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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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"Is this really a socialist policy? If so doesn't that make free public school k-12 also a socialist policy? Are those on the right against this level of public education ?no of course not.

It is just an issue of where to set the balance."

Initially people form a government for protection. Police, fire, military. They also want infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Then they want schools.

None of this is socialism because it doesn't take from the labors of one person and give it directly to another person who didn't earn it. This old canard about roads and schools being "socialism" is flown by people who really aren't very honest.


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"Is this really a socialist policy? If so doesn't that make free public school k-12 also a socialist policy? Are those on the right against this level of public education ?no of course not.

It is just an issue of where to set the balance."

Initially people form a government for protection. Police, fire, military. They also want infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Then they want schools.

None of this is socialism because it doesn't take from the labors of one person and give it directly to another person who didn't earn it. This old canard about roads and schools being "socialism" is flown by people who really aren't very honest.


Ok so we agree schools isn't socialism...

So if due to the requirements of the modern economy, almost all students will be required to have a k-16 education as a k-12 education is found to be not enough for nearly all employers...

Then is it it not the governments responsibility to move with the times and provide this to its citizens ?

Similar to how it moved from Elementary education to a free k-12 system in the past, when the economy of the time dictated that a 12th grade education was needed as a min for those entering the job force?

Why was it good to change to free k-12 system when it was required by economy but now that economy/ employers require applicants to have at least k-16 education is it bad for government to provide this to its citizens?

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One more example of Sanders failure to understand Economics:

One of the reasons Bernie Sanders is doing well with Millennials is because he’s promising free college for everyone.


Free college for everyone? A pipe dream, boys...blink.png

Bernie isn't advocating free college / university for anyone.

For many advanced Nations it is a way of life not a pipe dream.

This has been explained to you about 50 times Boon Mee.

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I notice Bernie's wife closed down one small college due to her financial manipulations.


Burlington College Closes Because Of 'Crushing Weight Of Debt' From Bernie Sanders' Wife
MAY 16, 2016
On Monday, Burlington College in Vermont announced it would close May 27 because of “the crushing weight of the debt” Bernie Sanders’ wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, who served as the president of Burlington College, incurred when she took out $10 million in loans on behalf of the college which it couldn’t repay. Don’t worry about Jane Sanders, though, she received a $200,000 severance package merely one year after she paved the path for the college’s ruin.
Ms. Sanders took out the loans in 2010 to buy 32 acres of land from the Roman Catholic diocese, which sold the land for funds to pay off a $17 million sexual-abuse settlement. But as Heat Street has reported, the fundraising pledges and commitments Ms. Sanders offered in the loan agreements never came to pass. As Heat Street stated, “By 2014, because of its shaky finances and running deficits, Burlington College found itself placed on probation for two years by the regional accreditation agency”
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All I get is CNN, Clinton News Network, and BBC.

Clinton News Network. Funny.

This poster cannot believe there are still those folks out there that defend socialism. George Orwell summed it up perfectly in his novel "Animal Farm"

Sanders version is just another example of how peple keep falling for it.

It doesn't enrich anyone but the ruling elite - not rocket surgery here...whistling.gif

If you don't like socialism, then you probably don't like schools, highways, fire departments, CDC, weather reports, Hubble pics, veteran benefits, Medicaid, Headstart, PBS, National Park Service, tunnels, FEMA, NOAA, Bethesda Naval Hospital (I used to reside near there), NIH, SBA, Amtrak, police, SWAT, FAA, bridges, Meals on Wheels, Walter Reed Hospital, and a mammoth bunch of other Federal and State funded programs.

I'll be the first to admit, there are many Federal and State programs I don't like. Some I would abolish (like PIK and TARP) and most I would cut back drastically, if I had the power to do so. But still, if I had kids in the US, I'd appreciate being able to send them to no-cost school, where they'd get a lunch, and using roads to drive them to and from school, and if the school caught fire, there would be a fire department response, and so on.

On average, Republicans probably use more socialist programs in the US, than other political groups. Just one example: the Koch Brothers bring in a cool $13 million/day just to fatten their own wallets, yet they get a bunch of federally subsidized advantages for their various factories, including tax exemptions, subsidies, loans, grants, etc. As we speak, they are polluting whole neighborhoods with the effluent flowing out of some of their factories. Are they compelled to clean up the toxic sewage? No, they get local and state exemptions because they're so big and rich. Trump loves and respects those types. Why? Because they're Republicans and very rich. Toxic pollution? Trump and the Kochs wouldn't even answer your phone call if your grandma was gasping for air on the floor, puking green sludge from their factories. Trump would say, "What a loser. She should have bought a $55 million apartment at Trump Towers like my Chinese friends. Then she wouldn't be puking on the floor of herr $17k cheapo house, sited alongside a drainage ditch from Koch Brothers Factory."

