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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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chuckd brace yourself because I am going to break something too you. There are people whose only ambition is to create as much wealth as they possibly can by any means they can use. Including exploiting other people, polluting an entire environment, total disregard to endangering peoples lives, in fact killing people would just be the 'cost of doing business', standover tactics and violence, collusion, cartels, market manipulation, deceit.

Guess what these very same people promote less regulation. Who would have thought that?

Even with all your pontificating and self aggrandizement you simply missed the entire point.

Well, what is the point?. you ask.

The point is who ultimately ends up paying the $1.8 Trillion annual cost of these aforementioned government regulations?

Are you so completely naive that you would believe an electric utility company, having to expend funds to adhere to some new DOE energy regulation will simply shrug their collective shoulders and say...so be it.?

Do you honestly believe they will say in their next board meeting that Obama has mandated this so it must be right and we will simply bite the bullet and pay the costs to follow the new regulation?

Or will they say at that same board meeting..."We can't afford to pay this so it is either cut down on personnel or raise the cost of our service to the customers to pay for it."

Which simply means that those who can afford it the least are the ones most affected by the regulations being vomited out by this administration.

I gave you credit for being smarter than your quoted post.

I stand corrected.

The biggest problem is governments can't keep up with the trickery and deceptive greed Corporate America dreams up. If US Corporations had principles and ethics there would be no need for regulation. It is fairy tale land if anyone thinks Corporate America can act ethically. Who pays for it? Easy, lets borrow the Right Wing mantra of 'user pays' system. That would be Corporate America. 1.8 trillion dollars you say? Send em the invoice with 7 days to pay.


" If US Corporations had principles and ethics there would be no need for regulation..."

Yet, you somehow feel the federal government has principles, ethics, is all knowing and all seeing and is the arbiter of good and evil?

The real problem is the eternal quest for power over the people being exercised by the monolith of a federal government.

It;s called job security for some 22,495,000 federal state and local government employees.

Federal employees - 2,760,000

State employees - 5,272,000

Local employees - 14,463,000


No I didn't say I felt people in Government are principled and act ethically at all times. Many certainly do not and they need to be hunted down and held to account. Eternal vigilance is the key.

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The nine most dangerous words in the English language:

We're from the government and we're here to help.

I'm not saying gov't does things right more than some of the time, but if you had your house destroyed by Kartrina, you'd be at least somewhat relieved if FEMA showed up to assist. CDC does pretty good when infectious diseases show their fuzzy heads. You probably don't appreciate bridges, tunnels and highways, but that's largely gov't, pal. Gov't assists in other ways. Your K-12 education was at least partially enabled by government. Gov't helps vets when they come back with heads damaged, limbs missing.

Gov't doesn't do a perfect job, and that's why elections are important. People who register and vote are those who elect the next slew of politicians. Trump has got a lot of mileage and garnered a lot of fans by saying he's completely different from politicians. Yet Trump and politicians are as different as two cranes in a nest. Trump is as much of a politician as anyone working on Capital hill, except Trump doesn't know how government works and doesn't know how to get legislation passed.

Bernie does. Plus another difference between Bernie and Trump is; Bernie has convictions, backed by moral proclivities and knowledge. Trump just has sound bites, and they change day to day, depending on how his handlers tell him to re-word the stupid things he said the day prior. Ok, in fairness, Trump has a moral code, but it's based on hate, distrust, deception and screw-the-other-guy. He really believes that for him (and America) to gain any advantage, he/it has to denigrate and out-shout his adversary. Everything for Trump is adversarial, us vs them, win vs lose, rich vs poor. He skipped class at Wharton, the day the teacher taught about win-win scenarios.

Edited by boomerangutang
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One thing I do know is, on Foreign Policy, Trump hasn't the first or second clue.

And Obama + Clinton have/had a 'clue'?

It's been a disaster unfolding since Barry Soetoro was elected.

