to follow the new regulation?

Or will they say at that same board meeting..."We can't afford to pay this so it is either cut down on personnel or raise the cost of our service to the customers to pay for it."

Which simply means that those who can afford it the least are the ones most affected by the regulations being vomited out by this administration.

I gave you credit for being smarter than your quoted post.

I stand corrected.

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It is also not as simplistic as he would have us believe that every corporation is evil, every dollar going off shore is horded to avoid taxes, simply tax corporations more and all will be well, bigger government is the solution, every options contract is wrong and should be stopped, whatever the wealthy are taxed it is not enough . . .

Where did I state corporations are evil?

Corporations want smaller Government no problem lets remove the Patent, Copyright and Intellectual Property license departments.

You want the economy stimulated? Stop adding government regulations and cancel most of the several thousand that have been added by Obama and his minions.

Here's a one year old US News report on the cost of regulations to the economy.

The article points out one rather astonishing fact...

"If U.S. federal regulation was a country, it would be the world’s 10th largest economy, ranking behind Russia and ahead of India."


The Real Cost of Regulation
America's economy is being buried by a flood of red tape and government spending.
By Peter Roff | Contributing Editor
May 16, 2015, at 8:00 a.m.
There's a battle going on in Washington between the two majors parties over the size of government. One wants bigger government in perpetuity, seeing it and the Constitution under which it is organized as kinds of living, breathing entities that can and must be allowed to grow with the demands of the times.
The other wants smaller government, at least smaller than the other guys. Even to them, the idea of limited government along the constitutional model, with power controlled and strictly defined, has given way, replaced by a notion that every problem society faces can and must be addressed by Washington.
Here is a more recent article detailing the current administration plans for year eight.
Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8
The calendar says there are 13 months left to Barack Obama's presidency. But when it comes to exercising executive power, it's more like five.
01/04/16 05:21 AM EST
Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency — many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.
That means a full court press at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to reduce exposure limits for silica, a chemical used widely in construction and fracking that can cause cancer when inhaled; at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to require more small-scale gun sellers to perform background checks; and at the Food and Drug Administration, to make food manufacturers disclose on product labels how much sugar they add to cranberry juice.
Much of this work will be carried out in the coming months by career bureaucrats working in the bowels of federal agencies, but the cumulative effect adds up to something larger: A final-year sprint by a president intent on using executive power to improve the lives of American workers and consumers — in many instances over loud objections from the businesses that will have to pay for it.
Read it and weep, America.

chuckd brace yourself because I am going to break something too you. There are people whose only ambition is to create as much wealth as they possibly can by any means they can use. Including exploiting other people, polluting an entire environment, total disregard to endangering peoples lives, in fact killing people would just be the 'cost of doing business', standover tactics and violence, collusion, cartels, market manipulation, deceit.

Guess what these very same people promote less regulation. Who would have thought that?

Even with all your pontificating and self aggrandizement you simply missed the entire point.

Well, what is the point?. you ask.

The point is who ultimately ends up paying the $1.8 Trillion annual cost of these aforementioned government regulations?

Are you so completely naive that you would believe an electric utility company, having to expend funds to adhere to some new DOE energy regulation will simply shrug their collective shoulders and say...so be it.?

Do you honestly believe they will say in their next board meeting that Obama has mandated this so it must be right and we will simply bite the bullet and pay the costs to follow the new regulation?

Or will they say at that same board meeting..."We can't afford to pay this so it is either cut down on personnel or raise the cost of our service to the customers to pay for it."

Which simply means that those who can afford it the least are the ones most affected by the regulations being vomited out by this administration.

I gave you credit for being smarter than your quoted post.

I stand corrected.

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Hey entrepreneurs, here's a good biz idea, perfectly suited for the months leading up to November.

Selling 55 gallon drums filled with crap. Not regular crap, but the ugliest gnarliest stuff you can find.

Republicans, in particular, will buy many barrels, as they feed on a continuous supply of crap - to throw at political opponents. They hope if they throw enough tons of it, at least some will stick.

As for sensible policy statements or ideas for bringing out the best in Americans. Nawww, are you kidding?! It's much more fun in the mosh pit, throwing shit.