Edited by boomerangutang
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Yes pardon him. 34 years as a political prisoner. Exchange him for W Bush in the cell if you want to be cruel and inhuman to someone.

Good call Bernie

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"Is this really a socialist policy? If so doesn't that make free public school k-12 also a socialist policy? Are those on the right against this level of public education ?no of course not.

It is just an issue of where to set the balance."

Initially people form a government for protection. Police, fire, military. They also want infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Then they want schools.

None of this is socialism because it doesn't take from the labors of one person and give it directly to another person who didn't earn it. This old canard about roads and schools being "socialism" is flown by people who really aren't very honest.


Ok so we agree schools isn't socialism...

So if due to the requirements of the modern economy, almost all students will be required to have a k-16 education as a k-12 education is found to be not enough for nearly all employers...

Then is it it not the governments responsibility to move with the times and provide this to its citizens ?

Similar to how it moved from Elementary education to a free k-12 system in the past, when the economy of the time dictated that a 12th grade education was needed as a min for those entering the job force?

Why was it good to change to free k-12 system when it was required by economy but now that economy/ employers require applicants to have at least k-16 education is it bad for government to provide this to its citizens?

I pay thousands of $$$ a year to my County Govt so that my daughter can have free k-12 education.

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I pay thousands of $$$ a year to my County Govt so that my daughter can have free k-12 education.

If you are an American 60% of the Tax you pay is spent on the Military. 6% is spent on education?

Is 6% of your net Tax thousands of $$$ a year. If it is you must make a bloody lot of money.

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I pay thousands of $$$ a year to my County Govt so that my daughter can have free k-12 education.

If you are an American 60% of the Tax you pay is spent on the Military. 6% is spent on education?

Is 6% of your net Tax thousands of $$$ a year. If it is you must make a bloody lot of money.

First off...."$$$ a year" gives a pretty broad range.

The tax I referenced above is local and not state or federal. Those are separate . It covers all county services. I am what would be described in this area as "middle class". The public school system in my County has a $2B a year budget. I am not complaining. I probably couldn't get my daughter half the education for twice the money if we were in Thailand.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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I pay thousands of $$$ a year to my County Govt so that my daughter can have free k-12 education.

If you are an American 60% of the Tax you pay is spent on the Military. 6% is spent on education?

Is 6% of your net Tax thousands of $$$ a year. If it is you must make a bloody lot of money.

First off...."$$$ a year" gives a pretty broad range.

The tax I referenced above is local and not state or federal. Those are separate . It covers all county services. I am what would be described in this area as "middle class". The public school system in my County has a $2B a year budget. I am not complaining. I probably couldn't get my daughter half the education for twice the money if we were in Thailand.

Okay then cancel the Federal state and county taxes for education and make it a user pays system. The citizens who don't have children will go for that they pay zero you pay the lot. No way I would ever have had children I absolutely guarantee you that. It would be astronomical.

Divide $2B between all the parents in the County. How much do you think?

Surprising how fast people become Socialists lol

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Before people here go tossing the word socialism around any more it is time to step back and see what the definition of socialism really is. There are many many forms of socialism. As per wikipedia definition the primary thread running through most if not all forms of socialism is social ownership. This could be co-ops, citizen owner of equity, lots of things.

The right has done fantastic job of redefining many words over the last 30 odd years. Socialism is one. Liberal is another. Democracy ..all of these words hyave been bastardized by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Chris Mathews.



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I pay thousands of $$$ a year to my County Govt so that my daughter can have free k-12 education.

If you are an American 60% of the Tax you pay is spent on the Military. 6% is spent on education?

Is 6% of your net Tax thousands of $$$ a year. If it is you must make a bloody lot of money.

First off...."$$$ a year" gives a pretty broad range.

The tax I referenced above is local and not state or federal. Those are separate . It covers all county services. I am what would be described in this area as "middle class". The public school system in my County has a $2B a year budget. I am not complaining. I probably couldn't get my daughter half the education for twice the money if we were in Thailand.