No they both have a clue but did nothing and you can see as the American taxpayer realised they got shafted Hillary is being held to account for being part of the problem. Fact is if Hillary hadn't sewn up the nomination and it was a fair 'one on one' fight without Superdelegates Hillary would really be struggling to get the nomination. I think Bernie would have beat her fair and square. Probably have to get Publicus to run the numbers on it but I do think Bernie would have taken the nomination.

We have to look at where Bernie started from, which was 2%. And where Hillary started from, which was well above 50%. That is huge.

The moment HRC got competition HRC was going to get pulled back toward 50%. Bernie had nowhere to go but up and Bernie went up like a rocket.

Not enough atmosphere however and the gravitational pull on Bernie was just too strong. Bernie has reached his position in orbit but his orbit is too low. Nor could it have been any different. More time is not going to do it for Bernie Sanders because time doesn't matter in this.

Bernie's constituency is not enough because it is inherently self-limiting, i.e., primarily white and upper middle class Democrats and Democratic leaning Independents. There's a smattering of blacks, Latinos, Asian ancestry and a swarm of Millennials. That however is not enough to overcome Hillary Clinton's broad coalition constituency and its deep roots with HRC over a couple of Clinton decades.

HRC is the natural inheritor of the Obama legacy, not Bernie, and HRC from the start had the Obama coalition of voters. And for all the negatives people against the Clintons pursue and keep banging away at, the Clintons win elections. HRC got aced out in 2008 by Barack Obama while Barack Obama was acing out everybody -- straight into the big time.

Puerto Rico has its D primary vote two dayze before California in early June. HRC has a solid lead in CA and on top of that, Puerto Rico has an amazing 60 delegates and HRC will get 40 of 'em. That's the basic simple math of it. The moon, the sun and the stars were never in Bernie's rising alignment. Bernie's comet comes around once in 74 years and we were lucky enough to experience it. A new comet or star is coming in very soon, 4 to 8 years from now depending on the atmosphere.

Edited by Publicus
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You are right, time doesn't matter, the nomination was clinched long before Bernie got into the race. Not fairly mind you. Clinton may have the lead on paper in California and Puerto Rico now, wait and see what happens. It will disappear. I sure as hell wouldn't want to run on the Obama legacy, ahem, you think that is a good thing? The man that refused to fight and kowtowed to the right wing Republicans over and over again? The man with the "grand bargin"? The man that codified Cheney/Bush et al illegal destruction of the Constitution? Clinton is sinking like a rock and had it not been for the lame stream media protecting her and the corporate DNC she would have sunk long ago. OMG! Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi again, the right wing is stuck in the muck. I'm not sure I did criticize the stupid Benghazi committee on this particular thread, but I damn sure do and will continue to do so. I criticize Benghazi, I criticize the Republicans that cut the State Dept. budget for defending it's employees. Ah duh, maybe had they not done so there would have been enough there to fight off the bad guys. I damn well criticize the continued waste of taxpayer dollars on wild goose chases that are nothing more that any little effort to belittle and criticize Clinton. Damn, the truth is enough without making up bull.

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This topic thread has been going on for months... but it will not matter if Sanders wins most every state. As long the Democrat Primary Race is not really a race but a fixed ending ... it is a non event. Regardless of each state primary Hillary gets the Super Delegates that insures her victory. So the Democrat Primary is a charade - a sham ... People made to feel like they are having a say in choosing the Democrat Primary and well NO - THEY DON'T - unless you want Hillary to win.. Done Deal for Hillary Clinton ... What a joke.

Bernie is starting a movement and win or loose that movement will grow and grow. The movement is also not just in America, it is starting around the world and even in Thailand. My GF recently asked me about Bernie. It seems that even Thais love him and what he stands for. His movement is going international and It is intended to right the wrongs of the world.

Go Bernie !!!