As the last truly American Democrat famously said..."If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen."

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And some here would rather people be put at risk rather than cut down on pollution. I grew up in that refinery pollution when diesel and oil were dumped in the marshes to kill mosquito's, DDT was sprayed by trucks in the neighborhood and kids ran behind to play in the cloud, the refineries emitted so much pollution many of those in the plants and surrounding areas are dead of cancer, including many of my friends. Because of early lung problems I was warned by my family doctor (we had those then) to leave the area as soon as I finished high school. The low income and minority neighborhoods were and still are next to the refineries with very high illness and death rates. Don't dare say they need to move, don't do it. Again the same old tired argument of layoffs and pass the cost on to the consumer. Every think about the jobs created and the money made by those that need the money for making life better for all. You actually think they won't use tax write offs, oh gimme' a break. Hey, the government isn't tasked with making life better only for the plutocrats and corporations it is tasked with making life better for all, not the 1%. Some folks need to go back to Government 101, if they ever got that far to start with.

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chuckd brace yourself because I am going to break something too you. There are people whose only ambition is to create as much wealth as they possibly can by any means they can use. Including exploiting other people, polluting an entire environment, total disregard to endangering peoples lives, in fact killing people would just be the 'cost of doing business', standover tactics and violence, collusion, cartels, market manipulation, deceit.

Guess what these very same people promote less regulation. Who would have thought that?

Even with all your pontificating and self aggrandizement you simply missed the entire point.

Well, what is the point?. you ask.

The point is who ultimately ends up paying the $1.8 Trillion annual cost of these aforementioned government regulations?

Are you so completely naive that you would believe an electric utility company, having to expend funds to adhere to some new DOE energy regulation will simply shrug their collective shoulders and say...so be it.?

Do you honestly believe they will say in their next board meeting that Obama has mandated this so it must be right and we will simply bite the bullet and pay the costs to follow the new regulation?

Or will they say at that same board meeting..."We can't afford to pay this so it is either cut down on personnel or raise the cost of our service to the customers to pay for it."

Which simply means that those who can afford it the least are the ones most affected by the regulations being vomited out by this administration.

I gave you credit for being smarter than your quoted post.

I stand corrected.

The biggest problem is governments can't keep up with the trickery and deceptive greed Corporate America dreams up. If US Corporations had principles and ethics there would be no need for regulation. It is fairy tale land if anyone thinks Corporate America can act ethically. Who pays for it? Easy, lets borrow the Right Wing mantra of 'user pays' system. That would be Corporate America. 1.8 trillion dollars you say? Send em the invoice with 7 days to pay.


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Hmmm, something is missing. Trying again. As I've said Trump is a narcissistic sociopath, fascist, racist, bigot, misogynist, bully, lying con man that deserves to be attacked and then some. His followers are known as "Trumpthuglicans". That article from Vanity Fair is a repost from the Washington Free Beacon, a lying right wing propaganda rag: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/washington_free_beacon/. Thinking, honest people will have to go with Jeff Weaver on this one. Those that can't will go merrily on in their little right fantasy world in which reality doesn't exist, "Trumpthuglicans" all.

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Hmmm, something is missing. Trying again. As I've said Trump is a narcissistic sociopath, fascist, racist, bigot, misogynist, bully, lying con man that deserves to be attacked and then some. His followers are known as "Trumpthuglicans". That article from Vanity Fair is a repost from the Washington Free Beacon, a lying right wing propaganda rag: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/washington_free_beacon/. Thinking, honest people will have to go with Jeff Weaver on this one. Those that can't will go merrily on in their little right fantasy world in which reality doesn't exist, "Trumpthuglicans" all.

All good Sarge looks like Bernie's team Lawyered up pretty quickly on this one and Vanity Fair did a runner and printed a retraction that it was ancient news that has been completely debunked a decade ago. The usual Right Wing lies.

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I thought they would, bet your bottom satang that the lying right wing propaganda online rag never will. Those that can't believe reality will continue to believe whether Vanity Fair retracted or not. They "can't handle the truth".