Okay then cancel the Federal state and county taxes for education and make it a user pays system. The citizens who don't have children will go for that they pay zero you pay the lot. No way I would ever have had children I absolutely guarantee you that. It would be astronomical.

Divide $2B between all the parents in the County. How much do you think?

Surprising how fast people become Socialists lol

The County doesn't tax by income like the state & feds. They tax property. Primarily, the bulk of their tax money comes from homeowners. Also cars, etc but these are quite small in comparison. I could avoid most county taxes by selling my house and renting. If I were renting, then I could have 20 kids in the school system and not pay a dime except on my vehicle. Considering that, I would certainly endorse a user pays system as it would significantly (in theory) decrease my share. Homeowners amount to less than half of the population but they pay 90% plus of the local taxes.

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In the UK we have a <deleted> for a PM and suffer the consequences.

I feel sorry for American's if Hilary is President, you will be in the same situation.

Please don't feel sorry for us in the US. Hillary will be a good president. The only thing which might slow down her plans to improve things for Americans are the ever-vindictive Republicans - but Rep's sour grapes will be like a little speed-bump, because when HRC gets elected, so too will many Dems take over Congressional seats lost by Republicans.

On November 9, Republicans will be crying in their coffee, and coming up with all sorts of excuses. They'll be echoing their Pied Piper Trump by saying the whole system is rigged. Then, they'll continue their assault on president-elect Clinton. Dear UK person: don't believe the ugly shit you've been hearing about HRC. Try this instead: listen to one of her stump speeches. If you listen objectively (without bile coming out your orifices) you'll see she has a lot of strength and qualities, plus intelligence and concerns for disadvantaged people. .......all the things Trump lacks.

I pay thousands of $$$ a year to my County Govt so that my daughter can have free k-12 education.

If you are an American 60% of the Tax you pay is spent on the Military. 6% is spent on education?

Is 6% of your net Tax thousands of $$$ a year. If it is you must make a bloody lot of money.

First off...."$$$ a year" gives a pretty broad range.

The tax I referenced above is local and not state or federal. Those are separate . It covers all county services. I am what would be described in this area as "middle class". The public school system in my County has a $2B a year budget. I am not complaining. I probably couldn't get my daughter half the education for twice the money if we were in Thailand.

If you buy or plan to build a house in California, you have to pay (one time) what they call "mitigation fees." Those are fees which go for schools and other state-provided services. The fees are in the thousands of dollars. Even a childless couple in their 70s has to pay that. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but it contributes to a socialist-like system. Socialism is a stigmatized word for us oldies who grew up during the 'Cold War' when Communist USSR was Enemy #1. The world socialist got mixed in with the word communism. We can thank Marx and Lenin for that. Semantics. But the older US population are the only people on the planet who have a problem with the word Socialism. Scandinavians and Swiss embraced Socialism and they're doing quite well. Better on average than the US.

Younger Americans don't have a problem with the word Socialist, because they're not burdened by the propaganda of the Cold War years. The only young Americans who have a problem with the word Socialism are young Republicans. They also have a problem with science and reason, but those are other topics.

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boomerangutang, don't bet the farm on Clinton even being elected. If she is anointed Empress to be by the DNC, don't look for a Democrat Senate or the gaining of seats in the House. Many just won't vote. That evidence is already out there. She will be a terrible president, worse even than Obama and won't be able to get anything done, not even Republican "things" like Bill did. She lies with every speech she makes, except probably the ones to Wall Street criminals that she refuses to release, wonder why...lol. She is no more a populist that Reagan. Her speeches and campaign "promises" are lies and as soon as she can she will disavow all the moves to the center and endorse all the TPP, and other corporate coups. Yea, the Trump is a bad, evil person so is she. Just degrees of evil.

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Okay then cancel the Federal state and county taxes for education and make it a user pays system. The citizens who don't have children will go for that they pay zero you pay the lot. No way I would ever have had children I absolutely guarantee you that. It would be astronomical.

Divide $2B between all the parents in the County. How much do you think?

Surprising how fast people become Socialists lol

The County doesn't tax by income like the state & feds. They tax property. Primarily, the bulk of their tax money comes from homeowners. Also cars, etc but these are quite small in comparison. I could avoid most county taxes by selling my house and renting. If I were renting, then I could have 20 kids in the school system and not pay a dime except on my vehicle. Considering that, I would certainly endorse a user pays system as it would significantly (in theory) decrease my share. Homeowners amount to less than half of the population but they pay 90% plus of the local taxes.