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I'm not sure I agree with this, but it is food for thought. A month or so ago I didn't think even a snail running on the Democrat Party ticket could loose to the Trump, now I'm not so sure. One way or the other, this low key "revolution" will not end with this election. The 2nd link is perhaps more viable. http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/why_bernie_sanders_should_stay_in_the_race_--_and_how_he_can_win_20160513 http://inthesetimes.com/features/political-revolution-after-bernie-sanders.html

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If you look squarely at what federal and state governments do, and who benefits, it will be clear that Republicans are more socialist than any other group. ....particularly rich republicans and corporations owned by republicans. Look at the grants, the bail-outs, the PIK, the subsidized resources, tax-breaks, schools for their kids, national parks they visit, highways they drive on, bridges they drive over, ethanol they put in their cars, kickbacks for solar, double dipping, ........the list is pages long - of favors and advantages they get from state and federal coffers. Republicans are more socialized, in the real sense, than Scandinavians or Sanders.

Own up, privileged class. You can fool ranting rednecks, but you can't fool those of us who are apprised of issues.

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"The phrase and Reagans comments are still cited today, especially by conservative (right wing wacko lying) media commentators such as Sean Hannity." Yea spoken by the puppet with Alzheimer's that started the destruction of the middle/working class with voodoo economics. Bernie, with the help of the people will start undoing the destruction begun during the Regan regime. Hillary won't and neither will the fascist Trump.

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Here are six Conundrums of socialism in the United States of America:

1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.
2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.
5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.


And how about that $15.00 minimun wage, eh? Wendy's and other restaurants are switching to pay-as-you-go kiosks where there's no human intervention. More kids out of a job but we got those people to cough up more!

Real smart,.. thumbsup.gif

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Here are six Conundrums of socialism in the United States of America:

1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.


And how about that $15.00 minimun wage, eh? Wendy's and other restaurants are switching to pay-as-you-go kiosks where there's no human intervention. More kids out of a job but we got those people to cough up more!

Real smart,.. thumbsup.gif

Half the population has to be subsidised due to Corporate greed and the wealthy elite 1%'ers

Definitely victims of voodoo economics. People bought Reaganomics and it has all but destroyed America

The government is run by the wealthy elite and Corporate America. Lobbyists bribes threats Citizens United etc

They keep getting poorer because of Tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate America it transfers the wealth.

The old 'if you have a fridge you must be wealthy' gebberish. They just need food stamps to put food in the fridge

What like countries with affordable health care, a decent wage, investment in education, clean water?

Wendy's seems to prove the point give Corporations tax breaks allow them to innovate and they will create more jobs and growth. No they wont. Wendy's eliminating Jobs has nothing to do with a minimum wage it has got to do with eliminating a business expense and making more profit. If the minimum wage was $2 Wendy's would have made the same decision.

Utter Right Wing Conservative claptrap

Nice try though.

Would have probably worked on Fox News a year ago not now though boyo.

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Hey, nice try on the peoples cube, a political satire site, ah you do understand "satire" don't you? For those that think Bernie is "toast", wrong again. http://inthesetimes.com/features/political-revolution-after-bernie-sanders.html

Well spotted Sarge. So Boon Mee is actually quoting a satirical website and spinning into Right Wing propaganda.

Hopefully the fuse has been lit by Bernie and this becomes the start of tearing down the greedy 1%'ers and Corporate America. I hope so. End the hateful nasty Right Wing Conservatives once and for all.

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Bernie makes a fair point. Banks should exist to serve the public interest. Greed at the expense of the Public is unacceptable. Remove their License and authority and give it to a company that will.

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In case the right-wingers didn't notice, banks were front and center when the US economy tanked in 07 and 08. They were trying nearly as hard as Wall Street hot shots to make money via parlor tricks like mortgage swaps. "Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free!" (sorry, Mark Knofler).