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Good article by the center left Huffington Post, except for throughly discredited Michael B. Mukasey. Personally I hope she is indicted and it happens soon. arjunadawn, well written and I agree, except Bernie is NOT a socialist any more than FDR was. He wants to return to the New Deal. If that's your idea of Socialism, well all I can say is you should know better. I'll take the New Deal which brought prosperity to the American people over "Reaganomics", AKA voodoo economics, that has brought America to it's knees and destroyed the working/middle class. OK, with the Clinton's help in repealing Glass-Steagall.

FDR's New Deal did not end the 1929 depression. World War II ended it.

Following is a great read on the New Deal that will bring you up to date.


From the article...

"On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States entered World War II. The war effort stimulated American industry and, as a result, effectively ended the Great Depression."

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Hmmm, something is missing. Trying again. As I've said Trump is a narcissistic sociopath, fascist, racist, bigot, misogynist, bully, lying con man that deserves to be attacked and then some. His followers are known as "Trumpthuglicans". That article from Vanity Fair is a repost from the Washington Free Beacon, a lying right wing propaganda rag: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/washington_free_beacon/. Thinking, honest people will have to go with Jeff Weaver on this one. Those that can't will go merrily on in their little right fantasy world in which reality doesn't exist, "Trumpthuglicans" all.

All good Sarge looks like Bernie's team Lawyered up pretty quickly on this one and Vanity Fair did a runner and printed a retraction that it was ancient news that has been completely debunked a decade ago. The usual Right Wing lies.

When you two guys quit with the mutual love society, how about one of you posting a link that says Vanity Fair and The Washington Free Beacon have retracted the statements contained in their articles.

Or do you honestly expect us to take your word for it that the article is wrong.

Then you can go get a room.

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Pretty good article, did you fail to understand it, is your reading comprehension rather low? Everybody has known for a long time that while the New Deal was working, albeit slowly, WWII was what really kick started the economy. I guess by your jubilant enthusiasm for the article that you would have rather continued the misery for millions and no unions or power for the workers. You would have continued Hoover's destructive policies. You would have rather had no WPA, no NRA (that's not the National Rifle Association) no works, no employment of any kind, nothing but starving people. Yep, fully believable, typical right wing thinking. Just let the people die, or "screw you, I've got mine". My parents lived through the Depression, I've some idea of what it was like. Ring wingers are heartless and soulless, if you believe in a soul. Oh, and you actually think that throughly debunked Reaganomics, ie. voodoo economics and the Laffer (laugher) Curve is better than the New Deal, better go back to economics 101 also.

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chuckd brace yourself because I am going to break something too you. There are people whose only ambition is to create as much wealth as they possibly can by any means they can use. Including exploiting other people, polluting an entire environment, total disregard to endangering peoples lives, in fact killing people would just be the 'cost of doing business', standover tactics and violence, collusion, cartels, market manipulation, deceit.

Guess what these very same people promote less regulation. Who would have thought that?

Even with all your pontificating and self aggrandizement you simply missed the entire point.

Well, what is the point?. you ask.

The point is who ultimately ends up paying the $1.8 Trillion annual cost of these aforementioned government regulations?

Are you so completely naive that you would believe an electric utility company, having to expend funds to adhere to some new DOE energy regulation will simply shrug their collective shoulders and say...so be it.?

Do you honestly believe they will say in their next board meeting that Obama has mandated this so it must be right and we will simply bite the bullet and pay the costs to follow the new regulation?

Or will they say at that same board meeting..."We can't afford to pay this so it is either cut down on personnel or raise the cost of our service to the customers to pay for it."

Which simply means that those who can afford it the least are the ones most affected by the regulations being vomited out by this administration.

I gave you credit for being smarter than your quoted post.

I stand corrected.

The biggest problem is governments can't keep up with the trickery and deceptive greed Corporate America dreams up. If US Corporations had principles and ethics there would be no need for regulation. It is fairy tale land if anyone thinks Corporate America can act ethically. Who pays for it? Easy, lets borrow the Right Wing mantra of 'user pays' system. That would be Corporate America. 1.8 trillion dollars you say? Send em the invoice with 7 days to pay.


" If US Corporations had principles and ethics there would be no need for regulation..."

Yet, you somehow feel the federal government has principles, ethics, is all knowing and all seeing and is the arbiter of good and evil?