So if you removed ALL Taxes Federal State County shut down all the Publicly funded schools what would be the cost to build schools and educate a child from K-12 paid directly from the Parents only?

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"Is this really a socialist policy? If so doesn't that make free public school k-12 also a socialist policy? Are those on the right against this level of public education ?no of course not.

It is just an issue of where to set the balance."

Initially people form a government for protection. Police, fire, military. They also want infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Then they want schools.

None of this is socialism because it doesn't take from the labors of one person and give it directly to another person who didn't earn it. This old canard about roads and schools being "socialism" is flown by people who really aren't very honest.


Ok so we agree schools isn't socialism...

So if due to the requirements of the modern economy, almost all students will be required to have a k-16 education as a k-12 education is found to be not enough for nearly all employers...

Then is it it not the governments responsibility to move with the times and provide this to its citizens ?

Similar to how it moved from Elementary education to a free k-12 system in the past, when the economy of the time dictated that a 12th grade education was needed as a min for those entering the job force?

Why was it good to change to free k-12 system when it was required by economy but now that economy/ employers require applicants to have at least k-16 education is it bad for government to provide this to its citizens?

Oh, so now a 4-yr degree is a requirement for plumbers, electricians, oil & gas workers, air traffic controllers, transportation/storage/distro managers, first-line police & detective supervisors, radiation therapists, elevator installers & repairers, nuclear power reactor operators, detectives and criminal investigators, commercial pilots (yeap!), power distributors & dispatchers, dental hygienists, nuclear medicine technologists, farmers, ranchers, agricultural managers ... I could go on (& on & on & on). Hint: it's not. BTW - the above, and much more, according to Obama's own Bureau of Labor & Statistics.

So quit already with the usual wingnut misinformation in support of what is a supremely lame argument to begin with. Four years of college is hardly "required by the economy", and certainly not in the way K-12 is. We'd be doing good to actually be accomplishing universal 12-grade education to any credible degree. In many cases even assurance of 9th grade competence would be an improvement! But no. Screw all that. Now we're going to make 4-year degrees a new human right! 'Nothing but a guaranteed way to make 4-year degrees worthless... 'And once again stick it to the wage-earning middle-class whose return-on-taxpaying-investment will once again be as close to zero (or even negative, as in the case of the Unaffordable Care Act) as politicians and their legions of ever-intrusive, make-work bureaucrats and subsidy-dependent drones can possibly make it.

Edited by hawker9000
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I think there is a greater chance now that Hillary will pick Warren for VP.

It makes sense ... she's can get down into the dirt to take on trump directly with his twitter games, represent the Sanders faction in some ways better than Sanders (not stigmatized by the formal socialist label, etc.), and leave Hillary to be the ADULT in the room to talk about ISSUES. Not saying Warren isn't an adult ... but it's a tactic to do a double edged campaign. We all know how LOW trump goes, and it's going to get worse. Warren has proven she's really good at confronting trump down in the mud.

Yeah, I read an analysis recently about how all the rules are off now in this election, as Trump and to a lesser extent, Sanders, have really shaken things up. And, that picking another woman as running mate sounds unconventional, but for sure Warren brings back some sense of values to the campaign, and perhaps a sense of oversight on Clinton. Warren is smart as a whip, and has been a crossover too, as a Republican much of her life.

Warren will definitely slap Trump around. It would be like a cat playing with a mouse in terms of intellectual comparison.

Clinton would be smart to choose someone with zero presidential ambition. I don't think that includes Warren. She doesn't want to have to be looking over her shoulder for 4 years, as it would be much easier to dethrone her from inside.

Clinton is the odds-on favorite to win and Trump is an ignoramus rejected by the vast moderate political middle, so a Clinton-Warren ticket would change the US radically for the next quarter century.

Bill is anyway the effective vice president. The White House had never been big enough for two women but it is not without historical precedent to have two spouse presidents in it.

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Hillary haters aren't going to want to read the following, because they're determined to see her in the ugliest light imaginable.

Even so, I garnered some tidbits re; her recent career. Open-minded people may want to know a bit about what she's actually done while in office, instead of the steady stream of ugly made-up crap that her enemies keep throwing at her (hoping that some will stick, if they repeat it often enough). To wit......