Then, when their pyramid and shyster schemes started crumbling, what did bankers do? They went running to the Feds, "HELP. WE'RE TOO BIG TO FAIL. YOU REMEMBER US? WE PAID BILLIONS IN CAMPAIGN EXPENSES. BAIL US OUT, QUICK! AND BAIL OUT ALL OUR MONEY MANAGERS, AND TOP EXECS WITH M.A.'S from top business schools like Harvard and Wharton." "Bail is out, quick, along with the big corporations we loan money to. Give us hundreds of billions of federal dollars or watch the next depression will make 1929 look like a monopoly game. AIS, Goldman Sachs, Fannie May, and all the other too-big-to-fail .....we need hundreds of billions right now. RIGHT NOW!!!"

The above is how Republicans and Democrats do business. Republicans, in particular talk the talk about 'free marketplace' but Reps are to free markets what a murder of crows is to deep sea diving.

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unbiased America, a right wing libertarian posting group that is against anything good for the people. Perhaps their idol isn't the late alcoholic Senator McCarthy but Ayn Rand, that virtue of independence that ended up sucking up government money.

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I think there is a greater chance now that Hillary will pick Warren for VP.

It makes sense ... she's can get down into the dirt to take on trump directly with his twitter games, represent the Sanders faction in some ways better than Sanders (not stigmatized by the formal socialist label, etc.), and leave Hillary to be the ADULT in the room to talk about ISSUES. Not saying Warren isn't an adult ... but it's a tactic to do a double edged campaign. We all know how LOW trump goes, and it's going to get worse. Warren has proven she's really good at confronting trump down in the mud.

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I think there is a greater chance now that Hillary will pick Warren for VP.

It makes sense ... she's can get down into the dirt to take on trump directly with his twitter games, represent the Sanders faction in some ways better than Sanders (not stigmatized by the formal socialist label, etc.), and leave Hillary to be the ADULT in the room to talk about ISSUES. Not saying Warren isn't an adult ... but it's a tactic to do a double edged campaign. We all know how LOW trump goes, and it's going to get worse. Warren has proven she's really good at confronting trump down in the mud.

JT, Warren Buffet?

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Nooooo JT Warren would be neutered as a progressive if she had to play second fiddle to Hillary. Warren is a better advocate for the People as a Senator.That would be a waste. I wish bloody Boon Mee would reduce his graphics

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I think there is a greater chance now that Hillary will pick Warren for VP.

It makes sense ... she's can get down into the dirt to take on trump directly with his twitter games, represent the Sanders faction in some ways better than Sanders (not stigmatized by the formal socialist label, etc.), and leave Hillary to be the ADULT in the room to talk about ISSUES. Not saying Warren isn't an adult ... but it's a tactic to do a double edged campaign. We all know how LOW trump goes, and it's going to get worse. Warren has proven she's really good at confronting trump down in the mud.

Yeah, I read an analysis recently about how all the rules are off now in this election, as Trump and to a lesser extent, Sanders, have really shaken things up. And, that picking another woman as running mate sounds unconventional, but for sure Warren brings back some sense of values to the campaign, and perhaps a sense of oversight on Clinton. Warren is smart as a whip, and has been a crossover too, as a Republican much of her life.

Warren will definitely slap Trump around. It would be like a cat playing with a mouse in terms of intellectual comparison.

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Nooooo JT Warren would be neutered as a progressive if she had to play second fiddle to Hillary. Warren is a better advocate for the People as a Senator.That would be a waste. I wish bloody Boon Mee would reduce his graphics

Agree to disagree.

Hillary Clinton needs the passion Warren would bring.

HRC not well liked and people will never see her as authentic. She needs help!

Warren excites crowds like trump does on the other side.

By picking Warren, she would be signaling a more left leaning candidacy.

I don't think you get it. trump is playing a crafty game ... with his fascist populism some of his "policies" are to the left of Clinton, but it's all a ruse because the man is not fit to be president and you have no idea what you get with him.