The real problem is the eternal quest for power over the people being exercised by the monolith of a federal government.

It;s called job security for some 22,495,000 federal state and local government employees.

Federal employees - 2,760,000

State employees - 5,272,000

Local employees - 14,463,000


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Pretty good article, did you fail to understand it, is your reading comprehension rather low? Everybody has known for a long time that while the New Deal was working, albeit slowly, WWII was what really kick started the economy. I guess by your jubilant enthusiasm for the article that you would have rather continued the misery for millions and no unions or power for the workers. You would have continued Hoover's destructive policies. You would have rather had no WPA, no NRA (that's not the National Rifle Association) no works, no employment of any kind, nothing but starving people. Yep, fully believable, typical right wing thinking. Just let the people die, or "screw you, I've got mine". My parents lived through the Depression, I've some idea of what it was like. Ring wingers are heartless and soulless, if you believe in a soul. Oh, and you actually think that throughly debunked Reaganomics, ie. voodoo economics and the Laffer (laugher) Curve is better than the New Deal, better go back to economics 101 also.

I am not getting into an insult war with you. What you said was...

" I'll take the New Deal which brought prosperity to the American people..."

​The New Deal did not bring prosperity to the American people. The war time industrialization is what brought prosperity to the American people.

I was born during the New Deal so it is safe to assume my parents also lived through the 1929 depression. Your old home spun BS won't work with me. I have more memories from that time than you do.

One of my earliest memories is riding the train with my mother and sister in 1942 from Amarillo, Texas, to Los Angeles where my father was with the merchant marines. The train was loaded with soldiers in uniform headed for the Pacific Theater. She ended up working for Boeing building landing gears for B-17's.

I wasn't born yesterday so please stop trying to make us believe you are the fount of knowledge on all things WWII related.

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OK, so we know that you don't like government employees, no surprise there from someone drinking the right wing Lao Khao. I was one for much of my working life, I'll take your dislike under consideration. Let's talk about job security for CEO's etc. that wrecked our economy, government workers damn sure didn't. Oh, and the black guy in the White House you all love to hate so much has cut the government work force and frozen their wages, stupid move, but I guess you still hate him for it. Ah our ultra religious right wingnut supporter has spoken. Excuse me but the Hoover Institute is a right wing no-think tank founded by, gasp not the J. Edgar prick but the soon to be pres. Hoover in 1919. So yea, I really would believe anything that comes out of there especially something trying to debunk the New Deal, NOT! Damn right I want a New Deal. I want workers to have power and satisfaction in their lives. I want people to have a living wage and the same medical care available to the 1%. Good medical care is a right, whether one can afford it or not. A decent life after retirement is a right, and screw all that want to cut SS. You right wingers do realize that FDR faced obstruction until WWII, oh never mind. I suppose you don't know USMC Gen. Smedley Butler uncovered and stopped a right wing plutocrat/fascist overthrow of the US gov't during FDR administration? They tried to enlist the wrong Marine, Semper Fi! No Ollie North was he. Nope didn't think so. Have some more Lao Khao. FDR made a mistake there, he should have arrested and had all the ringleaders shot. Oh, and I've got a room just for the one so concerned about accommodations.

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"I'll take the New Deal which brought prosperity to the American people over "Reaganomics", AKA voodoo economics, that has brought America to it's knees and destroyed the working/middle class. OK, with the Clinton's help in repealing Glass-Steagall." Please do not "cherry pick", a typical right wing ploy. I'll still back that statement. I don't want an "insult" war...lol. Take it from there. I still say people like you want people to have starved until WWII, better to prove right wing voodoo economics work, heartless, heartless. Yea, you have some years, I wasn't born until '45. I still know a lot about the Depression and WWII. It appears I actually learned more about those days than you, then again the right wing doesn't show much adaptability for learning, hence the "dumbing down" of America by the right wing. Bernie will bring, with the help of the people, education and the New Deal back to the people.

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Oh, my ex father in law, Jewish, flew those B-17's over Germany, 8th Air Force. Also flew in Korea and was Squadron Commander in Vietnam. Yea, I know a little about WWII, and a little bit of personal experience with war.

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