>>>> Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, Clinton, working with NY's senator, was instrumental in quickly securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating health issues faced by 9/11 first responders, eventually earning the praise and endorsement of New York City's Uniformed Fire Officers Association and the Uniformed Firefighters Association
>>>> In spring 2004, Clinton publicly castigated Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz (part of prez Bush Jr's cabinet) at a hearing, saying his credibility was gone due to false allegations and predictions he had made before the start of the 2nd War in Iraq.
>>>> In 2005, Clinton was joined by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, in support of a proposal for universal health care.
>>>> The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in January 2009, voted 16–1 to approve Clinton as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. She was then confirmed later that month, as Secretary of State in the Senate by a roll call vote of 94–2.
>>>> Clinton won the seat for US Senate in 2000 by 55 to 43% over her Republican rival. Six years later, she won the seat again over a different Republican rival, this time by a greater margin of 67 to 31%. Confidence in her legislative skills grew by 12% according to NY state voters.
- - - - - - - -- - -
For balance, I've included Trump's record of legislation proposed, passed, supported, debated or voted upon: ZERO
The main things Trump has publicly said re; 9-11 is that he "......saw many of thousands of people cheering from the Jersey side" (proven to be a lie) and that Bush Jr was responsible for 9-11 (a very low blow, which no one but Trump fans agree with)
.....and Trump's record of being elected to anything: ZERO, unless you count his role as this year's presumptive Republican presidential candidate.
Edited by boomerangutang
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In the UK we have a <deleted> for a PM and suffer the consequences.

I feel sorry for American's if Hilary is President, you will be in the same situation.

Classic Reagan 'Trickle Down Economics' (Voodoo Economics) in the UK under Conservative Prime Minister Cameron. Tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate UK and ongoing Austerity measures for the average UK citizen. Sorry but that's what the UK citizens voted for. Same as Australia Conservative Right Wing Government just gave tax cuts to the wealthy and Corporate Australia and strangely turns out education, health, social security is unaffordable and needs to be cut.

Trump IS! Corporate America, Hillary Trickle Down Economics stays the same, Bernie would begin to reverse Trickle Down Economics and begin rebuilding the middle class, health care, social security, infrastructure, regulate Wall Street etc Your call America.

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In the UK we have a <deleted> for a PM and suffer the consequences.

I feel sorry for American's if Hilary is President, you will be in the same situation.

Classic Reagan 'Trickle Down Economics' (Voodoo Economics) in the UK under Conservative Prime Minister Cameron. Tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate UK and ongoing Austerity measures for the average UK citizen. Sorry but that's what the UK citizens voted for. Same as Australia Conservative Right Wing Government just gave tax cuts to the wealthy and Corporate Australia and strangely turns out education, health, social security is unaffordable and needs to be cut.

Trump IS! Corporate America, Hillary Trickle Down Economics stays the same, Bernie would begin to reverse Trickle Down Economics and begin rebuilding the middle class, health care, social security, infrastructure, regulate Wall Street etc Your call America.

The call has already been made. Hillary will be the democratic nominee. So choose trump or Hillary. A recent statement by Bernie says it all, I haven't lost yet ... meaning he has known for a long time he WILL lose.

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No, it means just what it says. He hasn't lost yet and is not going to quit, he shouldn't. Clintons will be a disaster for America and the world. The Trump will be a disaster for America and the world, in a different way. Neither are fit for dawg catcher in a one dog town. Sanders is in to the end, no matter the result. He should stay in, Hillary will need his support and at this stage if she is anointed as Empress to be by the DNC, he might give it, albeit very grudgingly, as should be. No matter what Bernie says, many, if not most of his supporters, including me, will not vote for the Clintons. The DNC has pretty well fixed that by their un-democratic actions. The Party is corrupt to the corps and needs a complete rebuild with those blue dawg corporate faux Democrats moving over to the old Republican Party where they belong.











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OK, yep a bit of a "flub" there. Many people don't know the s is silent. I knew and worked with corpsman that should have received medals that never were even mentioned. Some of the bravest men I have ever seen. Ah, don't ever think some them didn't pack a little heat, they knew they were targets and sometimes took on a different role. We called them "Doc" with respect. Ugh, they did seem to be a bit sadistic stateside...lol. Gotta' luv 'em! Sorry, off topic a bit.

Back to the topic: http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/poll_trump_closing_in_on_clinton_sanders_remains_formidable_20160517 The Democrat Party (DNC and "super-delegates") better pay attention, I know they won't. The Empress to be is vulnerable, there may just be enough that won't show up to vote to allow the fascist Trump in.

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