It makes sense because of that game of trump, that Hillary Clinton runs, and optimistically hopefully governs, more left than we expected.

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If Warren has one ounce of ethics she will never be Clinton's running mate and I believe she does. To accept VP under Clinton would cost her the support of all real Democrats. She is much more needed in the Senate and would never have any influence over anything should Clinton ever become Empress. She is good at not only defending but attacking, damn good. She has the facts and speaks truth to the power, unlike Clinton. Yes, that is one reason Clinton might pick her, to silence her in fact is the only reason. If Clinton is anointed Empress, Warren will be a thorn in her side the entire time, they are opposites. She will make a good president next go round, if the US still exists. Of course the corporate blue dawg DNC will not support her or anybody that represents what the Democrat Party is supposed to represent, the people. The "Socialist" label the right wing is so fond of sticking on Bernie, along with other cold war era sayings, is no problem as the right wing would never vote for a decent human being. Hell, they are still stuck on cold war propaganda. I'm waiting for somebody's apparent hero the cold war fighting warrior, alcoholic, disgraced Sen. McCarthy to rise from the grave and denounce the entire Democrat Party as Commies. Hmmm maybe Clinton can win after all, naw the Trump is even worse, by about 1/100 of a degree. The right wingnuts and other stupid people will still vote for him.

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She is a phony as a 3 dollar bill, 3 dollar. I certainly wouldn't bet the farm on an indictment, but I certainly wish it would come and very, very soon. There is a way (check the statues) it could happen even if no malfeasance is found but the fumbling bureau of idiots will never have the courage to use it. No doubt then, Bernie will be the next President. Trump and his Trumpthuglicans (see definition I posted earlier) can retreat to the far holes of the earth from which they came from. Well, he does have that platinum spoon that he was born with to suck on.

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Warren has been pretty critical of Hillary so I can't see her accepting the VP

Yes she has, and deservedly. I think it's that honesty that will inject life into Clinton's dying campaign. She will have to pay Warren dearly for it though, I predict the most expansive role for VP in history if she accepts and Hilary wins.

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In case the right-wingers didn't notice, banks were front and center when the US economy tanked in 07 and 08. They were trying nearly as hard as Wall Street hot shots to make money via parlor tricks like mortgage swaps. "Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free!" (sorry, Mark Knofler).

Then, when their pyramid and shyster schemes started crumbling, what did bankers do? They went running to the Feds, "HELP. WE'RE TOO BIG TO FAIL. YOU REMEMBER US? WE PAID BILLIONS IN CAMPAIGN EXPENSES. BAIL US OUT, QUICK! AND BAIL OUT ALL OUR MONEY MANAGERS, AND TOP EXECS WITH M.A.'S from top business schools like Harvard and Wharton." "Bail is out, quick, along with the big corporations we loan money to. Give us hundreds of billions of federal dollars or watch the next depression will make 1929 look like a monopoly game. AIS, Goldman Sachs, Fannie May, and all the other too-big-to-fail .....we need hundreds of billions right now. RIGHT NOW!!!"

The above is how Republicans and Democrats do business. Republicans, in particular talk the talk about 'free marketplace' but Reps are to free markets what a murder of crows is to deep sea diving.

AIS, Goldman Sachs, Fannie May, and all the other too-big-to-fail

You do know, of course that Fannie Mae (sp) is a GSE sponsored by the US government entity, along with Freddie Mac. They are the groups that bundled the sub prime loans together to sell to investor banks. Of course the banks went along since they met their quotas for minority housing loans and the loans were no risk, guaranteed by the federal government.

The Republicans began warning about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac around the 2001 time frame but were shouted down by Barney Frank and a host of House Democrats.

Following is a tutorial of Nancy Pelosi in 2008 trying to cover up the actions of her party while she was in charge. If it wasn't so serious, her actions would be laughable.

In short you really don't know what you are talking about, but don't let that get in the way of adding to your post count.

A couple of tutorials for your education:

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